FOLLETT SHELF LINK Access through Destiny Quest or separate shelf Access online from anywhere—or download and view offline Follett Digital Reader app—iPad/android Unlimited Simultaneous Access—per building license of selected titles Over 140,000 titles AXIS 360 Free e-reading app—Blio—Windows, iOS, and Android computers, laptops tablets, smartphones, and e-readers 413,000 titles ESEBCO Book fair program Use on computer, phone or tablet BRAIN HIVE Free membership Titles available immediately Charged $1 for each e-book circulated until budget limit is reached K-12 GAIL VIRTUAL REFERENCE LIBRARY Thousands of authoritative, full-text volumes Unlimited simultaneous use No check out/in On-demand translation into 11 languages EBSCO HOST Custom collections, Featured collections, Prepackaged subjects sets, Patron driven acquisition Patron driven— Downloads an ebook or audiobook title Views an ebook for more than 10 minutes Views more than 10 pages of an ebook Prints, emails, or copies & pastes a portion of an ebook page TUMBLEBOOKS Online ebooks—not downloadable Great narration Highlights as it reads $823 for two databases PINTEREST LINK Become huge support piece to educators Browse pinboards created by others Boards shared by a group or built by 1 person Lots of great lesson ideas and resources Don’t have to have an account to access great, free resources LIVE BINDERS LINK Created so anyone, esp. educators, can do with digital info what we typically do with papers on our desk—organize them into three-ring binders on a shelf. Upload documents; combine them with your links—be organized! Collaborate with others---even have students collaborate on binders Find lots of great ideas, resources SCHMOOP LINK Activity ideas, quizzes, essay-writing help Breaks subjects down in fun, humorous ways Uses current events, pop culture, teen-friendly voice to make learning fun and relevant M.S. through college, emphasis on H.S. & test prep Free—subscription (added services) Great Gatsby – Real Housewives Geometry – snowboarding POLL EVERYWHERE & CLASSPAGER & SOCRATIVE Text message questions or surveys. Students respond by phone, laptop or tablet Classpager – exit tickets, event reminders POPPLET LINK Create wall of multimedia sticky notes Share with others Can include videos & images Invite others via email to collaborate on your wall ANIMOTO Video slideshow creation tool Free 30-second videos Pay $5/month for unlimited, full-length videos STORYBIRD tool for creating short, visual stories select artwork, drag & organize photos & add text to create digital stories GLOGSTER LINK create free interactive posters glogs—graphics blog insert text, images, photos, audio, videos, special effects and other elements into glogs to generate a multimedia online creation.[ PADLET LINK Formerly Wallwisher Have wall link open—invite others to post comments Lots of possibilities—exit slip, brainstorming, come up with synonyms, good books, make predictions, collaborate…… TAGXEDO Similar to Wordle—but shapes Summarize articles Highlight key points Summarize course notes LITERACY CENTER.NET Choose a language to play and learn letters, numbers, colors, shapes and more. Great for ELL students. FLIPSNACK LINK Changes PDF into a flipping book. Interactive whiteboard—turn the pages with your hand EDMODO (free app available) LINK Possibly most-used web tool in education right now. Popular among flipped classrooms Management platform designed to facilitate learning in all directions. Students ask questions to other students, teacher to student, parent to teacher, etc. SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM IDEAS TO GO! ($.99) Activities & mini-lessons for every subject 1200 hands-on ideas Search by grade level, subject and activity type From Instructor magazine—K-8 COMMON CORE (free) “I have it next to my laptop whenever I am planning! Handy! Handy!” ELA and Math Common Core State Standards Organized by grade level REMIND 101 (free) Send text-message reminders about homework, tests, and special events to students & parents Without students seeing your phone number, and vice-versaimprove parent involvement Only one-way messaging permitted DROPBOX (free) Web-based storage location Syncs with specified files or folders on Mac Allows you to access files from anywhere Many apps have Dropbox sync option Works across platforms and devices Use to distribute PPt presentations Way for students to turn in homework assignments EDUCREATIONS (free) LINK Works with Apple TV Create, record, and share lessons with students Flipped math classroom Works like a whiteboard Explain a math formula…create animated lesson….. Add commentary to photos….diagram a sports play SHOW ME (free) LINK Similar to Educreations Have students develop and share short lessons with each other Both have gallery of lessons developed and shared by teachers SCREEN CHOMP (free) Similar to Educreations and ShowMe Upload creation to Provided with link to share via email, twitter, or on the clipbard. FUTABA CLASSROOM GAMES FOR KIDS ($5.99) Pre-K animals, shapes, transportation K-3rd--Math, sight words, geography First Spanish & Japanese Words Add your own content & create own games Multi-player (up to 4/iPad) EASY BIB (free) Works with iPad and iPod Touch, but works best with iPhone 4 Create accurate MLA, APA, and Chicago style citations Scan a book bar code OR Type name of the book Build work cited Email citations GOORU (free iPad) More than 3,000 collections Organized playlists of multimedia resources 5-12 grade math & science topics More subjects coming soon Videos, games, digital textbooks, more Teacher-reviewed resources APPS GONE FREE Daily notification for free apps—both personal and for school STICK PICK ($2.99) Randomly (or intentionally) choose student’s name from virtual can of Popsicle sticks Sticks are tied to mode and level of difficulty for each learner You will be shown over a dozen Bloom’s Taxonomy related questions that are tied to the learner’s individual ability level Formative assessment easy to track SOCRATIVE (free) One app downloaded on students’ tablets and one on teacher’s Students respond to MC, short-answer, quizgame questions, exit tickets Results displayed as bar graphs Get results in real-time ECLICKER (audience free; presenter $14.99) Teacher asks MC, T/F, agree/disagree questions Collects individual responses—summarizes class results Run from laptop or iPad Students answer from laptops, iPads or iPhones. CLASS DOJO (free) SCREENSHOT Laptop, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch Behavior management program Enter real-time data about student behavior by assigning points for teamwork, creativity, more Uses icons, badges, pop-up notifications TOO NOISY PRO (free) LINK Teach students what “inside voice” is Set app to max. acceptable noise level for your classroom When it’s exceeded, app will respond with alarm As noise level increases beyond acceptable level, noise level meter indicates level & background graphics change. AUTISM XPRESS (free) Encourages people with autism to recognize and express emotions Displays 12 buttons, each a cartoon caricature of a facial expression of how one feels Pressing button creates full-screen image of that emotion SUPER DUPER WH (free or $11.99 PRO) Helps children learn how to correctly ask and answer WH questions with four learning games for each WH set of cards DRAGON DICTATION Easy-to-use voice recognition app Allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages Supports multitude of global languages Handy for kids who have difficulty with fine motor skills or learning disabilities like dyslexia or dysgraphia ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS ($4.99) VIDEO Entire first novel in color with full narration and animation Animate the action yourself in Flip-O-Rama Play zany, fun, interative games Create your own avatar, discover your own silly “Captain Underpants name” and see your avatar right alongside Capt. Underpants! MUSIC TUTOR (free) Improve your sight reading skills Choose to practice between treble, bass or both kinds of notes for 1, 5 or 10 minutes. Try to make a higher score each time. DRAWING WITH CARL ($.99) VIDEO Simple, easy to use pencils help you make great drawings Explore creative drawing with mirror painting Draw mustaches or funny eyes over photos Add stickers Share creations on FB or by email SOLAR WALK ($2.99) Shows size comparison of planets Good short movies explain tilt of planet and seasons, phases of moon, solar eclipses, tides, constellations, more Can be used to find objects in night sky by holding it up to the sky FROG DISSECTION ($3.99) SCREENSHOT Aimed at M.S. Alternative to physical dissection Learn about dissection tools, as well as frog’s anatomy and organs NASA (free) Huge collection of latest NASA content 157,000images latest NASA videos launch information & countdown clocks current news and feature stories on and on and on! MOTION MATH ($1.99) 2nd-5th grade—decimals, fractions, percentages Move device around to move a bouncing ball left and right to position it according to its value on the number line Three levels of play GEOBOARD (free) SUSHI MONSTER (free) Elementary Students feed their Sushi Monsters by correctly choosing two numbers that when added or multiplied result in the number that the monster wants to eat. When the monster has been fully fed, students move on to feeding a new monster. SOLIDS ELEMENTARY HD VIDEO Help students understand how a shape is constructed Put kids in front of it and let them loose. Curiosity will take over Teachers—students will understand geometry faster. MY MATH FLASH CARDS (free) Students can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division For mastering basic elementary math facts STORY CREATOR (free) Allows students to create stories with pictures, video and recording Students can share their work via email Non-speaking children with autism can share their stories ISTORY BOOKS (free) Two dozen free digital storybooks for kids 2-8 Mostly adaptations of classic children’s tales like The Ugly Duckling Option to reach each story or to read along with narrator WORD MONKEY ($1.99) Zany word game Spell words from rising jumble of letters Each successfully spelled word removes the letters from the screen If letters reach the top of the screen, game over! Great for spelling and vocabulary For ELL and all students Lex teachers recommend STORIA (free) VIDEO For iPad, Kindle, PCs, and Android, not Macs yet 5 free-books with each app doanload up to 40 shelves with each download good for classroom use or home lots of activities, some read-alouds LEARN THE WORLD ($1.99) Test students’ knowledge of countries, capitals, and continents MC quizzes—earn flags of countries from around globe DISNEY AMERICAN PRESIDENTS ($3.99) VIDEO Gives users chance to flip through a digital scrapbook in order to learn about the lives and times of our 44 U.S. presidents Mapped to national social studies curricula for grades 3-8 GEOGRAPHY DRIVE USA ($3.99) VIDEO Elementary and M.S. Challenges students to drive their virtual cars to each state in the U.S. Move from state to state by correctly answering questions about each state they visit. Earn money for each correct answer Money used to buy fuel for cars and to customize cars More than 750 questions about state & national geography