Abraham Lincoln

By Chris Meluso
 Takes on personal responsibility
 Truthful and Trustworthy
 Values the law
 Community focused
 Fights for the underprivileged
 Sympathetic for the needy
 Supporter of positive change
 Contributor to society
 Defends the rights of others
 Displays tolerance toward others
 Conscientious of foreign and domestic problems
 Voices their opinion in an effort to make improvement
 Selfless
 Takes their job as a citizen seriously, and uses it for good
In order to understand why Abraham Lincoln is America’s greatest citizen,
you must know the key concepts of a great citizen.
All throughout civilization there have been good citizens, and bad ones.
Today we will look at some of the most important characteristics that make a good
citizen. In my opinion a good citizen should above all, value the law, voice their opinions
in an effort to make improvement, and be community focused.
Some people might say that these characteristics are not of a good citizen but
of a superhero. Although you don’t have to be a superhero to be a good citizen, you may
become viewed as a superhero by the people you help while being a good citizen. There
are a lot of people in the world who think that a good citizen does the minimum. Some
might argue that all a good citizen has to do is not cause too much trouble, and act nice.
However a good citizen is not idle, is not meek, and is not docile. A good citizen keeps
their mouth open, fights for their opinions, and works to make the world better for
future generations.
Someone who values the law sees the big picture, and understands that laws
serve significance other than punishment. Laws are what keep society from falling into
anarchy, and by breaking them you are doing society a disservice.
Someone who voices their opinion is focused on improvement, and knows
that everyone’s thoughts no matter how strange are valued by the community. When
someone voices their opinion they are not just talking, they are problem solving.
A citizen who is community focused realizes problems that need solving, and
helps find a way to fix them. Community focused people put group needs before their
own, and that means they voice their opinions, and respect the law because they know
how important it is
A good citizen is interested in making the world better now, and for the
future. Some of the most important ways they do that is by valuing the law, voicing their
opinions, and being community focused over self-focused. Although there are many
citizens of this world, few have made these things their goals in life.
 Abraham Lincoln strongly believed in the words of the Declaration of
Independence, especially that “all men are created equal”.
 He would read the Bible, Aesop’s fables and other works that taught him
valuable lessons. These lessons played a role in his development as a person,
and the opinions he formed.
He was an abolitionist.
 He had a way with words that worked to show his opinions vividly.
 When he was first elected President, nobody expected such great things from
him. Although, even one hundred and fifty years after his death people have set
him as an example of greatness.
 He taught himself law, and became a lawyer in 1837. As a lawyer he gained a
reputation as “Honest Abe”.
 He was an abolitionist speaker.
 He was elected president in 1860
 His primary goal was to preserve the Union, not free the slaves.
 Suspended Habeas Corpus, and did other questionable things during the Civil
War at the risk of criticism because he knew what was best for the Union.
 Issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 which said that all slaves in the
states still rebelling were to be freed.
 Initiated the Freedman’s Bureau in 1865 which helped recently freed slaves
The characteristics of a great citizen are exemplified through the life of Abraham Lincoln
and his affect on America’s development. By teaching himself law, and becoming a lawyer,
Abraham Lincoln shows that he values and respect’s the law. As a lawyer Lincoln gained a
reputation as “Honest Abe” ,which also shows that he is truthful and trustworthy. Coming
from a poor family he was naturally concerned with the plight of the less fortunate. During
his time as an abolitionist speaker and debater, Lincoln shows us that while he displays
tolerance toward other’s, he also righteously defends the rights of other’s, and he voices his
opinions publicly in an effort to advance improvements. In 1863, when Abraham Lincoln
issued the Emancipation Proclamation, he showed America that he fights for the
underprivileged, defends the rights of others, supports positive change, and contributes to
society. After the civil war Lincoln helped ratify the 13th amendment to the constitution,
outlawing slavery for good. However , this caused former slaves to lose their homes and jobs.
In response to this, Lincoln initiated the Freedman’s Bureau showing that he is also a
problem solver and sympathetic for the needy. All the things Abraham Lincoln did changed
America for the good and permanently changed the world’s respect for America. It is
because of the great things Abraham Lincoln did, and the great man he was that America’s
was forever changed by it’s greatest citizen.