Little Foxes Newsletter 12 Feb

Little Foxes’ Weekly
Friday 12th February 2016
Dear Parents and Carers
Wow ! How is it half term already! What a super half term it has been. This week has been
busy but also very exciting.
Please read at least 4 times
a week and record what you
have read in the white home
reading book.
We started off the week by having a super PE lesson with Mr Bryan, our new PE Specialist.
Little Foxes enjoyed PE on the playground and learning new skills.
In Topic , we have continued to think about our mystery visitor and we have been able to
begin to write a report about how fantastic yet mysterious the afternoon was , some of us
even used the word ‘flabbergasted’ in some of our reports! I was Flabbergasted!
It was great to see so many parents at the coffee morning this week. I am planning to book in
regular visits so any questions please let me know.
The Year 1 children will really enjoy teaching you how to ‘fred and blend’ words! Please
come and see me if you have any queries or questions regarding their phonics, I would love
to help.
Attendance I am continuing to set my challenge 2 weeks of 100% attendance and we can
have a pyjama party. I know that next half term is the time.
I just want to say a huge congratulation to those children who came to school every day this
week and got 100% attendance. You are fantastic! Let’s keep this up!
Home learning tasks to be
Completed by 25th of
Please remember that all home
learning should be completed
neatly by your child in PENCIL.
Reading and Home Learning
MUST be completed to earn
Golden Time.
This week has been Online Safety Week and in particular it was safer internet day on
Monday 8th February. As a school, we focused on online gaming and explored how the
children can play online safely. The children participated in a range of learning activities to
help raise awareness of E- safety and equip them with advice and support that will encourage
them to be responsible online. For this week’s home learning I would like the children to
design their own mouse mat based on e-safety and how to stay safe online. There is a
template in their home learning books.
Please read at least 4 times and
Dates for next term – 3rd of March World Book day! We will celebrate this remarkable day
write this into your reading
with thousands of other schools across the nation. Its time to think of your favourite book or
journal to earn Golden Time.
story character and come dressed up for the day. I already have my outfit! YAY!
Have a super half term , get some rest , sleep and im looking forward to seeing you all on
Monday the 21st of Feb!
Any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me 
Miss Gilbert :D
Star of the Week
Attendance: 95%
Late :1
Please ensure your child
attends school every day.
Every day missed is 6 hours
of learning lost.
5% for a PJ Party! WE CAN DO
IT !
Star of the Week this week is Scarlet for coming
into class with a smile on her face and always
ready to learn. Well done Scarlet !
Important Information
Please make sure that your child reads four times
a week.
Please can all items of uniform be named.
Please can I have P.E kits in school we have PE
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
No toys into class please- I really do not want them
to get lost or broken.
Learning Academy Partnership (South West)
‘Together we empower excellence’
Learning Academy Partnership (South West)
‘Together we empower excellence’