SOCIAL STUDIES: Themes of Geography, Continents/Ocean, Mapping Skills Chose one of the following actives to do for vocabulary words VOCABULARY WORDS: Latitude, Longitude, Equator, Prime Meridian, Compass Rose, Cardinal direction, Intermediate directions, Political Map, Physical Map, Relative Location, Absolute Location, Location, Place, Movement, Regions, Human-Environment Interaction (HEI). You may use a Text book, Atlas, or Internet Make a PICTONARY: list Make a collage of the VOCABULARY the word, definition and words with definitions draw a picture yes, and color the collage Teacher must initial pictures must be prior to moving to colored _____ on line site Themes of Geography Choose one of the following actives to do for the themes of geography: Write your own song of the 5 themes of geography. DIFFERENT THAN THE youtube one we watched. You may re-watch at om/watch?v=AIqC79Wr pKg THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY _____ Teacher must initial prior to moving to mapping skills Research the 5 themes of Geography on line and make a poster to illustrate and explain each theme Watch PPT on my web site and take detailed notes explaining the 5 themes Chose one of the following actives to do for mapping skills Make a map of Make up your own Make a map of your Mapping Skills _____ Teacher must initial prior to moving to Continents and Oceans Hampton Middle School. Be sure to use some type of GPS to include LATTITUDE and LONGITUDE (absolute location) and relative location. Include a compass rose, country. Use the mapping skills from the PPT to assist you with your map. Be sure to include Lat/Long, compass rose, Key, relative location, and absolute locations house. Be sure to label the rooms and add as much detail as possible. Be sure to use some type of GPS to include Lat/Long, compass rose, Key, relative location, and absolute locations EVERY ONE MUST DO: Continents and Oceans _____ Teacher must initial prior to moving to study guide Use either: Atlas or internet to find a world map and draw and label the 7 continents and the 5 major oceans. Maps must include: Title, Compass Rose, Cardinal direction, Intermediate directions. For drawing the map you will receive 10 bonus points. IF you use a blank template you will NOT receive bonus points EVERY ONE MUST DO: Complete the Study Complete the Study Guide. If you are not able to complete using choices from Guide above you will need to RESEARCH using your notes and projects _____ Finally, once all blocks are complete see facilitator for QUIZ