Provide input for Weekly News Journal

Golden Falcons
Battalion Training
For all Commanders and Staff Officers
As of December 2, 2014
Key Events/Duties
Review Fall Drill Meet Tasking Order NLT 10 Sep. (S3
Establish Staff Suspense Date Calendar on the WEB
(Webmaster Primary) NLT 15 Sep.
Contact all County JROTC XO’s NLT 26 Sep.
Develop Ceremony/Key Events Binders NLT 1 Oct.
Serve on the Cadet of the Month Board
Conduct Cadet of the Month Board rehearsals NLT the
1st Tuesday of each month (S1 Primary).
 Review and Update Calendar.
Provide S5 with Monthly Newsletter Input NLT the 15th
 Review all JUMS input for all Staff Sections.
of each month.
 Review Unit Report and provide recommendations.
Review Golden Medallion Ceremony Tasking Order
(XOAI Primary) .
 Work on assigned events coordination
Review Cadet of the Month Board Tasking Order (S2
and Tasking Orders.
Coordinate for Norwayne Visit and develop Tasking
 Review next two weeks Training Schedules.
Review JROTC Overview Brochure Tasking Order (S5
 Review Long Term Training Events 3-6 Weeks.
Provide input for Weekly News Journal every
 Review Risk Assessments and provide to BC
Wednesday to S5.
for signature.
Review Military Ball Tasking Order (S1 Primary).
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
Review Cadet Challenge Tasking Order (S3
 Spot Check Cadet Portfolios.
Coordinate for Armed Forces Day Announcement and
develop Tasking Order.
Review Best Company Tasking Order (S3 Primary).
 Review Training Updates and Project Taskings
Review Recruiter Day Tasking Order (XOAI Primary).
on the Website
February 2015
 Review Tasking Orders (Send to BN CDR for signature). Update Calendar thru
OPLAN input for 2 Semester 2015.
 Receive Calendar input from S3.
 Review Tasking Orders.
 Review all Company Uniform Inspection Sheets
from prior Uniform Day.
 Work on assigned events coordination and
Tasking Orders.
 Update Personnel/Academic Data in JUMS.
 Post Promotion Orders and Awards Orders on
Bulletin Board and provide a PDF copy to the S5 for posting on the
 Provide Calendar input to the S3.
 Provide Updated Roster to Company Commanders of all
Cadets with incomplete inprocessing paperwork.
 Review all Company Uniform Inspection Sheets
from previous Uniform Day.
 Update Personnel Data in JUMS.
 Receive request for Promotions/Awards
from company's for Thursday.
 Review and update Cadet Portfolios
 Provide Academic Excellence Award
 Review supplies on hand and update the S4 on shortages.
 Update Personnel Data in JUMS.
 Provide Promotion Orders and Awards Orders to
SAI/AI’s for signature.
 Review Long Range Training Events 2-6 Weeks with S3.
 Provide Promotion Orders and Awards Orders to the Company’s
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
 Update Personnel Data in JUMS.
 Update Task Organization Chart
 Place all orders in Cadet Portfolios
 Review training calendar for next week.
 Update current roster with allergies/illnesses by company to the
First Aid Pack
Key Events/Duties
Add current roster with allergies/medication from
company to the First Aid Pack NLT friday
Update all current Cadet Records NLT Monday
*Personal Data/LET Level/Grade Level
Provide Cadet Challenge Certificates NLT TBA (S2
Provide Best Company Certificates NLT TBA
Update Task Organization Chart monthly provide
to S5 Webmaster NLT the 15th of each month.
Cadet of the Month Board Certificates NLT 2ND
Wednesday of each Month (S2 Primary)
Provide S5 with Monthly Newsletter Input NLT the
15th of each month.
Provide input for Weekly News Journal every
Wednesday to S5.
Serve as a member of the Cadet of the Month Board
OPLAN input for 2nd Semester 2015.
 Post weather forecast for week.
 Conduct Briefing to Alpha & Bravo Company
on Risk/Weather for the week.
 Review Calendar.
 Work on Risk Assessments (RA).
 Conduct Security Spot Checks.
 Monitor Weather/Update.
 Review Training Calendar.
 Work on Risk Assessments, assigned Tasking Orders and
designated security duties.
 Ensure all Sensitive Item sign-in and sign-out logs
are maintained and accurate.
 Conduct Security Spot Checks.
 Monitor Weather/Update.
 Review Long Term Training Events 2-6 Months with S3.
 Provide PT/ Tasking Orders Risk Assessments
to BN S3 for Signature.
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
 Conduct Security Spot Checks.
Key Events/Duties
Develop sensitive items Rifles/Sabre Cards and update as new
Cadets are selected to Armed Drill Team and Sabre Team NOW
Ensure all room access roosters are up to date 830 TM
Provide Cadet of the Month Board Tasking Order to S3 NLT 8 Oct
Provide Best Company Tasking Order Risk Assessment to S3 NLT
 Develop a Cold Weather Class NLT 8 Dec.
Provide Christmas Holiday Safety Briefing to BN XO NLT 12 Dec.
Develop Risk Assessment Information Briefing and provide
to Company's (Weekly).
 Conduct 100% Monthly Sensitive Items inspections
and provide to Instructors for review and signature
NLT the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
 Ensure all Sensitive Item sign-in and sign-out logs
are maintained and accurate.
 Serve as Staff Liaison for to Service Learning Team
(Calendar Updates, Tasking Orders).
Provide Permission Slips for all Events.
and validated by an instructor.
 Serve as a member of the Cadet of the Month Board
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal every Wednesday to S5.
OPLAN input for 2nd Semester 2015.
 Monitor Weather/Update.
 Provide Calendar input to the S3.
 Prepare Monday Risk Assessments Brief.
 Publish Risk Assessments.
 Conduct Security Spot Checks.
 Monitor Weather/Update
 Conduct Security Spot Checks.
 Update JUMS with all previous weeks events.
 Receive Calendar input from Staff and Commanders.
 Work on Tasking Orders.
 Post Training Updates on the Website and white board.
 Update Tasking Matrix
 Review all Company Uniform Inspection Sheets
from prior Uniform Day.
 Review and Update Calendar.
 Provide updated copy of Calendar to Commander
and Staff.
 Post Training Updates on the Website and white board.
 Work on Tasking Orders.
 Review Unit Report and update.
Key Events
Update Calendar thru February 2015.
Develop Staff Calendar from the BTG Suspense's.
Publish JROTC Overview Brochure Tasking Order NLT 5 Jan
(S5 Primary).
Publish Cadet of the Month Board Tasking Order to NLT 5 Dec
Contact all County JROTC S3’s ASAP.
Schedule all Semester Staff Meetings (BC Primary).ASAP.
Publish Best Company Tasking Order NLT 9 Dec.
Publish Uniform Turn- in Tasking Order NLT 15 Dec (S4
Provide input for Weekly News Journal every Wednesday to S5.
OPLAN for Spring Semester 2015.
 Work on Training Schedule.
 Review previous two weeks Training Schedules.
 Work on next two weeks Training Schedules.
 Review Long Term Training Events 3-6 Weeks.
 Post Training Updates on the Website and white board.
 Work on Tasking Orders.
 Review Risk Assessment and provide to BC
for review.
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
 Publish next two weeks Training Schedules
(Provide to Staff and Commanders).
 Place next weeks training schedules in all in boxes
 Post Training Updates and Project Taskings
on the Website
 Review and publish Tasking Orders
(Send to BN CDR for signature).
 Work on Tasking Orders.
 BN S4
 Update JUMS with all uniform information and print updated
Hand Receipt (provide to Commanders/1SGs).
 Provide Calendar input to the S3.
 Review all Company Uniform Inspection Sheets
from prior Uniform Day.
 Conduct required Inventories.
 Receive request for Ribbons/Cords and Ranks
from S1 for Thursday.
 Review supplies on hand and update JUMS
(Clothing and Equipment).
 Provide supply on hand shortage inventory to SFC Moye.
 Update JUMS will all uniform information.
 Place all signed hand receipts in Cadet Folders.
 Supply room maintenance.
 Review Long Range Training Events 2-6 Weeks with S3.
 Ensure S1 has all Ribbons and Ranks for Thursday.
 Update JUMS will all uniform information.
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
Key Events/Duties
Update Calendar thru February 2015.
 Develop Uniform Item Price List (Post to Website) NLT
Update all Supply Room Access Memorandums
 Conduct 100% Inventory all supplies and equipment
and Update JUMS NLT 15 Dec .
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal every
Wednesday to S5.
 Develop Event Binders NLT 15 Oct.
 Ensure all documents used in our battalion
are posted to the website (Webmaster Primary).
Provide 1st Semester Uniform Turn- in Tasking Order to
S3 NLT 14 Dec
Contact all County JROTC S4’s.
 Prepare for CBA Drill Meet Support.
 Develop end of year Uniform Turn-in Tasking Order.
 OPLAN for Spring Semester 2015.
 Provide all Commanders with hand receipts that
require Cadet signatures.
 Update JUMS will all supply and equipment information.
 Review training calendar for next week.
 Supply room maintenance.
 Work on Newsletter.
 Draft News Article of major JROTC events for local
news outlets.
 Update website pictures.
 Review and Update Calendar.
 Draft News Article of the Week (Alpha and Bravo)
for Newsletter.
 Post last weeks Promotion Orders and Awards Orders on
on the Website (S1 will provide PDF Copies).
 Update Newsletter.
 Update website.
 Work on Draft News Article of the
Week (Alpha and Bravo) for Newsletter.
 Work on Draft News Article of major
JROTC events for local news outlets.
 Review next two weeks Training Schedules
and Identify all newsworthy events.
 Review Long Term Training Events 3-6
 Weeks and Identify all newsworthy events.
 Provide Draft News Article of the Week
(Alpha and Bravo) for Newsletter to SAI.
 Provide Draft News Article of major JROTC
events for local news outlets to SAI.
 Update Newsletter.
 Post Weekly News Journal to website
Key Events/Duties
 Provide WEBMASTER with pictures of CHAIN OF
Coordinate with School Photographers for all JROTC Events
Contact all local newspapers and local TV Stations and
establish points of contacts ASAP.
Produce JROTC Overview Brochure NLT 5 Jan (S5 Primary).
Provide Two articles each month to local news agencies NLT
then the 3rd Thursday each month.
Ensure all documents used in our battalion are posted to the
website (S5 Webmaster).
Publish Monthly Newsletter 1st day of each month.
Contact all County JROTC S5’s.
Publish Weekly News Journal on web page every
Update Task Organization Chart Monthly (S1 POC).
Coordinate for media coverage for Cadet Challenge.
Provide media coverage Academic Enhancement Program
Provide media coverage for Golden Medallion Ceremony.
Coordinate for media coverage for CBA Drill Meet.
Coordinate for media coverage for Veterans Day Program
(XOAI Primary).
Coordinate for media coverage for Cadet Challenge.
Coordinate for media coverage for Service Project
Update Calendar thru February 2015.
OPLAN for Fall Semester 2014.
Alpha and Bravo Company/Company Instructors
 Review all Tasking Orders.
 Conduct Peer Tutoring.
 Review all Training Updates on the Website and
white board.
 Update Company Tasking Matrix.
 Review Academic Enhancement Program Calendar.
 Review all Company Uniform Inspection Sheets
from prior Uniform Day.
 Conduct Company Training Meeting and Company Day
Rehearsals (Review next two weeks Training Schedules,
Long Term Training Events 3-6 Weeks and Risk
 Review and Update Company Calendar and post
Training Updates on the white board.
 Provide request for Promotions/Awards
to S1.
 Provide updated company copy of Training Schedule to
BN Commander and Staff.
 Conduct Peer Tutoring.
 Update Company Assignment Board.
 Review Academic Enhancement Program Calendar.
 Conduct Rehearsals for Uniform Day.
 Review Academic Enhancement Program Calendar.
 Conduct Peer Tutoring.
 Review all Company Uniform Inspection Sheets
from prior Uniform Day.
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
 Receive Promotion Orders and Awards Orders from S1.
 Provide copy of Training Schedule to WEBMASTER
 Uniform Inspection Day.
 Conduct Awards/Promotion Day.
 Develop Agenda for Monday Company Staff Meeting.
 Platoon Leaders brief back Company Commander
on results of Inspection.
 Update Battalion Inspection Book.
Key Events
Develop Company Training schedule (Six Weeks out).
Provide input for Weekly News Journal every Wednesday to S5
Provide Cleaning Detail
Provide S5 with Newsletter Input.
Contact all County JROTC Company/Flight Commanders.
Conduct Word, History, News and Quote of the Day Training.
Develop Word of the Day Study Guide.
Read one ASVAB question per day.
Develop Company Motto, Mission and Vision.
Ensure all documents used in your company are posted to the
website (Webmaster Primary).
Service Learning Officer/
Battalion Continuous Program Officer
 Provide Calendar input to the S3.
 Receive request for Ribbons/Cords and Ranks
from S1 for Thursday.
 Review supplies on hand and update JUMS
(Clothing and Equipment).
 Provide supply on hand shortage inventory to SFC Moye.
 Update JUMS will all uniform information.
 Place all signed hand receipts in Cadet Folders.
 Supply room maintenance.
 Review Long Range Training Events 2-6 Weeks with S3.
 Ensure S1 has all Ribbons and Ranks for Thursday.
 Update JUMS will all uniform information.
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
 Provide all Commanders with hand receipts that
require Cadet signatures.
 Update JUMS will all supply and equipment information.
 Review training calendar for next week.
 Supply room maintenance.
Key Events/Duties
Update Calendar thru February 2015.
 Develop Uniform Item Price List (Post to Website) NLT
 Place all service learning Events on Calendar ASAP
 Coordinate for Norwayne Visit NLT 15 Oct
Identify all Cadets from last semester that did
not return an uniform/Awards/Medallion ASAP
 Update all Supply Room Access Memorandums
 Conduct 100% Inventory all supplies and equipment
and Update JUMS NLT 1 Oct .
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal every
Wednesday to S5.
 Develop Event Binders NLT 15 Oct.
 Ensure all documents used in our battalion
are posted to the website (Webmaster Primary).
Provide 1st Semester Uniform Turn- in Tasking Order to
S3 NLT 1 Dec
Contact all County JROTC S4’s.
 Prepare for CBA Drill Meet Support.
 Develop end of year Uniform Turn-in Tasking Order.
 OPLAN for Fall Semester 2014.
Academic Enhancement Program Officer
 Update Peer Tutoring Program.
 Review all Training Updates on the Website and
white board.
 Update Academic Enhancement Program Calendar.
 Attend Bravo Company Training Meeting (Provide input for
Alpha Company training meeting).
 Review and Update Academic Enhancement
Program Calendar.
 Update Peer Tutoring instructors and mentee’s.
 Review calendar for VIP invitations and support.
 Update Scholarship Tracker.
 Work on designated Tasking Orders and missions.
 Update Leader Validation Tracker.
 Update Cadet weekly research assignments and post on
white board and Website.
 Review and Update Academic Enhancement Program Calendar
 Update Scholarship Tracker and Display Table.
 Review all Training Updates on the Website and
white board.
 Provide input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
 Update Peer Tutoring assignments.
 Uniform Inspection Day.
 Provide Update Scholarship Tracker to Company Commanders
 Post National Job Rankings Update.
 Provide plan for Friday Scholarship PT.
 Update Battalion Validation Calendar and Tracker.
Key Events/Duties
Update AEP Calendar thru February 2015.
Ensure Battalion Calendar has Progress Reports Dates ASAP
Provide Golden Medallion Ceremony Tasking Order to S3
Develop Cadet Academic Tracking System ASAP.
Develop Scholarship Application Table NLT 1 Nov.
Provide S5 with Newsletter Input.
Ensure all documents used in our battalion are posted to the
website (Webmaster Primary).
Provide input for Weekly News Journal every Wednesday to S5.
Manage Peer Tutoring Program.
Manage Scholarship Program.
Serve as VIP Coordinator.
Assign weekly Cadet Research assignments based on the
theme of the month.
OPLAN for Fall Semester 2014.
 Update Peer Tutoring Program on WEB.
 Update Documents on Virtual Bulletin Board
 Check Virtual Bulletin Board
 Update Academic Enhancement Program WEB Calendar.
 Continue to work on Module Program
 Conduct Weekly Maintenance
 Check Battalion Training Calendar/References Links
 Check Parents/Guardians Charles B. Aycock JROTC Information
Center Links
 Input for Weekly News Journal to S5.
 Update Peer Tutoring assignments on WEB.
 Uniform Inspection Day.
 Provide Company’s with print out of next two week AEP Calendar.
 Check Military Scholarships & College Test Preparation Tool Box
 Check Drill and Ceremony Modules
 Update Company Training Schedule on the WEB
Key Events/Duties
 Add Cadet Chain of Command Pictures to WEBSITE NLT 4
 Update AEP Calendar NLT 4 Nov
 Add ALPHA/BRAVO Company Sections to WEBSITES NLT
 Add Drill and Ceremony Modules to WEBSITE NLT 1 DEC
Provide S5 with Newsletter Input.
Ensure all documents used in our battalion are posted to
the website (Webmaster Primary).
Provide input for Weekly News Journal every Wednesday
to S5.
Manage Peer Tutoring Program.
Manage Scholarship Program.