Portable Mineral Alkaline Water Reductor(Deoxidized) Alkalark Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. What is Active oxygen? Active oxygen in the body Active oxygen radicals steal electron from normal, healthy biological molecules. This electron theft by active oxygen oxidizes tissue and can cause disease. It is essential to scavenge this active oxygen from the body before it can cause disintegration of healthy tissue. Active hydrogen is an effective method to block the oxidation of healthy tissue by active oxygen. Alkalark alkaline reduced water contain abundant active hydrogen. Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. What is Good Water? Clean Water Sufficient Mineral -No Contamination and Chlorine Alkaline water -abundant negative ions Micro clustered water Water for Life Large amount of dissolved oxygen Good for Health - Water of Life, Cures Our body, Hyun Won Kim Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Oxidation and Reduction(Deoxidization) Alkalark Alkaline Water has sufficient activated hydrogen that reduce your oxidized cells in your body. Oxidation -the removal of an electron, the addition of oxygen Reduction(Deoxidization)-the addition of an electron, the removal of oxygen Oxidation Tap Water Reduction Alkalark Alkaline Water Subsurface Water Electric ionized Spring Water Rainwater Antacid Body Blood Underground flow vegetables 수소 -420mV Hydrogen fruits Oxygen +815mV ORP(mV) +800 liquor +600 +400 Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. carbonated drinks meat and fish +200 -420mV 0 -200 -400 ORP(mV) Scientific References and Support - book Water Of Life, Cures Our Body – Kim, Hyun won Good Water 1. Clean Water 2. Sufficient Mineral 3. Alkaline waterㄴ Water, which cure Life 1. Micro clustered water 2. Large amount of dissolved oxygen 3. Good torsion field for health “Mineral Alkaline Reduced Water is not only alkaline water but it is also the best water having reducing ability and micro clustered water, even causing good torsion field for the body.” - Quoted from 49P- Water : for health, for healing, for life – F. Batmanghelidj “You are not sick, you are thirsty.” Water has nutrients – Water generates Energy. It helps prevent life-threatening conditions such as heart failure, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, asthma and allergies. Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Scientific References and Support The Great effects of Mineral Alkaline water, demonstrated by animal experiments Kyu Jae Lee, Su Ki Kim, Jin Won Kim, Hyun Won Kim Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea, Sangi University, Korea Mineral Alkaline Reduced Water (ARW) strengthened immune system. Mineral Alkaline Reduced Water suppressed the growth of cancer cells transplanted into mice, demonstrating its anti-cancer effects. Declined the sugar level. Mineral Alkaline Reduced Water made HDL ratio high as well as LDL ratio low ※ HDL(High-Density Lipoprotein) - Also known as "good" cholesterol, already used and unused cholesterol and taking them back to the liver as part of a recycling process ※ LDL(Low-Density Lipoprotein ) - Also known as "bad" cholesterol, Higher levels of LDLs are associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. The spread of rat’s cancer cells Tap water ARW Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Weights of rat’s tumor 2.3g ARW 4.8g Tap water Scientific References and Support Electrolyzed-Reduced Water Scavenges Active Oxygen Species and Protects DNA from Oxidative Damage Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 234, p269-274, 1997 Sanetaka Shirahata, Shiigeru Kabayama, Mariko Nakano, Takumi Miura, Kenichi Kusumoto, Miho Gotoh, Hidemitsu Hayashi , Kazumichi Otsubo, ShiNKATSU Morisawa, and Yoshinori Katakura Institute of Cellular Regulation Technology, Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Active oxygen species or free radicals are considered to cause extensive oxidative damage to biological macromolecules, which brings about a variety of diseases as well as aging. The ideal scavenger for active oxygen should be ‘active hydrogen’. ‘Active hydrogen’ can be produced in reduced water near the cathode during electrolysis of water. Reduced water exhibits high pH, low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved molecular hydrogen (DH), and extremely negative redox potential(RP) values. Strongly electrolyzed-reduced water, as well as ascorbic acid, (+)-catechin and tannic acid, completely scavenged O.-2 produced by the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase (HX-XOD) system in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity of reduced water is stable at 4 degrees C for over a month and was not lost even after neutralization, repeated freezing and melting, deflation with sonication, vigorous mixing, boiling, repeated filtration, or closed autoclaving. The SOD-like activity of reduced water is due to the dissolved atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen). Although SOD accumulated H2O2 when added to the HX-XOD system, reduced water decreased the amount of H2O2 produced by XOD. Reduced water could directly scavenge H2O2. Reduced water suppresses single-strand breakage of DNA by active oxygen species produced by the Cu(II)-catalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that reduced water can scavenge not only O2.- and H2O2, but also O2 and .OH Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Scientific References and Support The Therapeutic Effect of the Alkaline Ionized Water in the patients with Chronic Idiopathic Constipation The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology: Vol. 22, No. 4, 1990 Im Hwan Roe, M.D. and Kyeo Wan Choi, M.D. Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Mu Shik Jhon, M.D. Korea Advanced Institue of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea The effect of the alkaline ionized water in the constipated patients was evaluated by the measurement of the colonic transit time using radiopaque markers and frequency of defecation - The transits were shortened significantly after treatment - The frequency of defecation was also increase significantly This is a preliminary report showing the promising effects of the alkaline ionized water in the chronic constipated patients. Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Scientific References and Support Effects of Alkaline Ionized Water on Spontaneously diabetic GK-rats fed Sucrose Jin Man Kim Division of Life Science, R&D center, Sunkyong Industries Kazuhito Yokoyama Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of alkaline ionized water(AIW) on spontaneously diabetic GK-rats fed sucrose for aggravation of diabetes mellitus. One half of the 32 GK rats was given AIW and the other was given tap water(TW). These two groups were further divided into two subgroups by fed with or without 30% sucrose solution(8 in each group). In blood glucose level, sucrose fed TW group was significantly higher than the other groups. Sucrose fed both AIW and TW groups were significantly increased in body weight as compared to TW group. In serum malondialdehyde(MDA), a marker of lipid peroxide, sucrose fed TW group was significantly higher than AIW and TW groups. It is suggested that AIW(Alkaline Ionized Water) supplementation may inhibit the increase of blood glucose and lipid peroxide levels in diabetes mellitus. Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Alkalark Introduction Alkalark makes tasty water, healthy water, and water that embodies stateof-the-art science of the future. Alkalark works to convert the water we drink to soft and fresh alkaline reduced water containing essential minerals. Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Mineral Alkaline Water Reductor Name - Alkalark Warbling Bottle You hear bird singing sound when pouring KFDA approved (Korea Food and Drug Administration ) Bottle Patent Lark singing sound Patent Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Product Components Weight 226g Height 21Cm Capacity 500ml Required time for reducing Product life 3 minutes 18 Months (reducing 4~5L per day) Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Product Material Cap: ABS, Silver Coating Upper Body : Polycarbornate Bottom Body : Polycarbornate Mineral Container: ABS, Silver Coating Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Production principles The Ionized Water Molecule H + OH - H20 + - H+ +OH Maha-Q2+ -+- H20 The Ionized Maha-Q Molecule Maha-Q Maha-Q2+ + 2(e-)Maha-Q The generation of Hydrogen gas 2H++2(e-) H2 H+ H+ + - - Remained Ions in the water Maha-Q2+ + - - Mineral and hydroxyl Ions H2 OH ※ What is Maha-Q ? Dr. Hyun Won Kim developed MAHA-Q, Special Mineral Alloy making Alkaline reduced water that supply essential minerals to our body. ※ Alka Lark Reduced Water is not produced via electrolysis. It is product of all-natural principles, water combined with natural minerals. Using a torsion field, water is processed to produce healthy and higher utility water. Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Mineral Components Phlogopite ceramic ball Makes water softer and MAHA-Q Silver ceramic ball Antibiotic function tastier Alkalizes water Includes essential Minerals Red clay in granule - Calcium, Potassium, etc Alkalark Active carbon ceramic ball Dissolves organic body Radiates Far infrared way Reducing catalyst Makes Water Softer Magnesium Alloy Tourmaline ceramic ball Alkalizes water Ionizes water molecule Actvating organs Radiates Far infrared way Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Alkalark, Reliable Alkaline Reduced Water Registered by U.S.FDA registered as a medical appliance by U.S. FDA. (Registration No. 3005004016) Developed by Dr. Hyun Won Kim KFDA Approved Approved as a medical device by KFDA (Korea Food and Drug Administration) Korea MOCIE Approved Graduated from Seoul National Univ. Certificated KGMP from Korea Testing Laboratory, Ph.D., Oxford University MOCIE(Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy) Professor of Biochemistry at Yon-sei Univ.- Present Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. ※ KGMP (Korea Good Manufacturing Practice) The advantages of Alkalark User Friendly Reduction power and functions pH 7.2 pH 8.5 ~ pH9.2 ORP +210mV ORP -556mV Removal of harmful oxygen(SOD- Superoxide Dismutase)Function. Sufficient mineral, tasty and soft to drink Drink for fun ALKA LARK entertains your eyes and ears. You can watch bubbling of hydrogen gas. You hear lark singing sound while pouring water. Easy use Requiring time for reduction : 3 minutes Portable size Refined design Office, hiking, sports etc. Economic & Hygiene Affordable compare with Electric ionizer Maintenance free Transparent material and easy cleaning Sterilization power of exclusive cleaner sterilizing power test result 99.999% by Notification No.2005-33 of Korea Food and Drug Administration Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Comparison Electric ionizers and Alkalark reductor Classification Electric Ionizer Alka Lark PH Mild Alkalinity Mild Alkalinity ORP -200~-500 mV -200~-500 mV Mineral Deviation Fluctuation Abundant Minerals Price Expensive Affordable Maintenance Cost High Free Portability Restricted Easy to carry Hygiene Filter Changing Easy Washable Electric Wave Exist None ※ What is ORP(Oxidation-Reduction(Deoxidization) Potential)? ORP is a measure of oxidizers or reducers’s ability to perform a chemical task Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. The Various Uses of Alkalark After exercise, quench your thirst with Alkalark Making tea or coffee – more softly and fragrantly Boiling vegetable or soup – more vividly Boiling rice – more tasty Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. How to Use the Alkalark 100% Drinking Water It is recommended that approximately 2ℓ(liters) or more of water be consumed per day. ALKA LARK (hydrogen enriched alkaline water with essential minerals is soft and pleasant tasting water that contains all three essential elements of good water (alkalinity, rich active hydrogen, and high deoxidation properties). Water for Cooking When cooking rice and other food, using ALKA LARK results in taste that goes one step beyond normally delicious. In particular, when boiling rice, after washing, let the rice sit for 20 minutes in ALKA LARK and then cook for much better taste. Washing Fruits, Vegetables, etc. No separate cleaner is necessary when washing fruits, vegetables, etc. with ALKA LARK. It also works to help prevent oxidation and preserve freshness. Watering Flowers and Plants As ALKA LARK is rich in minerals that help plants grow, it is recommended for use in watering. Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent. Thank You ! Presented by Korea Bio Technology Ent.