Michael lecture (MS PowerPoint , 717kb)

Animal Experiments and
the Making of the Public
Mike Michael
of London
Scientist: So I think there is a sort of gradual
deterioration in the perceptions of
science in general and skepticism; there's
increasing skepticism if you think about what
scientists do, why and the value of it. So that
hasn't helped as a sort of background to these
features that you've picked out (concerns about
xenotransplantation). Someone needs to do a
good sort of PR job on science or maybe just
the applicability of the research that's going on.
Convince people why it's necessary, and yes
there is a risk but there's also a bigger benefit….
Regulator A:
Regulator B:
Regulator A:
We are aware that there's been BSE Inquiry; ….there's
also been things that have dented people's faith in the
NHS. Um not not that there's any logical connection
between xenotransplantation and the Bristol Inquiry or
Shipman or any of those things, but they've all made
public more and more aware of the fallibility of doctors
um and then there is er you know, BSE and then um
discussions about the source of HIV and so some
beginning of understanding of zoonoses. Um but those
are contexts within which people are also thinking about
xenotransplantation, so that the same, there's a a
recognition that pe, that er that, you know, the greater
public needs to understand what's done in their name,
with their resources, in order to better their lives. And
also, a sort of, a growing awareness but not necessarily
understanding of um you know, you can't really trust
scientists and doctors. That seemed to be a bit of a
theme for a while. It's gone away again now, hasn't it,
but it's
Quietened right down, yes.
But it could burst out again….
•Time - since the 1940s, positive attitude to animal experiments decreases
•Gender - women tend to be less positive
•Age - Younger persons less favourably disposed to animal experimentation
•Education - more scientifically ‘knowledgeable’, the more positive
•Political leaning - more right wing, more positive toward animal
•Species – less positive if apes, monkeys cats or dogs
•Outcome – more positive if perceived to benefit children, combat severe
•Pain and suffering – less positive, the more pain experienced by animals
•Regulatory stringency – can regulation ensure protection of animals?
•Alternatives – are there alternative techniques that don’t use animals?
“If we consider bioethical maturity as a ratio of
those who consider both benefits and risks
(specifically of xenotransplantation), then the
(Japanese) public could be argued to be mature
in this sense”
(Mercer et al, 2002, p.359).
I think having seen the photo and
that, you sort of grin at it because it's
probably the first time you've actually
sat and looked at it for more than a
couple of seconds when it's flashed
up on television and there's been a
little bit of spin about the institute
that's done the research and why.
And it hasn't actually been sort of
A: A lot of people have come to me over the last few
years and said, "Have you heard the latest
breakthrough?" And cause I’ve got (illness) I get the
information on it and read it, but somehow it sort of
gets lost and you don't hear of it again.
B: Yeah.
C: You hear about it and then it's gone.
B: I can understand that them making an announcement
in the Lancet or something like that. That if they
didn't issue it on general release until they were 12 to
18 months from the actual usage as far as the
general public was concerned, I think psychologically
it would be far better.
Trust: Lay people aware of having to make judgments of
trust about the source of information is being compared in the
process of cost-benefit thinking.
Telos: Lay people commented that their cost-benefit
thoughts on xenotransplantation are irrelevant to any
broader process of decision-making – would happen anyway.
Trump: Whatever ethical concerns one has, these are
dropped in the face of death: a “bottom line” argument - one
will try anything to survive.
Initial Models
Contains a virtual representation of neural cell culture. A panel on
the neuroscope allows you to send stimuli to the actual lab-based
culture. Changes in the culture will be conveyed back to the virtual
representation in the neuroscope.
Fly-paper robotic clock
This robot uses flypaper on a roller mechanism to entrap insects. As the flypaper
passes over a blade, captured insects are scraped into a microbial fuel cell.
Electricity is generated to turn the rollers and power a small LCD clock.
Coffee table mousetrap robot
A mechanised iris is built into the top of a coffee table, and is linked to a
infra red motion sensor. Crumbs and food debris left on the table attract
mice, who gain access to the table top via a hole build into one over
size leg. Their motion activates the iris, the mouse falls into the
microbial fuel cell housed under the table, and generates the energy to
power the iris and sensor.
Some Contrasts
•Democratic deficit
•Citizenly in the
context of policymaking
•Capacity for ambiguity
•Thoughtful in a
context of complexity
•Process of
•‘Being together’
•Artistic encounter and
exploration of
•Inventive problem making
•‘Becoming together’
•Black hole-ness