Year 10 Permission Slip

Please do not lose this sheet – keep it somewhere safe until camp
YEAR 10 OUTDOOR EDUCATION CAMP – TAURIKURA (Bell, Lovelock) – 16th-18th November 2015
Dear Parent / Guardian,
From Monday 16th – Wednesday 18th November, Year 10 students in Bell and Lovelock will be attending a three day
Outdoor Education Camp at Taurikura. There are only two opportunities to go on camp at WGHS, Year 10 and Year
13. Please help us by encouraging your daughter to be part of this experience. We regard it as a very valuable part of
their holistic education and are prepared to financially support students who have genuine needs to ensure every
student attends camp. As teachers we notice what a huge, positive difference this camp makes to your daughter’s
growth and transition into the senior school. The programme focuses on the development of group co-operation and
individual skills through a range of challenging activities including rock climbing, kayaking, group initiative
challenges, and a tramp & overnight camp.
This year we have a Facebook group page set up to help keep you and your daughter informed about the Year 10
camp. This can be found at On this page you will find the
permission slip, all the camp information the girls need and answers to any questions that may arise. There are also
photos of previous Year 10 Camps.
The following equipment will be required by each student:
Tramping pack
$3 to hire a pack (if you need one)
Warm sleeping bag (pillow)
2 pairs socks
3 pairs shorts
Swimming gear
Wetsuit (optional)
Plate, bowl, mug, knife, fork, spoon, tea towel
Lunch (first day)
Tramping bed roll (optional for the overnight)
Toiletries (including sunscreen, personal first aid)
DO NOT bring: “label” gear, matches, lighters or gas lights.
Sneakers or boat shoes for water activities
Warm thermal tops
Woollen hat
2 jerseys
3 sets underwear
Raincoat or waterproof jacket
Running shoes (for the tramp)
2 pairs track pants/long trousers
2 towels
Sanitary requirements
Torch and batteries
Drink bottle
Girls will need to bring a packed lunch for Monday and snacks for the tramp. We really appreciate donations of any
extra baking or produce that parents are able to supply. Please contact the teacher in charge of camp cooking: Jo
Steele if you are willing to help with this.
All personal equipment and clothing should be clearly labelled and packed into a single bag. On the day that the girls
tramp, they leave this bag behind, and only tramp with their snacks, drink bottle, sleeping bag and change of clothing
– in a tramping pack. The school has a number of backpacks which can be hired. Girls can bring $3 to camp and hire
the tramping packs just before they leave for the tramp. However, if you have a suitable backpack then please bring
this. Their school bags are definitely not large enough to tramp with. Cell phones and iPods (or music devices) need to
be clearly labelled as they will be handed in to the teachers on arrival at camp, and given back as the girls leave
camp. There is a phone at camp that you can contact your daughter on if necessary: 0274141365.
Parents are welcome to visit during the day. Please contact Leone Neal to organise this. Buses will leave from school
at 9.00am approximately on Monday and return in time for students to catch school buses home on Wednesday
afternoon (approximately 3.10pm).
The combined fees (including GST) for transport, accommodation, equipment maintenance and food for the three
days is $80.00. If you have any problem with payment please contact Leone Neal at school on (09) 430 4460 or ,as we do not want anyone to miss out. Should your daughter be unable to attend camp
for any reason, please write a letter of explanation. Please complete the following permission slip and return it to your
whanau teacher this week. The last day for payment is Friday 7th November.
Yours sincerely
Leone Neal
TIC Year 10 Camp
Anne Cooper