Catering and Banquet Mgmt Instructor: W. Raleigh Whitehurst Grading Attendance – Just like baseball – 3 strikes (absences) and you are out Tardy/Late – up to 6 minutes late – loss of ½ attendance points Leave early same thing! Attendance points awarded daily Participation – Active interest and participation in the topic, Grading Quizzes – 10 Quizzes – no make up quizzes! Quiz given randomly during class! 30% of Final Grade Project – Party Planning!! 20% of Final Grade Final Exam – 30% of Final Grade Introduction to Off Premise Catering Chapter 1 Off Premise catering is generally considered serving food at a location away from the caterer’s food production facility Examples of facilities include: Hotels Restaurants Commissaries Home kitchens (illegal in most if not all states, including Florida) Generally are considered to fall into 3 categories: Party Food Caterers Hot Buffet Caterers Full Service Caterers There is a Market niche for all levels of Off Premise Catering – from the backyard BBQ to the Oscar “After Awards” Parties An Art and A Science The Art – Creating moods and transforming dreams and visions into reality using Food, Props and People and satisfying the desires of the client. The Science You Have to make money!!! That means knowing your costs from People to Pasta! Crisis Manager A Successful Caterer – or any Professional, must be able to deal with Inevitable Crisises : Catering truck stuck in traffic Facility problems – no permits, bad fire inspection, equipment failures There are mistakes on the Event Order – wrong dates, payment confusion, etc. Missing Equipment, Utensils Differences between On Premise and Off Premise Catering From the client’s perspective : Should be less expensive – (not necessarily so!) More Personal Unique From the Caterers view: Facilities – unfamiliar and frequently lacking equipment (But sometimes really fun!) Greater seasonality – hard to keep people or get the good ones when everyone is busy Advantages of Off Premise Catering Advance Deposits- payments in advance Limited start up investments Controllable Inventory, costs Additional Revenues Business by Contract Direct payment Advance forecasting Exposure for the business – word of mouth Selective about the clients you work for Of Course – Now the Disadvantages High Stress – no excuses – Delivery a must! Cash management and flow can be erratic 80% of work/events are compressed into 20% of the time Much of the work is during times others spend with family ( Weekends & Holidays) To Be Successful Work Experience Passion Entrepreneurial – will to take risks Basic Business Knowledge Ability to Plan Organize, Execute and Control Ability to Communicate Effectively Willingness to take calculated risks There’s even More……. What it takes continued: Sound Mind and Body Creativity Dependability Open Mind Ability to meet the needs of the clients Ability to project a good image Sense of Humor Managing the Operation Develop your Strategic Plan – Know where you are want to go. Start with a statement of core values Should include client satisfaction, ethical practices, staff satisfaction, training, motivation and environmental awareness. Mission & Vision Statements From the Core Values comes the Mission Statement: “XYZ catering is committed to providing outstanding events through excellence in food and service that results in repeat clients and company growth” From the Mission Statement to the Vision Statement: “In 5 years XYZ Catering will be the leading Off Premise Catering firm in the community with a strong record of service with sincerity” Statements must be S.M.A.R.T. SPECIFIC MEASURABLE ATTAINABLE RELEVANT TIME BOUND Management & Leadership Hands on Attention to the smallest details – you cannot run this type of business form behind a desk Get feedback from clients and staff Oversee the staff during the function Jump in and help when needed Leaders are out front Professionalism and Courtesy Do what you say you will Give prices and commitments only after you have all the facts Treat all with respect Build relationships with clients Be on Time Be Honest Stand behind your work Be strong in the face of abuse and do not pass it on! Dress Professionally Enjoy your work – or you will burn out! Ethicsor the “Man in the Mirror” “A Good Reputation is more valuable than money” Truth in menus Misleading advertising Unjustified and last minute add ons Greed – taking more work than be handled Bad Mouthing the Competition Kick backs under the table Under reporting income Personal Management Manage Stress Time Management Get Organized Catering in the Future Over 50,000 off premise caterers Competition is increasing Set yourself Apart – “Different , Better, Special” Staffing is always a challenge High tech is great – but service is key Service Based Economy to an Experience based Economy 7 Habits of Highly Successful Caterers (with apologies to Steven Covey) Take Calculated Risks Have Concern for Others Keep up on Trends Prioritize well and have good Time Management Skills Want Quality over Quantity Detail Oriented Set High standards and Live Them as an Example Measuring Success 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You are Happy Your Family is Happy Your Staff is Happy Your Clients are Happy Your bank is Happy Everyone is Happy, Happy, Happy! Next Week Chapter 2 – Laws Locations and Contract Quiz – Chapter 1