Animal Reproduction and Development: A Summary AP Biology Spring 2011 Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction Useful strategy in stable environment Asexual reproduction by fragmentation, budding (ex. Sponge) or parthenogenesis results in offspring identical to parents Costs of Sexual Reproduction Sexual reproduction permits adaptation through variations but is biologically costly because sexes are separate Animals must produce gametes and find each other (usually) for fertilization to occur Through sexual reproduction, offspring are more likely to have a gene combination that is suitable to their new environment Costs of Sexual Reproduction Variations on Sexual Reproduction Some animals, tapeworms and roundworms, are hermaphrodites producing both eggs and sperm at the same time More typically, vertebrates have separate sexes that are fixed for lifeeither male or female Variations on Sexual Reproduction Most land animals have internal fertilization, while most marine animals use external fertilization Offspring may develop inside mother or outside of maternal body Most female mothers invest in yolk to help nourish developing young Stages of Reproduction and Development Gamete formation Eggs or sperm form and mature within the parents Stages of Reproduction and Development Fertilization Begins when a sperm penetrates an egg and is completed when the sperm nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus, resulting in formation of zygote Stages of Reproduction and Development Cleavage Repeated mitotic divisions Convert zygote to a blastula Cell numbers increase but not cell size Cleavage is over when blastula forms Blastula’s cells is blastomeres, encloses a fluid filled cavity the blastocoel Stages of Reproduction and Development Gastrulation Blastula enters gastrulation Results in 3 germ layers or tissues Ectoderm: outer layer, gives rise to nervous system and outer layers of the integument Endoderm: inner layer, gives rise to gut and organs derived from it Mesoderm: middle layer, muscle, organs of circulation, reproduction, excretion, and skeleton derived from it Zygote morula blastula gastrula Stages of Reproduction and Development Organ formation Organ formation begins as germ layers subdivide into populations of cells destined to become unique in structure and function Stages of Reproduction and Development Growth, tissue specialization During growth and tissue specialization, organs acquire specialized chemical and physical properties Early Marching Order- Information in the Egg Sperm contributes little more than the paternal DNA The oocyte contains the majority of materials that will affect early development Penetration of egg by sperm triggers structural reorganization in the egg cytoplasm Early Marching Order- Information in the Egg In a frog egg, microtubules move granules from the animal pole to form a gray crescent near the equator opposite penetration site Near the crescent, body axis of frog embryo will become established and gastrulation will begin Early Marching OrderInformation in the Egg Early Marching Order- Cleavage Cleavage divides up maternal cytoplasm After fertilization, the zygote begins a series of divisions in which each cell is pinched into two cells (blastomeres) This process is NOT random and different blastomeres will end up with different genetic messages in a process known as cytoplasmic localization Early Marching Order- Cuts Orientation: Radial cleavage starts with cuts perpendicular to mitotic spindle, producing cell of similar size but with different parts of cytoplasm In other cells (frogs) cuts do not go all of the way through, so the cells produced are smaller at the animal pole Early Marching Order- Cuts Orientation In mammals, rotational cleavage results in an inner cell mass (future embryo), which forms on the inside of a hollow sphere Early Marching Order- Cuts Complete and Incomplete: The amount of yolk stored inside the egg also affects cleavage patterns Incomplete: when an abundance of yolk impedes the cytoplasmic division, like in the insects, reptiles, birds, and most fishes Complete: when little yolk is present, the first cut divides all the cytoplasm in complete cleavage (amphibians and mammals) Structure of Blastula Blastula structure varies with species cleavage patterns In sea urchins, complete cleavage results in blastula that is a hollow ball In highly yolky eggs (birds and some fish), a blastodisk forms on top of the blastula In mammals, early embryo is called blastocyte Zygote Blastula Morula Gastrulation From Grastrula to Blastula A hundred to thousands of cells may form at cleavage- depending on species Starting with grastrulation, cells migrate about and rearrange themselves In most animals, the small ball of cells formed at cleavage develops into a grastrula with three distinct germ layers; ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm Specific patterns of cell migration occur within the gastrulation process Grastulation ectoderm mesoderm endoderm From Grastrula to Blastula Gastrulation proceeds through embryonic induction which is the process in which developmental fates of embryonic cell lineages change when exposed to signals (gene products) from adjacent tissues Cell Differentiation From grastrulation onward, cell lineages also engage in selective gene expression, which is the start of cell differentiation Morphogenesis Morphogens are signaling molecules produced by master genes They diffuse out and form a concentration gradient in the embryo A morphogen’s effect on target cells is proportional to its concentration Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation Morphogenesis is the progression of differentiated cells into tissues and organs; it is the result of several events Sheets of cells expand and fold as cells change shape forming organs such as the neural tube Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation Programmed cell death helps sculpt body parts Controlled cell death, called apoptosis, is genetically programmed elimination of tissues and cells that are used for only short periods in the embryo or adult Pattern formation is the process by which certain body parts form in a specific place Pattern Formation Embryonic induction: developmental fates of embryonic cell lineages change when exposed to signals- gene products- from adjacent tissues Pattern Formation: a sculpting of specialized tissues and organs from clumps of cells in the proper places in the embryo, in the proper order Pattern Formation Theory of pattern formation The formation of tissues and organs in ordered, spatial patterns Morphanogens and other inducer molecules diffuse through embryonic tissues, activate master genes Products of homeotic genes and other master genes interact with control elements to map out the overall body plan Pattern Formation Evolutionary constraints on development The basic body plans of the major animal groups have not changed due a limited number of master genes These genes have imposed phyletic constraints in addition to the more well-known physical and architectural constraints ○ Physical constraint: surface area to volume ratio ○ Architectural constraint: imposed by body axes ○ Phyletic constraint: imposed by interactions among genes that regulate development in a lineage Age and Death Aging may be partly a result of time running out of internal biological clocks, which are genetically preset Aging also may be partly an outcome of cumulative assaults on DNA and other biological molecules during the life cycle