
Writing a Literary Analysis
What is Literary Analysis?
• It’s literary
• It’s an analysis
• It’s-• An Argument!
• It may also involve research on
and analysis of secondary sources
How is It “Literary”?
• Usually, a literary analysis will involve a
discussion of a text as writing, thus the
term literary, which means “having to do
with letters”
• This will involve the use of
certain concepts that are
very specifically associated
with literature
Important Literary Concepts
• The Basics
– Plot
– Setting
– Narration/point of
– Characterization
– Symbol
– Metaphor
– Genre
– Irony/ambiguity
• Other key concepts
– Historical context
– Social, political,
economic contexts
– Ideology
– Multiple voices
– Various critical
– Literary theory
How Can I Learn More?
• There are various handbooks of literary
terms available in most libraries…and also on
the Advanced English link on Mrs. Heller’s homepage.
• There are numerous introductions to
literary criticism and theory that are
widely available…and also on the Advanced English link
on Mrs. Heller’s homepage.
• Example: A Handbook to Literature.
Harmon/Holman … or in Ch 45, 46, and other back
pages of your textbook
What is an Analysis?
• An analysis of a literary work may discuss
– How the various components of an individual
work relate to each other
– How two separate literary works deal with
similar concepts or forms
– How concepts and forms in literary works
relate to larger aesthetic, political, social,
economic, or religious contexts
How is Literary Analysis an
• When writing a literary analysis, you will
focus on specific attribute(s) of the text(s).
• When discussing these attributes, you will
want to make sure that you are making a
specific, arguable point (thesis) about
these attributes.
• You will defend this point
with reasons and
evidence drawn from the text …and cited.
(Much like a lawyer!)
Which is the Best Thesis
Moby-Dick is about the problem of evil.
Moby-Dick is boring and pointless.
Moby-Dick is about a big, white whale.
The use of “whiteness” in Moby-Dick
illustrates the uncertainty about the
meaning of life that Ishmael expresses
throughout the novel.
How Do I Support a Thesis
• Examples from the text:
– Direct quotations
– Summaries of scenes
– Paraphrase
• Other critics’ opinions
• Historical and social context
• Always remember to read carefully, take
notes, and highlight useful passages and
What is a Secondary Source?
• A book or article that discusses the text
you are discussing
• A book or article that discusses a theory
related to the argument you are making
• A book or article that discusses the social
and historical context of the text you are
(Note: Not every paper will require
secondary sources. Sometimes the
instructor wants you to be the sole critic.)
How Do I Find Secondary
• MLA International Bibliography
• Dictionary of Literary Biography
• Discipline-specific sources
– Example: America: History and Life for
American literature
• Other search engines…ask the librarian
• A bibliography that is part of your text
• Ask your instructor
Integrating Secondary
• When you use secondary sources, be sure to
show how they relate to your thesis
• Don’t overuse any one secondary source, or for
that matter, secondary sources in general
• Remember that this is your paper, your
argument—the secondary sources are just
helping you out
• Never, never, never plagiarize. See the OWL
handout on plagiarism for more information.
Overview of Literary Analysis
• When writing a literary analysis:
– Be familiar with the piece you are analyzing
– Read … reread…and study the piece carefully
– Ask “why” often…question your own ideas
– Be familiar with literary terms
– Analyze specific items
– Make an a argument
– Make appropriate use of secondary sources
– Consult instructors and tutors for help when
needed … discuss your opinion with peers
How do I write the paper?
• Be sure to understand the assignment:
– Reread the paper rubric.
– Know what is expected.
• Be organized – plan:
– Create a basic outline. An outline…even a
skeleton outline…will help you sort out your
points, the order in which you need to present
them, and the details you will use as support.
• Be original, memorable, and creative:
– Within the rubric, display your writing skills.
How should I prepare my first
draft for submission?
• Use the spell check and your brain:
– Check spellings…especially those from the story
or ones the computer doesn’t catch.
– Look for punctuation problems.
– Read your paper aloud to analyze fluency.
– Skim the paper for excessive “there are” phrases.
– Skim the paper for unintentional repetition.
– Analyze your use of words…be concise, not
– Look at old papers and don’t make the same
mistakes over and over…know yourself.
What is a helpful peer review?
• Read for an overall impression:
– Does the writer create a persuasive argument?
– Are the mistakes in conventions distracting?
• Read for organizational confusion
– Point out the confusion
– Suggest reorganizational techniques
• Read to comment on focus:
– Is there an attention-getting hook in the intro?
– Is there an arguable thesis statement in the intro?
– Does the writer embark on tangents
or digress?
What is a helpful peer review?
• Correct conventional errors:
– Point out mistakes in English conventions
– Suggest solutions
• Question word choices:
– Point out mistakes or poor choices in word use
– Suggest solutions
• Comment on tone and academic analysis:
– Is the tone appropriately serious and formal?
– Are appropriate textual reference s– ones that really
work – included as supporting details?
– Does the paper sound juvenile or did the writer try to
challenge himself? (effort)
– Suggest solutions
What is a helpful peer review?
• Correct MLA formatting errors:
Last name and page in .5 inch header
Times New Roman size 12 font
One-inch margins all around
All double-spaced lines
Proper information in header
Interesting title, centered
Parenthetical citations following quoted lines of text.
Works Cited or inclusion of text in paper
How do I improve my final paper?
• Read both peer reviews:
– Ask questions of the peer reviewer
– Know that not all peer review comments may be good
comments…but they may alert you to problems.
• Read your paper again with a critical eye:
– Now that you haven’t read your paper in a bit, you may
notice other improvements you could make.
– Be critical of your own writing
– Good enough is never “good enough” until you run out
of time and the final submission is due.
Where Can I Go for More
The Purdue University Writing Lab
226 Heavilon Hall
And visit
Or email
The End