Chapter 6 Notes

Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and Your
• Bellringer
• Key Ideas
• The Benefits of Being Physically Active
• Five Components of Health-Related Fitness
• Skills Developed by Fitness
• Sport and Fitness
• Physical Fitness Is for Everyone
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and Your
• List all the benefits of being physically fit that you can
think of.
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and Your
Key Ideas
• State the benefits of being fit.
• Describe the five health-related components of
physical fitness.
• Summarize the role of skill-related fitness.
• Describe the importance of physical fitness for all
ages and abilities.
• Name three things you can do to be a good sport.
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and
Your Health
The Benefits of Being Physically Active
• Physical fitness is the ability of the body to carry our
daily physical activities without getting our of breath,
sore, or overly tired.
• Exercise is any physical activity that improves or
maintains physical fitness.
• Being physically fit keeps you healthy and lowers
your risk of certain diseases.
• A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of chronic
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and
Your Health
The Benefits of Being Physically Active
• Physical benefits of exercise include:
• Heart and lungs get stronger
• Healthy blood cholesterol levels and blood
• Stronger, more efficient muscles
• Healthy ratio of muscle mass to fat mass
• Increased metabolic rate
• More Calories burned
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and Your
The Benefits of Being Physically Active
• Mental benefits of exercise include reduced stress
levels, reduced risk of depression and anxiety, and
increased energy and alertness.
• Social benefits of exercise include increased selfesteem and increased opportunities to socialize with
others who share your interests.
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and
Your Health
Five Components of Health-Related Fitness
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance
Cardiorespiratory endurance
Body Composition
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and
Your Health
Skills Developed by Fitness
Reaction time
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and Your
Sport and Fitness
• Sports are a great way to improve fitness.
• When choosing a sport, consider the following:
• Do you want to play a new sport or improve in
a sport you have played before?
• Do you want to play an individual sport or a
team sport?
• What sport activities are available in your
• Do you have access to facilities?
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and Your
Sport and Fitness
• Competition helps you develop motivation,
leadership, and cooperation skills.
• When playing a sport, always obey the rules and
exhibit good sportsmanship.
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and Your
Chapter 6
Section 1 Physical Fitness and
Your Health
Physical Fitness Is for Everyone
• Committing to a life of physical activity now can delay
or prevent some chronic diseases later in life, such
as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
• Physical activity is also important for people with
asthma and diabetes.
• The Paralympics and Special Olympics enable
people with physical or learning disabilities to
participate in fitness activities and competition.
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
• Bellringer
• Key Ideas
• Getting Started with Your Fitness Program
• Designing a Fitness Program
• Getting FITT
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
• Make a chart describing fitness activities you
presently engage in. Add to the chart how often you
participate in each activity, how long you do the
activity each time, and how intensely you exercise in
each activity.
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Key Ideas
• Describe the important factors to think about before
starting a fitness program.
• Describe the steps involved in designing a fitness
• Calculate your resting heart rate, target heart rate
zone, and maximum heart rate.
• Evaluate the use of the FITT formula in fitness
• Design and implement a personal fitness program
and set your fitness goals.
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Getting Started with Your Fitness Program
• Before you start a fitness program, consider the
following factors:
Do you have any special health constraints?
Are you healthy enough to start a program?
What types of activities do you enjoy?
How much will your planned activities cost?
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Designing a Fitness Program
• Your resting heart rate (RHR) is the number of times
your heart beats per minute while at rest.
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Designing a Fitness Program
• Your maximum heart rate (MHR) is the maximum
number of times your heart should beat in a minute
while doing any physical activity.
• To calculate your MHR, subtract your age from 220.
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Designing a Fitness Program
• Your target heart rate zone is the range of heart
rates in which you gain the most cardiorespiratory
health benefits.
• To calculate your target heart rate zone, multiply your
MHR by 60 percent (0.6) and 85 percent (0.85).
These are the lower and upper limits of the range.
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Designing a Fitness Program
• Compare your current abilities with the standards in
the table below.
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Designing a Fitness Program
• Set your fitness goals.
• Your goals should be well planned and based on
your abilities.
• Choose goals you really want to achieve.
• Divide your goals into short-term and long-term.
• Write down specific objectives that will help you
reach each short-term goal.
• Keep track of your progress.
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Getting FITT
• You can use the FITT formula as you plan activities
in your fitness program.
• The FITT formula is made up of four important
aspects of fitness training:
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Getting FITT
• Your fitness program should also include each of the
following types of fitness training:
• Developing cardiorespiratory endurance
• Developing muscular strength
• Increasing flexibility
Chapter 6
Section 2 Planning Your Fitness
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
• Bellringer
• Key Ideas
• Avoiding Sports Injuries
• Treating Minor Sports Injuries
• Supplements, Drugs, and Athletic Performance
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
• List the things you do to prepare for a workout.
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
Key Ideas
• Describe six ways to avoid sports injuries.
• Identify four signs of overtraining.
• Describe the RICE method of treating minor sports
• State the dangers posed by the use of performance
enhancing drugs.
• Summarize the importance of wearing safety
equipment to prevent sports injuries.
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
Avoiding Sports Injuries
• Things you can do to avoid sports injuries include:
Get conditioned.
Warm up and cool down.
Avoid dehydration.
Avoid overtraining.
Avoid overuse injuries.
Choose the correct equipment and clothing.
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
Avoiding Sports Injuries
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
Treating Minor Sports Injuries
• The RICE method can be used to control swelling:
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
Supplements, Drugs, and Athletic Performance
• Dietary supplements are products taken by mouth
that can contain dietary ingredients.
• Dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA).
• Claims about the performance enhancements from
dietary supplements are often untrue.
• Some dietary supplements can have dangerous side
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
Supplements, Drugs, and Athletic Performance
• Anabolic steroids are synthetic compounds that
resemble the male hormone testosterone.
• Doctors use small amounts of anabolic steroids to
treat some diseases.
• Use of anabolic steroids for performance
enhancement has severe side effects and can be
Chapter 6
Section 3 Exercising the Safe Way
Chapter 6
Section 4 Sleep
• Bellringer
• Key Ideas
• Sleep: Too Little, Too Often
• Teens and Sleep
• The Stages of Sleep
Chapter 6
Section 4 Sleep
• Describe your typical sleep patterns. Do you have
trouble going to sleep or staying asleep? What
techniques do you use to help yourself sleep if you
are having trouble sleeping?
Chapter 6
Section 4 Sleep
Key Ideas
• Describe why sleep is an important part of your
• List the effects of sleep deprivation.
• Compare how the amount of sleep needed by teens
differs from the amount needed by adults or children.
• Identify two different types of sleep.
• List three ways that you can improve your sleeping
Chapter 6
Section 4 Sleep
Sleep: Too Little, Too Often
• Sleep deprivation is a lack of sleep.
• People who are sleep deprived may suffer many
• Stress-related problems
• Increased risk for getting sick
• Increased risk for dangerous accidents
Chapter 6
Section 4 Sleep
Teens and Sleep
• Most adults need an average of 8 hours of sleep per
• Teens need 8.5 to 9.25 hours of sleep per night.
• The circadian rhythm is the body’s internal system
for regulating sleeping and waking patterns.
• Teens need more sleep than adults or children
because the circadian rhythm is delayed during
Chapter 6
Section 4 Sleep
The Stages of Sleep
• NREM sleep stands for NonRapid Eye Movement
• During NREM sleep, brain activity is at its lowest.
• REM sleep stands for Rapid Eye Movement sleep.
• REM is also called “dream sleep” because this is
when you have dreams.
• During a normal sleep cycle, periods of NREM
alternate with periods of REM.
Chapter 6
Section 4 Sleep
The Stages of Sleep
• Insomnia is an inability to sleep even when one is
• Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder in which normal
breathing patterns are interrupted during speech.
• See a doctor if you have trouble sleeping for 3 weeks
or more, or if you often find yourself falling asleep
during the day.
Chapter 6
Brain Food Video Quiz
Click below to watch the Brain Food Video Quiz that
accompanies this chapter.
Brain Food Video Quiz