Photosynthesis: The Lab

Photosynthesis: The Lab
Dr. Ippolito
Brief Tangent
• In Microsoft programs, alt-clicking on a
word does quick research for you!
• Part 1:
– 2 test tubes, water, phenol red, a straw, a 2” piece of Elodea
• Part 2:
– test tube+cork; mortar and pestle; leaf; acetone; spot plate;
filter paper; organic solvent
• Part 3:
– A variegated leaf; Hot water bath; hot alcohol; petri dish;
• Part 4:
– 4 test tubes (A-D); P04 buffer pH 6.5; chloroplasts; DCPIP
(strong redox potential!); aluminum foil; light source
• Part 5
– Microscope; prepared slides ONE, TWO, THREE
Overview: What we’re doing
• Part 1: Watch photosynthesis happen in a
closed system.
• Part 2: Separate the color molecules in a
• Part 3: Show how only the green parts of a
plant make sugar.
• Part 4: Show how the ETC in the light
reactions of chloroplasts has NOTHING to do
with carbon fixation of the Calvin Cycle
• Part 5: look at the structural differences
between C3 plants and C4 plants.
• Groups of 2-3.
• Try to work together on one part at a
• Be careful with some of the reagents.
They are slightly dangerous. Wear
protective gloves and googles when
dealing with organic setups.
Group Lab Report, due The first Class After Thanksgiving Break
(November 27)
Typed, 10 point Arial font, double-spaced, standard margins.
Divided into 4 parts
Introduction: 3 paragraphs maximum
Methods & Materials: 2 double-spaced pages, maximum
Results: 3 paragraphs per experiment maximum
Discussion: 1-2 pages maximum.
Total Length: 10 pages MAXIMUM.
I: Introduction
II: Methods & Materials
III: Results (you will have 5 sections, because you did 5 things)
IV: Discussion