AP Biology Syllabus Course Description: This course in general biology is offered at the college level for students with a strong interest in science. For the purposes of study, the AP Biology course focuses on the four big ideas of Biology as outlined by the College Board: 1. The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life 2. Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis 3. Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes 4. Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties *Note: Every unit/topic we cover in class will reflect all four of these big ideas. The course follows the description and outline proposed by the College Board. Advanced Placement serves students who wish to pursue college level studies in science while still in high school. Students are provided with the factual knowledge and conceptual framework as well as the conceptual skills to deal with the rapidly evolving field of biology today. Lab work is required as an important component of the course. These labs include important areas in modem biology. They are intended to challenge students to understand problems, think analytically, challenge preconceived notions, develop hypotheses, design and conduct experiments and draw conclusions. The goal of the AP Biology course is to provide a thorough grounding in the major principles and processes of biology, and to construct a framework for the synthesis and integration of information into conceptual themes. Using a variety of educational experiences, students gain an appreciation for the unity of the processes of life amid the diversity of its forms. The course attempts to cultivate student Interest in biology so that they are better able to make informed and responsible decisions involving themselves, their society and their environment. The course also prepares the students to perform well on the AP Biology Examination. Course Information Supplies Required - - A 3 ring binder with dividers A notebook dedicated to labs, such as a composition notebook - Paper, lined and graph Expectations - - - Students should come to class on time and prepared. Attendance and preparation is vital to success in class. Students are to participate in class and be respectful of others. Homework is expected to be done every day and turned in on time. Homework is meant to reinforce what is learned in class and prepare for the next day’s class. Late homework will not be accepted. In the case of absence, it is the students’ responsibility to see me to turn in homework checked in their absence and to collect and make up any missed homework. Failing to do so will result in loss of credit. Students are to produce their own, original work. This means no plagiarism, no copying work from other students and working independently unless otherwise permitted. Any evidence of any of the above will result in loss of credit. Skills Required Organizational skills: - Students are to keep an organized binder with papers kept in neat and chronological order Vocabulary words should be defined in a separate area of your binder. Index cards are strongly recommended. A strong knowledge of the vocabulary terms in Biology is extremely important in learning the subject. Study skills: - Tests and quizzes will be given frequently. There is a strong emphasis on assessment of progress. Regular review is required to perform well on the AP Biology test Lab skills: - - Lab work is a vital part of AP Biology. Students must be in lab on time in order to get the most out of it. When absent with an excuse, it is the students’ responsibility to make up lab if and when it is possible. Unexcused absences will result in loss of credit with no opportunity to make it up. Students are expected to follow safety procedures as outlined in the lab safety contract. Failure to do so will result in not being allowed to participate in lab. Grading Procedure - Grades are based on a point system. Grades are calculated by taking the points that are earned and dividing by the total points available. Evaluation is based on the following: (Please note that point values are subject to change): Tests: 100-150 points each Quizzes: 20-60 points each Lab reports: 10-20 points Homework checks: 5-10 points Various projects: Point values to be determined Text: Biology, AP Edition, 7th edition; Campbell, Reece Contact Information: Email: mlevine@glenridge.org Phone: (973) 429-8300, ext. 2317 Note: Email is the easiest way to contact me and I will do my best to respond quickly to any questions or concerns. Course Outline I. Unit: Ecology Readings: Textbook chapters 50-55 Student-selected journal articles Ecological interactions – biotic vs. abiotic Behavior ecology – innate vs. learned and the role of natural selection Population dynamics – growth and limitations/regulations Communities and ecosystems – energy flow, nutrient cycles, relationships and impact on evolution Human influences – positive and negative Topics: Activities: Lab: Measuring dissolved oxygen to determine gross and net productivity of an ecosystem Lab: Design and conduct an experiment to determine habitat preferences of isopods “My Footprint” research assignment Water sampling activity Concept maps/Organizational charts II. Unit: Biochemistry Readings: Textbook: Chapters 2-5 Teacher-selected journal articles Polarity of water and its importance to biological systems Carbon’s role in the molecular diversity of life Monomers and Polymers - building them up and breaking them down Organic compounds – Form Fits Function in proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids Topics: Activities: Using kits to build macromolecules Design and conduct an experiment using diagnostic laboratory tests to detect the presence of proteins, simple sugars, lipids and starches in various food substances and report on findings. Create an organizational chart/concept map relating the organic compounds, their structure and function Tests of adhesion and cohesion Determine the specific heat of water III. Unit: Cells and Cellular Processes Readings: Textbook: Chapters 6, 7, 11, 12 and 13 Teacher-selected journal articles Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic cells – evolutionary connection Cell structures/organelles and function – protein factory The plasma membrane – Form Fits Function Modes of cellular transport – passive vs. active Cell communication – Reception, transduction and response Mitosis and The Cell Cycle – significance of regulation Meiosis – sources of variation and inheritance Topics: Activities: Use light microscope to observe prepared and temporary slides of plant and animal cells Mini-poster/models comparing structures from 3 different cell types Use dialysis tubing to investigate the relationship between solute concentration and the osmotic movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane. Determine the water potential of potato cells using potatoes and sugar solutions. Study the phases of plant Mitosis in prepared slides of onion root tips and of animal mitosis in prepared slides of whitefish blastulae or using a virtual simulator. Design and conduct an experiment to test the effects of common soft drinks and energy drinks on the process of growth using garlic roots and report findings Research and report on how lack of regulation/disruptions to cell signaling in mitosis can lead to cancer and how researchers can use this knowledge to personalize treatments Study the process of meiosis using chromosome simulation kits, and compare the resultant calls to those produced by mitosis. IV. Unit: Energy Transformation in Cells Readings: Textbook: Chapters 8, 10, 9 Teacher-selected journal articles Gibbs Free Energy – exergonic vs. endergonic reactions Enzyme action – activation energy and the induced fit model (Form Fits Function) The ATP-ADP cycle Redox reactions and their role in photosynthesis and cellular respiration Photosynthesis – the chloroplasts’ structure, the light reaction and the Calvin cycle Cellular respiration – the mitochondrial structure and aerobic vs. anaerobic respiration Topics: Activities: Design and conduct an experiment to measure the effect on enzyme activity produced by changes in temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration and graph and report findings Research and report on how a change in enzyme structure can lead to diseases in humans Predict the effect of environmental change on enzymatic protein conformation. Design and conduct an experiment to test environmental factors, such as temperature, light intensity, wavelength of light and pH, on the rate of photosynthesis and report findings Compare the respiration rate, as measured by relative volumes of oxygen consumed, of germinating and non-germinating peas at different temperature conditions. Design and conduct an experiment to test the effects of sugar concentration or various environmental factors on the rate of cellular respiration/fermentation V. Unit: Heredity Readings: Textbook: Chapters 14-15 Teacher-selected journals Mendel and his experiments in heredity – Patterns of inheritance Predicting genetic outcomes – Punnett squares, pedigree charts and karyotyping Gene linkage and mapping Chi2 analysis of genetic outcomes – observed vs. expected Mutations and chromosomal abnormalities – causes and results Topics: Activities: Observe the effects of crossing over in Sordaria and calculate the distance between the gene for spore coat color and the centromere. Analyze the results using the chisquare test. Observe the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster and analyze the phenotypic ratios of offspring of known crosses. Using computer simulations, determine the inheritance pattern and the parental genotypes from the phenotypic ratios of offspring. Perform a Chi Squared analysis on expected results of various statistical predictions, such as Wisconsin Fast-Plant traits, M&M colors, or flipping a coin and report findings. Design and conduct an experiment to test the effects of various environmental conditions on the inheritance of traits in certain species, such as Wisconsin FastPlant and other plants and report findings Examine the kernels an ear of hybrid corn, determine a phenotypic ratio, and suggest the inheritance pattern and parental genotypes. VI. Unit: Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology Readings: Textbook: Chapters 16-21 Student-selected journal articles DNA structure – discovery, Form Fits Function and replication RNA structure – More significant than originally thought! (gene regulation and evolution) Protein synthesis – transcription and translation Mutations – good or bad? Bacteria and viruses – diversity, roles in nature Regulation of gene expression – prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic Biotechnology and its applications o Recombinant DNA and GMO’s o DNA fingerprinting o Applications – industrial, medical, agricultural o Bioinformatics o Evolutionary significance Development of an organism – regulation, role of gene expression and stem cells Topics: Activities: Use a sequence of DNA nucleotide to demonstrate base pairing in DNA replication, and to show the process of transcription and translation in protein synthesis using either paper models or computer simulations Extract DNA from a cell culture. Using paper plasmids, demonstrate how restriction endonucleases produce "sticky ends" necessary for many recombinant DNA technologies. Perform bacterial transformation using competent cells and commercially prepared plasmid DNA, and demonstrate the presence of transformed cells using antibiotic or Lac+ plates. Use bacterial restriction endonucleases to "cut" DNA and separate the fragments using gel electrophoresis. Calculate the approximate size of DNA fragments in an electrophoresis gel. Prepare a presentation based on research into GMOs, describing pros and cons of their use Research and debate the issues surrounding embryonic stem cell research VII. Unit: Evolution Readings: Textbook chapters: 22-25 Teacher-selected journal articles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection and descent with modification Evidence for evolution – molecular and morphological analyses Evolution of populations – Hardy-Weinberg Laws of Genetic Equilibrium Speciation – role of isolating mechanisms and molecular changes Phylogeny and systematics Topics: Activities: “Sounding Smart: Evolution” essay prompt Using a computer simulation, design and conduct an experiment to test the effects of mutations, gene flow, genetic drift, etc. have on the evolution of a population and report findings. Using class as a sample population, simulate the evolutionary process to observe how selection changes allele frequency. Estimate the frequency of an allele using data form a sample population and the Hardy-Weinberg equation. Design an conduct an experiment to test the effects of disrupting genetic equilibrium on a population of Wisconsin Fast-Plants Interpret phylogenetic trees and cladograms to determine relationships and derived characters among related organisms Construct a phylogenetic tree using a simulated population and simulated mutational rates VIII. Unit: Diversity of Life Readings: Textbook: chapters (in depth) 26, 27 (section 1), 38, 39, 43, 45 and 48 and parts of chapters (brief review) 29, 30, 32, 36, 40. Teacher-selected journal articles Topics: Early Earth atmosphere and the formation of life – Primordial soup Origins of prokaryotes and eukaryotes – serial endosymbiosis Bacteria and viruses – diversity and characteristics Basic plant characteristics and diversity (quick review) Transpiration in plants Angiosperm reproduction – alternation of generations Plant responses – plant hormones and the signal transduction pathway Basic animal characteristics and diversity (quick review) Animal organization – cells and tissues, development from the embryo (quick review) Immunity – Humoral response vs. cell-mediated response and maintaining homeostasis The endocrine system – maintaining homeostasis through cell-cell communication The nervous system – maintaining homeostasis through cell-cell communication Activities: Construct a timeline of events listing the steps of the origins of life on Earth Illustrate the theory of serial endosymbiosis Design and conduct an experiment using a photometer to measure the rate of transpiration per unit area of leaf tissue under varying conditions of light, humidity and air circulation and report findings Illustrate the angiosperm reproductive cycle and display it to class Dissect a flower and identify its structures Design and conduct an experiment to test the effects of varying light positions on growth of plants and report findings Examine prepared slides of vertebrate tissues and make representative sketches. Operation: Antibody activity - Group project outlining the steps of immunity Create a concept map of the nervous system and its organization Create an organizational chart on the parts of the brain Dissect a sheep brain and identify its structures Lab: Circulation and blood pressure Design and conduct an experiment to determine the effects of environmental changes on circulation in goldfish