Reminder: The standard notes in this file contain various colors of text. The light orange colored text indicates text that may or may not need to be modified. The yellow highlighted text indicates informational text which needs to be deleted before plans are distributed for review. Columns in tables that are not used should be deleted. When notes are split between sheets, provide the title on the next sheet and add “(CONTINUED)” to the end of the title. If possible, do not split notes between pages. After plan notes are ready for review, change all text (except web links) to a black colored font. A SWPPP Checklist will need to be included in Section H if there is no Section D – Erosion and Sediment Control provided in the plans. See MINN6922, PENN00FP, PENN00DZ, PENN1939 and PENN5878 and other known projects in Microfilm Projects Catalog for examples of SDDOT Landscaping plan notes, plan sheets, and details. Here is the link: (Note: Consultants do not have access to the following link and should contact the Erosion Control Contact person for help) SECTION H ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES DOT Plan Preparers shall create the following estimate of quantities utilizing the Contract Development Business System (CDBS). BID ITEM NUMBER 120E6300 230E0010 230E0020 732E0100 732E0200 733E0100 730E0200 730E0202 730E0204 730E0206 730E0208 730E0210 730E0212 730E0251 730E0252 730E0253 731E0100 735E0100 735E0110 735E0120 735E1000 735E1112 735E1118 735E1120 735E1130 735E1140 735E1150 735E1160 735E1170 735E1180 735E1190 735E1200 735E1205 735E1210 735E1306 ITEM Water for Vegetation Placing Topsoil Contractor Furnished Topsoil Mulching Fiber Mulching Sodding Type A Permanent Seed Mixture Type B Permanent Seed Mixture Type C Permanent Seed Mixture Type D Permanent Seed Mixture Type E Permanent Seed Mixture Type F Permanent Seed Mixture Type G Permanent Seed Mixture Special Permanent Seed Mixture 1 Special Permanent Seed Mixture 2 Special Permanent Seed Mixture 3 Fertilizing Perennial Plant, Furnish and Plant 1 Gallon Perennial Plant, Furnish and Plant 2 Gallon Perennial Plant, Furnish and Plant Shrub, Furnish and Plant 12” Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 18” Deciduous Shrub Furnish and Plant 2’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 3’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 4’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 5’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 6’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 7’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 8’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 9’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 10’ Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 1 Gallon Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 2 Gallon Deciduous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 6” Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant QUANTITY UNIT MGal CuYd CuYd Ton Ton SqYd Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 735E1309 735E1312 735E1315 735E1318 735E1320 735E1330 735E1340 735E1350 735E1360 735E1370 735E1380 735E1390 735E1400 735E1404 735E1405 735E1510 735E1520 735E2000 735E2020 735E2040 735E2060 735E2080 735E2100 735E2202 735E2203 735E2204 735E2205 735E2206 735E2207 735E2210 735E2212 735E2215 735E2217 735E2220 735E2230 735E2235 735E2240 735E2250 735E2260 735E2265 735E3000 735E3010 735E3100 735E4000 735E5010 735E5020 900E5152 900E5430 900E5149 900E5153 900E5156 900E5157 9” Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 12” Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 15” Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 18” Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 2’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 3’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 4’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 5’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 6’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 7’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 8’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 9’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant 10’ Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish and Plant Coniferous Evergreen, Furnish Coniferous Evergreen, Plant 1 Gallon Coniferous Shrub, Furnish and Plant 2 Gallon Coniferous Shrub, Furnish and Plant Tree Seedling, Furnish and Plant 2’ to 4’ Tree, Furnish and Plant 4’ to 6’ Tree, Furnish and Plant 6’ to 8’ Tree, Furnish and Plant 8’ to 10’ Tree, Furnish and Plant 10’ to 15’ Tree, Furnish and Plant 2’ Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 3’ Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 4’ Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 5’ Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 0.5” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 0.75” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 1” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 1.25” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 1.5” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 1.75” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 2” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 3” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 3.5” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 4” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 5” Caliper Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 5’ Whip, Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant 6’ Deciduous Tree, Furnish and Plant Salvage, Store, and Replant Shrub Salvage, Store, and Replant Tree Willow Cutting Tree Trimming 1 Gallon Ornamental Grass, Furnish and Plant 2 Gallon Ornamental Grass, Furnish and Plant Weed Barrier Fabric Irrigation System Landscaping Rock Mulch Ring 3” Depth Shredded Bark Mulch 4” Depth Shredded Bark Mulch Lump Sum Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each SqYd LS CuYd Each SqYd SqYd PROJECT STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA SHEET TOTAL SHEETS H2 H# PLACING TOPSOIL Modify the following paragraph to fit the project specifics. The thickness will be approximately 4 inches within the right-of-way and 6 inches on temporary easements. The estimated amount of topsoil to be placed is as follows: Station xx+xx xx+xx to Topsoil (CuYd) xx xx Station xx+xx xxx+xx Total: 0 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED TOPSOIL Modify the following paragraph to fit the project specifics. It is anticipated that a larger volume of topsoil will be needed for the new grade than can be salvaged from the existing grade. The Contractor will be required to furnish and place 4 inches of topsoil on roadway inslopes and areas as determined by the Engineer during construction. Contractor furnished topsoil shall be free from clay lumps, stones, coarse gravel, or similar objects larger than 1/2 inch in diameter. Brush, stumps, roots, wood, objectionable weeds, litter, or any other material which may be harmful to plant growth will not be allowed. Organic material shall be decomposed. All costs to furnish and place the Contractor furnished topsoil shall be incidental to the contract unit price per cubic yard for “Contractor Furnished Topsoil”. where multiple small areas are disturbed is not cost-effective and should be avoided. MYCORRHIZAL INOCULUM Add the following note to every project that includes permanent seeding or sodding. Mycorrhizal inoculum shall consist of mycorrhizal fungi spores and mycorrhizal fungi-infected root fragments in a solid carrier. The carrier may include organic materials, calcinated clay, or other materials consistent with application and good plant growth. The supplier shall provide certification of the fungal species claimed and the live propagule count. The inoculum shall include the following fungal species: Glomus intraradices Glomus aggregatu Glomus mosseae Glomus etunicatum 25% 25% 25% 25% Add the following paragraph when seeding with Type A, B, C, E, F, G, or other native grass seed mixture. All seed shall be inoculated by the seed supplier with a minimum of 100,000 live propagules of mycorrhizal fungi per acre. All costs of inoculating the seed shall be incidental to the contract unit price per pound for the corresponding permanent seed mixture. Add the following paragraph when seeding with Type D Permanent Seed Mixture or other urban turf seed mixture. All seed shall be inoculated by the seed supplier with a minimum of 20,000 live propagules of mycorrhizal fungi per 1,000 square feet. All costs of inoculating the seed shall be incidental to the contract unit price per pound for the corresponding permanent seed mixture. The following plan note is for an all-natural slow release fertilizer. This fertilizer may be used on native grass seed mixes (Types A-C, E-G) and is the preferred type of fertilizer for all other grass seed mixtures and sod because it doesn’t pollute water, burn seedlings, or cause weed proliferation due to its slow-release nature. Application rates vary and it is recommended that the western half of South Dakota receive 1,500 pounds per acre (or 2,000 pounds per acre on sites with steep slopes and grades) and that agricultural-grade soils typical to eastern portions of South Dakota receive 1,000 pounds per acre (or 1,500 pounds per acre on sites with steep slopes and grades). The Contractor shall apply an all-natural slow release fertilizer prior to seeding or placing sod. The all-natural fertilizer shall have a minimum guaranteed analysis of 4-6-4 and be USDA Certified BioBased. It should provide a minimum of 4% (N) nitrogen with a minimum water insoluble nitrogen (WIN) fraction of 3.2%, a minimum of 6% (P2O5) available phosphate, a minimum of 4% (K2O) soluble potash, and a maximum carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) of 5:1. The all-natural fertilizer shall be free of weed-seed and pathogens accomplished through thermophilic composting, and not mechanical or chemical sterilization, to assure presence of beneficial soil microbiology. The fertilizer shall have a near neutral pH, a low salt index, a low biological oxygen demand, contain organic humic and fulvic acids, and have high aerobic organism counts. The fertilizer shall also be stable, free of bad odors, and be unattractive as a food source for animals. It should also be in a granular form that is easily spread. The fertilizer shall be applied at a rate of 1,500 pounds per acre in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended method of application. The all-natural slow release fertilizer shall be as shown below or an approved equal: Add the following paragraph to projects that include sodding. Product Sustane Prior to placing sod, apply a minimum of 25,000 live propagules of inoculum per 1,000 square feet on bare soil. All costs of inoculating for the sod shall be incidental to the contract unit price per square yard for “Sodding”. Manufacturer Sustane Corporate Headquarters Cannon Falls, Minnesota Phone: 1-800-352-9245 The mycorrhizal inoculum shall be as shown below or an approved equal: OR Product MycoApply Manufacturer Mycorrhizal Applications, Inc. Grants Pass, OR Phone: 1-866-476-7800 Use the following at urban areas on Type D Permanent Seed Mixture. The application rate is 34 pounds per 1,000 square feet. OR Use the following at areas to be sodded. FERTILIZING Using all-natural slow release fertilizer: Use on grading projects, erosion and slide repairs, and other projects where 1 or more acres are disturbed. The biggest gains in vegetative establishment from the use of this fertilizer will be in western South Dakota. Use this fertilizer on urban grading projects seeded with Type D Permanent Seed Mixture. Consider using this fertilizer in eastern South Dakota on projects with steep grades and on projects in areas that have a history of erosion problems. Applying any type of fertilizer on ADA projects, guardrail improvement projects, and other projects The application rate is 9 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Synthetic fertilizer notes are listed below. Native grasses do not respond well to these fertilizers. This type of fertilizer tends to encourage the growth of weeds that compete with grass. Use the following note when a seed mix with native grasses is provided in the plans and the all-natural slow release fertilizer is not used. Application of fertilizer will not be required on this project. OR STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA PROJECT SHEET TOTAL SHEETS H3 H# The designer may choose to use the synthetic fertilizer notes listed below if they are using Type D Permanent Seed Mixture or Sodding and have chosen not to use the all-natural slow release fertilizer. When using the notes below, the all-natural slow release fertilizer notes must be deleted. The following synthetic fertilizer plan note may be used when Permanent Seed Mixture D is used. A commercial fertilizer with a minimum guaranteed analysis of 13-13-13, 18-46-0, 11-52-0, or an approved alternate fertilizer sold for use as a lawn starter fertilizer shall be applied to all areas designated for permanent seeding. The application rate of fertilizer shall be 100 pounds per acre. The following sentence shall replace the last sentence in the plan note above when there is less than one acre of seeding on a project. The application rate of fertilizer shall be 3 pounds per 1000 square feet. OR Sod will do well if it is fertilized with a starter fertilizer such as 11-52-0. The phosphorus in this fertilizer will help establish roots. Fertilizer should be incorporated so it doesn’t burn the roots. The following synthetic fertilizer plan note may be used when sod is to be placed. A commercial fertilizer with a minimum guaranteed analysis of 11-52-0 or an approved alternate fertilizer shall be applied to areas designated for sodding immediately before the sod is placed and incorporated into the soil to a depth of 2”. The application rate of fertilizer shall be 3 pounds per 1000 square feet. Canada Wildrye PERMANENT SEEDING Pawnee, Sunnyview Mandan OR 18 The following seed mixture is used for projects with less than 5 acres of disturbed ground. The following seed mixtures are the standard seed mixtures used by SDDOT. The Type F and Type G Permanent Seed Mixtures are recommended over the Type A and Type B Permanent Seed Mixtures as the Type F and Type G establish vegetative cover faster with the use of oats and wheat. Use the bid item that relates to the seed mixture provided in the plans. Delete the following seed mixtures that are not needed on the project. Canada wildrye, oats, spring wheat, and winter wheat have been included in some of the seed mixtures as a companion crop (sometimes called “nurse crop”) to provide quick cover and seedling protection. Grass Species Western Wheatgrass Canada Wildrye Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/Acre) Variety Arriba, Flintlock, Rodan, Rosana Mandan 2 18 The following turfgrass seed mixture was chosen for seeding boulevards on urban projects. There are many species and varieties of turfgrass to choose from depending on the location of the project and site conditions. In many cases a Special Seed Mixture may work better than the Type D Permanent Seed Mixture. A good resource for putting together a turfgrass seed mixture is the Extension Turf/Lawn Specialist at South Dakota State University. Type D Permanent Seed Mixture shall consist of the following: The following seed mixture is used typically west of the Missouri River. Type A Permanent Seed Mixture shall consist of the following: Grass Species Western Wheatgrass Green Needlegrass Sideoats Grama Blue Grama Canada Wildrye Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/Acre) Variety Arriba, Flintlock, Rodan, Rosana Lodorm Butte, Killdeer, Pierre, Trailway Bad River, Willis Mandan Total: Chewings Fescue 4 3 2 2 18 Type B Permanent Seed Mixture shall consist of the following: Western Wheatgrass Switchgrass Indiangrass Big Bluestem Variety Arriba, Flintlock, Rodan, Rosana Dacotah, Forestburg, Nebraska 28, Pathfinder, Summer, Sunburst, Trailblazer Holt, Tomahawk Bison, Bonilla, Champ, Perennial Ryegrass Creeping Red Fescue 7 The following seed mixture is used typically east of the Missouri River. Grass Species Kentucky Bluegrass Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/Acre) 7 3 3 3 Alkali Grass Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/1000 SqFt) Variety Avalanche, Appalachian, Wildhorse, Blue Bonnet Turf Type Varieties Epic, Boreal Ambrose, K2, VNS, Zodiac Fults, Fults II, Quill, Salty Total: 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 Green Needlegrass Blue Grama Canada Wildrye Dotted Gayfeather (Liatris punctata) Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) Blue Flax (Linum lewisii) Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia) Examples of other wildflowers native to the Black Hills that could be used in a wildflower seed mixture are: Upright Prairie Coneflower (Ratibida columnifera) Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) Blanket Flower (Gaillardia aristata) Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea) White Prairie Clover (Dalea candida) H4 H# 7 4 3 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Total: 20 The following seed mixture can be used as a substitute for Type A Permanent Seed Mixture on projects west of the Missouri River where there are steep grades, long backslopes, or erosive soils. Ten pounds of oats, spring wheat, or winter wheat are substituted for two pounds of Canada wildrye for quick cover. Canada wildrye is sufficient quick cover for typical projects. Keep in mind that including the oats, spring wheat, or winter wheat will provide competition for the permanent grasses. Type F Permanent Seed Mixture shall consist of the following: Grass Species Western Wheatgrass 7 TOTAL SHEETS Wildflowers 1.4 The Type E Permanent Seed Mixture is an example of a wildflower seed mixture that has been used in the Black Hills area where there is United States Forest Service, National Park Service, or SD Dept. of Game, Fish, and Parks lands adjacent to SDDOT highways. Wildflowers could be planted where they would be visible from the highway and on areas that would not be mowed or sprayed with herbicides. Wildflowers tend to grow naturally on areas where conditions are favorable. Type E Permanent Seed Mixture shall consist of the following: Arriba, Flintlock, Rodan, Rosana Lodorm Butte, Killdeer, Pierre, Trailway Bad River, Willis Mandan Western Wheatgrass 16 Total: Grass Species Variety Sideoats Grama Type C Permanent Seed Mixture shall consist of the following: The areas to be seeded consist of all newly graded areas within the project limits except for the top of roadways and temporary easements under cultivation. Grass Species SHEET Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/Acre) 2 Total: The areas to be seeded consist of all newly graded areas within the project limits except for the top of roadways, temporary easements under cultivation, and areas designated to be sod. PROJECT STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA Green Needlegrass Sideoats Grama Blue Grama Oats or Spring Wheat: April through May; Winter Wheat: August through November Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/Acre) Variety Arriba, Flintlock, Rodan, Rosana Lodorm Butte, Killdeer, Pierre, Trailway Bad River, Willis Total: 7 4 3 2 10 26 The following seed mixture can be used as a substitute for Type B Permanent Seed Mixture on projects east of the Missouri River where there are steep grades, long backslopes, or erosive soils. Ten pounds of oats, spring wheat, or winter wheat are substituted for two pounds of Canada wildrye for quick cover. Canada wildrye is sufficient quick cover for typical projects. Keep in mind that including the oats, spring wheat, or winter wheat will provide competition for the permanent grasses. Type G Permanent Seed Mixture shall consist of the following: Grass Species Western Wheatgrass Switchgrass Indiangrass Big Bluestem Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/Acre) Variety Arriba, Flintlock, Rodan, Rosana Dacotah, Forestburg, Nebraska 28, Pathfinder, Summer, Sunburst, Trailblazer Holt, Tomahawk Bison, Bonilla, Champ, Pawnee, Sunnyview 7 3 3 3 Oats or Spring Wheat: April through May; Winter Wheat: August through November 10 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA SODDING Sod shall be placed behind curb and gutter sections in residential areas at locations specified in the plans and at locations determined by the Engineer during construction. An estimated 18 Gallons of water per square yard of sod was used to compute the quantity for the bid item “Water for Vegetation”. All costs involved for watering the sod shall be incidental to the contract unit price per MGal for “Water for Vegetation”. WEED BARRIER FABRIC/LANDSCAPE FABRIC Weed barrier fabric shall be placed at the areas specified in the plans. Total: 26 Permanent Seed Mixtures Type A, B, C, and D were chosen for permanent seeding typical projects. Some projects will require a special permanent seed mixture because of the type of project, location of the project, type of soil, steepness of slopes, special request from adjacent landowners, etc. A good resource for putting together a special permanent seed mixture is the NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service). The following table format should be used for special permanent seed mixtures. If there is more than 1 special permanent seed mixture, another seed mixture table should be added and consecutively numbered. Weed barrier fabric shall be anchored to the ground with 6” U shaped staples. The staples shall be placed at a 4’ spacing along all edges, overlaps, and throughout the area of weed barrier fabric. The weed barrier fabric shall be overlapped 4” between rolls. Weed barrier fabric shall be measured to the nearest square yard. Measurement of the overlaps will not be made. All costs for furnishing, handling, and placing the weed barrier fabric including the materials, equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary shall be incidental to the contract unit price per square yard for “Weed Barrier Fabric”. The weed barrier fabric shall be provided from the list below or an approved alternate: Weed Barrier Fabric/Landscape Fabric Special Permanent Seed Mixture 1 shall consist of the following: Grass Species Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/Acre) Variety Product Green Line Ground Cover Thrace-LINQ, Inc. Summerville, SC Phone: 1-800-445-4675 Green Line Landscape Thrace-LINQ, Inc. Summerville, SC Phone: 1-800-445-4675 Purple Line Landscape Thrace-LINQ, Inc. Summerville, SC Phone: 1-800-445-4675 Geotex 351 Propex Inc. Chattanooga, TN Phone: 1-800-621-1273 Earthscape 4530 Propex Inc. Chattanooga, TN Phone: 1-800-621-1273 Mirafi Mscape TenCate Geosynthetics Pendergrass, GA Phone: 1-706-693-2226 Mirafi Mscape Plus TenCate Geosynthetics Pendergrass, GA Phone: 1-706-693-2226 Total: Special Permanent Seed Mixture 2 shall consist of the following: Grass Species Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Pounds/Acre) Variety Manufacturer Total: Typar Professional Landscape Fabric 3301 PROJECT Fiberweb, Inc. Old Hickory, TN Phone: 1-800-382-8467 SHEET TOTAL SHEETS H5 H# GENERAL PLANTING NOTES All plants, trees, and shrubs shall conform to or exceed minimum quality standards as defined by the American Nursery and Landscaping Association, current edition of American Standard for Nursery Stock, and shall be purchased from a Landscape Nursery. Plants, trees, and shrubs furnished shall be of the same genus, species, cultivar, and size as specified in the plans. Species and variety may be substituted only by the approval of the Engineer. Each plant, tree, and shrub shall have an identification label. All costs for furnishing, handling, and placing the shredded bark mulch including the materials, equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary shall be incidental to the contract unit price per square yard for “ 4” Depth Shredded Bark Mulch”. TABLE OF FIBER MULCHING Station xx+xx xx+xx to Station xx+xx xxx+xx L/R X X Total: All plants, trees, and shrubs shall bear the same relationship to the finished grade as the plant’s original grade before digging. All plants, trees, and shrubs shall be planted in accordance with all the drawings and specifications included in the plans. All costs for furnishing, handling, and placing the mulch rings including the materials, equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary shall be incidental to the contract unit price per each for “Mulch Ring”. Planting locations for each individual species shall be identified prior to planting. Location shall be approved by the Engineer prior to installation. MULCHING (GRASS HAY OR STRAW) All plants, trees, and shrubs shall be fertilized. Within 2 hours after being planted, plants, trees, and shrubs shall be watered to thoroughly saturate the backfill soil as this provides settlement and filling of voids in the backfill. As soon as the initial planting is completed, the Engineer shall visually inspect plants, trees, and shrubs for health, vigor, and condition, and shall at that time accept or reject them. The Contractor shall provide a one year warranty for all plants, trees, and shrubs. After one year from initial planting, the Engineer shall make an inspection and dead, unhealthy, or otherwise not acceptable plants, trees, and shrubs shall be replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the State. All costs for furnishing, handling, storing, fertilizing, and planting the plants, trees, and shrubs including the materials, equipment, labor, preparation of the ground, initial watering if irrigation system is not in place, clean up of the planted areas, and the warranty, shall be incidental to the contract unit price per each for the corresponding “Plant, Tree, and Shrub, Furnish and Plant” bid item. LANDSCAPING ROCK The landscaping rock shall be placed at a thickness of 3 inches at planting bed areas as shown in the plans. The landscaping rock shall be (include specifications or description of landscaping rock). An additional xx tons of Grass Hay or Straw Mulch has been added to the Estimate of Quantities for temporary erosion control on areas determined by the Engineer during construction. FIBER MULCHING Fiber mulch shall be applied in a separate operation following permanent seeding. The fiber mulch products in the approved products list contain tackifier premixed at a rate of 3% by weight. The designer may choose to add additional tackifier to the fiber mulch mix to increase performance and erosion control by increasing the bonding of the wood fibers to each other and to the soil. An additional 2% by weight of tackifier shall be added to the fiber mulch product selected from the approved product list. If the product selected has guar gum tackifier included, then the additional 2% of tackifier shall be guar gum. If the product selected has synthetic tackifier included, then the additional 2% of tackifier shall be synthetic. The designer may choose to vary the application rate of fiber mulch typically from 2000 pounds per acre to 3000 pounds per acre based on slope and soil conditions. Use the following paragraph only if the rate is other than 2000 pounds per acre. Fiber mulch shall be applied at the rate of 3000 pounds per acre. The Contractor shall provide a sample of the landscaping rock to the Engineer for approval two weeks prior to installation. The Contractor shall allow the fiber mulch to cure a minimum of 18 hours prior to watering or any storm event to ensure proper cohesion between the soil and fiber particles. All costs for furnishing, handling, and placing the landscaping rock including the materials, equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary shall be incidental to the contract unit price per cubic yard for “Landscaping Rock”. All costs for the additional tackifier added to the fiber mulch including labor, equipment, and materials shall be incidental to the contract unit price per pound or ton for “Fiber Mulching”. SHREDDED BARK MULCH The fiber mulch provided shall be from the approved product list. The approved product list for fiber mulch may be viewed at the following internet site: Shredded pine or cedar bark mulch shall be placed at a thickness of 4 inches in areas shown on the plans after plants are planted. SHEET TOTAL SHEETS H6 H# Use the appropriate unit for your project in the table below and corresponding bid item. Bid items are available with units of either “Ton” or “Lb”. MULCH RING Trees located in the shelterbelt shall receive a mulch ring with a minimum diameter of 4 feet and a minimum thickness of 4 inches placed around each individual tree. PROJECT STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA Quantity (Ton or Lb) xx xx xx