1&2 Line and Shape Unit


Year 1/2 Term 3 2015

Domain & Strand Focus: The Arts Unit Title: Line and Shape Unit- Birds and


AusVELS / Australian Curriculum: Standards /Content Descriptors / Elaborations

F.5-Creating and Making

Exploration of textures and shape using mark-making and collage media, materials and techniques in two and three dimensional art works.

- Sequencing images

- Contribute to classroom conversations about art works.

- Exploration of effective ways to use art elements to communicate ideas/ Observations.

1.0- Creating and Making

Selection of art elements when using media, materials and equipment in planned ways to communicate ideas.

use art elements to create repetition to communicate ideas identify ways a range of features are arranged in their own visual art works.

1.5- Creating and Making

Arrangement of art elements to enhance expressive qualities of art works and communicate ideas as intended.

-Trials showing repetition, creating patterns or a focal point to present an idea or observation in a particular way.

- Decisions about how visual effects should be arranged to create intended effects should be arranged to create intended effects.

- use art language to discussions about why they and others have chosen to arrange aspects of art in particular ways.

2.0- Creating and Making

Create visual art works that show emerging arts knowledge, plan works that communicate ideas, concepts, observations feelings or experiences.

- use skills, techniques, process, media, materials, equipment and technologies in the arts.

- discuss chrematistics of own art works.

• create two- and three-dimensional artworks based on imagination and fantasy and in response to diverse stimuli, such as direct experience, everyday occurrences and experiences, picture books and music.

• share two- and three-dimensional artworks through discussion and displays, by talking about topics such as personal interests and preferences using examples from their own artworks and those of others.

• explore and, with guidance, use a variety of art elements including:

• line

– for example; long or short (length), tall or short (height), thick, fat or thin (weight), twisted, curved, bent, straight, crooked, zigzag or wiggly, continuous, broken or dotted, parallel or crossed, creating drawings from observation of objects from natural and constructed environments

• shape (two-dimensional)

– for example; creating round, square, triangular, star, splat (organic) shapes using different media and materials

• form (three-dimensional)

– for example; using bo xes , cans, balls, cones, soft toys, building blocks to create artworks

• texture

– for example; smooth, rough, soft, hard, dry, wet, sharp, curly, creating collage works that use many different textures

• colour - for example; primary colours (red, yellow, blue), secondary colours (green, purple, orange), the effect of adding black or white to colours, creating warm and cool shades of the same colour by mixing paint


Line: Contour, Diagonal, straight, bumpy, zig zag, wavey, horizontal and vertical.

Shape: Geometric, Organic

Key Assessment Task

Sequence of Learning

Lesson # 1


Standard or Objective

Focus: Line

Standard: select, arrange and make choices about expressive ways of using arts elements (line, tone, shape, texture, colour, pattern and threedimensional form), principles and/or conventions

Accessing Prior Knowledge New Information


(thinking tool or practise)

Goal review/generalise

I know how Line can be used in Art.

Turn and talk to a partner about what you know about


Teacher draws a range of lines on the board and students say the ones they know.

Lesson # 2


Standard or Objective

I know how Line can be used in Art.

Using the lines students know and could label demonstrate how to create a black and white background work using a range of lines to create a outdoor setting.

Students work on a white A3 page and drawing lines in a range of ways to create a background. Could be mountains, trees, rocks, rainbow

Gallery walk.

Focus: Line

Standard: select, arrange and make choices about expressive ways of using arts elements (line, tone, shape, texture, colour, pattern and threedimensional form), principles and/or conventions

Accessing Prior Knowledge

Reflect on the names of lines that we learnt from the week before.

New Information

See previous week.


(thinking tool or practise)

Students continue to work on their background from the previous week.

Goal review/generalise

Circle view. All students stand in a circle holding their own work for each other to see.

Lesson # 3


Standard or Objective

I know a range of Shapes.

Focus: Shape

Standard: select, arrange and make choices about expressive ways of using arts elements (line, tone, shape, texture, colour, pattern and threedimensional form), principles and/or conventions

Accessing Prior Knowledge

Turn and talk to a partner about what you know about shape.

Teacher draws a range of shapes on the board and students say the ones they know.

New Information

Read children’s book: Mouse


Discuss how the mouse made mouse out of shapes.

Demonstrate how to cut out shapes and put them together to make an animal.


(thinking tool or practise)

Students pick a mini-beast.

On a black piece of paper students must cut out shapes and stick them on to the black paper in the shape of an animal. They can add shapes to the piece to create a background.

Goal review/generalise

Three Steps. Students take three steps to the side and end up at another students work. They must say one thing they like about the art work and relate it to our Goal.

Lesson # 4 Focus: Shape and Line


Standard or Objective

I know a range of organic shapes

Lesson # 5


Standard or Objective

I know the difference between organic and geometric shapes.

How do we draw a plan/ labelled diagram.



(Students) demonstrate an emerging ability to select, arrange and make choices about expressive ways of using arts elements, principles and/or conventions.

Accessing Prior Knowledge New Information


(thinking tool or practise)

Goal review/generalise

Small table share. Look at artwork by Miro.

What do we notice about the shapes he uses in his artwork?

Have a look at the monster shapes paper shapes.

Demonstrate to students how we are going to use these organic shapes to make a bird.

Students have a go at placing shapes on black paper to make a bird. (No Glue) make a range of birds moving and manipulating the shapes until they are happy with their bird. Glue bird down onto the line drawing.

Focus: Shape – Organic and Geometric


(Students) demonstrate an emerging ability to select, arrange and make choices about expressive ways of using arts elements, principles and/or conventions.

Accessing Prior Knowledge New Information


(thinking tool or practise)

Goal review/generalise

Reflection sticks. Students turn and talk about the difference between geometric and organic shapes and how and why we use these in art.

Drawing a labelled diagram/ plan.

Demonstrate how to draw a clear, labelled diagram of a bird drawing on inspiration from their shape birds.

Students draw a labelled diagram of a bird that will be turned into a bird sculpture in the following unit.
