Course Overview

Cardinal Ambrozic
GRADE 10 – TFJ 201
Course Overview
Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Grade 10, Open
Mr. F. Groe
Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School
Identifying Information
Course Title: Hospitality and Tourism Technology
Grade: 10
Course Type: Open
Ministry Course Code: TFJ2O
Credit Value: 1 credit
Department: Technological Education
This course emphasizes the scope of the hospitality and tourism industry. Students study
food origins, food handling techniques, food preparation, health and safety standards, and
the use of specialized tools and equipment. They also investigate travel and tourism
activities in Ontario, develop effective communication and management skills, and
identify career opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Unit Titles (Time + Sequence)
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Safety and Sanitation
The Scope of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Food Preparation and Handling
Food Origins and Tourism
Communication and Management Skills
10 hours
10 hours
30 hours
30 hours
30 hours
Unit Descriptions
Unit 1: Safety and Sanitation
This unit introduces students to basic principles of personal, workplace, and food
safety in hospitality and food service. Students examine their role in safety and
sanitation in the hospitality and food service industry, beginning with their
responsibilities as members of the school community. Through the study and
application of safety and sanitation principles, students demonstrate respect for the
welfare and dignity of others. They examine the impact of their attitudes and
choices and demonstrate understanding of environmental and social issues related
to food service and hospitality. Critical evaluation and problem-solving skills help
students make decisions in light of Gospel values with an informed moral
Unit 2: The Scope of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
This unit introduces students to the Hospitality and Tourism industry. Students
investigate facts and myths and become aware of the range of career opportunities
in each sector. Students begin to view the role of hospitality and tourism in their
community, province, country, and beyond. They learn how to plan for
participation in the working world of hospitality and tourism. This world is
increasingly characterized by innovation, project-based teamwork,
entrepreneurship, change, and the challenge of life-long learning. Students learn
the intrinsic value of work while developing skills that will help them to realize
their potential for dignity, self-respect, and success. Critical evaluation and
problem solving help students make decisions in light of Gospel values and with
an informed moral conscience.
Unit 3: Food Preparation and Handling
In this unit, students develop the basic skills used in a professional kitchen.
Students are introduced to food-handling techniques, food preparation, and the use
of specialized tools and equipment. Students identify, describe, and demonstrate
knowledge of the equipment, tools, and procedures used to measure and handle
food products. In a food lab, students use tools and equipment for food
preparation, handling, storage, and serving while demonstrating different cooking
methods. The importance of communication, time-management, and teamwork
skills are stressed throughout all activities. Students apply industry standards
related to personal and workplace hygiene.
Unit 4: Food Origins and Tourism
This unit gives students the opportunity to investigate travel, tourism, and food
origins at the local, national, and international level. Students research food
products, tools, equipment, preparation techniques, religious and social customs,
environmental issues, and significant tourist attractions indigenous to a selected
area. Students apply the skills related to safety, sanitation, tools, equipment,
cooking, and management in organized food labs. Students access the community,
library, professional individuals, and the Internet for information. Students
illustrate their learning through discussions, information interviews,
demonstration, displays, and special events. Gospel values are reflected through
co-operative work strategies.
Unit 5: Communication and Management Skills
This unit gives students the opportunity to develop effective communication and
management skills necessary in the hospitality and tourism industry. Students are
made aware of the importance of these skills in an industry that is people and
service oriented. Students also view communication and management skills as a
reflection of their moral and ethical philosophy. Students illustrate learning
through discussions, information interviews, demonstration, computer usage,
displays, and special events. Student’s research, plan, organize, publicize, and
manage an event/attraction focusing on either hospitality or tourism.
TFJ 20 – Final Course Evaluation
Formal Written Exam
Culminating Activity
Practical Exam – In Kitchen
Final Evaluation
- Unit/Activity tests
- Quizzes
- Unit exercises
- Assignments/worksheets
- Unit projects
- Independent research
- Unit exercises
- Unit Exercises
- Presentations
- Lab Journals
- Lab work
Term Evaluation
Course Textbook: Essentials of Professional Cooking
Detailed Weekly Agenda…(Note: Schedule may change at
teachers discretion)
Week #1:
 Icebreakers and Course Introductions
 Student Expectations/Classroom Rules
 Safety (Chapter 2 -Page 26)
1. The Safe Workplace
2. Preventing Cuts, Burns, Fires, Injuries from Machines and Falls
Sanitation (Chapter 2 – Page 14)
Personal Hygiene (Review Question #4 – Page 29)
Food Storage – F.I.F.O.
Food Danger Zone (Review Question #5 – Page 29)
Food Handling & Preparation – Cross – Contamination
Cleaning & Properly Sanitizing Equipment (Review Question #6-Page 29)
Safety and Sanitation Assignment
Week #2:
 Tools & Equipment
1. Tools & Equipment Handout
2. Tools & Equipment Demo – In Lab
Passport to Safety Online Test
Safety & Sanitation Quiz
Week #3:
 Food Measurements in the Kitchen
1. Proper Measuring Techniques
2. Measuring Tools & Equipment
Tools & Equipment Quiz
Tools & Equipment Demo Quiz
Week #4:
 Basic Cooking Principles – Moist and Dry Heat
1. Basic Cooking Principles PPT
2. Lab Work: Demo 2 basic cooking techniques: Baking (Chocolate Chip
Cookies) and Boil/Simmer (Chicken Noodle Soup)
Measurements and Measuring Tools Quiz
Week #5:
 The Recipe:
1. Standardized Recipes
2. Cooking with Judgement
Basic Cooking Principles Quiz
Week #6:
 Knives (Chapter 7 – Page 110)
Parts of a Knife
The Steel: Keeping Knives Sharp
Handling a knife
Safety with Knives
Different Knives used in kitchens
Basic Cuts and Shapes – Onions, Celery & Carrots
Recipes Quiz
Week #7:
 Mise En Place (mees- on – plahss) / Stocks & Sauce Basics
Mise En Place (Chapter 7 – Page 108)
Stocks PPT
Demo: Chicken Stock
Different Stocks
Sauce Basics – Understanding Sauces – The Functions of a Sauce
Knives Quiz
Week #8:
 The Food Service Industry (Chapter 1)
1. The Classical Kitchen Brigade
2. Standards of Professionalism – What it takes to work in this Industry?
3. Movie: Ratatouille
Mise En Place/Stocks and Sauces Quiz
Week #9:
 The Tourism Industry
1. Intro to the Eight (8) Sectors of Tourism
2. Tourism Bingo
Canadian Travel & Tourism Brochure Assignment
Week #10:
 Food & Nutrition – Canada’s Food Guide
1. The Importance of a Healthy an Balanced Diet
2. Healthier Eating PPT
Tourism Quiz
Counting Food Guide Servings in a Meal Assignment
Weeks # 11 – 17:
 Culminating Activity-Hospitality Game Board (Groups of 4)
 Exam Review – Kitchen Jeopardy
 Practical Exam – Dates TBA
 Final Written Exam – Date TBA