MSE 101 ON LINE LECTURE INTRODUCTION LECTURE & LABORATORY Professor: Professor Shahriar Manufacturing Systems & Engineering Management Dept. Faculty Office: JD 3346 Faculty Office Phone: (818) 677-2167 Submit HW online at: and Department Office: JD 4510 Department Phone: (818) 677-2167 COURSE DESCRIPTION Catalog Description Corequisite MSE 101L. Introduction to the engineering Profession and academic programs. Orientation to the University, the College and its departments. Development of study, communication, problem solving, design, analytical and computing skills. Introduction to the internet, word processing, spread sheet, computer-aided design and presentation software. Design project development and team experience. One hour lecture and three hours lab per week. LECTURE DETAILS Lecture: Lectures will be posted each Tuesday beginning August 22th. The URL is: NOT ACTIVE Username: mse101 Password: fall2015 Laboratory: Off campus classes, arrange with your local high school instructor HOMEWORK INSTRUCTIONS It is important to make sure that you properly document your name on each assignment submitted. Students must submit homework in a timely manner. Assignments are generally due the following week after they are assigned unless otherwise noted. Late assignments will result in a reduction of the student’s grade. Lab projects are team projects. All homework is individual work unless otherwise noted. LECTURE TOPICS (POSTED ONLINE WEEKLY) Week Lecture Schedule Week Lab Schedule 1 Introduction to the Course 1 2 Introduction to Engineering (Tarek Slides) Welcome to the MSE 101 Lab - Outline Semester, VSL Access 3 Introduction to Excel Part 1 2 The Engineering Profession 4 Introduction to Excel VB Programming 3 The Design Process 5 AutoDesk AutoCad Part 1 4 Ship the Chip Group Work (Initial Sketches) 6 AutoDesk AutoCad Part 2 5 Ship the Chip Group Work (Build) 7 Java Music Programming 6 Ship the Chip Group Present Design 8 Java Music Programming 7 Engineering Ethics 9 Digital Logic 8 Try Engineering Project 2 10 Autodesk Fusion 9 Try Engineering Project 2 11 Autodesk Fusion 10 Try Engineering 2 Presentation 12 How Does a Jet Engine Work? 11 Academic Success Factors (Seno Slides) 13 Solidworks Part 1 Tutorial 1 12 Try Engineering Project 3 14 Solidworks Part 2 Tutorial 1 13 Try Engineering Project 3 15 Solidworks Tutorial 3 w/o PPT 14 Try Engineering 3 Presentation 16 Project Management 15 Dimensions Units and Conversion 16 Working in Teams Subject to Change BASIS OF GRADING Grading Break Down 45% Design Projects & Team Assignments 55% Individual Assignments Plus or Minus grading will be used. 90-100 A- to A 80-89 B- to B+ 70-79 C- to C+ 60-69 D- to D+ <60 F FORMATS FOR WORK 1 Homework problems must be submitted via email at and 2 Homework problems must be numbered 3 Identify all assignment with student name and school (for example; Doe, John ACME High School). DO NOT RELY ON YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO IDENTIFY WORK YOU SUBMIT. 4 Lecture homework graded by your CSUN professor, lab assignments will be graded by your local high school instructors. 5 Each student must turn in his/her own homework. All submissions are to be individual efforts with the exception of Design Projects. 6 The format for the project design report is available on line. This format is used for the design project in the laboratory. Written reports will be evaluated for compliance to the format requirements, the writing quality, timeliness, and content. FIRST HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Submit via Email: and Answer the below questions about yourself. Lets get to know who you are and why you are interested in engineering. Introduce yourself What is your full name? What school are you currently attending? How long till you graduate? Where do you want to attend college? Do you know any Engineers? A family member or a close friend. What kind of engineer are they? Where do they work? Tell me something special about yourself? Any special hobbies or skills. Keep to about half a page Due: As Stated On Class Website KEEP ON TOP OF LECTURES Remember this is a University Level course No reminders from your professor about assignments coming due. No follow-up emails from your Professor regarding missing assignments. All grades are final. Drops are not allowed after 3rd week of the University semester. BE SUCCESS!!! We want you to be successful!!! Keep up with the class assignments!! Work as a Team on Design Projects. Look at the course website for new content regularly. Email your Professor/Instructor with questions. Have a great semester!!