Topics: Power and Leadership

St. Catherine University
MAOL Program
ORLD 7490 – T01
CRN #21734
Power and Leadership
3 credits
Prerequisites: ORLD 6200
Fridays, 6:00 pm – 9:00pm
Jan. 6, 13, 27, Feb. 10 and 24,
March 2-8 (online), March 16 and
Mendel 109
Course Syllabus*
Instructor Information:
Katherine Curran, Ph.D.
Office Hours: 5:00 – 6:00 pm by appointment on class nights
Office: Fontbonne 304B
This course will help students better understand and use personal and
organizational power within the context of organizations as political
systems. Emphasis will be placed on differentiating between genderstereotyped leadership skills, and assisting students in identifying their
leadership style in terms of masculine/feminine uses of power. The
course will increase students' comfort in using such arguably
masculine skills as negotiating, influencing, and building coalitions;
using chits, competition, and team roles; as well as identifying similar
skills and behaviors of a less visible feminine culture at work.
Grounded in the theories surrounding these concepts, the course
focuses on students' awareness of, and ability to use, the types of
power available to them, and how to build political skills as a
complement to their other leadership abilities. The issues of ethical
and unethical uses of power and politics within organizations will be
addressed. Students will identify whether and when they would use
certain types of power and political skill, based on their personal
ethics, leadership style, and case study situations. The final project is
to develop a political change strategy about a situation they care
The instructor reserves the right to alter the requirements of the syllabus, upon prior notification to the
students, in class.
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
By the end of the semester, given lectures, readings, class discussions,
reflection, research and writing, participants will have:
Increased their level of sophistication in terms of understanding
organizations as political systems, and notions of power and politics
(Lead responsibly)
Increased their level of comfort and skill in dealing with political
dynamics (Manage strategically)
Increased their awareness of the types of power available and how
to use them (Act with confidence)
Increase their ability to make thoughtful choices about when and
where to use various types of power (Make ethical decisions)
Increased their ability to bring about outcomes participants care
about in organizational situations, politically charged and otherwise.
(Understand and lead organizational change)
DeLuca, J., Political Savvy, 1999 Evergreen Press, Berwyn PA
Hagberg, J., Real Power: Stages of Personal Power in Organizations,
2003, Sheffield Publishing Co., Salem WI.
Articles/Book Chapters
Morgan, Gareth, Images of Organization, 2006, Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publications
Chapter 6, Interests, Conflicts and Power:
Organizations as
Political Systems, pages 149-201
Heim, Pat, and Susan K. Murphy, In the Company of
Women: Indirect Aggression Among Women, 2001, NY:
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam
Chapter 3, From the XX Files: The Origins of
Woman-to-Woman Conflict, pp. 68 -83
Chapter 4, Lessons from Childhood, pp. 84-106
Chapter 5, The Bitch Factor: Indirect Aggression,
pp 107 – 127
Kindlon, Dan and Michael Thompson, Raising Cain, 1999, NY:
Ballantine Books/Random House
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
Chapter 3, The High Cost of Harsh Discipline, pp.
Chapter 4, The Culture of Cruelty, pp. 72-93
Pipher, Mary, Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls,
First Ballentine Books edition: March 1995
Chapters 1 through 3, pages 17 – 73
Valerio, Anna Marie, Developing Women Leaders: A Guide for Men
and Women in Organizations, 2009, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell,
ISBN 978-1-4051-8370-3
Chapter 3, What Women and Men Need to Know
About Leadership and Its Development, pp.25-44
Chapter 4, CEOs and Human Resource Executives
Can Develop Talented Women, pp. 47 – 70
Chapter 5, What Managers Can Do to Develop
Talented Women, pp. 71 – 98
Eagly, Alice and Linda Carli, Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About
How Women Become Leaders, 2007, Boston: Harvard business School
Publishing Corp, ISBN-13: 978-1-4221-1691-3
Chapter 10, How Do Some Women Find Their Way
Through the Labyrinth?, pp. 161-182
Azab Powell, Bonnie, Framing the Issues: UC Berkeley professor
George Lakoff tells how conservatives use language to dominate
politics, UC Berkeley News, 27 October 2003
Written Assignments, in general
I expect your written work to be at a graduate school level. That
means complete sentences and paragraphs that hang together; also a
logical flow from one paragraph to the next. In addition, if you state
that something is the case, it is not enough to say that you “feel” this
is so. I expect you to build an argument for why you avow something
when you are writing persuasively. For reflection papers, particularly,
I expect you to employ reflective thinking, which is a process of
constructing meaningful knowledge by integrating existing
understandings to new experiences and bodies of knowledge. Please
use APA style for citing references used in papers. I am also fairly
particular about grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Please proof
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
your work before you turn it in. I may suggest that you connect with
the O’Neill Writing Center for help with your writing style if it does not
generally meet the criteria discussed above, and further specified in
the chart immediately below. Please don’t take this as evidence of a
failure; many of us who return to graduate school after spending time
in the work force need to brush up on scholarly skills, and clear writing
is one of them.
Presentation Assignment, in general
In grading presentation assignments I am looking at your ability to
present material in a clear concise manner so your colleagues can
learn from it. I am looking for methods that will help these ideas
become real to your colleagues. I expect you to have simple, clear
handouts and/or, for the final presentation, storyboards that illustrate
your main points
Participation, in general
In class discussion by all students, comments, examples and questions
are invited, welcome, and required. If you attend class and do not
speak, you will receive a low grade for participation. If you are
comfortable with the material, comment and provide examples; if you
are just learning this material and unsure, then ask questions.
Individual assignments can be found in Blackboard on the
Assignments menu, along with specific grading rubrics for each
General Grading Guidelines
Three Written Assignments – 45%
Class participation in discussions– 15%
Class participation in building a culture model – 5%
Final project – 35%
 10% presentation
 25% paper
All assignments are graded A through F. In general, grading criteria for
each written assignment include the following:
A level work
Clear, compelling introduction/framing of the paper’s
Clear description of how you will build your line of
reasoning or reflection throughout the paper
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
B level work
C level work
D level work
F level work
Comprehensive inclusion of the assignment’s main points
Effective use of cited references
Original ideas with unusual insight
o For reflection papers, evidence that attempts
were made along several dimensions of the
topic to spur personal reflection and insight
Well thought through conclusions that address all key
issues in the paper
Clean, stimulating writing style
Introduction/framing of the paper’s purpose is included
Description of how you will build your line of reasoning or
reflection throughout the paper is included
Inclusion of most important assignment topics
Competent use of cited references
Generally good, solid reasoning
o For reflection papers, evidence that attempts
were made along more than one dimension of
the topic to spur personal reflection and insight
Conclusion section is present, tied to paper’s purpose and
include some thought out conclusions
Clear and interesting writing style; no significant errors
Sketchy introduction/framing of the paper’s purpose
Sketchy description of how you will build your line of
reasoning or reflection throughout the paper
Cited references are minimal
Paper overlooks some key assignment points or discusses
only obvious ones
o For reflection papers, evidence that attempts
were made along one dimension of the topic to
spur personal reflection and insight
Conclusions include only some of the paper’s topics
Writing style is clear but contains some errors
Vague or missing introduction/framing of the paper’s
Vague or missing description of how you will build your line
of reasoning or reflection
Discussion lacks understanding of the issues
o For reflection papers, little or no evidence that
attempts were made to tie personal insight to
the paper’s topic
Cited references are missing
Vague or missing conclusions
Writing style is difficult to follow
Missing assignment
Particularly for C-D work, I will try to indicate on your paper what is
missing, and/or what it would take to raise your grade to the B level.
If you receive a paper with a B and want to raise it to an A, if you are
not sure what to do given my feedback, please feel free to ask me.
The quality of learning of the class as a whole depends on the engaged
and prepared attendance of each class member. In turn, the group
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
experience cannot be replicated through individual papers or reading.
Students’ grades will be based in part on attendance, timeliness,
preparation and active participation. Students who fail to attend two
or more class sessions may be dropped from the course. Students are
expected to inform the instructor if they will miss a class in advance.
A grade of Incomplete is given only in cases of dire emergency. See
the MAOL Handbook, the Graduate Catalogue or the on-line
Incomplete Form for information about under what circumstances an
incomplete grade can be given. Published deadlines must be adhered
to when filing for an Incomplete and when completing the required
Academic Integrity
Students will be expected to comply with University policies and
procedures regarding academic integrity as spelled out in Le Guide.
Independent work is required on all class work, exams and projects
without express instructions from the instructor regarding assignments
involving collaboration and teamwork. All written work is to be the
student’s original work with correct APA citations for all outside
sources from which ideas, language or quotations are derived.
Plagiarism is the act of passing off someone else’s work as your own.
It includes such dishonest practices as buying, borrowing or stealing a
paper to turn in as your own or simply copying someone else’s words
without putting them in quotation marks and identifying the author
and source. Most students are not so dishonest as to buy or steal a
paper. Many students, however, inadvertently plagiarize because they
do not realize that what they are doing is, in fact, plagiarism and thus
dishonest. Avoiding plagiarism is much more complicated than simply
not copying other people’s work.
In an attempt to avoid plagiarizing, students often paraphrase the
passages they want to use. Basically, paraphrasing is stating
something in different words. As such, it is a useful device. The
problem is that is can lead you to unintentional plagiarism if it is not
done properly. Changing a few words in a passage and then using it in
your paper without documentation is plagiarism. Changing a few words
and then using it in your paper even with proper documentation is also
plagiarism. When you paraphrase other people’s ideas, you have two
choices: 1) you may quote the passage exactly, put it in quotation
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
marks, and cite it; or 2) you may change the wording of the passage
so that the ideas are explained substantially in your own words and
cite it. Anything in between is plagiarism.
One reason some students inadvertently plagiarize is the pressure they
feel to come up with new ideas, to be original, even with topics that
they know little about. In academic settings such as college courses, it
is difficult if not impossible to come up with totally original ideas,
especially on topics with which you are unfamiliar. When an instructor
asks for original thinking, she/he often means thinking through ideas
to find your own perspective on them and then expressing those ideas
in your own way. In doing so, you may and often should use other
people’s ideas to add to or support your own. When you do so,
however, you must give them credit.
O’Neill Center for Academic Development
Please note: Plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the specific
assignment in question, will impact the student’s final course grade
and will result in Academic Probation.
Disability Statement
Students with disabilities who believe that they may need
accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Office of
Resources for Disabilities X6563 as soon as possible. If you have a
documented disability that requires accommodation, please provide
the instructor with the accommodation plan at the first class session.
Grading of student work will be based on criteria included for each
assignment. Students wishing to adjust an assignment to better meet
individual learning needs may negotiate with the instructor to
determine whether a fair and equitable alternative is workable.
Evaluation of courses and instructor by students is an important aspect
of the MAOL Program’s review process. Students will have an
opportunity to evaluate instructional effectiveness, relevance of course
content, assigned readings and texts, assignments, evaluation
methods and the quality of the learning experiences.
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
MAOL Program Final Course Assignment Pick-up Policy
 To comply with FERPA privacy regulations, MAOL students
have two options to retrieve final course assignments:
 OPTION #1:
 Students may submit their final assignment to their instructor
with a self-addressed, pre-paid stamped envelope in which the
instructor will mail the graded assignment back to the students.
 Team assignments must include a cover sheet listing the
designated name and address where the assignment should be
 OPTION #2:
 Students may pick up their final assignments at the
WEC/Graduate Student Office, 203 Derham Hall.
 Students will be required to show their St. Catherine University
ID and may not pick up assignments for classmates.
 Team assignments must be submitted to the instructor with a
cover sheet listing the designated name for assignment pick-up.
The team assignment will not be released to any other team
 Faculty will deliver course assignments alphabetized to the
WEC/Graduate Student Office within 48 hours of submitting final
grades. Final grades for winter term are due April 8, 2012.
Final papers will be delivered to the WEC Office by April 10,
 Students may pick up their work from the WEC/Graduate
Student Office, Derham Hall 203 during office hours. 651-6906542
Winter term papers will be held until May 20, 2012.
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
Please note: MAOL instructors spend significant time
commenting on student work and believe that learning occurs
when students review their work and reflect on feedback.
Students are strongly encouraged to retrieve final
assignments and add them to their Leadership Portfolios.
ORLD 7490: Power and Leadership, Winter 2012
Jan 6
Jan 13
Jan 27
Feb 10
Feb 24
March 2-8
Mar 16
Mar 23
Introduction to each other; expectations
Stages of power (Hagberg) card exercise
Definitions of power and organization politics
Relational bases of power
Discuss writing
Lecture: definition of politics; organizations as
intersections of power, conflict and interests. How
politics appear in different types of organizations
Activity: map one or more case studies from
instructor for power, conflicts and interests
Discuss writing
Lecture and discussion on Stages 1-3 of Hagberg
Power dead even rule;
Video Power Dead Even
Case study: Mary’s Story
Masculine/feminine cultures at work
Feminine system politics
Readings Due
Hagberg, Introduction
Assignments Due
Morgan, Chapter 6:
Interests, conflicts and
power: organizations as
political systems
DeLuca, pp. 1-51, What
is political savvy? How
does it relate to ethics?
Hagberg, chapters 1, 2,
3: Powerlessness, Power
by Association, Power by
Heim and Murphy, Ch. 35
Valerio, ch. 3-5
See BB for assignment due
on 1/13: reflection on
bases/stages of power
Masculine and feminine as examples of cultures
Culture’s influence on power and organizational
Political skills lecture
Brainstorm ideas for final assignments
Stage 4 and the Wall of Hagberg
Brainstorm ideas for final assignment
Pipher Ch. 1-3,
Kindlon Ch. 3 - 4,
Bennett (to be handed
out in class)
Workshop on final projects
Through the labyrinth to the top; Hagberg Stages
5 and 6
Final work on unanswered questions
Presentations and celebration
Hagberg, Chapters 6 -7;
Eagly, Chapter 10
ORLD 6490: Power and Leadership, Fall 2010
Hagberg, Chapters 4-5
De Luca, Chapters 4-11
Hagberg, Chapter
Chapter 12
See BB for assignment due
on 1/27: analyze a political
system according to power,
conflicts and interests
See BB for class
participation assignment due
on 2/10: feminine and
masculine cultures at work
See BB for assignment due
during online week: reflect
on how your culture and
See BB for final assignment
ORLD 6490: Power and Leadership, Fall 2010