ANNEX X CHECKLIST ON SELECTION CRITERIA OF POINT 17.3 TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY Call for tender EAHC/2013/CP/10 concerning Support Services for improving the visibility of the Network of European Consumer Centres (ECC-Net) The objective of the checklist is to help tenderers to check if their offer complies with the selection criteria, as described under 17.3 TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY. Please fill and sign this checklist as mandatory part of evidence (see 17.3.1 of the tender specifications). Name of tender: …………………………………………………………………………… Technical and professional criteria of the tenderer’s team: 1) 2) 3) A team project leader with a (BA level) university degree (in law / economics / public administration, etc.), and at least 8 years of professional experience in managing EU funded projects and networking activities. Proven adequate working knowledge of English. Name of the project leader: How many years of professional experience? Europass format CV that specifies educational and professional experience, relevant qualifications and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). A senior web design and web marketing, with at least 7 years of professional experience in both web design and web marketing. Experience in software development projects. Proven adequate working knowledge of English. Name of the team member: How many years of professional experience? Europass format CV that specifies the educational and professional experience, relevant qualifications and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). Junior IT experts: Web design and web marketing/ Junior SEO expert/ Web developer, with at least 2 years of professional expertise in: - web design and web marketing - SEO - Web development. 1 YES / NO … … years Yes / No YES / NO … … years Yes / No YES / NO Proven adequate working knowledge of English. 4) Name of the team member*: How many years of professional experience?* Europass format CV that specifies the educational and professional experience, relevant qualifications and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). Event managers, with at least 2 years of professional experience in event management. Proven adequate working knowledge of English. Name of the team member*: How many years of professional experience*? Europass format CVs that specifies the educational and professional experience and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). 5) A creative expert with at least 3 years of professional experience in developing and designing creative solutions for advertising campaigns. Proven adequate working knowledge of English. Name of the team member: How many years of professional experience? Europass format CV that specifies the educational and professional experience and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). 6) An editor/journalist with at least 5 years of professional experience in editing texts in English for the general public. Proven adequate working knowledge of English. Name of the team member: How many years of professional experience? Expertise Europass format CV that specifies the educational and professional experience and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). 7) Translators with at least 3 years of professional experience in translation services (from/ in EN to the respective language). Name of the team member*: How many years of professional experience*? Evidence of the coverage of the EU official languages including Croatian, and also Norwegian and Icelandic. 8) Public relations executive with at least 5 years of 2 … … years Yes / No YES / NO … … years YES / NO YES / NO … … years YES / NO YES / NO … … years … Yes / No YES / NO … … years Yes / No YES / NO professional experience in working with the media and PR activities. Proven adequate working knowledge of English. Name of the team member: How many years of professional experience? Europass format CV that specifies the educational and professional experience and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). 9) Consumer law experts with university degree in law and at least 5 years of professional experience in consumer policy/law. Proven adequate working knowledge of English. Name of the team member*: How many years of professional experience*? Europass format CV that specifies the educational and professional experience, relevant qualifications and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). 10) Quality experts with working experience in quality certification and processes, workflows. Proven adequate working knowledge of English. Name of the team member*: How many years of professional experience*? Europass format CVs that specifies the educational and professional experience and language skills. Statement of availability (Annex IX). … … years Yes / No YES / NO … … years Yes / No YES / NO … … years Yes / No * include more lines as desired Professional conflict of interest criteria as stated in point 17.3.2 I have no professional conflict of interest YES / NO ……………………… (Date) ………………………………………… (Signature) 3