Foundations of Algebra Instructor Mrs. Christy Keating and Mr. Andrew Walker Course Description This course is designed for students who wish to complete Algebra 1 and enhance their overall math proficiency. The seminar class is a double-period course that focuses on building identified math skills that are tested on the Keystone Exam. Some topics include number theory, operations with integers and rational numbers, graphing, solving linear equations and inequalities, exponents, data analysis, radicals, mathematical reasoning and problem solving, as well as probability and statistics. The topics covered include theory as well as practical and real-world applications. Various strategies will be used to deliver instruction in a double-period format, including manipulatives, small and large group activities, and the use of technology. Classroom Resources Teacher designed packets taken from a variety of supplemental texts and workbooks, scientific calculators and supplies. Classroom Requirements All students must come prepared to class. Classroom materials include a notebook containing all class work, notes, and homework, as well as a pencil, paper, and a calculator when needed. Calculators will NOT be provided on the midterm or final exams. Format Students are required to do any assigned written or reading assignments. Students are expected to take notes on any material covered in class, whether printed on the board or in class discussion. Outside research and projects will be required throughout the year. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a loss of credit. Homework Worksheets, textbook assignments, and review sheets will be assigned on a daily basis for homework. In addition, regular study of class notes is recommended. Full credit for assignments will only be considered when the assignment is submitted on time. If absent when an assignment is due, the assignment is to be submitted the day the student returns to class. Points will be deducted for every day late. Failure to hand in assignment within a reasonable time period will result in a deduction of points. Any time remaining at the end of class is to be spent doing homework or class work. Attendance/ Absence Regular attendance is required. Students are to report to class on time prepared for class. Disciplinary action will be taken for tardiness. It is also the responsibility of the student who is absent to obtain all class work that has been missed for any reason. All make up work must be completed in accordance with the Parkland High School attendance policy. Assessments/ Grading Procedures: A point system will be used to calculate grades. Tests, quizzes, projects, homework, and other assignments will be given a proportionate number of points on a rubric per assignment. Grades are to be determined by the amount of points earned from the number of possible points available. Students are to keep a record of their grades on the Class Assignment Log so they are aware of their progress. Attendance and class participation will also be included to calculate students’ final grades. 1. All tests will be announced at least 1 day in advanced and will be a maximum of 100 points. 2. Quizzes will be given on a regular basis and may be announced or unannounced. The quiz point values will vary. 3. Homework when checked will always be 5 points in value, not to exceed a total of 75 points. Homework will be checked on an unannounced basis and will be checked several different ways. You will get a stamp for every homework that is checked and completed based on attempt, format, and accuracy. When you obtain 10 stamps you will have your 50 points and will not need to have any more homework assignments checked. 4. Additional projects and assignments may be given (not to exceed 3 a marking period) and will also be added into the total point system. Grades are calculated on strict percentages. Grades will always be: 89.5% and up-A 79.5%-89.4%-B 69.5%-79.4%-C 59.5%-69.4%-D 59.4% and below-F At the beginning of each rating period you will be given a class assignment log to help you keep track of your grades throughout the rating period. If you are missing grades or need help calculating your grade, see me outside of class time. Verification Statement I have read the class syllabus and understand my responsibilities as a student in Foundations of Algebra. Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature