7th State Standards - Highline Public Schools

Student Name:
Teacher: Kleps
Standard 1: Motor Skills & Movement Patterns Proficiency
The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.
“I can correctly perform a variety of skills and movements.”
Essential Question: How can learning a variety of sports/activities contribute to athletic
performance and healthy living?
Grade Level Outcomes
Outcome Assessments
Demonstrates competency in a variety of grade
level specific non-locomotor skills.
High Plank* (WELNET)
Demonstrates competency in a variety of grade
level specific combination skills.
Volley* (WELNET)
Demonstrates competency in a variety of gradelevel specific motor skills as they apply to game
Receiving a Pass from a Teammate* (WELNET)
Standard 1 Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement
Approaching Standard
Meeting Standard
Exceeding Standard
The student rarely
demonstrates grade
level motor skills in
physical activities
(warm-ups, fitness
routines, game-play
and practice drills) with
apparent errors in
critical elements
The student inconsistently
demonstrates most grade
level motor skills in
physical activities (warmups, fitness routines,
game-play and practice
drills) with apparent
errors in critical elements.
The student consistently
demonstrates all grade
level motor skills in
physical activities (warmups, fitness routines,
game-play and practice
drills) with few, if any,
errors in critical elements
The student consistently and
independently demonstrates
all grade level motor skills in
physical activities (warmups, fitness routines, gameplay and practice drills) with
few, if any, errors in critical
Student Name:
Teacher: Kleps
Standard 2: Motor Skill & Movement Patterns
Acquisition & Execution
The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies,
and tactics related to movement and performance.
“I can apply what I know and improve my performance.”
Essential Question: How can I improve my performance?
Grade Level Outcomes
Demonstrates understanding of game-specific
rules in a variety of physical activities
Demonstrates when, why, and how to use gamespecific strategies/tactics in a variety of physical
Outcome Assessments
Cognitive Rules Assessment (WELNET)
Gameplay Observation Checklist
Standard 2 Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement
Approaching Standard
Meeting Standard
Exceeding Standard
The student rarely
demonstrates how to
use strategies and
tactics in physical
activities and displays
numerous errors when
using terminology and
movement principles.
The student inconsistently
demonstrates how to use
strategies and tactics in a
variety of physical
activities and uses
appropriate terminology
and movement principles
with apparent errors in
The student consistently
demonstrates how to use
strategies and tactics in a
variety of physical
activities and uses
appropriate terminology
and movement principles
with few errors in
The student consistently and
independently demonstrates
how to use strategies and
tactics in a variety of
physical activities and uses
appropriate terminology and
movement principles with
few, if any, errors in
Student Name:
Teacher: Kleps
Standard 3: Fitness and Health Assessment & Planning
The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and
maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
“I can train myself to be fit and healthy.”
Essential Question: How can I maintain a healthy fitness level throughout my life?
Grade Level Outcomes
Outcome Assessments
Develops, implements, and evaluates a health and
fitness plan (assessment scores, goals for
improvement, plan of activities for improvement,
and evaluation of progress).
Uses personal fitness assessment data to reflect
and create goals for improvement.
Create Individualized Health/Fitness Plan
Mile; Pacer; Push-Up; Curl-Up; Sit & Reach;
Fitness score tracking sheet (with reflection);
Goal Setting* (WELNET)
Standard 3 Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement
Approaching Standard
Meeting Standard
Exceeding Standard
The student demonstrates
a limited understanding of
fitness planning and
assessments concepts.
The student has difficulty
applying the grade Level
knowledge, skills, &
The student
demonstrates an
understanding of fitness
planning and
assessments concepts.
The student
appropriately applies the
grade Level knowledge,
skills, & concepts.
The student
demonstrates a lack of
understanding of
fitness planning and
assessments concepts.
The student has
difficulty applying the
grade Level knowledge,
skills, & concepts.
The student demonstrates a
thorough understanding of
fitness planning and
assessments concepts. The
student appropriately
applies the grade Level
knowledge, skills, and
concepts beyond what is
Student Name:
Teacher: Kleps
Standard 4: Personal Responsibility and Teamwork
The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that
respects self and others.
“I can safely participate and respectfully cooperate with others
in physical activity settings.”
Essential Question: How does my behavior and sportsmanship impact my and others’
participation and enjoyment of activities?
Grade Level Outcomes
Outcome Assessments
Applies rules and procedures during physical
activities (safety, equipment, following directions)
and shows respect for self and others
Demonstrates teamwork, communication,
problem-solving, and leadership skills in group
Demonstrates personal responsibility by trying to
master every task, modifying activities to meet
personal needs, and implementing and providing
Daily Participation Assessment
Daily Cooperation Assessment; Cooperation SelfAssessment
Daily Behavior Assessment
Standard 4 Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement
Approaching Standard
Meeting Standard
Exceeding Standard
The student
demonstrates personal
responsibility, safety
principles, accepting
feedback, teamwork,
and respect during
physical activities and
needs constant
The student inconsistently
demonstrates personal
responsibility, safety
principles, accepting
feedback, teamwork, and
respect during physical
activities and needs
The student consistently
demonstrates personal
responsibility, safety
principles, accepting
feedback, teamwork, and
respect during physical
activities with few, if any,
The student consistently and
independently demonstrates
personal responsibility,
safety principles, accepting
feedback, teamwork, and
respect during physical
activities with few, if any,
Student Name:
Teacher: Kleps
Standard 5: Value Physical Activity & Physical Education
The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health,
enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
“I can explain the importance of being physically active and
can participate in a variety of physical activities.”
Essential Question: How is my quality of life impacted by my level of physical fitness?
Grade Level Outcomes
Outcome Assessments
Participates in a variety of physical activities (by
tracking and logging activity) and reflects their
role in lifelong health and fitness
Physical Activity Log and Reflection (WELNET)
Demonstrates the importance of social interaction
by helping and encouraging others, in various
physical activities
Unit Sportsmanship Reflection (WELNET)
Standard 5 Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement
Approaching Standard
Meeting Standard
Exceeding Standard
The student
demonstrates a lack of
understanding of the
benefits of physical
fitness and of
participating in a variety
of physical activities.
The student provides
few explanations of
physical activity
participation and
The student demonstrates
a limited understanding of
the benefits of physical
fitness and of participating
in a variety of physical
activities. The student
provides explanations of
physical activity
participation and benefits.
The student demonstrates
an understanding of the
benefits of physical fitness
and of participating in a
variety of physical
activities. The student
provides detailed
explanations of physical
activity participation and
The student demonstrates
a thorough understanding
of the benefits of physical
fitness and of participating
in a variety of physical
activities. The student
provides multiple, detailed
explanations of physical
activity participation and