Cellular Reproduction 1 Types of Cell Reproduction Asexual reproduction involves a single cell dividing to make 2 new, identical daughter cells 3 Reasons why cells undergo asexual Reproduction: 1. Growth 2. Repair 3. Replacement Examples: somatic cells (body), cancer cells 2 Five Phases of the Cell Cycle G1 - primary growth phase S – synthesis; DNA replicated G2 - secondary growth phase **collectively these 3 stages are called interphase M - mitosis C - cytokinesis 3 The Cell Cycle DNA Copied Cells Mature Daughter Cells Cells prepare for Division Cell Divides into Identical cells http://www.cellsalive.com/mitosis.htm 4 Interphase • Occurs before Mitosis begins • Chromosomes are copied (# doubles) • Chromosomes appear as threadlike coils (chromatin) at the start, but each chromosome and its copy (sister chromosome) change to sister chromatids at end of this phase Remember: G1 - primary growth phase S – synthesis; DNA replicated G2 - secondary growth phase **collectively these 3 stages are called interphase Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from: http://www.bioweb.uncc.edu/biol1110/Stages.htm 5 Mitosis Division of the nucleus Also called karyokinesis Only occurs in eukaryotes (plants and animal cells) Has four stages Doesn’t occur in some cells such as brain cells 6 Four Mitotic Stages Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase 7 Early Prophase Chromatin in nucleus condenses to form visible chromosomes Mitotic spindle forms from fibers in cytoskeleton or centrioles (animal) Nucleolus Cytoplasm Nuclear Membrane Chromosomes 8 Late Prophase Nuclear membrane & nucleolus are broken down Chromosomes continue condensing & are clearly visible Spindle fibers called kinetochores attach to the centromere of each chromosome Spindle finishes forming between the poles of the cell 9 Late Prophase Chromosomes Nucleus & Nucleolus have disintegrated 10 Review of Prophase What the cell looks like What’s happening 11 Metaphase Chromosomes, attached to the kinetochore fibers, move to the center of the cell Chromosomes are now lined up at the equator Metaphase= “Middle” Equator of Cell Pole of the Cell 12 Metaphase The poles of a cell Spindle Fibers Chromosomes lined at the Equator 13 Metaphase The pole of the cell Animal Cell Plant Cell Chromosomes at Equator 14 Review of Metaphase What the cell looks like What’s occurring 15 Anaphase Occurs rapidly Sister chromatids are pulled apart to opposite poles of the cell by spindle fibers Sister Chromatids being separated 16 Anaphase Review What the cell looks like What’s occurring 17 Telophase Sister chromatids at opposite poles Spindle disassembles Two new nuclei form Nuclear envelope forms around each set of sister chromatids Nucleolus reappears CYTOKINESIS occurs Chromosomes reappear as chromatin 18 Comparison of Anaphase & Telophase 19 Telophase Animal Cell Plant Cell Nuclei reforming Polar microtubules continue elongation 20 Cytokinesis Means division of the cytoplasm Occurs after mitosis Division of cell into two, identical halves called daughter cells In plant cells, cell plate forms at the equator to divide cell In animal cells, cleavage furrow forms to split cell 21 Cytokinesis Cleavage furrow in animal cell Cell plate in plant cell 22 Daughter Cells of Mitosis Have the same number of chromosomes as each other and as the parent cell from which they were formed Identical to each other, but smaller than parent cell Must grow in size to become mature cells (G1 of Interphase) 23 Review Eukaryotic Cell Division Used for growth and repair Produce two new cells identical to the original cell Cells are diploid (2n) Prophase Metaphase Chromosomes during Metaphase of mitosis Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis 24 Mitotic Stages 25 The Cell Cycle Animation You should be able to name each stage!! 26 Review of Mitosis 27 Name the Mitotic Stages: Interphase Name this? Prophase Telophase Name this? Metaphase Anaphase 28 Mitosis in Onion Root Tips Do you see any stages of mitosis? 29 Draw & Learn these Stages 30 Draw & Learn these Stages 31 Test Yourself over Mitosis 32 Mitosis Quiz 33 Mitosis Quiz 34 Name the Stages of Mitosis: Early Anaphase Early prophase Metaphase Interphase Late Prophase Late telophase, Mid-Prophase Advanced cytokinesis Early Telophase, Begin cytokinesis Late Anaphase 35 Identify the Stages ? Early, Middle, & Late Prophase ? ? Metaphase Late Prophase Late Anaphase Anaphase ? ? Telophase ? ? Telophase & Cytokinesis 36 Locate the Four Mitotic Stages in Plants Anaphase Telophase Metaphase Prophase 37 Uncontrolled Mitosis If mitosis is not controlled, unlimited cell division occurs causing cancerous tumors Oncogenes are special proteins that increase the chance that a normal cell develops into a tumor cell Cancer cells 38 Meiosis Formation of Gametes (Eggs & Sperm) 39 Facts About Meiosis Preceded by interphase which includes chromosome replication Two meiotic divisions --- Meiosis I and Meiosis II Called Reduction- division Original cell is diploid (2n) Four daughter cells produced that are monoploid (1n) 40 Facts About Meiosis Daughter cells contain half the number of chromosomes as the original cell Produces gametes (eggs & sperm) Occurs in the testes in males (Spermatogenesis) Occurs in the ovaries in females (Oogenesis) 41 More Meiosis Facts Start with 46 double stranded chromosomes (2n) After 1 division - 23 double stranded chromosomes (n) After 2nd division - 23 single stranded chromosomes (n) Occurs in our germ cells that produce gametes 42 Why Do we Need Meiosis? It is the fundamental basis of sexual reproduction Two haploid (1n) gametes are brought together through fertilization to form a diploid (2n) zygote 43 Fertilization – “Putting it all together” 2n = 6 1n =3 44 Replication of Chromosomes Replication is the process of duplicating a chromosome Occurs prior to division Replicated copies are called sister chromatids Held together at centromere Occurs in Interphase 45 A Replicated Chromosome Gene X Homologs (same genes, different alleles) Sister Chromatids (same genes, same alleles) Homologs separate in meiosis I and therefore different alleles separate. 46 Meiosis Forms Haploid Gametes Meiosis must reduce the chromosome number by half Fertilization then restores the 2n number from mom from dad child too much! meiosis reduces genetic content The right number! 47 Meiosis: Two Part Cell Division Sister chromatids separate Homologs separate Meiosis I Meiosis II Diploid Diploid Haploid 48 Meiosis I: Reduction Division Spindle fibers Nucleus Early Prophase I (Chromosome number doubled) Late Prophase I Nuclear envelope Metaphase Anaphase Telophase I I I (diploid) 49 Prophase I Early prophase Homologs pair. Crossing over occurs. Late prophase Chromosomes condense. Spindle forms. Nuclear envelope fragments. 50 Tetrads Form in Prophase I Homologous chromosomes (each with sister chromatids) Join to form a TETRAD Called Synapsis 51 Crossing-Over Homologous chromosomes in a tetrad cross over each other Pieces of chromosomes or genes are exchanged Produces Genetic recombination in the offspring 52 Homologous Chromosomes During Crossing-Over 53 Crossing-Over Crossing-over multiplies the already huge number of different gamete types produced by independent assortment 54 Metaphase I Homologous pairs of chromosomes align along the equator of the cell 55 Anaphase I Homologs separate and move to opposite poles. Sister chromatids remain attached at their centromeres. 56 Telophase I Nuclear envelopes reassemble. Spindle disappears. Cytokinesis divides cell into two. 57 Meiosis II Gene X Only one homolog of each chromosome is present in the cell. Sister chromatids carry identical genetic information. Meiosis II produces gametes with one copy of each chromosome and thus one copy of each gene. 58 Meiosis II: Reducing Chromosome Number Prophase II Metaphase Telophase II Anaphase 4 Identical II II haploid cells 59 Prophase II Nuclear envelope fragments. Spindle forms. 60 Metaphase II Chromosomes align along equator of cell. 61 Anaphase II Equator Pole Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles. 62 Telophase II Nuclear envelope assembles. Chromosomes decondense. Spindle disappears. Cytokinesis divides cell into two. 63 Results of Meiosis Gametes (egg & sperm) form Four haploid cells with one copy of each chromosome One allele of each gene Different combinations of alleles for different genes along the chromosome 64 Gametogenesis Oogenesis or Spermatogenesis 65 Spermatogenesis Occurs in the testes Two divisions produce 4 spermatids Spermatids mature into sperm Men produce about 250,000,000 sperm per day 66 Spermatogenesis in the Testes Spermatid 67 Spermatogenesis 68 Oogenesis Occurs in the ovaries Two divisions produce 3 polar bodies that die and 1 egg Polar bodies die because of unequal division of cytoplasm Immature egg called oocyte Starting at puberty, one oocyte matures into an ovum (egg) every 28 days 69 Oogenesis in the Ovaries 70 Oogenesis First polar body may divide (haploid) a Mitosis Oogonium (diploid) X A X Primary oocyte (diploid) X a X a a Polar bodies die X Meiosis I Meiosis II (if fertilization A occurs) X A X Secondary oocyte (haploid) Ovum (egg) Mature egg A X Second polar body (haploid) 71 Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis 72 Comparison of Divisions Mitosis Meiosis 2 Number of divisions 1 Number of daughter cells 2 4 Yes No Same as parent Half of parent Where Somatic cells Germ cells When Throughout life At sexual maturity Growth and repair Sexual reproduction Genetically identical? Chromosome # Role 73 74