Name_____________________________ Class Pd_______ Riney US History Chap 8: Settling the West Test Review 14-15 I. II. A completed test review will be worth 100 point Daily Grade + 5 pts on test DO NOT rely on this test review only to study for test. There will be questions from packet/notes etc. that are not necessarily listed on this review!!!!! A completed test review will earn you the right to complete test corrections after the test is scored. Only those who turn in a COMPLETED test review and a COMPLETE Chap 8 packet will be given the opportunity to do test corrections IF YOU ARE ABSENT ON TEST DAY – THIS TEST REVIEW WILL ONLY COUNT FOR EXTRA PTS AND TEST CORRECTION ABILITY IF TEST IS MADE UP ACCORDING TO MHS POLICY AS WRITTEN IN STUDENT HANDBOOK. - # OF DAYS ABSENT + 1. Test corrections will be offered on your own time (before/after class – not during class) Test corrections must be completed within 4 calendar days of taking test. Each test question correction will be worth 50 percent of original and can earn students a maximum grade of 70. Only students with a failing grade on the original test are eligible for test corrections. All work must be done individually. I will not accept test reviews with the same wrong answers (Self Check Quiz : 3 pts extra credit on test - select self-check quiz – Can be emailed to me or printed out Powerpoint online: Vocabulary: complete crossword puzzle in this review packet Who am I? : Sitting Bull George Custer Chief Joseph buffalo (Bison) Cowboy nomad Sodbuster Plains Indian Longhorn Frederick Jackson Taylor Helen Hunt Jackson women 1. _____________________________ Lakota Sioux chief killed at Wounded Knee 2. _____________________________ cavalry commander who battled (and lost) the Lakota Sioux at Little Bighorn 3. _____________________________ hearty breed of cattle that roamed the grasslands of TX 4. _____________________________ Wrote A Century of Dishonor, a book which chronicled the long history of broken treaties and injustices against American Indians 5. _____________________________ one who moves from place to place, usually in search of food or grazing land 6. _____________________________ surrendered and succumbed to reservation life after leading his Nez Perce tribe on a 1300 mi + failed journey to escape to Canada 7. _____________________________ name given to Great Plains farmers 8. _____________________________ theorized that the presence of a frontier had contributed to the many positive attributes of Americans 9. _____________________________ rounded up cattle and herded them to rail stations where they were sold for high profit 10. _____________________________ I am nomadic, I rely on buffalo for my survival (food, shelter, clothing), I don’t understand the concept of privately owned property, I put up a fierce resistance to Army/settlers/prospectors 11. _____________________________ In the West, I could be a business or property owner, or an influential community leader. Many jobs were available to me that Eastern Women had no access to. Because of these opportunities for me, the West led the way in women’s voting rights. 12. _____________________________ My near extinction caused most Plains Indians to succumb to life on reservations. III. Things to know about Westward Expansion Vigilance Committees Windmills Morrill Land Grant Dawes Act of 1887 Homestead Act of 1962 Barbed Wire Great American Desert Land Grants Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 Civil War Ghost Dance Wheat Treaties Industrial Revolution Wild West Show Reservations Statehood Ghost Town Indian Wars 13. _____________________________ Drought resistant crop that transformed the Great Plains into the nation’s breadbasket 14. _____________________________ Gave 160 acres to prospective settlers and encouraged settlement of the West by offering clear title to this property after minor conditions were met 15. _____________________________ this invention contributed to the decline of cattle drives by fencing in the treeless range 16. _____________________________ name given to the Great Plains region by its first explorers 17. _____________________________ RRs were given these in an effort to entice them to build tracks in the sparsely populated Plains regions 18. _____________________________ minerals and money from western mines helped fuel and fund this event in the east 19. _____________________________ because crime was often a problem, and law enforcement was scarce, some Western towns left law enforcement up to these self-appointed volunteers 20. _____________________________ because prices of beef soared after this event, it became worthwhile to round up Longhorns who roamed the Plains in TX 21. _____________________________ This type of program featured real cowboys, Indians, buffalo and a variety of acts that helped spread ideas of the American West 22. _____________________________ This technology helped to solve the lack of water problem in the Great Plains by making it possible to draw water from very deep wells 23. _____________________________ This led to the expansion of colleges across the USA as well as the introduction of 4-h and ROTC programs 24. _____________________________ resulted from the encroachment of ranchers, miners, and farmers onto Native American territories 25. _____________________________ Lands upon which Plains Indians were forced to live with specific boundaries 26. _____________________________ This ritual was banned by the US govt. It’s performance led to the last Indian battle at Wounded Knee. 27. _____________________________ In an effort to assimilate the Plains Indians into white culture, this failed plan broke up reservations into individual plots for farming and/or ranching 28. _____________________________ this occurred to many western territories after the discovery of mining deposits and subsequent onslaught of settlers and RR expansion 29. _____________________________ granted US citizenship to all Native Americans born in the US 30. _____________________________ after mining deposits dried up, boomtowns often became these 31. _____________________________ As none of these were honored, it led to increased conflict between Plains Indians and US Army/settlers IV. Matching : match the following terms with the group with which it is associated. a. Miners b. ranchers c. farmers d. Indians e. Women 32. ______ Dawes Act of 1887 33. ______Homestead Act of 1862 34. ______ had opportunity to own property in West 35. ______ Range Wars 36. ______ Annuities issued 37. ______ long drives 38. ______ ghost dance ritual 39. ______ Wild West tales in Dime Novels 40. ______ boomtowns and ghost towns 41. ______ vigilance committees 42. ______ Comstock lode 43. ______ dry farming 44. ______ 1st wave of settlers 45. ______ camp followers 46. ______ dependence on buffalo 47. ______ railheads 48. ______ Morrill Act of 1882 49. ______ A Century of Dishonor 50. ______ Dept of Agriculture 51. ______ Sitting Bull & Little Crow 52. ______ Reservations 53. ______ credit/foreclosure 54. _____ bonanza farms – prelude to today’s commercial farms 55. ______adversely affected by the Transcontinental RR V. Questions (answers can be found in packet, notes or both) 56. List 5 reasons for the rapid settlement of the Great Plains (notes) 57. List 4 reasons for the end of the Long Drives. (notes, packet) 58. List 4 economic hardships that farmers on the Plains experienced. (packet) 59. How did some settlers to the Great Plains region adapt to the lack of trees for housing? (notes, packet) 60. Describe the meaning of “a buffalo dead is an Indian gone.” (notes, packet) 61. According to many Americans, what was the best way to improve conditions for the Native Americans? (packet, notes) Settling the West Vocabulary Crossword Across 1. method of acquiring a piece of US public land by living on and cultivating it 3. method of extracting mineral ore by hand using simple tools 7. books that told exaggerated tales of daring, sold for a dime, and helped spread the myths of the "Wild West" in the eastern US 12. driving cattle long distances to a RR depot for fast transport and great profit 13. a region that forms the margin of settled territory 14. a grant of land by the federal government especially for roads, RRs, or ag colleges 15. a person who moves from place to place, usually in search of food or grazing land 16. a way of farming dry land: seeds planted deep in the ground where there is moisture 17. a plot of land assigned to an individual or family for cultivation Down 2. vast area of open grassland owned by government 4. to absorb a group into the culture of a larger population 5. a name given to Great Plains farmers 6. money paid by contract on regular intervals 8. to bring under complete control, conquer 9. method of extracting minerals involving digging beneath the surface 10. a stray calf with no identifying symbol 11. a large, highly-profitable wheat farm