KEY STAGE 2 Autumn 2016 Making Choices Cross Curricular Dimension: ENTERPRISE Opportunities to: get involved with a range of enterprise projects work with partners in the community solve problems manage budgets Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: TEAM WORKERS I can work with others to get something done I can take turns I can share I am fair to others I listen to others I can make sure a job gets done I can change my work I can listen to others and accept their ideas I can discuss something with others and reach a compromise I can be adaptable I can follow instructions I can explain my ideas I can make a plan I can change my behaviour to suit what I am doing I can give constructive feedback to others Winter biscuit/ Toy/ Book sale Christmas games make paper marble end papers visit the library get in a storyteller (eg Angie Butler, Michael Foreman) Cornish Fairings maker VOCAB: families and people, home, meals and snacks, play English Maths PSHE Science Stories with familiar settings: plays, poems based on observation and the senses A1 (4 wks) Counting, calculating, partitioning 2.4d Magnets and magnetism Pig in the Pond – Martin Waddell Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers – Mairi Herderwick Something Special – Nicola Moon A Quiet Night In – Jill Murphy 2.4c Playing and Learning together link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 C1 (4 wks) Handling data and measures Hairy Macleary from Donaldson’s Dairy – Lynley Dodd 2.3 Grouping and changing 2.2c Valuing money D1 (4 wks) Calculating, measuring and shape ICT PE RE Music SLD Texts and pictures Making Talking Books Invasion Games 2.9 Brill Skills Understanding the nature of the Bible and why it is important to Christians 1 Ongoing skills Swimming 2.19 In the Swim How Christians talk about God and Trinity and what that means for their understanding of humanity PMLD Pictures: Creating Effects Geography 3.10 Shopping – past, present and future 2 Exploring Sounds History Art MFL 1.3 Toys and Games – mine, my parents and grandparents P1 Scottish Borders Drawing Painting Learning about Cornish Culture where appropriate- but main language leaning occurs in focus week in Spring Term DT FT Decorated biscuits KEY STAGE 2 Spring 2017 Growing Up Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: SELF MANAGERS I can talk about my own work I can check my work I can try different ways to work I know what I am good at I work hard to achieve something I keep trying I plan what to do first and next I can change my work I ask for help if I need it I take risks I accept change I know when I need my sensory diet I can find the things I need for a task Valentine’s Mothers’ Day Easter Grow salads Make Cornish flags World Book Day 7th March VOCAB: outside, body, social words English Maths PSHE Science Traditional Stories: oral and performance poetry from different cultures B1 (6 wks) Number facts, shape 2.3b Healthy Exercise 2.2d Helping Plants Grow Well The Gingerbread Man St Pirans’ Story Trelawny Cormoran – the Cornish Giant Cornish Folk Tales – Traditional Stories Mermaid of Zennor 2,3a Medicines and Drugs E1 (6 wks) Number facts, relationships, calculating ICT PE RE Music SLD Data: Introducing Pictograms Dance 2.3 Strictly Fun Dancing How Christianity came to Cornwall and the Celtic Saints spread the Gospel 1 Ongoing skills 3 Duration Cornish Rebellion – the story of 1549, what it says about Cornwall PMLD About Me Geography History Art MFL DT 1.6 Anniversaries and Celebrations P1 Scottish Borders Collage Printing Cornish Language through language focus week (including visits from Cornish Speakers and Story tellers) RM Flags and Heraldry St Piran 2.3 My Home on an Island (Cornwall) FT Local Food KEY STAGE 2 Summer 2017 Space Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: INDEPENDENT ENQUIRERS I can spot a problem I can try to solve it I can ask for help if I need it I try to find things out I ask questions which are relevant I can make choices I am interested in my work I can explore other people’s opinions I can compare and evaluate information I can plan how to find things out then do it I can make my point Dragon Boat Festival 23rd June VOCAB: transport, animals, describing words, dressing, questions English Maths PSHE Science Adventure Stories: poetry that plays language A2 (4 wks) Counting, portioning & calculating 2.1c Communities 2.3a Characteristics of Materials Three Billy Goats Gruff, Paddington Bear, Gruffalo, Stories from the Koran, 2.5c Safety in the Community link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 C2 (4wks) Handling data, measures D2 (4 wks) Calculating, measuring & shape ICT PE RE Music SLD Different Ways to Communicate Swimming 2.19 In the Swim Introducing Muslims 1 Ongoing skills Going on a Hajj 4 Pulse and Rhythm PMLD Beginning to make things happen with switches Dance 2.2 Moving Stories 12 Dragon Scales – Exploring pentatonic scales Geography History Art MFL DT 2.2 Exploring our area 2.1 The Passage of Time – Seaside Holidays P1 Scottish Borders 3D Fabric Learning about Cornish Culture where appropriate- but main language leaning occurs in focus week in Spring Term TX Swimming Bags 3.2 Exploring England (Cornwall) KEY STAGE 2 Autumn 2013 The Senses Cross Curricular Dimension: COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Opportunities to: explore the good and bad things about their community consult with people in the community be part of decision making for change Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: EFFECTIVE PARTICIPATORS I can see what needs to be done I try to make things better for myself and others I can show you how I feel I can tell you what needs to be done I can get people to help me do it I can see other people’s points of view I join in with events at school and in the community I can encourage my friends I can ask someone to join in with me I am able to wait Bonfire Night Guy Fawkes Christmas Muslim New Year Nov 17th Remembrance Day St Michael 29th Sept English Maths PSHE Science Stories with familiar settings: Plays, poems and songs based on observation and the senses (see STP) B2 (6 wks) Number facts, shape 2.5c Safety in the Community Different Ways to Communicate E2 (6 wks) Number facts relationships, calculating PMLD Beginning to make things happen with switches Astrazeneca Unit Sc2 Life processes 1 Humans 1.1 The Senses ICT PE RE Music SLD Information in the School Net and Wall Games 2.15 Back to You How Christians worship and the place of Jesus in worship 8 Ongoing skills 10 Rhythmic Patterns The founding of Truro Cathedral and its importance for Cornwall at Christmas Geography History 1.2 People who help us Anniversaries and Celebrations – Bonfire Night Art MFL P2 Scottish Borders Drawing Painting Learning about Cornish Culture where appropriate- but main language leaning occurs in focus week in Spring Term DT TX Hats TX My Favourite Clothes KEY STAGE 2 Spring 2014 Topic: Houses and Homes – Animal homes and Noah’s Ark Theme 1: Homes in many contexts. Theme 4: Creature homes Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: REFLECTIVE LEARNERS I know what I am good at I ask for help when I need it I listen to advice and try to follow it I can accept praise If things go wrong I try to fix it getting better at something I keep trying I can show my work to others and talk about it I can celebrate my success with others Subject English Content Narrative – Story Settings, Traditional Tales – Fairy tales The Three Little Pigs Traditional Christian Tale – Noah and the Flood Maths Scheme A Science E1 Measure – money (2 weeks) E1 Measure – time (2 weeks) A2 Number and Place Value (3 weeks) C1 Multiplication and division (2 weeks) 2.3d Growing and Changing link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 2.5a Know how I am Changing link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 Cross Curricular Link to Emotions and Feelings - The Hill and the Rock 2.2c Plants and animals in the local environment 2.3a Characteristics of materials Life Processes and Living Things 1a Study a range of familiar domestic /environmental contexts 1d Humans and other animals – pets 2a Living things in their environment Sc 3 Materials and their properties, grouping materials, changing materials Cross Curricular Link to Noah’s Ark - Animals, floating and sinking ICT (Technologies) SLD Making and Recording Sounds – Scary noises and animal sounds PMLD Beginning to make things happen with computers Finding information and pictures of animals DT (Technologies) RM Shelters Making animal nests and houses – Bug houses, wormeries Noah’s Ark construction Making food for animals – bird feeders PSHE/SRE Creative Arts Art Music MFL PE Humanities Geography RE P2 - Collage -Cross Curricular link to English and RE 9 Animal magic - Exploring descriptive sounds - Making and Recording Animal Sounds - See ICT Special Week of MFL/English/Drama around a Cornish story Movement to Music 1.1 My Home – Geography of a house 6a, 6b, 7a, 7c Knowledge and Understanding of our local environment and homes Exploring Religious Stories – Noah’s Ark. Exploring the World Looking after the Environment I learn from my mistakes I know when I am KEY STAGE 2 Summer 2014 Topic: Gardens, Plants and Growth Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: CREATIVE THINKERS I share ideas with others I enjoy testing things I try again to improve my work I enjoy finding things out I know others’ ideas can be different I like making new things I try different things to solve a problem I can ask questions I can use my imagination I can experiment I can use other people’s ideas in my work I can explore my world Subject Content English Text theme: Traditional Tales (Jack and the Beanstalk) – eg Pete Wells Sensory Stories, Nosy Crow’s apps for IPAD Poetry and repetition Reading for Enjoyment (NC Guidelines) Handwriting and Rainbow Road activities Phonics: Letters and Sounds Progression of Skills Phases 1Maths Scheme A B2 Addition and Subtraction (2 weeks) D1 Fractions (2 weeks) G1 Geometry/property of shapes (2 weeks) F2 Measure - Standard Units/estimates, lengths, heights, mass/weight and capacity (2 + 2 weeks) E2 Money and time (2*2 weeks) PSHE/SRE Science ICT (Technologies) DT (Technologies) Creative Arts Art Music MFL PE Humanities Geography RE 2.1b Choosing link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 Astrazenica Science 3 and 3.1 Plants IPAD and IWB games – Colour recognition and preferences Switch Operated Devices Playdough 3D art/Fabric Explore sound sources, Explore ways of making sounds. Develop fine manipulative skills (Shaker fun) N/A Pre-gymnastic activities, obstacle courses, learning through repetition, gross motor development, climbing and travelling N/A Eden Project trip Creation story KEY STAGE 2 Autumn 2014 PATTERNS TEAM WORKERS I can work with others to get something done I can take turns I can share I am fair to others I listen to others I can make sure a job gets done I can change my work I can listen to others and accept their ideas I can discuss something with others and reach a compromise I can be adaptable I can follow instructions I can explain my ideas I can make a plan I can change my behaviour to suit what I am doing I can give constructive feedback to others Subject Content English Narrative Stories with predictable phrasing Stories with a theme Old Mac Donald – We’re going on a bear hunt – Elmer Eric Carr – Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? Call and response – Keith Parks. Clapping patterns. Sound patterns – listen to things in the environment and match them to what made that sound. Drawing patterns – stamping, letter writing, sand writing, Maths Scheme G2 Geometry/property of shapes (3 weeks) B A3 Number and Place value (3 weeks) C2 Multiplication and Division (3 weeks) D2 Fractions (2 weeks) PSHE/SRE 2.4a Friends Working together in the local area to explore patterns that exist around us. Take pictures of repeating patterns – natural or manmade. Reassemble photos and patterns. Group challenge – working together to achieve a group task – make a giant piece of art work. link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 2.5b Rights and Choices Following a schedule, Talk about special events, Keep a calendar, what I did at home last night. Toilet schedule. Following a recipe. Good morning time – talk about what we are doing now and next. Science 2.2c Plants and animals in the local environment Patterns in nature – animal fur, plants. Identifying elements in nature. Find plants and animals to match to photos or outlines. Identify and label a few common plants and animals. Make animal costumes. Printing patterns. Experience wild areas in the school grounds and the wider community. With help find wild creatures or plants and explore e.g. feel a ladybird walking on the hand, brush hands through tall grass. ICT (Technologies) DT (Technologies) Creative Arts Art Music MFL PE Geography History RE Experience being close to animals and plants in the school environment e.g. a pet fish or stick insect. Use available senses to explore e.g. watch and handle them if appropriate. Experience animals in a range of environments. Use all available senses to become aware of individual habitats e.g. being on farm – the smells of animals, their food – and their waste! Look and listen, help to feed baby animals, feel different terrain under foot or wheels. PMLD Pictures: Creating effects Make your own animal patterns on Bedford Bites. Type in words under pictures. Sensory books making Make a book with materials (tactile and printing) Create pattern books, go on a pattern work and takle photos of patterns, use stickers, pictures from magazines, wall paper, fabric. DT Cookery Kebabs – fruit kebabs to make colour or shape patterns. Art – Drawing/Mark making - Cornish bronze, Roman and iron age art. Cornish Coat of Arms. Animal patterns. PE – 2.9 Brill Skills Playground games on the ground (hopscotch, musical dots, making paths and moving in different ways. Dance; patterns of movement. Music – rhymes and chants Heads shoulders, hokey cokey, animals went in 2 by 2, Geography – linked to PSHE exploring the local area. Use of water , flowers, wreaths, Christingle and other uses of natural things in worship. Making natural patterns. Make characters in stain glass windows. Stain glass window biscuits. Christingle and Candlemass service Diwali (Rama and Sita). Menhdi patterns Following trails of lights and glittering jewellery. Rangoli patterns Divas - Oil lamp holders. Dressing up in Indian patterned clothes. KEY STAGE 2 Spring 2015 Food Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: SELF MANAGERS I can talk about my own work I can check my work I can try different ways to work I know what I am good at I work hard to achieve something I keep trying I plan what to do first and next I can change my work I ask for help if I need it I take risks I accept change I know when I need my sensory diet I can find the things I need for a task Feast week St Blaise food in WW2 cleaning teeth English Mothers’ Day Maths Scheme B Instructional Texts – recipes, Symbols PSHE Science 2.1b Choosing 2.1d Taking responsibility towards others link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 2.2a Health and Growth 2.2e Teeth and eating ICT PE RE Music SLD Making and recording sounds PMLD Beginning to make things happen with computers Net and wall games 2.16 What a racket Exploring festivals and celebrations – Christianity - Easter 8 Ongoing skills Swimming 2.20 Floatin’ Fun The foundations of Christian morality SLD Data: labelling and classifying PMLD About Me 9 Animal magic - Exploring descriptive sounds Delete 2 Geography History Art MFL DT 1.1 The Passage of Time – me P3 Scottish Borders Collage Printing Cornish Language through language focus week (including visits from Cornish Speakers and Story tellers) FT Ice Cream 2.12 World War 2 - children (food) TX Waterproof bags KEY STAGE 2 Summer 2015 Holidays and Journeys Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: INDEPENDENT ENQUIRERS I can spot a problem I can try to solve it I can ask for help if I need it I try to find things out I ask questions which are relevant I can make choices I am interested in my work I can explore other people’s opinions I can compare and evaluate information I can plan how to find things out then do it I can make my point Animals as gods puppets shadow puppets – roles of animals in celtic and saxon life respecting animals English Poetry Maths A2 (4 wks) Counting, portioning & calculating C2 (4wks) Handling data, measures animal life cycle PSHE Science 2.5d Respecting privacy 2.4c Light and Shadow 2.3d Growing and Changing link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 Using electricity D2 (4 wks) Calculating, measuring &shape ICT PE RE Music SLD Beginning to find information Data: Introducing pictograms PMLD About Me Net and Wall Games 2.15 Back to You Hindus 9 Animal magic - Exploring descriptive sounds Swimming 2.21 Fun and Games Geography History Hindu concepts of God 2.6 Anglo-Saxon life in Britain – substitute Celts for Anglo-Saxon Art P3 Scottish Borders 3D Fabric MFL Learning about Cornish Culture where appropriate- but main language leaning occurs in focus week in Spring Term DT RM: Lever Toy TX: Hand and Finger Puppets KEY STAGE 2 Autumn 2015 The Seasons Cross Curricular Dimension: COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Opportunities to: explore the good and bad things about their community consult with people in the community be part of decision making for change Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: EFFECTIVE PARTICIPATORS I can see what needs to be done I try to make things better for myself and others I can show you how I feel I can tell you what needs to be done I can get people to help me do it I can see other people’s points of view I join in with events at school and in the community I can encourage my friends I can ask someone to join in with me I am able to wait Rugby World Cup September animals English Visit to/from Wingz, Screech Owl creation stories where our food comes from our community plants and Maths B2 (6 wks) Number facts, shape PSHE Science 2.1c Communities 2.2c Plants and animals in the local environment 2.2a recycling E2 (6 wks) Number facts relationships, calculating ICT PE RE SLD Information in the school Swimming 2.19 In the Swim Exploring the World Looking after the Environment PMLD About me Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Exploring the World Christianity – the Creation Story Geography 2.1 Investigating the Gepgraphy of our School History 2.1 The Passage of Time - Homes Art P4 Scottish Borders Drawing Painting Music MFL Learning about Cornish Culture where appropriate- but main language leaning occurs in focus week in Spring Term DT TX: Windsocks KEY STAGE 2 Spring 2016 Local Festivals Cross Curricular Dimension: TECHNOLOGY AND THE MEDIA Opportunities to: access a range of technologies learn how to use them safely use them to create things for real situations and audiences Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: REFLECTIVE LEARNERS I know what I am good at I ask for help when I need it I listen to advice and try to follow it I can accept praise If things go wrong I try to fix it I learn from my mistakes I know when I am getting better at something I keep trying I can show my work to others and talk about it I can celebrate my success with others English Stories, plays and poems based on common themes eg space school Ham and Jam – Tony Mitten (Tuck Theme) transport stories Maths PSHE Science A3 (4 wks) Counting, partitioning & calculating 2.1a Being aware of my ability 2.4c Light and Shadow 2.3c Keeping Safe link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 2.4b Using Electricity RE Music C3 (4 wks) Handling data, measures D3 (4 wks) Calculating, measuring, shape ICT PE SLD Making Pictures Beginning to Write How the Bible is used by Christians in different contexts How Christians celebrate significant life events PMLD Pictures: Creating effects Geography 2.12 The Local Traffic History 2.9 The Tudors – Exploration\ Art P4 Scottish Borders Collage Printing MFL Cornish Language through language focus week (including visits from Cornish Speakers and Story tellers) DT TX: Windsocks KEY STAGE 2 Summer 2016 Sport Cross Curricular Dimension: CREATIVITY AND CRITICAL THINKING Opportunities to: people engage in creative activities and critical thinking be a spectator or participator in high quality activities work with creative Personal Learning and Thinking Skill: CREATIVE THINKERS I share ideas with others I enjoy testing things I try again to improve my work I enjoy finding things out I know others’ ideas can be different I like making new things I try different things to solve a problem I can ask questions I can use my imagination I can experiment I can use other people’s ideas in my work I can explore my world Olympics English Maths Stories and poems form a variety of cultures B3 (6 wks) Number facts, shape E3 (6 wks) Number facts, relationships, calculating PSHE Science 2.1a Being aware of my ability 2.3a Characteristics of materials 2.4c Playing and Learning Together link with; SRE see Living Your Life SoW on shared area ; Modules 1-8 2.4a Forces and Movement Music ICT PE RE SLD Learning to control things Athletics 2.18 Going for Gold Exploring Me and Us Christianity – What People Believe PMLD Beginning to make things happen with switches 2.22 Out and About Geography History Art MFL 2.6 The Weather 2.5 Boudicca and the Romans P4 Scottish Borders 3D Fabric Learning about Cornish Culture where appropriate- but main language leaning occurs in focus week in Spring Term DT