CleanHydro - Florida International University

Providing a real solution
to the world’s energy needs
I OIL - 37%
I COAL - 25%
1.1 Current status of I
the world’s energy I
GAS - 23%
I HYDRO - 3%
I SOLAR - 0.5%
I WIND - 0.3%
I OTHER - 1.2%
Source: REN21 Global Status Report on Renewables
Together the fossilfuel is 85%
1.2 Current status of More than half of the energy has been
in the last two decades since
the world’s energy consumed
the industrial revolution, despite
advances in efficiency and
According to IEA world statistics,
between 2004 and 2008 the world’s
population increased by 5%, our annual
CO2 emissions went up by 10% and
gross energy production increased 10%
3.0 Emissions
Emissions are considered to be the most
serious global environmental problem
facing us today. As a result, many
nations have signed the UN agreement
to prevent a dangerous influence in the
climate system.
Limiting global temperature rise at 2%,
(considered as a high risk level by
Stockholm Environmental Institute), will
require a 75% decline in carbon
emissions in the industrial countries by
2050, assuming the population to be 10
mrd by that time5.
75% in 40 years will require
approximately a 2% decrease every year.
5 Energiläget 2050 by Professor Cristian Azar and Kristian Lindgren
3.2 Emissions
In 2011, the warming emissions of energy
production continued rising regardless of
the consensus of the basic problem.
It is estimated that human activity
has already created a rise of 1,5°C
in the temperature6.
According to Robert Engelman of the
Worldwatch Institute, emissions must be
totally stopped within a decade
regardless of economy and population
state (2009)7.
6 Paul Brown, Global Warming, The last chance for change, 2006
7 State of the World 2009, Worldwatch Institute, 2009
4.0 Carbon Credits
4.1 Carbon Credits
A carbon credit is a generic term for
any tradable certificate or permit
representing the right to emit one ton of
carbon or carbon dioxide equivalent.
Carbon credits and carbon markets are a
component of national and international
attempts to mitigate the growth in
concentrations of greenhouse gases.
One carbon credit is equal to one ton of
carbon dioxide, or in some markets,
carbon dioxide equivalent gases.
Carbon trading is an application of an
emissions trading approach. Greenhouse
gas emissions are capped and then
markets are used to allocate the
emissions among the group of regulated
4.2 Carbon Credits
Formalized in the Kyoto Protocol, the
concept of carbon credits came into
existence as a result of increasing
awareness of the need for controlling
emissions. The IPCC (Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change) has stated:
Policies that provide a real or implicit
price of carbon could create incentives
for producers and consumers to
significantly invest in low-GHG products,
technologies and processes. Such
policies could include economic
instruments, government funding and
4.3 Carbon Credits
Managing emissions is one of the
fastest-growing segments in financial
services in the City of London with a
market estimated to be worth about
€30 billion in 2007. Louis Redshaw
head of environmental markets at
Barclays Capital predicted that
will be the world's
biggest commodity market, and
it could become the world's
biggest market overall.”
Energy use and emission levels are
predicted to keep rising over time.
Therefore the number of companies
needing to buy credits will increase,
and the rules of supply and demand
will push up the market price,
encouraging more groups to undertake
environmentally friendly activities that
create carbon credits to sell.
Hydrogen Production
with zero carbon emissions
5.0 Hydrogen:
The fuel of the future
5.1 Hydrogen:
The fuel of the future
Current industrial production of hydrogen engineering management of the endothermic
generates several tonnes of carbon dioxide (heat requiring) and exothermic (heat
for each tonne of hydrogen.
producing) reactions. Little or no additional
energy is required to run our reactors.
But CleanHydro have now developed a
method that produces hydrogen with zero
carbon emission.
Hydrogen production companies all over the
world will benefit by modifying their existing
plants using the method developed by
This is achieved by keeping all emissions
CleanHydro. They will be producing
(including that which provides the energy by hydrogen without carbon emission, earning
burning coal or gas) together until the end
carbon credits (where available) and
stage of the series of reactions by a proper
increasing their profit margins.
5.2 Hydrogen:
The fuel of the future
Our reactors will not only provide hydrogen
and carbonate but also relatively pure
nitrogen. The mixed gases (N2+H2) can be
directly used in ammonia plants, or the gases
can be separated for selling as needed.
Most contaminants occurring in coal or gas
are removed in the final reactor as solids.
The carbonate may be recrystallized for
To date, nobody has seen the potential of
combining the two methods, namely the
carbonation of CO2 and the production of
hydrogen by the steam-methane-reformation
At present, there is no competitive process to
achieve what we are proposing. And there are
no full-scale plants in operation that can
produce hydrogen without carbon emission
and, at the same time, sequester CO2.
5.3 Hydrogen:
The fuel of the future
Although there are a few comparable
technologies on the horizon, technologies to
produce hydrogen without carbons are nonexistent or, at best in infancy without proof
of a final product.
modified steam-methane-reformation (SMR)
reaction, the future is available to us all, now!
There are many hydrogen production plants
all over the world who may opt to modify
their plants or build new ones as the demand
for hydrogen grows.
The carbon sequestration technologies are
practically in the same stages of development
as our reactor technology, but without many The commercial potential around the world
for hydrogen produced using our method is
of the benefits our reactors offer.
already massive, and is growing daily.
Hydrogen is considered as the fuel of the
future but, thanks to CleanHydro and our
Can you afford to ignore it?
Hydrogen Production
with zero carbon emissions
6.0 Science that
6.1 Science that
CleanHydro offer three types of reactors:
Hydrogen production with zero
emission using coal or methane
(natural gas).
This reactor type requires easy
access to caustic soda, coal* or
methane and water,
*Coal may be replaced by other
forms of fossil fuel
CleanHydro Reactor I produces
hydrogen without any carbon
emission, as well as other
industrially useful products which
can then be sold on for additional
Coal to hydrogen
1.5 C
T=925 C
H2 + 4 CO+ 5.6
Heat = 662kJ
Heat = -614kJ
5.6 N 2 + 2.5
C+H2 O+1.5 CO 2
8 NaOH+ H2 + 4
CO + 5.6 N2= 4
Na2 CO3 +5 H2
T = 925 C
T= 425 C
5.6 N 2 + 5
Heat recovery
1.5 CO 2
4 atm
Heat to other
Heat = -590 kJ
1.5 C + 5.6 N2 +
1.5 O2
Soda for
Cooling hydrogen -59 kJ
Cooling carbonate -231 kJ
Cooling notrogen -67 kJ
6.2 Science that
CleanHydro offer four types of reactors:
Hydrogen production with zero
emission using methane (requires
natural gas and a proprietary
6.6 Science that works:
CleanHydroReactor II
Heat required
High pressure and
Heat evolved
= Na2CO3+N2+H2
Heat produced
Heat recovery from
Cooling hydrogen
Cooling soda
Cooling nitrogen
Heat recovery
Heat to other
Soda for
6.3 Science that
CleanHydro offer four types of reactors:
Hydrogen production combining
carbon sequestration
Similar to Reactor I, this process
requires CO2/CO from any plant
burning fossil fuel and caustic soda,
coal or methane and water.
This reactor is not a zero emissions
plant, but will dramatically reduce
the CO2 emission from industrial
plants currently releasing CO2 into
the atmosphere; the use of hydrogen
as an energy source further helps in
reducing carbon emissions.
Combining hydrogen production with carbon sequestration
Heat exchanger
C + CO2 = 2CO
2 NaOH (c) + CO(g)
= Na2CO3 (c) + 2 H2(g)
Soda ash + other solids
6.7 Science that
CleanHydro offer four types of reactors:
Distributed energy based on hydrogen
storage and solar heating
Finally we have planned the use of
hydrogen with a hydrogen storage
material that can be distributed to
remote areas and used with solar
heating to generate hydrogen for any
energy use anywhere (such as the
Bloom energy fuel cell box)
6.8 Science that works:
0.40.4 cubic3 meter
from air
NB Any fuel stack (such as the
Bloom Energy Box) can be used
Fig.2. A solar-hydro house with a hydride container of 0.4x0.4x0.4
meter which would accommodate hydride for a week’s supply. Portion
of this hydride is fed into a smaller container for daily release of
hydrogen which may be fed to a fuel cell for use in the non sunshine
hours. Hydrogen may also be used for many other house-hold uses.
Hydrogen Production
with zero carbon emissions
7.0 Reaping the
The rewards of installing a CleanHydro
reactor, both environmentally and
commercially, are substantial.
Environmentally, by reducing carbon
emissions we reduce greenhouse gases
and slow down global warming.
Commercially, hydrogen can be produced
at competitive rates with plants that
retrofit a CleanHydro reactor reclaiming
their costs – and increasing their profits
– within twelve months. The long term
profit figures could potentially be
$millions. Carbon credits alone could
generate $billions, with current levels in
teh US being taxed at $30 per ton of
7.1 Reaping the
The opportunity is currently open to all
investors and fossil fuel based plants of
any type (power plants, cement plants,
steel plants).
Chlor-alkali plant owners will benefit by
the profitable sale of the products from
the retrofitted reactors and by
significant reduction in carbon emission.
Those who wish to build hydrogen gas
plants may use the Cleanhydro Reactor I
or Cleanhydro Reactor III.
Hydrogen can produced for the same
price (or less) as the techniques
currently used by coal gasification and
the steam-methane-reformation (SMR),
but without any CO2 emission.
7.2 Reaping the
By embracing the Cleanhydro technology
you will give yourself a competitive
Our reactors are of a flexible design such
that the amount of products can be
adjusted to market conditions.
An investment in CleanHydro™ Reactor
Technology will quickly result in a
profitable and scalable business that will
produce low-cost and emission-free
hydrogen, pervasively, through a modular
7.3 Reaping the
In addition, our CleanHydro reactors
sequester carbon dioxide into safe and
environmentally friendly byproducts that
are currently in great demand around
the world in the industrial marketplace.
The reactor can use the reactions
flexibly and produce hydrogen with or
without carbonate or carbonate and
bicarbonate without hydrogen.
Currently, the production of caustic soda
is very energy intensive, producing
emissions if fossil fuels are involved.
Our reactors convert already produced
caustic soda into carbonate – an ideal
solution for many of the world’s existing
power plants.
7.4 Reaping the
Currently, to achieve 9102kWh of energy
we must burn 1 tonne of coal, producing
3.7million tonnes of CO2.
This much energy can be produced with
just 0.23 tonnes of hydrogen.
By replacing a tonne of coal with
hydrogen, we can save 16 tonnes of
carbon emission.
A CleanHydro reactor producing 4
tonnes of hydrogen each hour will
therefore avoid producing an annual
emission of 560,460 tonnes per year.
At today’s rate of $30 carbon credit,
that will generate an income for the
plant owner of $16,819,200 – each year.
7.5 Reaping the
I Low capital expenditure to convert
existing infrastructure
I High profit margins
I Additional revenue stream through
selling existing waste products
I Carbon credits traded on commodity
I Additional source of revenue through
growth potential of hydrogen as a real
alternative, green fuel
I Quick return on investment through
reactor income sources with full
outlay recovered within 24 months.
8.0 CleanHydro
A partnership that works
6.0 CleanHydro
A partnership that works
Cleanhydro Inc. is a company founded by Prof.
S.K. Saxena Ph.D. in co-operation with the
Center for the Study of Matter at Extreme
Conditions at the Florida International
University. Prof. Saxena is the technology
creator and patent holder of CleanHydro™.
He currently holds the position of Professor and
Director, Center for the Study of Matter at
Extreme Conditions, College of Engineering &
Computing, Florida International University.
Dr. Saxena has been driving the CleanHydro™
project for over five years.
Prof. Saxena’s experienced and dedicated team
include Andriy Durygin, Ph.D. (Chief Physicist),
Vadym Drozd, Ph.D. (Chief Chemist); Dr. Hari
Abarjith (Chemical Engineer), S. Kumar: BE
(Chemical Engineer) and R. Hrubiak: BE
(Electrical Engineer).
The Board of Advisors include Dr. A. Mirmiran,
Dean, College of Engineering, Florida
International University; Dr. Tom Breslin,
Professor and University Senate Chair, Florida
International University; Dr. V. Prasad,Vice
President for Research and Development,
University of North Texas, Denton, TX; J.
White, Esqr Attorney, Boca Raton; George
Fantazopoulos, Titan America, Florida.
8.1 CleanHydro
A partnership that works
CleanHydro’s dedicated team of scientists and
specialists will work with all hydrogen plant
owners or others who may be interested in
carbon emission free hydrogen production.
Once CleanHydro has shown proof of
concept we will begin marketing the
hydrogen production with CCS technology to
major hydrogen producers as well as automakers and home and industrial users that
see hydrogen as an alternative to current
fossil fuels.
Our strategy is to license the technology to
companies for a flat fee of $1.2 million per
reactor. Based on our projections this should
provide a payback of around two years for
plant owners. As we move closer to outlicensing technology we will hire experienced
experts and contacts to sell the technology.
To show proof we need to build a demo plant
at an estimated cost of $3 million. This will
be the world’s first, out-of-the-lab reactor to
demonstrate commercial application of our
patented technology.
8.2 CleanHydro
A partnership that works
Once the Demo Plant has been built and the
pilot step completed, CleanHydro will
proceed to the development of an Industrial
Sized Pilot Plant, producing 9,000 tonnes of
Hydrogen annually.
Our projections confidently predict that
investors and plant owners will see a return
within a very short time frame, with
CleanHydro licensing its technology to enduser industrial plants.
The reactor cost is estimated at between
$20-$30 million. With gross profits within
the first year alone estimated at being
between $17-$30 million the initial outlay
will be recouped within 24 months. This
will be achieved by the sale of hydrogen, its
by-products and the value of carbon credits.
With annual licensing fees, brokerage of
hydrogen, carbonate byproducts and carbon
credits, annual operations and consultancy
fees, there has never been such a good
opportunity to become involved with a
company that is set to revolutionise the way
we produce and supply the world’s energy.
Investment opportunity
Demo Plant
• $3 tp $5 million to complete the design and the assembly of a
compact CleanHydro™ out-of-the-lab reactor to demonstrate
commercial application of the technology as the first (Pilot Plant)
step to an industrial sized system and a scalable business model.
Industrial Size Pilot Plant: (produces 35.000 tonnes H2 annually)
• The average CleanHydro industrial system will produce
approximately 35,000 tonness of hydrogen annually with the
following financial results:
• Reactor Cost: $30 Million (1 yr payback) (includes coal contaminant
• Gross Profit: $41,000,000 (annual sale of hydrogen, byproducts &
carbon credits)
Expenses: $ 2,500,000 – maintenance
$ 2,000,000 – labor + burden
$ 1,750,000 – G&A and other
• Annual EBITDA: $82,000,000
Q&A Session
with Professor Surendra Saxena Ph.D.
Center for the Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions,
College of Engineering & Computing,
Florida International University,
Miami, FL 33199,USA