Photosynthesis Explained: How Plants Get Energy

Dennis Crowley
Photosynthesis is how plants get energy.
How do plants get energy?
Oxygen leaves the plant when carbon dioxide is entered.
Together, water, sunlight, and carbon, allow other organism get energy.
Other creatures like plankton get their energy from photosynthesis.
Say an animal has energy, it came from photosynthesis.
You get energy that always originates to photosynthesis.
Nothing except plants and plankton use photosynthesis.
To get energy, you need to eat plants.
How come we can’t use photosynthesis?
Energy comes from the sun.
Sun allows plants get energy.
It works by having the sun shine on the plant and then the plant gets water and carbon dioxide
which turns it into energy and oxygen..
Sunlight is a necessity in the cycle of photosynthesis.