Telephone Call Handling DOCX 400 KB

Report to the Finance and
Performance Management Scrutiny
Date of meeting:
10 March 2015
Technology and Support Services
Performance monitoring – Telephone call handling
Responsible Officer:
David Newton
(01992 564580).
Democratic Services
Adrian Hendry
(01992 564246).
Recommendations/Decisions Required:
To recommend that the monitoring of abandoned calls and calls diverted to
voicemail be adopted as performance indicators.
Executive Summary:
Following an initial report on the performance monitoring of telephone call handling at the
Finance and Performance Management Scrutiny Panel (FPMSP) on the 9th September 2014, it
was agreed that examples of monitoring reports be brought to a future meeting of this panel for
further discussion. Member’s also requested that other Authorities were approached requesting
information as to which indicators they monitored and also whether it was possible to identify the
percentage of calls sent directly to voicemail.
Reasons for Proposed Decision:
The telephone system is now live and can produce various monitoring information. Following the
introduction of a number of auto attendants (menu assisted calls), a large number of calls now
bypass the switchboard and go straight to directorate contact centres and workgroups. Reporting
on the switchboard is still a requirement, but it is also necessary to report on the calls that have
been relayed by the auto attendants
Other Options for Action:
It could be decided that monitoring the switchboard response time is sufficient.
1. The Leadership Team and Management Board have previously discussed and agreed a
corporate approach to the telephone system configuration, with the introduction of
directorate contact centres and workgroups being the favoured solutions. This
configuration allows a single extension number to be linked to numerous additional
phone extensions, allowing a group of staff to pick up calls and therefore improve
response times. It therefore makes sense to report on these along with the switchboard
2. Not all Authorities in Essex have such sophisticated telephone systems that enable
comprehensive reporting. Those who do tend to favour reporting on;
a. the percentage of abandoned calls (callers hang up before being answered) and;
b. the number of calls sent directly to the voicemail system.
This is also the view of ICT as these indicators specifically relate to the service callers
are receiving. During January 2015, 35388 calls were received. 9.18% of these were
classified as abandoned with 4.22% of calls going direct to voicemail. Unfortunately, the
previous telephone system was not sophisticated enough to produce comparable data,
but information from the new system will continue to be monitored going forward.
3. Selected reports will be presented to both Management Board and the FPMSP on a
periodic basis.
Resource Implications:
None. The production of monitoring reports can be managed within existing resources.
Legal and Governance Implications:
Safer, Cleaner and Greener Implications:
Consultation Undertaken:
Liaison with Essex Partners (EOLP)
Background Papers:
FPMSP minutes 9th September 2014
Due Regard Record
This page shows which groups of people are affected by the subject of this report. It
sets out how they are affected and how any unlawful discrimination they
experience can be eliminated. It also includes information about how access to the
service(s) subject to this report can be improved for the different groups of people;
and how they can be assisted to understand each other better as a result of the
subject of this report.
S149 Equality Act 2010 requires that due regard must be paid to this information
when considering the subject of this report.
Date /
Summary of equality analysis
The process of producing performance statistics will have no impact on
any equality issues.