Journal #34 Birth Control List all the methods of birth control you can think of Birth Control 101 9 methods of Birth Control Pros & Cons Effectiveness-How well they work! #1 Abstinence Not having sexual intercourse Pros: No major health concerns No exam needed Always available Protects against STIs/HIV Cons: May be Unrealistic Effectiveness: 100% #2 Male Condom Covers penis and stops sperm Some have spermicide Easy to buy at the stores Used only once Pros: Cons: No major health concerns No exam needed Protect against STIs / HIV Allergic reactions can happen Can break if not used properly Can interrupt sex Effectiveness: 88% - 98% #3 Female Condom Lines the vagina to stop sperm Extends outside the vagina Used only once Some have spermicide Easy to buy at the stores Pros: Cons: No major health concerns No exam needed Most women insert it up to 8 hours before use Can protect against STIs/HIV Can be pushed into vagina Penis can slip to the side of Can be hard to insert Can cause minor discomfort Can break if not used properly Effectiveness: 79% - 95 % #4 Hormonal Method (5 Types) Hormones stop ovulation Changes cervical mucus to stop sperm Prescription needed 5 Methods available The PILL is taken at same time each day The STICK is inserted under skin for 3 yrs The RING is inserted in vagina for 3 wks The SHOT is every 12 weeks by a Dr. The PATCH is put on skin every wk for 3 All are 97% - 99.9% effective if used wks correctly . Important: Women decide which one would work best for them and their lifestyle Hormonal Method Pros: Easy to use. Doesn't interrupt sex. May decrease cramps Cons: Possible nausea, bloated feel, light or no periods, spotting, weight gain or loss, tender breasts, mood changes, headaches For some women, risk of blood clots, heart attack and stroke NO protection against STIs/HIV #5 Emergency Contraceptive Pills EC can work within 5 days of sex, but is more effective taken sooner EC is available from Planned Parenthood, health centers, & at pharmacy Stops ovulation, changes lining of uterus stopping implantation Does not cause abortion 1 dose of pill You may want EC if: The condom broke You had unprotected sex BC pills forgotten 2 days in a row You were forced into sex Cons: Half feel nauseous, 1/3 vomit. Breast tenderness, irregular bleeding, fluid retention, & headaches Using often causes irregular periods No protection against STIs/HIV Effectiveness: 75% - 89% #6 Barriers & Spermicides Cover the cervix Use with spermicide (kills sperm) Insert at, & leave in for, the right time Pros: The Sponge & Spermicide are easy to buy at the store, No major health issues, Others by prescription, but reusable Less side effects than hormones Cons: Can be messy, Allergies to some of spermicide, May increase risk of UTI, Some find it hard to put in or take out, May be pushed out of place No protection against STIs/HIV Effectiveness: 71% - 94% #7 IUD (Intrauterine Device) The ParaGard has copper, prevents sperm's swimming The hormone in Mirena thickens cervical mucus, which stops sperm Prevents fertilization If fertilization occurs it can stop implantation Clinician must insert it Pros: Doesn't interrupt sex Mirena lasts 5-7 yrs, Paragard lasts 10-12 yrs, Hassle-free Cons: May increase risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, which can cause infertility Some women bleed or cramp more May slip out of place Problems can result if user becomes pregnant No protection against STIs/HIV Effectiveness: 97% - 99% #8 Natural Family Planning or Fertility Awareness Method Women learn to predict ovulation by: Pros: No major health issues Useful in planning pregnancy Cons: Must check mucus & temperature every day taking temp daily checking cervical mucus and recording periods No protection for STIs/HIV Effectiveness: 80% - 98% #9 Vasectomy & Tubal Sterilization Vasectomy makes a man permanently sterile A small section of the "vas deferens" is removed Sperm can’t mix in semen Tubal sterilization permanent for women Fallopian tubes are closed off by tying and cutting Eggs can’t get out Pros: Permanent Cons: Permanent, No protection against STIs/HIV, Complications can occur with surgery Effectiveness: over 99%