MENTAL HEALTH DISEASE CLASSIFICATIONS DIAGNOSIS OF MENTAL DISORDERS DSM-IV-TR Published by APA ( 2000 ) Multiaxial system 5 categories called axes Facilitate holistic assessment for care Is a great resource & tool for psych nurses CRITICAL THINKING/COMPARISON ACT. DELIRIUM DEMENTIA COMMON SYMPTOMS OF MENTAL DISORDERS BEHAVIORAL CHANGES SUDDEN LACK OF CONCERN ABOUT APPEARANCE PHYSICAL SX. WITHOUT MEDICAL CAUSE OVERUSE OF DEFENSE MECHANISMS LOSS OF CONTACT WITH REALITY MORBID FASCINATION WITH DEATH PSYCHIATRIC CATEGORIES MOOD DISORDERS PERSONALITY DISORDERS ANXIETY DISORDERS PSYCHOSIS DUAL DISORDERS #1. MOOD DISORDERS CHARACTERIZED BY DISTURBANCE OF MOOD ALONG W/ LOSS OF CONTROL AND SUBJECTIVE FEELING OF DISTRESS CHARACTERIZED BY SEVERE AND INAPPROPRIATE EMOTIONAL RESPONSE DEPRESSION Exaggerated feelings of sadness Affects 1 in 20 people/year May be so severe, suicide is contemplated Unipolor Depression Dysthymic Disorder Anhedonia Major Depressive Episode Includes 5 or more of these symptoms during the same 2 week period: Sleep disturbances, weight or appetite changes, fatigue, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, diminishted ability to think of concentrate, indecisiveness, recurrent thoughts of death or suicide OTHER TYPES OF DEPRESSION ARE…. ORGANIC---- What is it??? SITUATIONAL ----- What is it??? POSTPARTUM ----- What is it??? SAD ----- What is it???? BIPOLAR DISORDER Manic-depressive disorder Sudden shifts between depression & mania Medical Therapy will include: Antidepressants Lithium ECT & psychotherapy #2. PERSONALITY DISORDERS Inflexible, maladaptive patterns of behavior Char. By : Lack of insight Distorted self-perception Impaired relationships Poor impulse control Do not handle change easily See Box 35-3 pg 1147 TYPES OF PERSONALITYY DISORDERS PARANOID SCHIZOID SCHIZOTYPAL ANTISOCIAL BORDERLINE HISTRIONIC More Personality Disorders… NARCISSISTIC AVOIDANT DEPENDANT #3. ANXIETY DISORDERS CRITICAL THINKING EXERCISE: Define & give example; Signal Anxiety ---What is it? Free Floating--- What is is? PANIC --- List symptoms to summarize… Agoraphoria- What is it?? Summarize and provide an example… OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER #4. PSYCHOSIS THOUGHT DISORDER THAT INTERFERES WITH ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE AND TO DEAL WITH REALITY; ALSO INTERFERES WITH THE ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE SX: DELUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS, IMPAIRED REALITY TESTING CRITICAL THINKING/ COMPARISON ACTIVITY NEUROSIS PSYCHOSIS SCHIZOPHRENIA Is a cluster of behaviors with bizarre, non-reality based thinking; is any one of a large group of psychotic disorders whose defining characteristics are gross distortion of reality Positive Behavior Patterns Delusions Hallucinations Disorganized Thinking and Speech Grossly disorganized behavior Catatonia Negative Behavior Patterns Withdrawal Isolation Flat Affect TYPES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA PARANOID DISORGANIZED CATATONIC UNDIFFERENTIATED RESIDUAL #5. DUAL DIAGNOSIS NOW COMMONLY USED TO MEAN MENTAL ILLNESS COMBINED WITH CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY (MI/CD) For you to review…. Characteristics of a mentally healthy person Review Hx of MI & early tx Freud- Father of psychiatry-also coined the phrase "psychoanalysis Therapies of the 20th Century Insulin Therapy ECT Lobotomy Psychoanalysis Review material on pg 1128 Nat. Mental Health Act Review influences on MH Know Erickson’s life cycles- ages & stages Warning signs of suicide-pg. 1147 Define: Id Ego Superego Behavior Stress Anxiety Motivation Frustration Coping Neurosis Psychosis Delirium Dementia Hallucinations “lunacy”-disorder caused by the moon Def. Mechanism Regression Repression Compensation Displacement Denial Identification Rationalization Sublimation Know these MI Schizophrenia General mood disorders Bipolar *Unipolar depression- maj. depression lasting 2yrs *Postpartum depression *Seasonal affective disorder Panic attack Agoraphobia Posttraumatic stress disorder Antisocial Current tx for mood disorders ECT psychotherapy