Name: _________________________________ Due Date: Friday, October 17, 2014 R1 Book Report Rubric Cover Page: 1. Student’s name, homeroom, and # 2. Book Title (Must be underlined or in italics) 3. Author 4. Publisher and copyright date I. Setting and Main Characters (one paragraph with 5 – 7 complete sentences) Where did most of the action or events in the story take place? What was the time period? (1800s, modern day…) Describe at least two main characters’ physical and personality traits. II. Plot Summary (summary must be 2-3 paragraphs with 5 – 7 complete sentences per paragraph) Write about the most important events in the story. This section should include the conflict and resolution of the story. Extra Credit: (You can earn up to 10 bonus points if you complete parts III and IV.) III. Opinion (one paragraph with 5 – 7 complete sentences) Write about what you liked or disliked about this book and why. Would you recommend this book to a friend? IV. Casting (one paragraph with 5 – 7 complete sentences) In this section, describe who you would cast to play two or three of the main characters in your book if you were to make it into a movie. Writing process: 1. 2. 3. 4. Handwrite a rough draft Have a peer edit the rough draft and sign it. Type a final draft that is double-spaced, using 11 point font (Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman) The rough draft must be attached to your final draft. Book Report List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. The Titan’s Curse #3 – Rick Riordan The Battle of the Labyrinth #4 – Rick Riordan The Last Olympian #5 – Rick Riordan The Lost Hero – Rick Riordan Diary of a Wimpy Kid #3 (The Last Straw) – Jeff Kinney Wonder – RJ Palacio Rules – Cynthia Lord Esperanza Rising – Pam Ryan Munoz Bud, Not Buddy – Christopher Paul Curtis Al Capone Does My Shirts – Gennifer Choldenko Delirium – Lauren Oliver Legend – Marie Lu Partial, Dan Wells Gone, Michael Grant Dealing with Dragons by Patricia Wrede Children of the Dust Bowl – Stanley The Great Fire – Jim Murphy Chasing Lincoln’s Killer – James L. Swanson Treasure Hunters – James Patterson Heat – Mike Lupica QB 1 – Mike Lupica Travel Team – Mike Lupica Matched #1 – Ally Condie Crossed #2 – Ally Condie Reached #3 – Ally Condie Insurgent #2 – Veronica Roth Allegiant #3 – Veronica Roth Dork Diaries series – Rachel Renee Russell Liar, Liar – Gary Paulsen Soccer Hero – Matt Christopher Hot Shot – Matt Christopher Miracle at the Plate – Matt Christopher Play Ball – Matt Christopher Catch that Pass – Matt Christopher Saving Zasha – Randi Barrow Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life – James Patterson Lincoln’s Grave Robbers – Steve Sheinkin The Water Castle – Meagan Blakemore Peak – Roland Smith The White Darkness – Geraldine McCaughrean Students may choose a book that is not on the list. However, they may not choose a book that has been made into a movie. The book must be on the students’ reading level and must be approved by their Language Arts teacher. Book Report Grading Rubric _____ 6 pts - Name, #, Homeroom _____ 5 pts - Book title Underlined or in Italics _____5 pts – Author _____ 4 pts – Publisher and copyright date _____ 10 pts- Handwritten Rough Draft _____ 10 pts – Rough Draft peer edited (must have student that edited paper’s signature) _____10 pts – Final draft typed, double-spaced, 11 pt, font (Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman), Rough draft attached to final draft ____ 10 pts - setting and main characters in one paragraph* ____ 20 pts - Plot summary in 2-3 paragraphs* ____ 20 pts – Spelling and Grammar 1-5 Mistakes 2 pts 6-10 Mistakes 5 pts 10-15 Mistakes 10 pts Over 15 Mistakes 15 pts *A paragraph must have 5-7 complete sentences. One point will be deducted automatically for each non-complete sentence and/or missing sentences.