Where was Rome located?

Chapter 8
The Origins of Rome
Geography played an important role in the
rise of Roman civilization
 Italy is a long, narrow peninsula with a
distinct shape
Origins of Rome
 The
Alps are located at the top of the
 These
mountains separate Italy from
the rest of Europe*
 Another
mountain range runs the
length of the boot from north to
south – Apennines
Origins of Rome
Mountains more
rugged than Italy’s
Difficulty of crossing
caused the
development of
isolated communities
Mountains less rugged
than Greece’s
Large, flat plains of
better farmland
allowed more people
to settle in Italy than
in Greece
Where was Rome located?
The site chosen for
Rome was about 15
miles up the Tiber
River from the
Mediterranean Sea on
the plain of Latium.
Why do you think this
area was chosen as
Rome’s location?
Where was Rome located?
 Rome
was built on seven steep hills,
so the Romans were able to defend
their city against enemy attack.
 Rome
was also located at a place
where people could easily cross the
Tiber River
 How
do you think this helped Rome?
How did Rome begin?
There were two
legends that describe
how Rome began
Romulus and Remus
were twin brothers
who founded the city.
They decided to build
the city in 753 B.C.
Romulus killed his
brother and became
the first king of Rome
How did Rome begin?
The Aeneid ,by Virgil,
is the story of the
Trojan hero, Aeneas*
After warfare and
marriage to the king’s
daughter, Aeneas
united the Trojans and
the Latins.
“Father of the
How did Rome begin?
Historians are not sure exactly how Rome began.
They think Latins lived in the area of Rome as
early as 1000 B.C.
They built huts, tended herds, and grew crops.
Sometime between 800 B.C. and 700 B.C., they
decided to band together for protection.
This community became known as Rome.
Early Influences
Came to southern Italy
750 B.C. -550 B.C.
Romans learned to grow
olives and grapes from
Adopted Greek alphabet
and modeled architecture,
sculpture, and literature
after the Greeks.
Lived north of Rome in
Etruria, but moved south
after 650 B.C. and took
control of Rome
Skilled metalworkers*
Murals **
Changed Rome from a
village of huts to a city of
wood and brick buildings
Taught Romans a new style
of dress
Army eventually served as
a model for the Roman
Birth of a Republic
Romans became powerful under Etruscans;
however the ruling Tarquins family became more
and more cruel
Romans rebelled and set up republic.
Over the next 200 years, Romans fought lots of
wars with their neighbors, growing to be the
masters of almost all of Italy
Why was Rome so strong?
Romans were
excellent soldiers
Discipline was harsh
and deserters were
punished by death.
Helped mold Roman
soldiers into fighters
who did not give up
Why was Rome so strong?
Roman armies originally fought like the Greek
armies -- row upon row of soldiers marched
shoulder to shoulder, keeping their spears
together and holding long spears
Soon realized this way of fighting was slow and
hard to manage
Reorganized into legions, which consisted of
about 6,000 men and divided into groups of 60120 soldiers*
Why would this be more effective?
Shrewd Rulers
Romans were not only good warriors, but they
were also smart planners.
As they expanded throughout Italy, they built
permanent military settlements in the areas they
conquered and roads between the towns
Roads allowed troops to travel swiftly to any
place in their growing territory - “All Roads Lead
to Rome”*
Shrewd Rulers
 Developed
the Roman
Chapter 8, Sec. 1 Review
What mountain range separates Italy from
the rest of Europe?
 What mountain range stretches from the
north of the peninsula to the south?
 How did these mountain ranges located in
Italy differ from those in Greece? How did
that affect the people of Italy?
 Where was Rome located? Why was this
area chosen?
Section 1 Review Cont…
What were the names of the twin brothers
who legend claims founded ROMe?
 Who wrote the Aeneid? What is it about?
 Do historians know how Rome was really
started? What do they think?
 What two groups of people influenced
Romans? What were some of the
influences they had on Romans?
 Why did Romans rebel and set up a
 How long did the wars last?
Section 1 Review
 What
made Roman soldiers so
 How was the Roman army
 How was the Roman road system set