Chapter Ten PowerPoint presentation guide

Name ________________________________________________ Hour______
Chapter 10 Cellular Reproduction
 It was once thought that some __________________things could give rise
spontaneously to ______________________things.
 ________________ (384-322) and others believed that living organisms could
develop from non-living materials.
 ___________________________ (1626-1678) was an Italian physician who
refuted the idea of ______________________ by showing that rotting meat
carefully kept from flies will not spontaneously produce maggots.
 In 1861: ______________________________ (1822-1895) famous experiments
with swan-necked flasks finally proved that ___________________ do not arise
by spontaneous generation.
 _____________________________________ occurs when parent cells divide.
 Cells __________________rather than grow really big because as the volume of
cytoplasm increases, the _______________________ of the plasma membrane
can’t keep up and eventually the cell would either starve from lack of
___________________ or _________________ itself because of excess
 Cells stop __________________ or _____________________ before either of
those things happens.
 A cell’s activity is regulated by ________________which is organized into
hereditary units called ___________________.
 The genes code for ______________and _______________.
 DNA is organized and packaged into structures called
 _____________________________ cells have a single circular molecule of
DNA. What is a prokaryotic cell? __________________________
 ____________________________ cells have many more genes. A human cell
contains _________ separate, linear DNA molecules that are packaged into
_________ chromosomes.
 DNA and proteins make up a substance called ____________________.
 The first level of DNA packaging is done by ___________________ (proteins)
that come together to form a ____________________.
 The structure made up of a __________________ and the ____________
around it is called a ___________________.
 _________________________ exist as coiled or uncoiled _________________.
As the cell prepares to divide, the chromosomes __________________ even
further so that the DNA molecules don’t get tangled up.
 Chromosomes are made up of _______ thick strands, called a
_______________, made up of a single DNA molecule.
 Identical pairs, called ___________________________ are held together in the
middle by a ________________________.
 During cell division, the sisters are separated at the centromere, then each ends
up in a _________________________, that way each cell has the same genetic
 There are ________________________ types of cell division
 Prokaryotic is ___________________________—the DNA molecule is attached
to the inner cell membrane. It builds a cell membrane between the two copies of
DNA while a new _________________________ forms around the membrane,
squeezing the cell and pinching off two ___________________________.
 __________________ and ___________________ are eukaryotic and more
 There are three routes of DNA transfer into______________________;
______________________ - the direct uptake of DNA by a cell. This can be
natural or chemically-induced.
____________________________ - the transfer of DNA mediated by a
bacteriophage (or phage). This is where non-phage DNA hitches a ride inside the
phage particle and is transferred to a new _________________________.
_____________________________ - the transfer of DNA from one bacterium to
another, mediated by a ________________________. This normally requires
intimate contact and transfer via a special tube called a ___________________.
 ____________________________ and __________________ make up the cell
 _________________________________ is the non-reproducing phase of cell
 ________________________________ is the reproductive phase of a cell’s life.
 Most of the cell’s life is spent in _____________________________.
Interphase is the cell’s
Cells spend ___________of their life in this
During interphase, each
______________________________ and the
___________ it contains makes exact copies.
______________________ follows interphase.
Draw interphase
Early Prophase
The _______________________ in the
Draw early prophase
Draw late prophase
nucleus starts forming loops and
_______________________, growing shorter and
In_______________ cells, the two pairs of
___________________ begin to separate and migrate
to _______________________ poles of the cell.
__________________________ form between
the two pairs of centrioles and form a football-shaped
structure called a______________________.
All ____________________ cells have
Late prophase
The ____________________ disappears.
Chromosomes are double-stranded structures
which shows that ____________________ has
Each strand is a replica of the other and called
a ________________.
Two chromatids of a chromosome are called
________________chromatids and are joined in the
middle by a centromere.
Draw metaphase
 Chromosomes are scattered randomly
in the area where the
_____________________ was.
 They then move toward the spindle’s
_______________ (middle) when the
microtubules attached to each
centromere change in length.
Early Anaphase
Draw early anaphase
 The ___________________ split and
the two sister chromatids of each
chromosome begin to separate from
one another and move apart.
Late Anaphase
 The overlapping_______________ from
each pole join and begin to lengthen
as_______________ are added.
 The poles are pushed apart, and sister
chromatids are pulled to
_________________ poles of the cell.
Each end of the cell has one set of singlestranded chromosomes
Draw late anaphase
Draw telophase
 In animals, ________cells are formed from
the one as the cell begins to pinch together
at the center and the microfilaments
attached to the membrane
 In cell walls (plants), a
___________________________ grows
outward from the middle of the cell.
 A nuclear envelope forms around the
chromosomes at each pole of the cell. The
chromosomes uncoil and change back to
their original ______________________
 The _____________ dissolves and mitosis
is complete.
 Cytokinesis follows the end of mitosis. After
telophase, the process reverses and
nucleoli reappear. The 2 nuclear
membranes enclose each set of
 The chromosomes become a mass of
 The cytoplasm is separated and two cells
called daughter cells are formed.
 Each daughter cell is about half the size of
the original cell and have the same genetic
 Both then enter the G1 stage of interphase.
Draw cytokinesis
 Cell division is highly controlled by signals from ____________________ and
other __________________________________ signals.
 ___________________ control the phases of the cell cycle.
 _______________________ and other ____________________ control cell
growth and division.
 Environmental conditions such as _____________________________ affect the
cell cycle.
 Checkpoints in the Cell Cycle:
 G1: Cell checks _________________________ to determine if conditions are
favorable and the cell is __________________ and ___________ enough. If so,
it enters the synthesis phase.
 G2: Before ____________________, cell checks for any mistakes in the copied
DNA. _______________________ correct mistakes. Proteins also check to see
if the cell is large enough. Once everything checks out, the cell undergoes
 Mitosis: During______________________, cell checks to make sure
___________________________________are properly attached to spindle
fibers to ensure equal distribution of genetic material to the
 _______________________ is a group of severe and sometimes fatal diseases
caused by _______________________________cell growth.
 Uncontrolled cell growth and __________________can result in masses of cells
that _______________________ and ____________________healthy tissues.
 _____________can cause the cell to respond improperly or to stop responding.
If the ____________________________ is not controlled, the defective cell
divides to produce more defective cells that can eventually form a mass called a
 _____________________________________ do not spread to other parts of the
body and can often be removed by surgery.
 A malignant tumor can spread through the body in a process called
 Some cancers are treated with drugs in a procedure called
_____________________ as well as _______________________ or radiation
 The best way to prevent cancer is to avoid things that can cause it such as
_____________________________ or chemicals found in products such as
Label the diagram: