The National Conference on Life Style Management and Wellness

ACTIVITES, YOGA, RECREATION AND SPORTS is organized in collaboration with the Indian
Federation of Computer Sciences and Sports. It is an academic event of National importance and nearly
250 Professional Colleagues, Delegates and Research scholars from all parts of the country participated in
the conference.
The inaugural ceremony of the UGC sponsored two day national conference was held on 14 th February,
2014. Prof B. Thimme Gowda, Vice-chancellor, Bangalore University, was the chief guest. Sir
released the conference journal and said that: “As Lifestyle-related diseases are causing deaths, Physical,
emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal, social, environmental and planetary wellnesses are needed
and this conference is a good effort to address these issues”. Prof Madhavi.R, principal, welcomed all
the guests and participants and hoped that: “This conference would help us to improve our lifestyle and
become more knowledgeable about the topics that are being covered during the conference.” Shri.
Prakash Padukone, was happy to see that a lot of importance is being given to sports, yoga and physical
activity. He opined that one need not play sports just to be champions; one can just indulge in sport to
remain healthy. Indian are becoming more health conscious. Sport also builds character and one learns to
accept defeat gracefully. Prof Rajesh Kumar expressed his happiness about the collaboration of
MLAFGCW with Indian federation of computer sciences in sports to organize this conference. He was
also happy to know that the College has done well in academics. He congratulated the management for
organizing this conference and hoped that all will benefit from this conference.” Smt Mangala
Ramachandra was honored and privileged to address the gathering. She said that though we are part of
an advanced civilization, we have failed in connecting hearts. What we need is to build bridges to connect
hearts. We are acquiring success but we cannot be happy without good health. We need to travel inside to
bring happiness outside. Success cannot be at the cost of wellness. There are a large number of people
who ignore health. She hoped that this seminar would educate people about healthy living.” Dr Rani
Sandhu, Conference convener, stated that: This conference is a humble attempt at addressing the issues
relevant to the present day health scenario of the society at large and the youth in particular. She believed
that educational institutions can do wonders by taking appropriate measures to promote healthy lifestyle
from a young age through a professional approach.
The keynote address was given by Dr Vijayalakshmi Balekundri. Madam emphasized the need for the
five pillars for good health which are good environment, water, balanced diet, exercise and to avoid bad
habits like smoking and consuming alcohol. She also stressed the importance of maintaining the personal
cleanliness to avoid getting diseases. “When it comes to food, balanced diet is essential. Consuming
vegetables and fruits are good for health. Junk food, Colas and aerated drinks can affect health and should
be avoided. She believed that Indian vegetarian foods are the best and exercise is a must. “Bad lifestyles
cause stress, which is a problem that kills. Laughter is the best medicine and it helps to relieve stress.
India is also becoming the capital for HIV, tuberculosis, heart disease and diabetes and efforts should be
made to stop this. She was of the opinion that “Changing attitude towards life and being disciplined can
make a difference to us.”
In the first technical session, the lead speaker Shri. Arjun Devaiah, international athlete spoke on
Lifestyle Management through Physical Activities and Sports. He said “As per a NASSCOM report,
70 percent of the engineers are unfit for the industry, as they do not have life and interpersonal skills. That
is why physical fitness is needed,” He stressed on the fact that India, in the years to come, will have youth
lacking in strength. So one should develop physical and psychological fitness. he added that “Physical
fitness, positive attitude and self confidence will help us become successful in life and become healthy
The second technical session lead speaker Dr Sundar Raj Urs Associate Professor, Dept. of
physical Education, Bangalore University, spoke on Wellness through Physical Activities for College
Students. He observed that “Most institutions are after academics. While academics are important,
physical activity, relaxation and recreation should not take a back seat. His education started with
physical activity but kids today are under stress, because they over burdened with studies. Regular
participation in sports provides a healthy channel for diversion of energies. Sport helps in correcting
behavior in life and to deal with difficult situations on the field. Sport teaches a person to be not only a
good winner, but also a good loser.
Dr Ashok, Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Bangalore University, spoke on Physical
Activities and Sports for Stress and Crisis Management, the lead speaker of the third session stated
that: “2000s is known as a stress era because stress is experienced by people of all ages. Nowadays,
children are forced to learn the alphabet when their motor skills are not developed. In adolescence, stress
happens due to physical and psychological changes. He noticed that often, children have bloated egos and
they don’t know how to say sorry. Technology and internet addiction are also causing harm.
Lead speaker of the fourth session: Dr Prakash SM , Director and Chairman, Dept of Physical
Education, Kuvempu University, said that Indians have won only 26 medals in the Olympics till now,
whereas Indian population is 1.27 billion. He also emphasized that “Our knowledge up gradation process
has not happened as it should have. Sports administrators, associations, institutions, coaches, sports and
Physical Education professionals and sports promoters are all responsible. A lot of support staff is
required to produce good players. Don’t force students into sports, Make students like sports.
In the fifth session Vijay Lancy, said that “Sports marketing can be about marketing products, events,
camps or how sport is propagated. It can be sporting and non-sporting product.
“Today, the need is to monetize sport. Several disciplines have taken initiatives to promote sport. “Big
events help in improving infrastructure and sport is about playing and being healthy. Vijay Mallya,
Subroto Roy Sahara and Mukesh Ambani , Jaypee Sports International have invested in sport and so have
companies . “Events like the Karnataka Badminton League and Indian Badminton League help in
promoting sport. Sport is good for health and if you can make a career out of it, it is good.
In the sixth session Sachin S Belvadi, addressed that “Basketball demands reciprocal understanding
between the players and coach. The coach of the women’s team should be aware of the mental and
physical state of the players,” he said. “To develop a state team, there is a mix of rural and urban players.
The rural players are shy, lack awareness of opportunities, lack of physical facilities and willingness to
learn and participate in team work. “Urban players are aware of sports, have individualistic approach and
have more exposure through social media opportunities. This gap needs to be bridged.
“One needs to assess the physical and mental conditions of the players. Training can be fun with stress
busters after rigorous workouts,” he said. “Motivation is essential for success and a coach should induce
The total numbers of papers received were 108. The papers were interdisciplinary, innovative, analytical
and informative. The authors have exhibited their research skills not only in gathering vast information
but also in analyzing, interpreting and arriving at meaningful conclusions. We appreciate the good work
done by the contributors and express our appreciation to each one of them.
Topic: Challenges faced by national and international sportspersons
Chairperson: Vedam Jaishankar
Vedam Jaishankar said that, Though, we are good at academics, it is unfortunate that we don’t know
how to put him /her in sport. The problem starts there. Most of the time, children are sent to coaching
camps so that coaches can be babysitters.
Jude Felix expressed that, I have nothing to show for all the hard work I put in. That is a
disappointment. The teams that were picked for the Asiad, Olympics were capable of winning a medal. I
feel bad that we were close but did not make it. Now, it has gone worse. Our national sport, where I see so
much talent, if the administration improves, we can be in the top 4-5. I wish one day that things get better
and I hope we win medals in the Olympics. I feel that I should do something for the sport and I started the
academy for orphaned kids. It is a joy to work with kids with these backgrounds. We have started one in
Coorg and one will be started in KGF.
Niveditha Rajan, emphasized that I almost made it into clinical psychology but it is good that I got into
something related to sport. In India, coaches and administrators conduct long camps. Physically, training
is done but mental skills are not taught. Mental skills are internal capabilities and this helps us in training
and competition. To develop these skills, training needs to be given.
Deepika Kumari, international archer, said it would have been nice to have a sports psychologist.
Sports psychology is a study of how they behave in sport. No psychologist can guarantee a sportsperson
that they can win. Many of our athletes lose the match before the game starts. They give up in the mind.
They have anxiety when they perform; they can’t be calm and can’t focus. Most important is choking in
crunch situations. This is where a psychologist can help. This requires preparation and players have to
practice this. A psychologist can tell a player how to apply the mind. You need to help yourself in a
game. You need to be confident and enjoy the sport. It is important for sportspersons to have goals and
TR Balachandran said that over the last 19 years, I have done nothing but sport. I have had the good
fortune to interact with Olympians and internationals. The lack of killer instinct is there. Most Indian
families tell kids not to climb or play. While discipline is fine, sport is subdued war.
Europeans don’t care about who their opponent is. They may take time to pick a coach but once he or she
settles down. If you look at international performance in India, there needs to be a sea change.
KN Chandrashekar, expressed that Yoga is a Sanskrit word. It is joining mind, body and prana. It is
bhakti. Chitta is mind and how to control it. Without any expectations, do your job with proper action.
Continuous practice and effort are needed for yoga. You should not use strength for yoga. This helps in
personality development spiritually, physically, mentally etc. Any asana should have the correct posture.
What is happening in the body, mind and prana, you should observe and practice. Bhakti, prana, karma
and ashtanga yoga should be practiced. When you are practicing pranayama, it is slow and the breathing
becomes slow. When the systems become normal, you get good health. Then the mind develops, then
awareness comes, happiness comes and so does wellness. If you want to do meditation or dhyana, one
should learn how to sit properly.
The interaction between the delegates and speakers
How should a youngster balance academics and sport?: Vijay Lancy: I was good in academics. In the
10th standard, I had to make a choice but I had convinced my parents that I wanted to take up sport. I was
the national champion and I got a job. Then I continued. For me, it was not to choose one or the other.
Both are needed to grow. In PSUs, once you finish playing you need to do other work. Somebody who
cannot do this, one has to manage. The best years of my life I did not go to a party or enjoy. When I look
back, I have been moderately successful and I can get back into sport.
You talked about killer instinct. Our approach to sport is different and a drastic change has to happen.
TR Balachandran: I never said it is easy. I saw one child going alone in a bus, parents don’t let it. Parents
Indian hockey is not what it used to be. Why are we no longer doing well?
Jude Felix: Just to give an example, I was in London in 1997. I saw the UK association’s office. In India,
we have 1200 sq ft of office while they had three floors. Administration is meticulously planned abroad
when they take on any sport. Minute details are given importance. Even after I stopped playing, I played
for a couple of clubs in Singapore. It is sad that we are getting worse, but the silver lining is that we have
sports hostels all over the country. We played in compounds etc but it is not there anymore. Thanks to the
government for these sports schools and talented players are coming out. But coaching standards are poor.
I can’t remember learning five things from my coach but I played international tournaments.
Administration has to be very strong.
A lot of players are jobless though they have played at a high level. How can this be addressed?
Jude Felix: Back then, when we played for the state, we got jobs. That is not there because hockey has
not been marketed. The team therefore has not performed well. Cricket has done well and they have
delivered. Results will draw corporate. That is why jobs have died down for hockey players.
A coach asks: There was a good player and the team could have won because of her. The player
gets angry and pulls the team down. Should I retain her? Niveditha Rajan: We always have such
players. If she is good at the game and need her, keep her. In dealing with her, have an interaction with
her and deal with the problem by understanding the problem. There might be other issues for her.
Whenever I call a player, they hesitate to wear sporting clothes. How do I convince her?
I have seen a few occasions. It all boils down to exposure. The mother is always with the daughter and
very protective. There is nothing wrong in that but you need to know what the issue is and slowly get
them out of that zone. I think, currently, when business comes into sport, these things tend to happen. I
would think in badminton there is no hesitation to wear smart clothing. It has not been successful but it is
going in that direction. Top companies have come out with good clothing because badminton is
When we talk about the past, we feel happy. What about the semester system and sports?
Sachin S Belvadi: This can connect to engineering students, who study in the semester system. Any
player undergoes this. They need to balance academics and sports. While doing so, I am fortunate to have
many trainees who are good at studies and sports.
Is it good to use supplements?: TR Balachandran: Doctors advise children not to take this. The long
Coaches are not getting jobs but we are expecting medals? Why are we not producing good
Vedam Jaishankar: There are issues as far as remuneration is concerned. There is a problem with the job
scene in all sectors. Sundar Raj Urs: Sport is a state policy but we have no national policy.
Foreign players have better skills. What techniques should we use?: SR Bharath: you need to
practice very hard. No need to practice hard, make game situations etc. This is the difference. In our
academy, Rajan, who writes the programs for the academy, is behind some of our progams and he was a
very good player in his day.
After hockey, we have won just in individual medals. When do you think we will win?
That is a matter of conjecture. Whatever champions we have are individual. It is the grim truth. As far as
exposure is concerned, it is nil. Sport is only in a few major cities, and we should tap the rural talent.
Eminent speakers shared their experiences and challenges during this session, which proved to be the
most interesting, well attended and thought provoking event. Many delegates expressed that this kind of
interaction is needed all over the nation, as the session was informative with facts and figures relevant to
the present context.
Valedictory Session:
The valedictory session of the UGC sponsored two day national conference was held on 15th February,
2014. Dr. K.K. Seethamma, Registrar, Bangalore University, was the chief guest. Madam said that
“Participating in sports can have advantages like becoming more productive, fewer complaints of health,
enjoyment of life more, reduced stress and tension.” Other dignitaries present were Dr CN
Ashwathnarayan MLA Malleswaram Constituency. Sir said that “I appreciate people who have come
from different parts of the country. Normally, we see such people at sports events but to see them in such
a conference is good. We will take forward ideas that have come through in this conference.” Prof. LR
Vaidyanathan Retd. Principal, University College of Physical Education, Bangalore University,
said that “It is great that this college has conducted this conference. Physical education is the base for the
health and overall personality of a child. Most of the Olympic champions are from universities. But in
India, there is a missing link after school.” The President of the function Smt.K Rukmini President
Malleswaram Ladies’ Association said that “It gives me immense pleasure to give the presidential
address for the conference. The conference brings out an urgent need to bring out a policy on the topics
covered during the conference. Access and opportunity should be present for holistic development at the
individual and societal level. Wellness leads to good citizens. Dr. Rekha HG proposed the vote of
The conference has resulted in the convergence of all concerned at one place. Resource persons and
participants appreciated the effective organization of the conference and expressed that the topics covered
were very relevant and the whole atmosphere of the conference was very positive and inspiring.
Benefits to the students:
This seminar has created awareness among the student youth about life style management and wellness
and has provided them the necessary knowledge to leverage the same for their well being and progress.
Benefits to the faculty:
The faculty from various colleges had the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience on life
style management and do well in their profession.
All delegates felt happy because they were given equal opportunity and also they have been directed with
lot of suggestion and guidelines by the experts.
The interactive session was a unique one and the delegates were very happy that the opportunity was
given to understand the organizational, administrative, training and marketing aspects of sports and
physical education.
The recent trends, techniques and the status of physical education were discussed in length.
Benefits to the institution:
The conference has helped the college to have tie-ups with various reputed institutions and eminent
personalities in the field of sports.