
Part One: Physical Geography
and Earth’s surface System
Chapter 1
Physical Geography and Human Environment
Chapter 2
The earth and the Earth’s Surface Environment
Chapter 3
The Earth’s Surface Environment and the Earth’s
Surface System
Chapter 1 Physical Geography and
Human Environment
• Section 1 Physical geography problem in
daily life
• Section 2 What is physical geography about?
• Section 3 Natures of the physical geography
• Section 4 Physical geography and earth’s
surface system
ws on Daxing’anling Mountain in winter but in Hainan island it is a
cene, the forest growing well in some places, but these is even no any
plants in some other places, why?
Natural hazards such as Tsunami, storm surge, dust storm, debris flow, landslide
have great harms on human life, how do they develop and how to prevent them?
Why does the sun rise do not at the same time in different places?
Why earthquake and volcano eruption occur?
Research object of
physical geography
Physical geography is mainly about regional
characters,laws of zonality and development
process of natural environment of the Earth’s
surface. On the other words, the research
objects of physical geography are regional
characters, spacial distributions and laws of
development of the nature system of earth’s
Research content of physical geography
• 1) Composition, structure and laws of regional distribution of
natural environment of the Earth’s surface system.
• 2) Development of natural environment of the Earth’s surface
• 3) The evolvement mechanism (material cycle, energy
transformation, information transmission) of the natural
environment of Earth’s surface system.
• 4) Interaction between human being and the nature environment
of Earth’s surface system.
• 5) Evaluation, prediction, planning and management,
optimization,regulation and control of the Earth’s surface system.
Purpose and significance of
physical geography
B y e v a l u a t i o n , p re d i c t i o n , p l a n n i n g a n d
management, optimization,regulation and control on
the Earth’s surface system,
human being can
conserve and exploit environment properly, coexist
harmonically with nature, and ensure sustainable
development of the whole society.
Character of
physical geography
• 1、Synthesis : Physical geography is a intersecting
subject and has relation with many subjects.
• 2 、 Regionality: Regional character,
relation, and regional differentiation are main
realm of Physical geography.
• 3 、 Environmentality:
Environment of the Earth’s
surface system, which human being depended on, is
the research object of physical geography.
• 4 、 Systematically: The environment of earth’s
surface, which called as the earth’s surface
Definition of physical geography
Physical geography is mainly about composition,
structure, regional differentiation, development of
the natural environment of earth’s surface system.
By systematical, synthetical, regional
and methods, we can
evaluate, predict, plan,
manage, optimize, regulate and control the Earth’s
surface system.
Physical geography and the earth’s
surface system
The earth is a huge system. The earth system can be divided
into the earth’s surface system and Subterrestrial system. The
earth’s surface system can be divided into natural system and
human system. Physical geography is mainly on the Earth’s
natural surface system.
human system
Extraterrestrial system
The earth’s
surface system
(Geography )
(Humanic geography)
Natural system
(Physical geography)
The earth system
Subterrestrial system
( Geology)
Relation between physical
geography and other subjects
The Earth’s surface system
consists of
hydrosphere, lithosphere and
biosphere. The relevant subjects
are meteorology, hydrology, geology
and biology. Physical geography
covers the four subjects and
synthesizes them to an entity. So it
can be said that physical geography
is an intersecting subject on
met eo rolo gy, hy dro logy,
geology and biology
Physical geography
Relation between physical geography
and other subjects
Chapter 2 The earth and the
Earth’s Surface Environment
• Section 1
The earth in universe
• Section 2
Impact of extraterrestrial system on
the Earth’s surface environment
• Section 3
Impact of subterrestrial system on
the Earth’s surface environment
Chapter 2
The Earth in universe
1、The distance from the sun to the earth and the environment significance :
The distance is neither too short
nor too long, creating suitable
condition for life origin.
2、 The mass of the earth and its environmental effect :
The mass of the earth is neither too big nor too small, so the gravitation
on it is moderate, atmosphere and hydrosphere could be formed, providing
suitable condition for origin of life.
3、The shape of the Earth and its geographic significance:
The shape of the Earth result in zonal distribution of solar energy and
relevant factors (such as climate, soil, vegetation etc.) on the Earth’s surface.
Chapter 2
The earth in universe
4、 movements of the earth and their environmental significance :
1) Rotation of the earth and its geographic significance
Rotation of the earth results in subrogation of day and night;
Rotation of the Earth results in local hour;
Rotation of Earth results in Deflection force on the earth.
2) Revolution of the earth and its geographic significance
Revolution of the earth results in change of seasons;
Revolution of the earth results in change of day and night length;
Revolution of the earth has great significance for adjusting the Earth’s
surface temperature and origin of life.
Chapter 2
Impact of extraterrestrial system
on the earth’s surface environment
1、Source of energy
The energy that maintains development of the earth’s
surface system mainly comes from solar radiation. As a result
of zonal difference of solar radiation that earth’s surface
accepted, planetary wind belt, monsoon, water circulation,
ocean current and weathering were formed.
2、 Effect of gravitation
The sun’s and other planets ’ gravitation leads the earth
moving along steady orbit, period and velocity.
As a result of the Sun’s and the Moon’s gravity, the tide was
formed on the Earth.
Chapter 2
Impact of extraterrestrial system
on the earth’s surface environment
3、 Environmental effect of meteorite
Meteorite can conduce earthquake
Meteorite can change landforms of the earth’s surface,
produce Meteorite pit and ring mountain.
Meteorite can lead hazards to the earth’s surface environment.
Meteorite can also lead lithosphere breaking, induce the Plate
breaking and moving.
4、Impact of other universe factors
There is material exchange between the earth’s surface system
and extraterrestrial system .
The solar activity . The solar wind.
Chapter 2
Impact of subterrestrial system
on the earth’s surface system
1、Source of the energy
Solar radiation is the main energy source of the earth’s
surface system, but subterrestrial system also impacts the
earth’s surface system.
2、 Material exchange
There exists continuous material exchange between
subterrestrial system and the earth’s surface system.
3、The other environment effects of subterrestrial activity
Subterrestrial activity also has other impacts on the
earth’s surface system. volcano, earthquake; movement and
transformation of Centrosphere and Mantle material are
Chapter 3 The Earth’s Surface Environment
and the Earth’s surface system
• Section 1
Components of the earth’s surface system
• Section 2
Structure of the earth’s surface system
• Section 3
Functions of the earth’s surface system
• Section 4
The earth’s surface environment and the Man
Chapter 3
Four spheres of the
Earth’s surface system
The Earth can be divided
into interior spheres and
exterior spheres. the interior
spheres include the earth ’s
crust(A), mantle(B),
The exterior spheres include lithosphere, atmosphere,
hydrosphere and biosphere. Lithosphere is composed of solid
rocks in earth’s surface system; Atmosphere is composed of
gases that surround the earth; Hydrosphere is composed of all
forms of water in earth’s surface system ;
Biosphere is
composed of all living organism in the earth’s surface system.
Chapter 3
Human being in the Earth’s
surface system
Human being is a part of biosphere, but human being has
essential disparity with other living things. Relations between
Human being and the Earth’s surface system can be described
as follow:
(1) Human being is a part of the biosphere, but it is different
from other living things.
(2) Human live in the common boundary face of four spheres.
The four spheres of the Earth’s surface system provide suitable
environment for human origin.
(3) Human have great impacts on four spheres of the Earth’s
surface system .
Human and four spheres act on one another, forming the
earth’s surface system .
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Three kingdoms
Physical environment usually be divided into
inorganic kingdom and organic kingdom, however,
that theory seems cannot explain the Earth’s surface
system perfectly, for it cannot well illustrate human
being’s action on environment and relations between
human and nature, it is necessary to emphasize
human being’s function, so human kingdom was put
forward, we can say that the earth’s surface system
is composed of inorganic kingdom , organic
kingdom and
human kingdom,
three kingdoms acted on one another.
Chapter 3
Inorganic kingdom
Organic kingdom
Human kingdom
Chapter 3
Structure of the earth’s
surface system
1 、Vertical sphere:
Vertical spheres of the Earth system are very clear: from centrosphere,
mantle, the earth's crust to hydrosphere, atmosphere etc. Atmosphere also
can be divided into troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere
and exosphere.
2 、 Horizontal differentiation:
It is horizontal difference of physical environment.
3、The stereo intersectional structure :
Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere consist the earth’s
surface environment, they are not absolutely separate, but interact on one
another, forming a stereo intersectional structure.
4、The multilevel nesting:
Different scale environment systems are intercrossed and overlapped,
they interact on one another.
Chapter 3
Function of
the earth’s surface system
1、Material transmission, energy flow, information transfer
In general, a system has functions of material transmission,
energy flow, information transfer.
Vertical direction,
There exist material transmission, energy flow, information
transfer among various spheres and sub-spheres.
Horizontals direction,
There exist material transmission, energy flow, information
transfer among oceans , continents and regions.
There exist material transmission, energy flow, information
transfer among biosphere and other spheres
Chapter 3
functions of
the earth’s surface system
2. Predictable and adjustable system
Changes of the earth’s surface system can be
predicted by material transmission, energy flow and
information transfer. In order to optimize regulate
and control earth’s surface system, We can alter the
structure and the development trend of the system by
interfering its material transmission, energy flow and
information transfer.
Chapter 3
the earth’s surface environment
and the Man
1、 Impact of the earth’s surface environment on human being
 Evolvement of the earth’s surface environment and human origin.
 Human is the product of the earth’s surface environment development.
 Regional differentiation of the earth’s surface and three human race.
 Impact of the earth’s surface environment on population distribution.
 Element composition of the earth’s surface and human health.
 Impact of hazards on human being
 Impact of the earth’s surface environment on the society development
Elements in the earth’s surface and
human health
Average content of element
Average content of element in man’s blood(ug/ml)
Average content of element in Earth’s crust rock (ug/g)
in Earth’s crust rock
Average content of
element in man’s blood
Ordinal of Element’s atom
Chapter 3
Human being and
the earth’s surface system
2、Impacts of human being on the earth’s surface environment
changing structure of
the earth’s surface environment
Affecting velocity of
the earth’s surface
environment change
Affecting energy
balance of the earth’s
surface environment
Altering evolution
direction of the earth’s
surface environment
Impacts of
Human being
Affecting material
circulation of the earth’s
surface environment
resources consumption
and resources waste
Chapter 3
Human being and
the earth’s surface system
3. harmonious relation between human being and environment
prevention and
cure of the
topics in “the 21st century
agenda of China ”
Resource, environment,
population and sustainable
main realm of
geography research
陈 霞