Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV Evidence Needed NOTES: 1) Please note that all references below to “Evidence #” are meant to provide a cross-listing for documents and links enumerated in the print and electronic versions of the Self-Evaluation. The evidence itself is found in folders on the flash drives provided to team members in the package that included the report, schedule of classes, catalog, and fact book. 2) Please note that PierceOnline is Moodle, the College’s LMS. 3) Access supplemental evidence by visiting the Pierce College Accreditation Site. You may click here: Visiting Team Pre-Visit Evidence Requests, or follow these instructions: a. Click on “Resources.” b. Click on “Visiting Team Pre-Visit Evidence Requests.” 4) Evidence cited and added on 03-10-13 is highlighted in green. 5) UPDATES 03-11-13 are in turquoise. 6) UPDATES 03-11-13 REV are in avocado green. 7) UPDATES 03-12-13 are in yellow. 8) UPDATES 03-12-13 REV are in gray. Pedro Avila Breakdown on number of administrative positions by ethnicity and gender o Please see file(s): Pierce_Fact_Book_2009_2010 and Pierce_College_Self_Evaluation_Excerpt_Employee_Demographics Breakdown on number of classified position by ethnicity and gender o Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Self_Evaluation_Excerpt_Employee_Demographics Breakdown of faculty positions by ethnicity and gender o Please see file(s): Pierce_Fact_Book_2009_2010 Five year trends on overall success and retention rates for the college. o Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Demographics_Self_Evaluation_2013 (in the Student Achievement Data folder), Pierce_Fact_Book_2009_2010 Five year trends on overall success and retention rates by ethnicity o A hard copy of the data will be given to Jeanie Tuesday morning for the campus team room. An electronic copy will be made available ASAP Tuesday, as well. o Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Fact_Book_2010_2011 (pp. 55-77). o You may also wish to access this document online: http://info.piercecollege.edu/offices/research/Publications%20and%20Progr am%20Review%20Documents/Publications.htm Total number of course offerings for past five years separated by traditional face-to-face and distance education. o A hard copy of the data will be given to Jeanie Tuesday morning for the Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV campus team room. An electronic copy will be made available ASAP Tuesday, as well. Where in the Decision Making Process Handbook or any other official college document can we find a reference to a timeline that calls for regular review of the mission statement throughout the various college committees? o The Pierce College Council, which is the college’s primary participatory governance body, and the Educational Planning Committee, which is the Academic Senate’s major academic planning body, oversee the mission statement review process. Whenever the statement is revised, the PCC forwards the approved document. o Please see file(s): PCC_Minutes_of_Mission_Statement_Review_06_23_11 (Evidence #1.004) and EPC_Minutes_Mission_Statement_Review_05_28_10 (Evidence #1.021) o The College’s educational master plan (page 9) describes mission review as part of the planning processes. What evidence exists that the mission statement review process incorporates the interest and feedback of all college stake holders (students, classified, community members, etc..)? o The Pierce College Council is the College’s primary participatory governance organization. Constituents from all areas of the college have representatives on PCC, therefore feedback and interests of all stakeholders are represented. o o Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Council_Charter (Evidence #1.029) Documentation that demonstrates dialogue on student learning improvements at the PCC level materialized into a recommendation to the college President. o Among the relevant areas are building construction prioritization recommendations. o Please see file(s): PCC_Minutes_05_24_12, PCC_Minutes_Addendum_02_23_12, PCCMinutes_02_23_12, and PCC_Minutes_01_26_12 Furthermore, evidence that the college president acted on formal recommendations from PCC regarding improvements to student learning. o Among the relevant areas are building construction prioritization recommendations. o Please see file(s): PCC_Minutes_05_24_12, PCC_Minutes_Addendum_02_23_12, PCCMinutes_02_23_12, and PCC_Minutes_01_26_12 Documentation that demonstrates the College Planning Committee reviewed progress on the college’s strategic plan priorities and develop a report to be reviewed and approved by the Pierce College Council. (stated on page 4 of strategic plan) o Please see file(s): PCC_Minutes_05_24_12 and College_Planning_Committee_Minutes_12_12_12 Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV Arnulfo Cedillo Documentation that demonstrated that the college’s 2006-2012 goals and objectives were developed in measurable terms. That those goals were reviewed regularly and widely discussed across the college’s various groups. (Lyn) o Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Strategic_Plan_Evaluation_2012 Examples of research data that was utilized to inform the planning process. Provide evidence (minutes, agendas) that demonstrate that this data was referenced while making decisions. o Please see file(s): Academic_Senate _Minutes_FPPC_Recommendations_2011 (Evidence # 3.067), SAC_Minutes_03_15_12, and SAC_Minutes_12_11_12 Provide two examples that clearly demonstrate the planning process driving or directing the resource allocation process. o Please see file(s): RAC_Prioritization_List_2012_2013 and RAC_Prioritization_List_2011_2012 (Evidence # 1.039) Program review schedule for instructional and non-instructional programs. o The College does not have a revolving schedule. Instead, all programs are reviewed simultaneously each five years in order to build the Educational Master Plan. (CTE programs conduct reviews every two years.) The next campus-wide review will be in 2014-2015. Provide a couple of examples that demonstrate funding of resource allocation priorities based on needs provided by annual plans o Please see file(s): RAC_Prioritization_List_2012_2013 and RAC_Prioritization_List_2011_2012 (Evidence # 1.039) Student Advisory Board and Senate minutes (Alma) o Please see enclosed: ASO_Senate_Roster_Sample_Agenda_Sample_Minutes Online Orientation Process (Alma and Wendy) o Pierce College Online College Orientation Link: http://www.piercecollege.edu/staging/webapps/orientation/textonlyframeset.htm l?SID=&UID=guest&UFN=&ULN=&UEA=& o Please also see the enclosed: Pierce_Online_College_Orientation_Link How the student success committee works? (Bob and Crystal) o Link to the site: http://faculty.piercecollege.edu/success/ (Evidence # 1.031) o Or see the enclosed: Student_Success_Link o Please see the enclosed: Student_Success_Committee_Self_Evaluation_2010_2011 (Evidence # 4.054) and Student_Success_Committee_Sample_Minutes_02-20_13 Ethics statement for Board of Trustees (Perrin in Chancellor’s ofc.) o Please see file(s): Board_Rules_Ch_II_Article_III (Evidence # 4.033) Education and orientation for new Board of Trustee members (Yasmin and Perrin in Chancellor’s ofc.) o Please see file(s): LACCD_Trustee_Orientation_07_11_2011, Board_Rule_2105 (Evidence # 4.038), and Orientation_Procedures_for_New_Student_Trustees (Evidence # 4.039), Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV LACCD_Board_Orientation_08_11, LACCD_Trustee_Orientation_07_11_2011_Cover_Letter, List of Board educational materials/opportunities (Yasmin and Perrin in Chancellor’s ofc.) o Please see file(s): LACCD_Board_Agenda_11_13_12, LACCD_Board_Retreat_Agenda_04_19_12, and LACCD_Board_Retreat_Agenda_02_21_12 List of members of the Student Success Committee and minutes (Bob and Crystal) o Chairs: 1. Phyllis Braxton 2. Bob Martinez o Voting Members: 1. Donna Accardo 2. Myriam Altounji 3. Kathy Boddicker 4. Phyllis Braxton 5. Curtis Smith 6. Izzy Goodman 7. Ann Hennessey 8. Crystal Kiekel 9. Bob Martinez 10. Joy McCaslin 11. Shane Mooney 12. Marisa Diehl 13. Paul Anthony Quintero 14. Lila Snow 15. Mike Van Dyke Documentation which details how Pierce contracts out for food trucks o This documentation will be provided on Tuesday, 03-12-13. o On or about February 2011 the College working with the District Office established a Real Property Lease (Master Lease) between the Associated Student Organization (ASO) and the District. This lease permits the ASO to sublease a portion of the college property to private food truck operators (Exhibit A). The terms and conditions of this Real Property Lease are attached in this email message. Soon after the master lease document was signed, the ASO working closely with the Administration executed a number of subleases each of which have been signed by the President and forwarded to the District Office for board ratification. I have attached a copy of one of the subleases as a sample document. Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV As per the calculation of FMV the survey document is outlined below in exhibit B If you have any other questions please let me know, Larry- Exhibit A Listed below is the notification for the Board of Trustees LEASES, USE PERMITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERMITS OF DISTRICT FACILITIES 4500155390 Pierce. Ratify a lease agreement with the Pierce College Associated Student Organization (ASO), for its use of multiple site locations at the college. These locations will be used by the ASO to enter into agreement’s, with Bruce’s Gourmet Catering, Inc., and the Border Grill, to provide food services to the college. This agreement is being awarded due to the dynamic nature of the on-going construction projects on campus. The designated site locations for the retail sales of food items will be relocated with advance notice and coordination to accommodate construction schedules. Rental payments from the ASO to the college will be $500 per month. The catering vendors will be encouraged to hire enrolled students when additional help is needed. Period of agreement is January 31, 2011 to January 30, 2016, unless terminated earlier. This agreement and the contracts between the ASO and catering service providers will terminate on the day before the college food court is officially opened in the Library Learning Center. Exhibit B Please review the following attached statements (Comps) which were collected from various mobile food providers in Los Angeles with regard to providing food services to Pierce College. In summary the FMV justification is listed below: Date 10-21-10 10-21-10 10-21-10 10-21-10 10-08-10 Vendor GourmetGebeToGo Slice Truck El Gringo The Place Border Grill Truck Name Laura Bill Graw Andrea Uyeda Phone 310-251-8304 310-944-2474 877-354-7464 626-616-6822 310-980-9184 Based on anticipated sales of less then $240,000 dollars per year $1,500 per day1 or $7.50 per meal times or 200 meals we expect this food truck to fall Quoted p 10% of th 10% of th $500 to $ Not intere 10% of sa Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV Lisa Conyers Dave Keebler Laurie Lema within Ed code 81378.1 The comparative quotes listed above from five (5) operators illustrate that we have met the FMV conditions. Furthermore the statements from GourmetGebeToGo reveal that a recent UCLA visit net the company $1,360 for the day which is a further indicator that our anticipated revenue streams are realistic. o Please also see file(s): Contract_for_Food_Services_ASO and Example_of_Sublease Random samples of Occupational Advisory Committee minutes (Jose Luis) o Please see file(s): Career_Services_Advisory_Committee_Meeting_Minutes (Evidence # 2.056) Feedback provided through “mentor programs, internships, and work experience classes” about employment readiness. (Deans: Internships; Mia: SLO Results for 2011-2012 Co-Op Ed) o Please see hard copy of CTE_Advisory_Committees_Handbook_Draft in campus team room, and also the electronic file of the same name. o Hard copies of documents will be in the team room on Monday, March 11, including: Veterinary Technology Program AVMA Essential Skills Task List o Please see file(s): Co_Op_Ed_Database_Report_Viewing_Instructions_Snapshot, Co_Op_Ed_Report_2011_2012, Addiction_Studies_Internship_Advanced_Fieldwork_Sample, Pierce_Media_Arts_Interns_Data, Vet_Fieldwork_Lab_Animal_Evaluation_Sheets, Sample_Completed_Vet_Fieldwork_Sheet, Vet_Fieldwork_Rating_Sheet_Companion_Animal, Vet_Fieldwork_Rating_Sheet_Equine, Child_Development_Practicum_Survey, Vet_Fieldwork_AS181_Spring_2013, ASL_Internship_Goals_Form, and ASL_Internship_Concl_Analysis_Form Evidence showing the effectiveness of using a six-year Comprehensive Program Review Cycle (Alma, Anna, and Mia.) o Please see file(s): Planning_Linkages_Chart_03_13 Evidence showing how well the use of annual plans works to support the comprehensive program review, student success and institutional effectives. (Mia) o Please see the following pages in the Decision-Making and Planning Handbook: 42-45 (Evidence # - DMPH, complete - 1.022). Evidence showing progress on the numerous planning agendas to be completed by spring 2013 (Various and Mia) Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV Kim Morrison o The file (and hard copy of), Planning_Agenda_Items_Updates_03_12_13 will be provided on March 11. Student success benchmarks (Bob and Crystal) o Atd 1st Year Priorities are found on pp. 5-6 of the Achieving the Dream (AtD) Data Team Full Report 2012. Please see file(s): AtD_Data_Team_Full_Report_2_2012 (Evidence # 2.005) and AtD_Implementation_Planning_Information_02_12 Decision Making and Planning Handbook (Mia and Alma) o Please see file(s): Pierce_Planning_Handbook_03_15_12 (Evidence # 1.022). It can also be accessed on the Planning and Program Review site: http://info.piercecollege.edu/offices/preview/ (Evidence # 1.028). o Please also see file(s) as part of the revised DMPH, which is in progress: Pierce_College_Planning_Calendar_2012_2025, Pierce_College_Strategic_Plan_Evaluation_2012, and Planning_Linkages_Chart_03_13 Educational Master Plan (Mia) o Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Educational_Master_Plan_2011_2017 (Evidence #1.023) Strategic Plan (Mia) Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Strategic_Plan_Draft_July_2012 (Evidence # 1.024) Handbook for Providing Quality Distance Education (Wendy and David) o Pierce College does not have a handbook, but does have a number of relevant documents: Pierce College Academic Senate and Educational Technology Policies on DE (Evidence #s). Please either click here http://faculty.piercecollege.edu/edtech/classes/Documents/Policy%20for %20Online%20Classes.pdf or see file(s): Educational_Technology_Committee_College_Policy_for_Online_Class es (Evidence # 2.007) http://faculty.piercecollege.edu/edtech/classes/Documents/OnlineContac tPolicy.pdf Please also see the Educational Technology site: http://faculty.piercecollege.edu/edtech/ (Evidence #2.008) Please see file(s): Educational_Technology_Committee_Minutes_04_11_12 and Syllabus_for_Moodle_Training A hard copy of the Moodle Training Handbook will be in the team room on Monday, 03-11-13. Distance Education Annual Academic Program Plan (Wendy) o Please see file(s): Academic_Affairs_Annual_Plan_Distance_Education_2012_2013 Provide a link to the online SLO’s for Distance Education Classes (Wendy) Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV o Syllabi are in Moodle course shells, and SLOs are listed on syllabi. o Login to Moodle: pierce_accreditation; password: accreditation. Provide Evidence of Library connection with D.E. classes, instructors and students (Alma and Wendy) o Please see file(s): Accreditation_Addendum_DE_Resources, Pierce_Online_Writing_Lab_OWL_Screen_Shot, and Pierce_Online_Writing_Lab_Link Library staffing Documents (for maximization of existing resources) (Alma) o Please see file(s): Student_Services_Library_Annual_Plan_2012_2013 Dates for completion of missing Instructional SLO’s (Mia) o Please see file(s): Pierce_SLO_Proficiency_Report_to_ACCJC_03_13 Provide Educational Technology Committee Self Evaluation Sample 2010-2011 (David) o Please see file(s): Educational_Technology_Committee_Self_Evalution_2010_2011 (Evidence # 3.098) Info on online tutoring services for D.E. students o The Online Writing Lab is one of a variety of resources offered through PierceOnline: http://moodle.piercecollege.edu/course/view.php?id=17661, which can be accessed one you login (login: pierce_accreditation; password: accreditation). o Please see file(s): Pierce_Online_Writing_Lab_OWL_Screen_Shot, Pierce_Online_Writing_Lab_Link, and Accreditation_Addendum_DE_Resources Educational Technology Handbook (Wendy and David) o The College does not produce a handbook, but please see the information and evidence cited under Handbook for Providing Quality Distance Education. Name what areas have wireless (Mark and Rolf) o Please see file(s): Campus_Map_WiFi_Spots_2010_Update Tech survey sent to all personnel (Mark and Rolf) o Please see file(s): IT_Satisfaction_Survey_results_2011_2012 (Evidence # 3.101) Annual survey to identify areas and technologies in which training is needed— along with course of action from survey results (Kathy) o Please see file(s): Professional_Development_IT_MC_Summary Pierce_College_Faculty_FLEX_Survey_Spring_2012, and HR_Training_Needs_Survey_Summary_03_06_13 Academic Senate approved Student Learning Outcomes policy (Mia) o Please see file(s): Senate_Minutes_09_26_11 and Outcomes_Department_Chair_To_Do_List_Fall_2011_Rev3 Annual plans from the committees whose purpose is to strengthen and create a link between institutional planning and resource allocation (Marco) o Committees do not write annual plans, but they do complete annual self- Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV Ricardo Navarrette evaluations. Please see file(s): Resource_Advisory_Committee_Self_Evaluation_2011_2013 and Resource_Advisory_Committee_Charter (Evidence # 1.042) Missing instructional Programs Annual Plans (Deans) o Annual plans are posted on the College’s Planning and Program Review site and links are working: http://info.piercecollege.edu/offices/preview/ (Evidence # for site: 1.028). Missing Student Services Annual Plans (Alma) o Annual plans are posted on the College’s Planning and Program Review site and links are working: http://info.piercecollege.edu/offices/preview/ (Evidence # for site: 1.028). Missing Administrative Annual Plans (Rolf) o Annual plans are posted on the College’s Planning and Program Review site and links are working: http://info.piercecollege.edu/offices/preview/ (Evidence # for site: 1.028). Composition of the Technology Committee Members: Jill Binsley David Follosco Mark Henderson Sean McDonald Amy Sirott Curtis Smith Greg Whaling Vice President Alma Johnson-Hawkins, VP Student Services o Please also see http://faculty.piercecollege.edu/technology/ (Evidence # 3.097) 2012-2013 Educational Tech Committee evaluation o This will be initiated in April and it should be approved in May or June. Please see file(s): Educational_Technology_Committee_Self_Evalution_2010_2011 and Educational_Technology_Committee_Self_Evalution_2011_2012 Library budget for last three years. o This data will be provided on Tuesday, March 12. o Please see file(s): Library_P5850A_FY_2010_2013_Vers2 Pierce Education al Master Plan (Student Services section) (Mia) o There is no special section in the plan dedicated to Student Services. The College chose to integrate areas. o Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Educational_Master_Plan_2011_2017 (Evidence #1.023) Pierce College Strategic Plan Evaluation (Alma) o CPC has a plan to complete a summative evaluation. Formative assessments have been and are being completed. Please provide what’s been done so far, and what is the plan for this process. Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV Sandra Stefani Comerford Please see file(s): Pierce_College_Planning_Calendar_2012_2025 and Pierce_College_Strategic_Plan_Evaluation_2012 Student Services Program Review (compiled for all SS programs) (Alma) o Annual program reviews are posted on the College’s Planning and Program Review site and links are working: http://info.piercecollege.edu/offices/preview/ (Evidence # for site: 1.028). Service Area Outcomes reports (compiled for all SS programs) (Mia) o Please see file(s): Student_Services_Area_Outcomes_Reports_2011_2012 o You may also view the Student Services SAOs on the College Outcomes Committee site: http://faculty.piercecollege.edu/outcomes/ (The link is also listed as Evidence # 2.014). Decision Making and Planning Handbook (Mia) o Please see file(s): Pierce_Planning_Handbook_03_15_12 (Evidence # 1.022). It can also be accessed on the Planning and Program Review site: http://info.piercecollege.edu/offices/preview/ (Evidence # 1.028). Results from District student satisfaction survey(s) o Please see file(s): District_Student_Survey_Fall_2009, Pierce_Student_Survey_Results_Fall_2009, and District_Student_Survey_Results_Spring_2012 Access to online LACCCD Electronic Curriculum Development (ECD) website (Mia) o Note: no login is required to view CORs. The ECD Web site is: http://ecd.laccd.edu/ o Please see file(s): Instructions_for_Accessing_CORs_in_ECD Access to the online Moodle Syllabus Repository Link (Wendy) o Syllabi are in Moodle course shells. o Login to Moodle: pierce_accreditation; password: accreditation. A chart or list of how many course, programs, GELOs have completed the assessment cycle and how many have not. (Mia) o Please see file(s): Pierce_SLO_Proficiency_Report_to_ACCJC_03_13 Documentation that demonstrates that students who complete program achieve the outcomes. (Mia) o Please see file(s): Pierce_SLO_Proficiency_Report_to_ACCJC_03_13 A detailed flow chart (an enhancement of the chart in III.D, p. 207) outlining the committee structure and the process to tie needed resources identified in the action plans (supported by assessment and analysis of SLOs) to the final determination of resource allocation by Resource Advisement Committee and its recommendations to the college president and college goals. (Anna and Mia) o Please see file(s): Planning_Linkages_Chart_03_13 and Pierce_College_Planning_Calendar_2012_2025 Annual Academic Program Review Plans for one department (Jose Luis) o There is no annual program review at Pierce College. There are annual plans and multi-year program reviews. Evidence: Visiting Team Needs UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13, UPDATES 03-11-13 REV, UPDATES 03-12-13, UPDATES 03-12-13 REV Bill Turini o Please see file(s) program review for Computers and Office Technologies: Annual_Plan_CAOT_2013_2014 Annual Student Services Program Plans for one unit (Alma) o Please see file(s): Student_Services_Special_Services_Annual_Plan_2013_2014 Annual Administrative Unit Plans for one administrative unit and their corresponding Program Reviews (Rolf) o Please see file(s): Administrative_Services_Fiscal_Office_Annual_Plan_2012_2013 and Administrative_Services_Fiscal_Office_Program_Review_2011_2012 Evidence of the effectiveness and procedure to minimize test bias for Math 115 MET (Bob and Donna Mae) o Please see enclosed: Math115_MET_Bias_Minimization A function map delineating the roles of the district and the college (District: Yasmin) o Please see the enclosed: District_Functions_Handbook_2013 Evidence that the institution has set targets or benchmarks for student achievement and student learning (Mia) o Please see the file(s): Student_Achievement_Data_Cover_Page for a list of documents in the Student Achievement Data folder Evidence of the assessment cycle for programmatic learning outcomes (Mia) o The college created assessment plans. Please see file(s): Program_Learning_Outcomes_Assessment_Cycle_Matrix_Form and Geography_Course_Assessment_Cycle_Plan_2011-2015 (Evidence # 2.017 and 2.016.1) o The college completed, for example, its plan to assess its General Education Learning Outcomes. Please see sample file(s): Sample_GELO_2_Report_Fall_11 and Sample_GELO_Report_Spring_12 (Evidence # 2.019.1 and 2.019.2) o Please see file(s): Pierce_SLO_Proficiency_Report_to_ACCJC_03_13 Faculty evaluation (full and part time) and SLO participation o Please see file(s): AFT_Language_on_SLO_Participation and AFT_Faculty_Contract_Appendices_v2, especially page 193 (page number in document) (Evidence # 2.075). o Hard copies will be provided before 6 PM on Tuesday, March 12.