Unit 9: Beef Cattle

Chapters 25 & 26
Understanding of the approaches to
improving cattle performance through
feeding, environment, management, genetics
Knowledge of various management practices
associated with cow/calf, feeder, and
Discuss the role of environmental
management in cattle feeding
Investigate the economic picture of the beef
>250 breeds identified
◦ 100’s others not identified w/ a breed name
Breeds distinguished by:
Color pattern
Extreme differences in form or shape
Purebred cattle
◦ What does it mean to be purebred?
Major U.S. breeds
◦ Early 1900’s Shorthorn, Hereford, and Angus were
primary breeds
◦ Today >60 breeds available
 <20 have widespread impact on the national herd
◦ Registration numbers
 Angus, Limousin, Simmental, Hereford are the most
common in regard to registrations
◦ Breeds
 http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/BREEDS/index.htm
Selected animals that are superior to herd
Selecting traits that are highly heritable
Economically important traits
Reproductive performance
Weaning Weight
Postweaning Growth
Feed Efficiency
Carcass Merit
Longevity (functional traits)
Freedom from genetic defects
Reproductive Performance
Goal of >85% of calves weaned
Calf every 365d or less
Entire herd calving season <90d
Fertility is not highly heritable (~20%)
High heritabilities for:
 Birth wt. ~40% heritable
 Scrotal Circumference ~40% heritable (>32cm)
 Increased SC produce more semen
 Half sisters that reach puberty earlier
◦ Best way to improve reproductive performance is
to improve environment
◦ What 2 ways can we improve environment?
◦ Select bulls that are reproductively sound
◦ Performance can also be improved by
Weaning Wt.
◦ Measured by actual wt.
 Reflects milking & mothering ability of dam
 Preweaning growth rate
◦ ww is commonly adjusted to 205d equivalent to
account for variance in age of calf/dam
◦ ww are commonly expressed as ratio to the other
calves in the group
◦ Weaning weight can be selected for (~30% h)
Postweaning Growth
◦ Weaning from finished wt.
◦ Usually they are very efficient
◦ Weaning wt. and postweaning growth often
combined to one trait
 Adjusted 365d wt.
 (160 * ADG) + adjusted 205d wt. = Adj. 365d wt.
◦ ADG & Ad 365d wt. highly heritable (~40%)
Feed Efficiency
◦ Lbs. feed/lb. gain
◦ Can be misleading
 Hard to measure
 Differences in production goal
◦ High heritability ~45%
Carcass Merit
◦ Quality grades and yield grades
◦ Can measure by ultrasound or by visual analysis
◦ Highly heritable >30%
Important, especially for cows
Bulls may be kept 3-5 yrs.
Highly productive cows 4-15 yrs.
Reasons for culling
Skeletal unsoundness
Poor udders
Eye problems
Lost/worn teeth
◦ Few cows highly productive >10yrs.
◦ Form, shape, visual appearance
◦ Source of controversy
◦ Traits are medium to high heritability (30-60%)
Genetic Defects
◦ Usually occur infrequently
◦ Common defects
 Double muscling
 Slow growing, poor fat deposition
 Syndactyly (Mule Foot)
 Osteoporosis (Marble Bone Disease)
 Short lower jaw, protruding tongue
 Hydrocephalus
 Bulging, fluid filled head
 Arthrogryposis (Palate-Pastern Syndrome)
 Pastern tendons contracted
 Upper part of mouth not fused together
 Dwarfism
◦ Many of these result in death early
Bull selection accounts for 80-90% of genetic
improvement over time
◦ Record accuracy is much higher due to number of
Most progressive seedstock producers record
( on their bulls):
◦ Birth wt.
◦ Weaning wt.
◦ Yearling wt.
Breeding Values
◦ Phenotype determined by genotype + environment
◦ Genotype determined by two factors:
 Breeding value (what genes are present)
 Nonadditive value (how genes are combined)
◦ Values are collected and analyzed by computer by
breed organizations
 EPD’s are used to express these values
Sire Summaries
◦ Data that has made sire selection much more
accurate & effective
◦ Published by most breed associations
◦ Measurements by EPD’s and ACC (Accuracy)
Birth wt.
Yrlg. Wt.
 Measures expected change in the EPD as more progeny
data is available
 >.90 very little expected change
 <.70 might change dramatically
 Must be careful about stacking pedigrees
Select more than needed for replacement
Selection of heifers
◦ Weaning (7-10 mos.)
 Cull only those whose wt. is too light to show estrus
at 15 mos.
 Cull heifers too large in frame & birth wt.
◦ Yearling (12-15 mos.)
 Cull those not reaching desired breeding wt. (650850 lbs.)
◦ After Breeding (19-21 mos.)
 Cull open heifers
 Cull those calving in latter third of calving season
 After weaning first calf (31-34 mos.)
 Cull to actual needed numbers based on weaning wt.
performance of first calf
 Select for early pregnancy
Select based upon their performance and the
performance of their offspring & additional
evidence that they can be productive if bred
Measured by:
◦ Pregnancy
◦ Weaning/yearling wts
◦ EPD’s of cows
Most producers travel w/in 150 mi to select
bulls for natural AI
◦ Must have knowledge of who has good genetics
Selection should be based on how each breed
complements the other
Why is crossbreeding advantageous for
commercial producers?
Most heterosis is expressed by weaning time
Two breed rotations
◦ Ex.
Two breed rotation w/ a terminal cross
◦ Ex.
◦ All terminal cross calves are sold
Three breed rotation
◦ Ex.
Effective and profitable management of
cow/calf operations is dependent upon
manager’s ability to budget time to critical
Two goals of the operation
◦ Generate profit
◦ Provide opportunities for others
 Finishing cattle
 Club calves
Criteria for measuring cow/calf profitability
1. Calf crop %
Number of calves/cow in breeding herd
2. Average wt at weaning
Wt at 7-9 mos.
3. Annual cow cost
Dollars required to keep a cow each yr
See table 26.2 for break-even guidelines
Costs & Returns
◦ Compute using enterprise budget
 Break out each part of the operation in order to
evaluate profitability more closely
◦ Typically, increasing weaning % decreases breakeven price
 Why might this not always be true
Feed heifers adequately to reach puberty @
15 mos (650-850 lbs)
Heifers bred to calve early in season
More likely to conceive early as 2 & 3 yr olds
Manage postpartum interval for heifers
Return to breeding time
May feed separately from mature cows
Monitor BCS
Fat/thin cattle have more problems
Observe closely at calving to prevent
dystocia (especially heifers)
Manage birth weight
Critical balance between size of calf and dystocia
Heavier birth weights usually = heavier calves
Can also lead to problems
Evaluate bulls for soundness, fertility
Bulls can have low libido and/or low sperm counts
cow:bull ratio – 30:1
Crossbreeding can improve calf crop % by
More vigorous calves
Adequate energy intake
Monitor energy intake closely at critical times:
Postpartum period
Balanced diet w/ protein, min/vit
Keep calf losses during gestation low – 23% target
Elevated levels often indicate presence of
infectious diseases
Keep calf mortality low – 2-3%
Have a plan for severe weather & health
Can reduce calf crop by 10-30% if not done well
Calve early in the season
Each missed cycle during breeding results in 3040 lb lighter calf @ weaning
Breeders typically limit breeding window to 90d
Keeps calves uniform
Forage/feed availability
Influences calf growth rate
Especially until calf consumes forages on their own
@ about 3 mos
Growth stimulants
Increase weaning wts 5-15%
Ralgro, Synovex C, Compudose, etc.
Implanted as pellets under skin
Don’t use on breeding stock
Communicate with buyers for appropriate implant
Can reduce grading and meat quality
Creep feed
Can greatly influence weaning wt
Also adds cost
Best used under drought or marginal feed quality
Disease management
Especially of the cow – reduces milk production
and intake of calf
Genetic selection
Select for milk production & weaning wt in
replacement females
Effective selection can result in a 4-6lb/calf/yr
Avg 20% increase in weaning wts
Some increase due to reproductive performance,
some heterosis
Crossbreds tend to wean more & heavier calves
Adequate income/expense records should be
carefully analyzed
Studies show a range of $61/hd breakeven to
$117/hd breakeven
◦ Contributes to major differences in profits/cow
5 ways low cost producers reduce costs
Reduce supplemental feed costs
Rotational graze
Reduced labor
Strong herd health management
Feed costs usually account for 50-70% of
annual cow costs
Period from weaning to last 1/3 of gestation
is time to save money
Labor costs compose 15-20% of annual cow
◦ 15-20 labor hours/cow unit/yr is normal
 Inefficient operations can be twice that amount
Palpate cows for pregnancy ~45 after
breeding season
◦ Make decisions on how to handle open cows
◦ Open cows put large financial drains on operations
Primary factors affecting stocker-yearling
Marketing (purchasing & selling)
Gaining ability of the cattle
Amount of available forage
Health of the cattle
Be aware of shrink losses
◦ Can be 3-12%
◦ Can take 2-3 wks to recover lost wt
Stocker-yearling cattle that are purchased &
sold multiple times are at high risk
◦ For what?
Most common diseases:
◦ Shipping fever
◦ Other respiratory diseases
Maintaining a constant supply of high-quality
forages is key to profits
Commercial Feedlots
◦ Typically >1000 hd
◦ Owned by individual, partnership, corporation
◦ May own cattle, or feed cattle owned by others
Farmer-Feeder Feedlots
◦ <1000 hd one-time capacity
◦ Usually owned/operation by individual or family
1. Farmer-feeder can utilize cattle to market homegrown feeds…increasing their value
2. Farmer-feeder can utilize high roughage feeds
more effectively
3. Farmer-feeder can spread labor distribution
amongst other enterprises
4. Farmer-feeder can be more flexible…devoting
time and resources to other enterprises when
cattle feeding is not profitable
5. Commercial feedlots usually collect and utilize
data more effectively & result in better
management decisions
6. Custom feeding reduces operational costs and
spreads some risk to the customer
Must keep lots full of cattle to be productive…turnover rates of 2-2.5x/yr
Farmer-feeders typically feed one group/yr
Facilities Investment
◦ Varies w/ type and location of feedlots
◦ Pen capacities can range from 100-500 on open
dirt lots
◦ Mounded for dry areas
◦ May have feed mill on site
◦ Typical investment/hd at full capacity ~$150 for
commercial/custom feeder operations, $200$500/hd for farmer-feeder operations
 Due to higher facilities investments
Cost of Feeder Cattle
◦ Estimate feed cost & price the cattle will bring at
 These figures dictate what price operators can afford
to pay
◦ Feeder cattle priced according to:
Fill (content of digestive tract)
Skeletal size
Body condition
◦ Commercial feeders may prefer to target some
animals with compensatory gain potential
 Fed low-quality forages, thin, and will gain quickly
when put on good ration
◦ Heifers usually priced a few cents cheaper due to
slower gains
◦ Fill differences can account for 10-40 lb
fluctuations in live wts
Feed Costs
◦ Feed typically 60-75% of cost of putting additional
wt on cattle
◦ Measured by feed cost/lb gain
◦ Differences can be explained by:
 Genetics
 Use of implants
 Use of feed additives
◦ Feed cost/lb gain gets higher w/ increased days on
 Avoid feeding cattle past ideal combinations of
slaughter wt, quality & yield grades
Nonfeed costs
◦ A.k.a – yardage costs – cost of gain other than feed
◦ Expressed as cost/lb gain, or cost/d
◦ Examples:
 Death losses
 Veterinary costs
Gross receipts
80% of cattle fed sold directly to a packer
Standard shrink of 4%
58% of cattle sold on carcass basis
NE, CO, IA account for 2/3 of steers marketed in
◦ TX, IA, MN, NE, WI account for 3/5 of all bulls/cows
◦ Slaughter cattle w/ yield grades of 4 or 5 heavily
Beef production & cattle prices highly
Production low…price high; producers keep
more replacements & cull fewer cows
◦ Eventually, beef production increases beyond
consumer demand…price declines
◦ Producers w/ breakevens below industry average
have competitive advantage
4 primary issues
1. Dust
Manage w/ regular pen maintenance
2. Odor
Regular pen maintenance
Use runoff holding ponds
Proper nutrition management
Reduce N, P feeding rates
3. Flies
Chemical control, biological control, both
4. Water quality
Main source of attention
Mainly affected by waste management
Incorrect handling, storage, application can greatly
affect water quality
Use BMP’s to minimize runoff problems
Grass filter strips
Controlled drainage systems