THZ COEFFICIENT Conf Pres 20150522



A European project to improve the attractiveness of terminals and to reduce the energy consumption of freight transport in cities

Newcastle Coherent Campus DSP


Opportunities for smart clean urban freight in

European Cities.

NewRail | Freight & Logistics Group

Thomas H Zunder |

Coherent Campus Delivery - Pilot Scheme

“Newcastle University is embracing Coherent Campus Initiative (est. 2008) with aim to improve the spaces between buildings to create a sense of place that is welcoming, with well designed, well linked social spaces”

• Investigation of the application of Delivery Servicing Plans (DSPs) as a freight transport policy focusing on urban-interurban operations.

• Demonstrate and evaluate 100% Electric Delivery vehicles

– Through vehicle telemetry.

• Demonstrate technology through existing supply chains;

– Suppliers to Newcastle University and Deliveries to Campus

• Explore the potential of Delivery Consolidation

– Trial deliveries operations from an Urban consolidation centre (UCC)

Newcastle Universities

Public Image

A Logistics image of the University

“Freight Intrusion on our pedestrianised Campus”

How many delivery vans visit the University?

5 Day Traffic Surveys


• Monday - Friday

• 07:00 - 19:00

• Vehicle Number Plate

• Vehicle classification

• Entry & Exit Time

• Logo/Branding

• Goods or People

University Campus Freight

• Over 60 departments within 80 different buildings*

– Mixed use: offices, laboratories, workshops, shops, catering, (student) accommodations and other facilities.



• SAP has 226 ‘predefined’ address

• Weekly Freight Deliveries:

1229 unique freight vehicle over 5days

Average of 1 Freight vehicle every 90 seconds

Articulated HGV




Non Freight


Freight Breakdown from 2013 Traffic Survey

Rigid HGV


LGV - Light Goods Vehicle

HGV - Heavy Goods Vehicle

* On the Main City Campus

Identifying the problems

Completing cards with name, interest(s), problem(s), and resources and mandates

Groups meeting to formulate ‘freight in

Newcastle could be more sustainable’

Completing cards with effects and causes

Developing DMF problem tree

University Delivery Consolidation in Partnership with


• Reduce multiple small trips to

Newcastle University Campus.

– Reduce Freight Vehicles by 25%*

– Reduce CO

2 by 90tonnes/year*

• Take greater control of inbound logistics and have more control over the vehicles delivering to the Campus.

• Key Actors :

– Procurement Department

– Building & Facilities Manager

– Campus Security Team

– ISS SAP Business Development Team

– NewRail Researchers

*Compared to the current freight deliveries.

Concept for University Delivery Consolidation

• SAP Data Analysis & Refinement by identifying Vendors (Suppliers) who made fewer than 4 deliveries in 1month

Key Benefits / Outputs

• 25% Fewer freight vehicles on


– E.g. a reduction of 300/week or 75-


• Produced a 330 ‘packages’ being delivered a week (average).

• Approximately 17,500 ‘packages/year

– Supplier introduction to scheme will be phased

• A saving on 90 tonnes of Carbon per annum

– Directly expressed as a replacement at vehicle tailpipe

• Initial volumes suggest a daily trip from

Clipper - Newcastle University

– Aiming for same day turn around (if received by

Clipper before 11:30)

• Potential reduction of accidents on


– To be analysed as part of the pilot


Multiple Inbound Deliveries

Received Off Campus



Deliveries Tracked Online

Received by


Loaded onto

Electric Vehicle

Distributed on


100% Electric Delivery Vehicle

Online Track & Trace Portal

Thank you for your attention

Any Questions
