Newsletter & Public Com. – Appendix IV

Oct. 91
Articles & Event Support
Bull Run Civil War Round Table (BRCWRT) is formed. Note Bill Miller’s mission statement letter; 2. First
Meeting: Twenty men and women attend at the Manassas Public Library.
First Newsletter: Entitled “The Bull Run Civil War Round Table;” 2. New Home: The auditorium of the
visitor center at Manassas National Battlefield Park (MNBP).
Newsletter now entitled “The Stone Wall;” 2. First Tour Announced: Cedar Creek Battlefield.
Announcement of Ed Bearss’ first lecture to BRCWRT; 2. New Newsletter Feature: First solicitation for an
experienced newsletter editor; 3. Announcement of “Constitution Committee” meeting in order to tweak the
hastily enacted initial bylaws; 4. First ‘Request for Payment’ of Dues: $15/individual; $25/family; $10/student.
“The Story of a Confederate Boy in the Civil War” book review by Bill Miller.
A request for membership to author some articles.
BRCWRT joins BPAC (Battlefield Preservation Advisory Coalition).
“Stonewall Jackson Returns to Manassas” by Bill Miller. First Event Support: Dedication of new flagpole at
MNBP’s new park Headquarters’ and Visitor’s Center.
“After Second Manassas: Jackson and Hill Feud” by Bill Miller. Event Support: (a) Cedar Creek reenactment via
Armando and Ann Mancini, Bill Miller, and Art Candenquist, (b) Adopt-A-Highway County road cleanup on
Groveton Road and Pageland Lane.
“In History: 130 Years Ago This Month”
“How ‘Old Pete’ Would Have Won the War – For the Yankees” by Bill Miller; 2. “Following Jackson and
Hotchkiss to Middletown” by Bill Miller; 3. “Background on Brawner” by Bill Miller. New Newsletter Feature:
First 12-Issue Year.
“1862 Valley Campaign Noteworthy Union Performance?” by Gary Ecelbarger. New Newsletter Feature: “In
History…’Abner Doubleday (1819-1893)’” by Kevin Leahy.
“Battle at Bristoe Station – 14 October 1863” by MNBP staff; 2. “To the Gates of Richmond: The Peninsula
Campaign” by Bill Miller; 3. “In History…’The General Nearly Loses His Lady’” by Ralph Swanson.
“April Book Quiz – ‘No Luck and No Respect’” by Armando Mancini; 2. “In History: ‘130 Years Ago.’”
“Unsung Heroes of the Civil War” by Scott Patchan. First Award: Honorable Mention by the Commonwealth
of Virginia regarding the “1992 Take Pride in America Program.”
“Henry Livermore Abbott” by Kevin Leahy; 2. A call for members to participate in “The First Annual Fourth
Battle of Manassas” by Kevin Leahy.
“Thank-you” letter received from the Ninth Pa. Reserves for the donation to the C.F. Jackson Memorial Fund.
“Hot and Steam as it was ‘6 score and 10,’” by Kevin Leahy.
“In Memoriam: A Belated Tribute to Lt. Col. Joseph B. Mitchell,” by Bill Miller; 2. New Newsletter Features:
(a) “Permission to Speak Freely” first article - “The Most Decisive Day” by Ralph Swanson,” (b) “From the
Ranks” (private letters) “The Capture of a Rebel Cannon at 3rd Winchester” by Lt. William Beach, 1st N.Y. Cav.
Permission: “The Most Decisive Day of the Civil War: by Gary Ecelbarger; 2. First Membership Survey:
requesting program suggestions going forward (3-questions).
“Centreville Rifles Victorious in First Annual Intramural Skirmish.” New Newsletter Feature: ‘After-Action
Reports’ (AAR) “Gettysburg Deluge” by Gary Ecelbarger. Event Support: Rededication of Groveton Monument.
Permission: “The Most Decisive Day of the Civil War” by “Handspike.”
Permission: “Who Are the Most Overrated and Underrated Civil War Generals?” – George Thomas (Most
Underrated Union General) and John F. Reynolds (Most Overrated Union General); 2. From the Ranks: (a)
“Alfred Pirtle: 1st Lt., 10th Ohio Vol. Inf., (b) P.R. Jones: Co. I, 10th Texas Cavalry (dismounted).
“The Meaning of Battlefield Preservation” by Scott Patchan; 2. Permission: “LTG Jubal Anderson Early” (Most
Underrated Confederate General) and “Stonewall Jackson” (Most overrated Confederate General) by Scott
Patchan; 3. From the Ranks: (a) “Capt. Thomas Armstead Bradford, Co. H., 31st VA Vol. Inf.,” (b) “From Col.
William H. Stewart, 61st VA, at Hatcher’s Run, VA – 2/5/65;” 5. First Trivia Questions: At monthly meetings.
Permission: “William T. Sherman (Most Overrated Union General) and Thomas A. Smyth (Most Underrated
Union General” by John McAnaw; 2. From the Ranks: (a) “Journal of Bill Davis, 7th Ind. Inf.,” (b) “Diary of Mrs.
Cornelia McDonald – Winchester, VA.”
Permission: “Albert Sydney Johnston, CSA” (Most Overrated General) and “Benjamin Butler, USA” (Most
Underrated General) by Ralph Swanson; 3. From the Ranks: “A Texas Ranger;” 4. AAR: “What a Day!” by Scott
Patchan. Award: Bill Miller wins “The Fletcher Pratt Award” for his book, “Mapping for Stonewall: The
Civil War Service of Jed Hotchkiss.’” This is considered the Pulitzer Prize of Civil War Literature.
Articles & Event Support
From the Ranks: (a) “James Miller, 105th PA, Co. K. – Kearney’s Division,” (b) “John W. Hudleston, of S.D.
Lee’s Arty, to his brother – June 1, 1862.”
Permission: “Winfield Scott Hancock” (Most Overrated Union Commander) and “Joseph Thoburn” (Most
Underrated Union Commander) by Scott Patchan; 2. From the Ranks: (a) “LTC. Thomas F. Wildes, 116th Ohio
Vol. Inf.;” (b) “Sgt. E.G. Barnum, Thomas Legion (N.C. Inf.);” 3. Second Membership Survey (4-questions); 4.
AAR: “Official Report: 1994 Maryland Campaign.”
“The Theme Park – Adieu and Accelerando?” by Bill Miller; 2. From the Ranks: (a) “Major Henry Kyd Douglas,
On Staff of Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson,” (b) “Chronicles of F.B. Jones, 149th Pa. Bucktails.”
Permission: “What If?” by Gary Ecelbarger; 2. “Sherman Reconsidered – A Rebuttal Marking Him as Most
Overrated” by Tom Kissinger; 2. From the Ranks: (a) “Charles Jewett, Co. F, 2nd Wis. Inf., Iron Brigade,” (b) “L.
B. S. Miller, Co. F, 2nd Wis. Inf., Iron Brigade.”
From the Ranks: “Incident at Sharpsburg” as reported by General Stephen D. Lee.
Two excerpts from the Richmond Examiner (Oct. 26, 1863) and New York Times (Oct. 17, 1863) describing the
Battle at Bristoe Station.
“Union Mills” by John McAnaw; 2. Permission: “Gibraltar Brigade” (Most Underrated Brigade) by Scott Patchan;
3. From the Ranks: “Autobiography and Recollections of Wesley Nichols.” New Newsletter Feature: “Opinion."
AAR: (a) “First Manassas Tour” by Gary Ecelbarger, (b) “Kernstown Tour” by Gary Ecelbarger.
Permission: “Stone’s Bucktail Brigade” (Most Underrated Brigade” by Gary Ecelbarger; 2. “Defend the Valley A
Shenandoah Family in the Civil War” book review by Margaretta Barton Colt; 3. “Where is Sudley Ford?” by
Armando Mancini. New Newsletter Feature: “Book Review.”
Opinion: “Grant Reconsidered” by Gary Ecelbarger; 2. From the Ranks: (a) “Journal of Jed Hotchkiss,
Topographical Engineer Valley District,” (b) “Letter from Alexander Read, 84th Pa. written Jan. 30, 1862.”
Permission: “The Irish Brigade” (Most Overrated Brigade) by Gary Ecelbarger; 2. “Stonewall Bridge”
(Overrated!) by Scott Patchan; 3. “Hanging Rock Rebel” book review by Scott Patchan; 4. From the Ranks:
“Cradle of Secession Surrenders.”
Point/Counterpoint: (a) “Robert E. Lee at Antietam: He Should Have Withdrawn” by Gary Ecelbarger, (b) “He
Should Have Stayed” by Scott Logan; 3. From the Ranks: “Letter from Prison;” 4. “A Superb Fighting Unit: The
Irish Brigade.” New Newsletter Feature “Point/Counterpoint.”
“Stonewall Jackson’s Romney Campaign: Jan. 1 – Feb. 20, 1862” book review by Thomas Rankin; 2. “A Soldier’s
Last Letter to His Wife;” 3. From the Ranks: “A Soldier’s Last Letter to His Wife;” 4. AAR: “Bristoe Station
Tour” by Armando Mancini.
From the Ranks: “A Sharpshooter’s Day, William Kent, Co. F. of Hiram Berdan’s Sharpshooters – May 4, 1894.”
Permission: “Stonewall Brigade: Return Fire!” by Gregg Clemmer.
Point/Counterpoint: “Stonewall Brigade: Another Look” by Gary Ecelbarger; 2. Permission: “Turner Ashby: The
Quintessential Cavalier” by Gary Ecelbarger; 3. From the Ranks: “The Afternoon of July 2 – excerpt from
Richmond Enquirer’s account of the Battle of Gettysburg – July 22, 1863;” 4. AAR: “Touring Chancellorsville”
by Gary Ecelbarger.
From the Ranks: “Soldier’s Letter Home, published in the Wellsburg, Va. Herald – June 11, 1862.”
From the Ranks: “A Richmond Newspaper Comments on the Fall of Fort Donelson – Feb. 19, 1862.”
From the Ranks: (a) “A Confederate Irishman Remembers Pickett’s Charge, Pvt. John Edward Dooley, Co. C
(Montgomery Guard), 1st VA Inf. Reg’t.,” (b) “Our Little Brigade Fought Like Heroes, Peter Welsh, Irish
Brigade;” 3. Membership survey (4-questions).
From the Ranks: “A Call to Investigate the Disaster at Ball’s Bluff, published in the Stark County (Canton, Ohio)
Republican - Jan. 28, 1862.”
From the Ranks: (a) “A Hot Bath for a Pennsylvanian, Thomas Gouldsberry, 84th Pa. – Jan. 10, 1862,” and (b) “A
Virginian Finds Bath Cold and Wet, Watkins Kearns, Co. G., 27th VA;” 2. AAR: “The Second Engagement at
Manassas” by Gary Ecelbarger.
From the Ranks: “An Injured Officer Describes his Medical Care, Lt. Fitz James O’Brien, Gen. Frederick Lander’s
staff – Jan. 1862.”
From the Ranks: “Going into Battle, Robert T. Barton, Arty – May, 1862.”
From the Ranks: “Stuart Meets His Fate, by H.B. McClellan, Chief of Staff, ANV Cav. Corps. – 1958.” New
Newsletter Feature: "Recommended Reading."
From the Ranks: “Luckless on the 5th – May 5, 1864;” 2. AAR: “Jackson’s Winter Campaign” by Gary Ecelbarger.
Articles & Event Support
From the Ranks: “The Price of Two Guns – Blood Bath at Saunders Field, Daniel G. MacNamara, 9th Mass – May
5, 1864.”
“A General Pens a Poem - General F.W. Lander” by Virginia Dare; 2. AAR’s: (a) “Wilderness & Spotsylvania
Battlefield Tours” by John McAnaw, (b) “Tour of the Wilderness” by Martha Hendley.
AAR: “Tour of the Bull Run Fords, Pt. I” by John McAnaw
From the Ranks: “Second Kernstown – The Easiest Victory of the War, Union & Confederate Accounts” 2. AAR:
“Bull Run Fords Tour, Pt. II” by John McAnaw. BRCWRT's First Website: URL- /brcwrthp.html via Charlie Grymes.
Permission to Speak Freely: “Best General-Poet of the Civil War: A Buckeye?” by John McAnaw; 2. From the
Ranks: “Found on the Battlefield, Member 5th Alabama – while at Sharpsburg;” 3. AAR: “Highly Successful Tour
of the Shenandoah” by Gary Ecelbarger.
AAR: “Bull Run Fords, Pt. II – Union Mills” by John McAnaw.
From the Ranks: “A Buckeye’s Account of the Federal Assault at Fredericksburg, Thomas F.D. Galway, 8 th Ohio
Vol. Inf. Reg’t., 1st Brigade, 3rd Div., II U.S. Corps. - December 13, 1862.” Event Support: “We Did It! The
Symposium was worth the Work” regarding BRCWRT’s Second Manassas Symposium, by Martha Hendley.
From the Ranks, “New Year’s Day with the 29th Ohio, Lt. Col. Thomas Clark, 29th Ohio Vol. Inf. – Jan. 1, 1862;”
2. AAR: “Fredericksburg in Detail” by John McAnaw.
“And Whatever Happened to Eppa Hunton, C.S.A.?” by John McAnaw; 2. From the Ranks: “Richmun on the
Jeems.” Event Support: “Illuminating Sharpsburg” by Dan Paterson.
From the Ranks: “While Food was Scare, Maggots Were Abundant – A Surgeon’s Observations, Ass’t. Surgeon
H.S. Schell, U.S.A. – after the battle of Gains’ Mill.”
Newsletter dominated by numerous local preservation issues.
“New Civil War Battlefield Preservation Organizations;” 2. “Ghosts of the Valley” by John McAnaw; 3. From the
Ranks: “Hot Time on Sandy Ridge, excerpts from Gary Ecelbarger’s upcoming book about Kernstown.”
“American Battlefield Protection Program Announces Recipients of Funds:” 2. From the Ranks: “The Campaign
of Shiloh, Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard.”
“At the Angle, May 12, 1864, 19th Mass;” 2. AAR: (a) “Pamunkey River to Cold Harbor Field Trip, May 17” by
John McAnaw, (b) “Cold Harbor” by Chris Custode.
AAR: “Cross Keys and Port Republic Battlefields” by John McAnaw.
“Remembering Marilyn” by Chris Custode; 2. AAR: “North Anna Battlefield” by Chris Custode. Event Support:
(a) Actively engaged in the efforts to acquire tour guides for local battlefields. Note: BRCWRT’s First Picnic: At
MNBP (Stuart Hill).
“The Stone House Intersection…Why all the fuss?” by Scott Patchan; 2. “Visiting Petersburg National Battlefield”
by John McAnaw; 3. “The U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum and the Care for our Dead.”
Rest” a poem by Father Abram J. Ryan; 3. AAR: (a) “Cedar Creek Battlefield – Sept. 27, (b) “Reenactment: The
Battle of Antietam – Sept. 12-14. New Newsletter Feature: “Trivia Birthdates” by Mike Duggan. Website
Update: New URL -
Trivia: “November Birthdates” by Mike Duggan; 2. “BRCWRT Logo Contest” by Mark Knowles; 4. AAR: (a)
“Civil War Sites: Centreville to Union Mills” by John McAnaw, (b) “Dedication of the Irish Brigade Monument –
Sharpsburg, Md.” by Robert J. Hickey, Jr. Award: BRCWRT’s First Life Member: Annie Snyder.
Trivia: “December Birthdates” by Mike Duggan. Event Support: (a) “Gettysburg on Remembrance Day” by Dan
Paterson, (b) “Celebrate a Civil War Christmas” book signing event at Clio’s History Bookshop, Leesburg, Va.
Trivia: “January Birthdates” by Mike Duggan; 2. “Disabled Civil War Historian and Author in Need!” by Scott
Patchan; 3. AAR: “1997 Antietam Illumination” by Ann Collins. BRCWRT is incorporated Jan. 13, 1998.
Trivia: “February Birthdates” by Mike Duggan; 2. “Virginia Veterans of Foreign Wars Speak Out on the
Preservation of Our Civil War Heritage” by John McAnaw. Event Support: “Dedication Ceremony at the
Longstreet Birthplace Monument” by Dan Paterson.
Trivia: “March Birthdates” by Mike Duggan; 2. “Wife to Join MG George E. Pickett at Hollywood Cemetery;” 3.
Soldier Lingo” by John McAnaw; 4. “BRCWRT logo contest winner – Mike Shannon” by Mark Knowles.
Trivia: “April Birthdates” by Mike Duggan; 2. “Five-Star Course: Battlefields of the Civil War – Part I at George
Mason University” by John McAnaw; 3. AAR: “Civil War Centreville – Union Mills Tour.” Event Support: (a)
“Rededication of the MG George E. Pickett Monument” by Dan Paterson, (b) BRCWRT mans a table at The Civil
War Show (NOVA Relic Hunters Association) at Capital Expo Center.
Articles & Event Support
Trivia: “May Birthdates” by Mike Duggan; 2. AAR: (a) “1st Battle of Manassas” by Blake Myers, (b) “Civil War
Alexandria” by John McAnaw.
Trivia: “June Birthdates” by Mike Duggan; 2. “Lisa’s Civil War Page for Kids;” 3. “Cold Harbor: Requiescat in
Pace – II U.S. Army Corps” by John McAnaw.
Trivia: “July Birthdates” by Mike Dugan; 2. “Memorial Hill – The 9th of June” by John McAnaw; 3. “Petersburg –
The Crater: A Forgotten Hero – Victor Jean Baptiste Girardey” by John McAnaw; 4. AAR: “Cold Harbor to
Petersburg” by John McAnaw.
Trivia: “August Birthdates” by Mike Duggan; 2. “Banks’ State of Mind” by Gary Ecelbarger; 3. Revised (3rd
edition) “Official Guide to the Civil War Discovery Trail” available to the public - by John McAnaw.
Trivia: “September Birthdays;” by Mike Duggan; 2. AAR: “Bull Run Fords.” Website Update: New URL
Trivia: “October Birthdays.”
Trivia: “November Birthdays” by Mike Duggan; 2. Results of “The Round Table Survey” announced; 3. AAR:
“The Orange and Alexandria Railroad.”
Trivia: “December Birthdays” by Mike Duggan; 2. AAR: “Retracing the Winchester Skedaddle” by Mark
Knowles. Event Support: “Gettysburg: The Remembrance Day Parade” by Ann Collins;
Trivia: “January Birthdays” by Mike ‘Duggan; 2. “For sale: Mosby House, asking price - $495,000, Warrenton
considers purchase.”
Trivia: “February Birthdays” by Mike Duggan.
Trivia: “March Birthdays” by Mike Duggan.
Trivia: “April Birthdays” by Mike Duggan. Event Support: The Civil War Show, Chantilly.
Trivia: “May Birthdays” by Mike Duggan; 2. “The Bearss Brigade” by Ann Collins; 3. AAR: “Arlington National
Cemetery” by Mark Knowles.
Trivia: “June Birthdays;” 2. AAR: “Gettysburg – May 22” By Dan Paterson.
Trivia: “July Birthdays;” 2. AAR: “Union Mills To Manassas Junction – June 26.”
Trivia: “August Birthdays.”
New Newsletter Feature: “Battles/Actions Fought in the Month - September.” Website Update: New URL
Battles/Actions: “October;” 2. AAR: “Fairfax City – Vienna and Vicinity” by John McAnaw.
Battles/Actions: “November.”
Event Supported: “Book Signing at Clio’s In Leesburg.”
“The American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy” by John McAnaw.
“Presentation of Colors to the 1st S.C. Colored Infantry;” by Thomas Wentworth Higginson (Regimental Cmdr.).
“Where Are the Leaders?” by John McAnaw.
“An Often Ignored Confederate Hero – William T. Wofford” by Robert W. Ford. Website Update: New URL
No newsletter this month.
Extremely short newsletter this month.
AAR: “Gettysburg Staff Ride” by John McAnaw.
“Under Foreign Flags.” New Newsletter Features: (a) “Lesser Known Heroes: Eppa Hunton: Virginia CitizenSoldier, Pt. I” by Scott Cason, (b) “Book Corner” by Ralph Swanson, (c) “The College of Trivial
Lesser Known Heroes: “Eppa Hunton: Virginia Citizen-Soldier, Pt. II” by Scott Cason, 2. “French Notions of
American Geography” by Keith Young; 3. “The College of Trivial Knowledge – Raw Deals.” New Newsletter
feature: The View from Way Back: “French Notions of American Geography” by Keith Young. Website
Update: New URL -
No newsletter this month.
The View from Way Back: “Origin of the Confederate Battle-flag via Gen. Joe Johnston” by Keith Young.
The View from Way Back: “American Soldiers Then and Now” by Keith Young. Event Support: “Preservation
2000” by Keith Young.
The View from Way Back: “Major Downing on the Merrymac” by Keith Young; 2. “How to Get a New Hat in
1863” by Robert Ford; 3. “How to Get a New Hat in 1863” by Robert Ford. New Newsletter feature: Flashback:
“January 1861” by Mike Duggan.
Articles & Event Support
Flashback: “February 1861” by Mike Duggan; 2. The View from Way Back: “Sergeant Davis’s Tender Beef” by
Keith Young.
Flashback: “March 1861” by Mike Duggan; 2. The View from Way Back: “Brandy for all Hands” by Keith
Young; 3. Book Corner: “Centennial History of the Civil War” by Ralph Swanson.
Flashback: “April 1861” by Mike Duggan; 2. The View from Way Back: “Grant’s Fort Donelson Council of War”
by Keith Young.
The View from Way Back: “The Blue and the Gray” by Keith Young; 2. Flashback: “May 1861” by Mike
Duggan; 3. “The Blue and Gray” by Keith Young; 4. Book Corner: “If the South Had Won the Civil War” by
Ralph Swanson.
Flashback: “June 1861” by Mike Duggan; 2. The View from Way Back: “Jeb”’ Stuart Playing Orderly to General
Bayard” by Keith Young; 3. AAR: “Gettysburg: The Second Day” by Kevin Anastas. Event Support: (a)
“Fredericksburg, VA Luminaria” by Mark Knowles, (b) The Ancient Order of Hibernians in a Memorial Day
Celebration/Sign Dedication at Ox Hill Battlefield Park” by Mary Ahrens.
Flashback: “July/August 1861” by Mike Duggan; 2. The View from Way Back: “Les Miserables” by Keith
Young; 3. "A House Divided: Abe & Mary Lincoln" PBS documentary reviewed by Ralph Swanson; 3. First
Double Issue of Newsletter (July-August) 4. First Civil War 101 (25-min. basic concepts regarding military ops.)
for members by Mike Duggan; 5. “August 1861;” 6. AAR: “Balls Bluff/Loudoun County” by John De Pue.
Flashback: “September 1861” by Mike Duggan; 2. The View from Way Back: “Executive Favor Bestowed” by
Keith Young; 3. AAR: “Search and Find Field Trip, Southwest Fairfax County” by John McAnaw. Event Support:
“Blackburn’s Ford Marker Dedication Ceremony” (140 th Anniversary of Battle) via excerpt of Dan Paterson’s
“Reflections on Chancellorsville and Gettysburg” by John McAnaw; 2. Flashback: “October 1861” by Bob Ford;
3. Flashback: “November 1861” by Mark Knowles; 4. The View from Way Back: “Merriment in the Wrong
Place” by Keith Young. Website Update: Includes more educational materials (battle studies, book reviews and
preservation activities) via Maureen Quinn.
Flashback: “December 1861” by Bob Ford; 2. The View from Way Back: “Homespun Dress Air – Bonny Blue
Flag” by Keith Young.
Flashback: “January 1862” by Mark Knowles; 2. View from Way Back: “Post War Respect for Gen. Lee’s ‘Old
War-horse’” by John McAnaw; 3. “Some Grant Quotations You May Not Have Heard Before” by Keith Young; 4.
“Tour of Civil War Manassas: by John McAnaw.
Flashback: “February 1862” by Bob Ford; 2. View from Way Back: “Grant and Polk before the Meeting at
Belmont” by Keith Young; 3. Book Corner: “The Civil War in Depth, Vols. I & II” by Ralph Swanson.
Flashback: “March 1862” by Mark Knowles; 2. View from Way Back: “A Glimpse of Stonewall Jackson, Colonel
Stannard, 9th Vermont” by Keith Young; 3. More Civil War 101 classes for the general membership.
Flashback: “April 1862” by Bob Ford; 2. View from Way Back: “The Veterans Reunion” by Keith Young; 3.
“BRCWRT's Direct Involvement in the Preservation of Heritage Sites for the Past (10) Years” by John McAnaw;
4. Book Review Raffle “The West Point Atlas of the Civil.”
Flashback: “May 1862” and “June 1862” by Mark Knowles; 2. “More of Porter Alexander’s View of Day Three at
Gettysburg” by John McAnaw; 3“Deerhound to the Rescue” by Bud Porter; 4. View from Way Back: “The Crisis
of the Confederacy, and History of Gettysburg and the Wilderness” by Keith Young; 5. Book Corner: “Arms and
Equipment of the Civil War” by Keith Young; 6. AAR: (a) “Confederate Defense Line Southwest of Petersburg
VA and the Ream Station Battlefield” by John McAnaw, (b) “Civil War Sites at Quantico Corps Base” by John
McAnaw. Event Support: “Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park ‘Luminaria’” with the Eastern
Loudoun County Civil War Round Table.
Flashback: “July 1862” by Bob Ford; 2. Excerpts from “Return to Bull Run” by John Hennessy; 3. View from
Way Back: “Mosby’s Method” by Keith Young; 4. Book Corner: “Annals of the War” by Ralph Swanson; 5.
AAR: “Gettysburg: The Third Day” by Kevin Anastas.
Flashback: “August 1862” by Mark Knowles; 2. View from Way Back: “Mosby’s Protector” by Keith Young; 3.
Numerous articles regarding Annie D. Snyder (BRCWRT member) who passed away (80 yrs. old) on July 19;
AAR: “Civil War Sites in Prince William and Eastern Fauquier Counties” by John McAnaw.
“The Cost of the Confederate Stand at South Mountain” by John McAnaw; 2. “’Stonewall’ Jackson – The Father”
by John McAnaw; 3. “In Memorian – Annie Snyder” by John McAnaw; 4. Flashback: “September 1862” by Bob
Ford; 5. View from Way Back: “Those Left Behind” by Keith Young. Event Support: “Centreville Day.”
Articles & Event Support
“The First Minnesota Vol. Inf. Reg’t at Gettysburg – Day Two” by John McAnaw; 2. “Special – Ed Bearss
Article” reprint of recent Washington Times article; 2. Book Corner: “The Marble Man: Robert E. Lee and His
Image in American Society” by Ralph Swanson; 3. Flashback: “October 1862” by Mark Knowles; 4. Flashback:
“November 1862”; 5. View from Way Back: “Honesty on the Battlefield” by Keith Young; 6. AAR: “Brigsby Hill
and Blackburn’s Ford Battlefields and the Historic Union Mills Area” by John McAnaw.
“Why Did Confederate Soldiers Fight So Tenaciously and Effectively” by John McAnaw; 2. Flashback:
“December 1862” by Mark Knowles; 3. View from Way Back: “Public Property” by Keith Young.
“War as a Schoolmaster” by Michael Block; 2. Flashback: “January 1863” by Bob Ford; 3. View from Way Back:
“Special Delivery” by Keith Young; 4. AAR: “BRCWRT Field Training Session on 16 November 2002” by John
“Union Mills – Brig. Gen. Richard S. Ewell’s Frustrating Experience with the Confederate High Command During
the First Battle of Manassas: by John McAnaw; 2. “Disease Among the Confederates at Union Mills – The
Experience of the 5th Al. Vol. Inf. Regt.” by John McAnaw; 3. Book Review: “The Fredericksburg Campaign:
Winter War on the Rappahannock” by Peter Bridges; 4. Flashback: “February 1863” by Mark Knowles; 6. “Last
Union Soldier Widow Dies” by John McAnaw; 6. View from Way Back: “A Maid’s Lament” by Keith Young; 7.
AAR: “Second Field Training Session for BRCWRT Preservationists” by John McAnaw.
Flashback: “April 1863” by Keith Young; 2. View from Way Back: “Drawing Battery Material” by Keith Young;
3. AAR: “Tour of Civil War Sites in Prince William and Stafford County, Including the White Oak Museum.
Event Support: (a) Dedication of the new “Guilford Signal Station” CWT marker at Claude Moore Park in
Sterling, VA. (b) “Blue & Gray Education Society Walking Tour at First Manassas” via tour guide Becky
Flashback: “May 1863” by Drew Lavan; 2. View from Way Back: “General Hancock’s Humor;” 3. AAR: (a)
“Confederate Winter Encampment Sites at Montpelier, Orange County, VA” by John McAnaw, (b) “Tour of the
Civil War Sites along the Occoquan River and Bull Run” by John McAnaw.
“Who was that Spy Harrison, Anyway? By John McAnaw; 2. “Keeping Our Heritage Alive: Memorial Day in
Fairfax City” by John McAnaw; 3. BRCWRT’s championed “Fairfax County Civil War Sites Inventory is
Released” by Mary Ahrens; 4. “Civil War Columbia, South Carolina” by John De Pue; 5. Flashback: “June 1863”
by Drew Lavan; 6. Flashback: “July 1863” by Keith Young; 7. View from Way Back: “Meade’s Tolerance
Exceeded” by Keith Young; 8. ”Reconstruction: Nature and Controversy, Including Loudoun and Fairfax
Counties;” by Dr. Charles Poland; 9. “Campaigning with Dr. Poland” by E.B. Vandiver III. Award: (a)
BRCWRT receives Certificate of Appreciation of Partnership with Centreville Regional Library, (b)
BRCWRT’s Second Life Member: Ed Bearss.
“Non-Combat Deaths at Camp Jones in the Vicinity of Bristoe Station” by John McAnaw; 2. “Keystone
Artillerymen View Confederate Graves at Camp Jones in the Vicinity of Bristoe Station Battlefield” by John
McAnaw; 3. “’TAPS’ and the Bristoe Station Battlefield’” by John McAnaw; 4. Flashback: “August 1863” by
Keith Young; 5. “Flashback: “September 1863” by Mark Knowles; 6. View from Way Back: “Soldier Wit” by
Keith Young; 7. Book Corner: “A Rebel War’s Clerk Diary at the Confederate State’s Capitol” by Ralph Swanson;
8. “Thank you letter from the Central Virginia Battlefields Trust” by Mary Ahrens; 9. AAR: “’Search and Find’
Hiking Tour Along the Occoquan River” by John McAnaw. Event Support: “Thank you from the Hope Lutheran
Church Civil War Club” for the tour conducted by Kevin Anastas.
Bristoe Station Fact Sheet” compiled by Jim Burgess; 2. View from Way Back: “L-E-G on My Leg” by Keith
Young; 3. Flashback: “October 1863” by Drew Levan; 4 “General Robert E. Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12,
1870)” by Saundra Cox; 5. Review: “Gettysburg Expedition Guide by Travel-brains” by Kevin Anastas. New
Newsletter Feature: Color with logo format via Maureen Quinn. Website Update: New URL
View from Way Back: “If I Had a Pistol” by Keith Young; 2. “Excerpts from ‘Civil War Spoken Here’” by
Maureen Quinn; 3. “Protecting the President - Only the Best” by John McAnaw; 4. Flashback: “November 1863”
by Keith Young. Event Support: “Bristoe Ceremony (140th Anniversary) by John McAnaw.
View from Way Back: “Anecdote of Stonewall Jackson” by Keith Young; 2. Flashback: “December 1863” by
Mark Knowles; 3. “Diary Excerpts of William J. Morse – Christmas 1862 (Fredericksburg)” by Maureen Quinn.
Event Support: “Lookout Mountain – March for Preservation” by Dan Paterson.
View from Way Back; “Safe Passage from Lincoln” by Keith Young; 2. “Findings & Gleanings” by Maureen
Quinn; 2. Flashback: “January 1864” by Drew Lavan. Website Update: New facelift, including a “Members' Page"
for those who would like exposure via their books, articles, lectures, tours, films, reenacting, etc.
Articles & Event Support
“Bristoe Station Artifacts” by Keith Young; 2. “Visit to Union Mills Sites” by John McAnaw; 3. Flashback:
“February 1864” by John McAnaw; 4. View from Way Back: “A Singular Spectacle in Battle” by Keith Young; 5.
Book Corner: “The Last Citadel: Petersburg, Virginia June 1864-April 1865” by Ralph Swanson.
Flashback: “March 1864” by John McAnaw; 2. View from Way Back: “A Sailor’s Prayer” by Keith Young; 3. “A
Sample of What our Member Enjoyed in 2003!” by Saundra Cox; 4. “The Fight to Retrieve the Battle Flag of the
28th VA Inf. Reg’t. from the Minnesota Historical Society” by John McAnaw; 5. “In Memoriam – Pat Gallagher
(Feb. 3, 2004). Event Support: Clean-up a military cemetery in the City of Fairfax.
“An Assessment of the ‘Irish Rebels’ by a Confederate General’” by John McAnaw; 2. “General Cleburne, Irish
Tennessee and the Fifth Confederate” by John McAnaw; 3. View from Way Back: “The Yankee? Dixie? Leg” by
Chuck Mauro; 4. Flashback: “April 1864” by John McAnaw; 5. Jim Morgan authoring a book on the “Battle of
Balls Bluff; 6. “On the Assassination of Lincoln” by Maureen Quinn; 7. AAR: “Bull Run & a Confederate
Fortification at Union Mills” by John McAnaw. Event Support: “32nd Annual Civil War Show” via the Northern
Virginia Relic Hunters Association.
Flashback: “May 1864” by Drew Lavan; 2. “The Wedding & Why Col. Robert Gould Shaw Didn’t Want to Wear
His Uniform” by Maureen Quinn; 3. View from Way Back: “The Wedding & Why Col. Robert Gould Shaw didn’t
want to Wear His Uniform” by Maureen Quinn; 4. “Memorial Orations” by Maureen Quinn; 5. AAR: “Arlington
National Cemetery” by John McAnaw.
View from Way Back: “From the Library of Congress, Manuscript Div., the Papers of Joshua Lawrence
Chamberlain” by Maureen Quinn; 2. “Bermuda and the Civil War” by Keith Young; 3. Flashback: “July-August
1864” by Mark Knowles; 3. AAR: (a) “Jackson in the Valley” by Charlie Balch (b) “From the Trench of
Spotsylvania” by Dan Paterson, (c) “Tour of Historic Terrain Along Bull Run and the Occoquan River, Pt. III” by
John McAnaw, (d) “Confederate Invasion into Maryland (1862) and the Monocacy National Battlefield” by John
“Report & Heads-up: VA Civil War Trails Signs at the Haymarket Museum” by Mark Trbovich; 2. View from
Way Back: “Obedience to Orders” by Keith Young; 3. Book Corner: “Lincoln” by Ralph Swanson; 4. “Manassas
Battlefield – Bypass Study” by Keith Young; 5. AAR: “Stafford County Civil War Sites” by John De Pue.
“Historic Salona, McLean, Va.” by Mike Shannon; 2. “’John Singleton Mosby’ Exhibit at the Manassas Museum’”
by Harvey Simon; 3. Flashback: “October 1864” by Drew Lavan; 4. View from Way Back: “From the Diary of
Montgomery C. Meigs” by Maureen Quinn; 5. AAR: “Civil War Sites Vicinity Centreville, Union Mills and Bull
Run” by John McAnaw.
“Point Lookout: A Prisoner’s View” by Keith Young; 2. “Chronological Outline of the Civil War in Culpeper” by
John McAnaw; 3. “Civil War Prisons” by John McAnaw; 4. View from Way Back: “The Other Gettysburg
Address” by Maureen Quinn; 5. AAR: “Civil War Sites in Historic Downtown Culpeper and Vicinity the Cedar
Mountain Battlefield” by John McAnaw.
View from Way Back: “The Military Funeral of Billy Gilliam from ‘Wit, Mirth & Spleen’” by Maureen Quinn; 2.
“The Pictorial Heritage of the WRS area during the Civil War;” 3. “Civil War Museum at Northern Virginia
Community College” by E.B. Vandiver III; 4. AAR: “Cold Harbor” by Maureen Quinn. Event Support: “Civil
War Christmas at Liberia Plantation” by Maureen Quinn.
“Battlefield Trust Honors Brian Pohanka with Happel Award for his Contributions” by Ed Wenzel; 2. Flashback:
“January 1865” by Keith Young; 3. “Fighting Mud, a Lieutenant Asks Colonel for Men ’18-Feet Long’” by Keith
Young; 4. “Flashback: December 1864” by Mark Knowles.
View from Way Back: “Singing Yankees” by Keith Young; 2. “Antonia Ford: Confederate Spy;” 3. Flashback:
“February 1865” by Keith Young; 4. Flashback: “March 1865” by Mark Knowles; 5. Book Corner: “Personal
Memoirs of US Grant” by John Swanson; 6. “Alexandria Goes to War: Beyond Robert E. Lee” book review by
Paula Elsey; 7. “Whilst We Were at Centreville” by Saundra Cox. Event Support: “Annual Park Day.”
Flashback: “April 1865” by Keith Young; 2 “’The Hero of Ox Hill’, Round Table’s Ed Wenzel Hailed for Saving
Battlefield’” by Nancy Anwyll; 3. “How Gen. Lee Made Decision to Invade Maryland in 1862” by Scott Hartwig;
4. AAR: “Civil War Sites Vicinity Centreville Historic Overlay District” by John McAnaw.
“Condition of the Army of the Potomac in Stafford County during 1862-1863” by John McAnaw. Event Support:
(a) BRCWRT Items Featured at Conference of the CWPT Attended by (300) Stalwarts” by Ed Wenzel, (b)
“BRCWRT’s Tim Duskin To Lecture at Archives.”
“Petersburg Vows Never to Forget the Ninth of June” by John McAnaw; 2. “Fredericksburg” by John McAnaw;
Flashback: “June 1865” by Keith Young; 3. Confederate Raid Yields Unexpected Pleasure – Scoops of Ice
Cream!!!” by Saundra Cox; 4. AAR: “Stafford County Civil War Sites (Part III) Acclaimed Success”
Articles & Event Support
“A Tribute to Brian: Pohanka Was Truly a Civil War Legend” by Ed Wenzel; 2. “Memorial Service for Brian
Pohanka: Thursday, 23 June 2005, Manassas National Battlefield” by John McAnaw; 3. “The Glories of War:
Small Battles and Early Heroes of 1861’” by Dr. Charles Poland; 4. Book Corner: “The Civil War Reenactors’
Encyclopedia” by Ralph Swanson; 5. “Death Claims Famed Civil War Historian Shelby Foote at 88” by Nancy
Anwyll; 6. “29 Members and Guests Absorb History on Visit to Spotsylvania Sites” by Kevin Anastas.
“Library of Congress Releases Hotchkiss Maps;” by Harlan & Sharon Lenius; 2. AAR: “Fort Evans and the Ball’s
Bluff Battlefield, Loudoun County, Va.” by John McAnaw. Event Support: “Greenwich & Ewell’s Chapel Civil
War Trails Signs Dedication Oct. 14” via Mark Trbovich and Jim Burgess.
“Virginia’s Piedmont Battleground: Culpeper County” by Clark “Bud” Hall; 2. “Civil War Ancestors” by Saundra
Cox; 3. AAR: “Hampton Roads” by Kevin Anastas. Event Support: “New Virginia Civil War Trails Sign at Sully
Historic Site, Chantilly, VA via Rob Orrison.
Book Corner: “Freedom, A Novel of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War” by Ralph Swanson. 3. AAR:
“Baltimore Tour” by Nancy Anwyll. Event Support: (a) “Symposium on Prince William County Historic
Preservation” with John De Pue speaking on behalf of BRCWRT, (b) “First Fairfax County History Conference a
Real Success” by Charlie Balch.
“Organization of U.S. Naval Forces for the Blockade of the Confederate States” by John McAnaw; 2. “Where the
Value of a Man was Calculated:” 3. “Civil War Soldiers Burials at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C.” by
Keith Young.
“Brian Pohanka and the 69th PA in the Movie ‘Gettysburg’” by John McAnaw; 2. “Confederate Memorial Hall
Museum Update” by Sam Hood; 4. “Round Table Member ‘Janet Greentree’ A Winner in SWPT Contest;”5.
“CWPT’s Most Endangered Battlefield Report;” 6. Rob Orrison announced as the new Brentsville Site Manager.
Event Support: (a) “The Battle of Chantilly (Ox Hill) Movie Premiere” via Don Hakenson & Chuck Mauro, (b)
Battle of Dranesville VA Civil War Trails Sign” by Mike Shannon.
Event Support: (a) “Battle of Chantilly (Ox Hill) Movie Premiere Overwhelming Success” by Janet Greentree, (b)
“Bristoe Station Battlefield Clean Up” by Mark Knowles, (c) Tim Duskin, founding BRCWRT member and
National Archives technician, lectures at the National Archives. Website Update: “BRCWRT Tour Sign Up” via
online by Maureen Quinn, Webmaster.
“Member Dick Ford Donates Art to the Round Table” by John McAnaw. Re: a signed print of artiest Don Stivers
painting entitled, “Duel at Yew Ridge;” 2. “Hakenson Recuperating” by Nancy Anwyll; 3. AAR: “Brandy Station”
by Mark Knowles. Event Support: “Success! Fund Drive for Kelly Monument Completed” by John McAnaw.
BRCWRT donations revised to $564.76.
Movie Review: “Crazy Like a Fox” by Tim Duskin; 2. Dan Paterson’s (great-grandson) Visits Longstreet's
Tennessee (1863-1864) Headquarters” by Dan Paterson; 3. AAR: “Gettysburg: the 2nd Day” by Kevin Anastas.
“Bristoe Station Then and Now” by John De Pue; 2. Book Corner: “Reveille in Washington 1861-1865” by Ralph
Swanson; 3. AAR: “Bristoe Campaign Tour” by John De Pue; 4. Ed Wenzel’s “Map of Centreville Historic Sites”
was on display at “Centreville Days” and received rave reviews. New Newsletter Feature: “Connecting to our
Past – Meet a BRCWRT member” by Janet Greentree. First interviewee “Dan Paterson.” Award: Janet
Greentree’s winter “Devil’s Den” photo selected for the upcoming Gettysburg calendar.
Meet: “Charlie Balch” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Laura Radcliffe’s' House” by Mark Knowles; 3. “History of the
Rebel Yell” by Bill Etue; 4. “Laura Ratcliffe’s House: by Mark Knowles; 5. AAR: (a) “Antietam” by Maureen
Quinn, “Tour of Sailor’s Creek Battlefield and Other Sites Associated with the 5-9 April Phase of the Appomattox
Campaign” by John McAnaw. Event Support: “Wenzel’s Map Displayed at Centreville Days” by Nancy Anwyll.
Meet: “Kevin Anastas” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Last Thanksgiving – re: Zebina Y. Bickford, Co. D, 6th VT Inf.” by
John McAnaw; 3. “New Book by Chuck Mauro – ‘The Civil War in Fairfax County: Civilians and Soldiers’:” 4.
AAR: “Forts Washington & Foote” by Mark Knowles. Event Support: “(Keith) Young to Conduct 3rd Civil War
Meet: ”Ken Jones” by Janet Greentree; 2. AAR: “Union Army Winter Encampment 1863-1864” by Mark
“The Licensed Battlefield Guide Exam or The Final Battle of Gettysburg” by Maureen Quinn; 2. Book Corner:
“Ordeal of the Union” by Ralph Swanson; 3. Meet: “Nancy Anwyll” by Janet Greentree; 4. “Johnson’s Island
Prison” by Barbara Welch; 5. “Review of Union’s 5th Corps Winter Camp saved in Stafford County” via Free
Lance Star by Clint Schemmer; 6. AAR: “Two Tours Conducted at Ox Hill Battlefield Park” by Ed Wenzel.
Award: “Round Table Member a Winner in CWPT Contest – Again!” with Janet Greentree taking second
place in the “Close-Up” photo category.
Dec 07
Articles & Event Support
Meet: “Mark Knowles” by Janet Greentree; 2. AAR: “Civil War Sites & Proposed Enlargement of the Centreville
Historic Overlay District (CHOD)” by John McAnaw. Event Support: Mark Trbovich lectured on “First Blood:
The Battle of Blackburn Ford, July 18, 1861, the Prelude to Manassas.” Sixty people attended.
Meet: “Patty Wheeler;” 2. “Confederate Cavalry General (Butler) Needs a Prayer” by John McAnaw. Event
Support: “The New USS Monitor Center” by Bud Porter.
Meet: “Ed Essertier” by Janet Greentree;” 2. “In Search of Rose Greenhow or It’s a Small, Small World!” by Bill
Etue; 3. Book Corner: “Battles and Leaders of the Civil War” by Ralph Swanson; 4. AAR: (a) “Civil War
Washington, D.C.” by John McAnaw, (b) “Trevilian Station Battle Field Tour” by John McAnaw.
Meet: “Tom Jones” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Merrybrook” by Terry McCarthy; 4. AAR: (a) “Gettysburg Spring
Tour ‘Odds ‘n Ends’” by Maureen Quinn, (b) “The Bearss Twin” as Nancy Anwyll and Janet Greentree attended
and supported the Boston Civil War Round Table tour in Chattanooga, Tenn. Event Support: “Centreville Regional
Library” historical event. Award: “BRCWRT Member Receives Award” with Mark Trbovich being
designated Prince William County Volunteer of the Quarter - January through March 2007.
Meet: “Jim Lewis” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Is Union Gen. Alvan Cullem Gillem Rolling Over in his Grave?” by
Janet Greentree; 3. “Tombstone Symbolism” by John McAnaw; 4. AAR: (a) “Danger Between the Lines” by
Charlie Balch, (b) “Civil War Sites in the Clifton-Union Mills Area” by John McAnaw. Event Support: “The Civil
War Fair Oaks Mall” by Ed Wenzel.
“The Price in Blood: Casualties in the Civil War” by Charlie Balch; 2. Meet: “John De Pue” by Janet Greentree; 3.
Book Corner: “Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War” by Ralph
Swanson; 4. “Little Round Top versus Culp’s Hill” by Peter MacNeill; 5. AAR: “Valley Tours of the Second
Kernstown and Opequon (Third Winchester) Battlefields” by John McAnaw. Event Support: (a) “Centerville Day”
by Charlie Balch and Bob Eldridge, (b) “Grand Opening Weekend Events at Bristoe Station.”
Meet: “Bob Eldridge” by Janet Greentree; 2. “The Pews of St James” by Michael Block; 3. “The Wartime Effects
of Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart Now on Display.” Event Support: (a) “The Grand Opening Ceremony for the Bristoe
Station Heritage Park,” (b) “Telling the Story of Bristoe Station” by John De Pue, (c) Mark Trbovich’s “24 Hours
at Manassas Junction” presentation at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum.
Meet: “Keith Young” by Janet Greentree; 2. New Newsletter Feature: “Civil War Travels with Ms. Rebelle”
by Janet Greentree - first article “Springfield, Illinois.” Event Support: “Prince William County Prepares for
the Civil War Sesquicentennial” by Rob Orrison. “With the help of dedicated volunteers such as Mark Trbovich
and Jim Burgess of MNBP, this long range plan is almost complete. In the past two years, 10 signs have been
installed with another five planned.”
“General Robert E Lee, John Sedgwick and ‘Certain Young Ladies’” by Mike Block; 2. “Robert E. Lee in Texas”
by Tim Duskin; 3. Book Corner: “Chancellorsville” by Ralph Swanson;” 4. “A Soldier's Letter After the Battle of
Ox Hill (Chantilly)” by Ed Wenzel; 5. Ms. Rebelle: “John Reynolds Grave at Lancaster Cemetery, PA” by Janet
Greentree. Event Support: “Keith Young to Speak at Fairfax Station Railroad Museum Quarterly Forum.”
Meet: “Matt Cosner” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Ox Hill Battlefield Park Tour” by Ed Wenzel; 3. Ms. Rebelle:
“Following the Booth Family” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: “Brandy Station Foundation Lecture & Tour
Schedule” by Mike Block.
“Introduction to the Wilderness” by Ed Bearss; 2. “Site of ‘Mosby Rock’, Severely Compromised by Townhouse
Development” by Ed Wenzel; 3. Ms. Rebelle: “Booth Escape Route by Car or Ten New Things I Learned” by
Janet Greentree; 4. AAR: (a) “Clinton Town, Frosty Meadows, Sangster Station and Fairfax Station” by John
McAnaw, (b) “The Wilderness” by Kevin Anastas.
Meet: “Mark Trbovich” by Janet Greentree; 2. “The Captain and the Yankee Watch” by Mike Block. Event
Support: Ed Wenzel speaks at the recent ground-breaking ceremony for Ox Hill Battlefield Park. Award: “John
McAnaw Honored” by Ed Wenzel as FCPS renames a park in John’s honor for his long years of service as
Chairman of the Parks and Lake Committee, Kings Park West Civic Association.
“Ox Hill Battlefield Park” by Ed Wenzel; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “Fort Vancouver” by Janet Greentree; 3. Book Corner:
“Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction” by Ralph Swanson; 4. AAR: “Blood on the Rails: Tour of Kettle
Run and Bristoe Station” by Patrick McGinty. Event Support: (a) “146 th Anniversary Commemoration of the
Battle of 2nd Manassas,” (b) “Centreville Day.”
“Situation Report on the Western (Fairfax) Front” by John McAnaw; 2. “BRCWRT Member New President of
PWC Preservation Group” regarding Mark Trbovich; 3. AAR: “Walk-Through Tour of the Ox Hill Battlefield
Park” by John McAnaw. Event Support: (a) “The Dedication of Ox Hill Battlefield Park” by Ed Wenzel, “White
Oak Civil War Museum” by Ken Jones.
Articles & Event Support
“Haunted…or Hearsay?” by Rob Orrison, regarding the Brentsville jail; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “The Centreville Six” by
Janet Greentree; 3. AAR: “Retreat from Gettysburg” by Kevin Anastas. Event Support: “Thanks on Behalf of
Bristoe Station Battlefield Park” by David Born, (PWC) Historical Program Coordinator/Historic Site Manager for
providing tour guides and publicity for the 145th Anniversary of the 1863 Battle of Bristoe Station.
“Our President and noted Preservationist; John McAnaw, Discusses Civil War Sites Along Bull Run” by John De
Pue; 2. “Christmas Night of ‘62” by a member of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia, bivouacked near
Fredericksburg after the battle.
Book Corner: “Confederates in the Attic” by Ralph Swanson; 2. “In Memoriam Harvey Simon Jr: 1937-2009” by
Nancy Anwyll, acknowledging Harvey’s enthusiastic support of Manassas National Battlefield Park (MNBP); 3.
“New Book on the History of Clifton and Vicinity” by Lynn Garvey-Hodge; 4. Ms. Rebelle: “Katerina, Me, and
Abraman (as spelled in the article) Lincoln” by Janet Greentree.
“Camp Parole, Annapolis, MD” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Grim Day for the ANV - Nov. 7, 1683” by John McAnaw.
“Ten Most Endangered Battlefields” via CWPT; 2. AAR: “Hunter Mill Road Corridor” by Nancy Anwyll.
“Thirty Bags of Trash” by Nancy Anwyll 2. “Confederate Stink Ball” by Barbara Bensinger Welch; 3. “BRCWRT
Worked to Remain at Centreville Library” by Nancy Anwyll; 4. Book Corner: “Lincoln at Cooper Union, The
Speech that Made Abraham Lincoln President” by Ralph Swanson; 5. AAR: (a) “Rappahannock Station & Mine
Run” by John De Pue, (b) “Clara Barton Tour;” by Janet Greentree via Ms. Rebelle article, (c) “Ford’s Theatre” by
Jill Hilliard.
“Fairfax County Sesquicentennial Planning Underway,” as Don Hakenson, Paul Herbert, John McAnaw and Ed
Wenzel agreed to form a subcommittee to research and develop a timeline of all battles, skirmishes, incidents and
events that occurred in the country during 1861-65; 2. “BRCWRT Past President Dies” by Nancy Anwyll, regarding the second president Armando Mancini; 3. Ms. Rebelle: “The Cashtown Inn” by Janet Greentree ; 4.
AAR: “Second Manassas” by Kevin Anastas. Event Support: “Ed Wenzel Speaks on Memorial Day at Ox Hill” by
Nancy Anwyll.
“Go West Young Woman, Go West, Pt. 1” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Merrybrook: Is it History or History?” by Mark
Knowles; 3. “Hunter Mill Signage: A Long Journey” by Charlie Balch; 4. “Ownership Change for Mount Zion
Church” by Bill Etue; 5. AAR: (a) “Post Monocacy Tour – Fort Reno to Rockville” by Nancy Anwyll, (b)
“Devereux and Haupt, The Magician Engineers of the US Military Railroad Tour” by Bill Etue.
“Fairfax County Budget Dialogues Scheduled” by Nancy Anwyll; 2. Book Corner: “Looking for Lincoln: The
Making of an American Icon” by Ralph Swanson; 3. “San Diego - Goes West Young Woman, Go West, Pt. II” by
Janet Greentree; 4. AAR: (a) “Following the 2nd Corps to Gettysburg” by Jim Lewis and Brian McEnany, (b)
“North Anna Campaign Sites” by John McAnaw. Award: “Congratulations Janet Greentree” by Saundra Cox,
for winning 3rd place in CWPT’s 2009 “Then & Now” category in their photo contest.
“The Maps of Jedediah Hotchkiss at the Library of Congress” by Chuck Mauro; 2. “John Brown’s Raid and West
Point” by Brian McEnany. Event Support: (a) Centreville Days, and (b) “Hunter Mill Road Efforts by BRCWRT
Members Rewarded” by Ken Jones, regarding the dedication of six (6) historical markers via Jim Lewis, Charlie
Balch, Bob Eldridge, Steve Hull, and Tom Evans.
Book Corner: “Lincoln and Douglas: the Debates that Defined America” by Ralph Swanson; 2. “Mosby
Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax County, Pt. I” by Chuck Mauro. New Newsletter Feature: “Stone Wall to
Accept ‘Paid-For’ Ads” by Nancy Anwyll.
“Sesquicentennial Planning Moves Forward” by Ed Wenzel. 2. “Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax
County, Pt. II” by Chuck Mauro; 3. “Lincoln’s 200th Year Birthday Exhibit” by Chuck Mauro; 4. Ms. Rebelle:
“Civil War Travels to New York State, Pt. I” by Janet Greentree; 5. AAR: “Confederate & Union Fortifications
Vicinity, McLean’s Ford” by John McAnaw. Event Support: (a) “Hunter Mill Marks Its History” by Chuck Mauro,
(b) “Bristoe Station Needs You!” by Becky Super, regarding bi-monthly guided tours from May thru October.
Ms. Rebelle: “New York State, Pt. II” by Janet Greentree; 2. Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax
County, Part III” by Chuck Mauro. Event Support: “Little Known Incidents of the civil War Lecture at Morven
Park” via Don Hakenson speaking.
Book Corner: “The Army of Tennessee” by Ralph Swanson; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “New York State, Pt. III” by Janet
Greentree; 3. Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax County, Part IV” by Chuck Mauro. Event Support:
BRCWRT supports the “Volunteers Needed to Clean Up Civil War Battlefields and Historic Sites” by CWPT.
Ms. Rebelle: “Inside John Wilkes Booth’s Boyhood Home - Tudor Hall” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Sesquicentennial
Planning Update” by Ed Wenzel with the Battle of Ox Hill (Chantilly) being named the 2012’ signature event for
Fairfax County; 3. Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax County, Part V” by Chuck Mauro.
Articles & Event Support
Ms. Rebelle: “Ellicott City” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax County, Part
VI” by Chuck Mauro; 3. “Mike Block Starts Brandy Station Blog” by Mike Block. Event Support: ”Mosby
Attacks Annandale Marker Dedication” by Janet Greentree.
“One, Two, Three Strikes You’re Out!” by Chuck Mauro; 2. “Civil War Sesquicentennial Brochure Printed;
Fairfax Subcommittees Meet at Frying Pan Park” by Ed Wenzel with significant brochure input by Jim Lewis,
Mark Trbovich, and Ed Wenzel; 3. Book Corner: “Nothing But Victory: The Army of Tennessee 1861-1865” by
Ralph Swanson; 4. Ms. Rebelle: “Oregon and California” by Janet Greentree; 5. “Something for Everyone” by
Chuck Mauro; 6. “Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax County, Part VII – The Do Overs” by Chuck
Mauro. Event Support: (a)” Keith Young and John McAnaw Lecture at Blenheim” by Ed Wenzel, (b) Memorial
Day Ceremony at Ox Hill Battlefield Park” by Ed Wenzel; (b) “Historical Marker Dedication at Selecman’s
(Snyder’s) Ford” with Mark Trbovich as author and keynote speaker, (c) Ancient Order of Hibernians wreath
ceremony at Ox Hill Park with (13) members attending.
“Sesquicentennial Conference Marred by Black Confederate Issue, Stereotyping, and Politics” by Ed Wenzel; 2.
“Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax County, Part VIII – The Magic of the Movies” by Chuck Mauro; 3.
New Newsletter Feature: “150 Years Ago: October 1860” by Nancy Anwyll; 4. Ms. Rebelle: “AWOL in New
York” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: (a) “Volunteers Cleanup Ratcliff Cemetery” by Mark Knowles, (b)
“BRCWRT (Raffle) Fundraiser to Help Purchase 10 Sacred Acres of 2nd Manassas Battlefield near Deep Cut,” (c)
The Fairfax County History Conference, (d) “Battle of Bristoe Station Anniversary Tours.”
150 Years Ago: “November 1860” by Nancy Anwyll; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “One Lone Civil War General in New
Mexico” by Janet Greentree; 3. “Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax County, Part IX – Working the
Details;” 4. AAR: “Bull Run Railroad Bridge Battlefield” by John McAnaw.
“Ox Hill Event Planning Begins for 150th Anniversary” by Ed Wenzel; 2. “Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in
Fairfax County, Part X – Milestone Reached” by Chuck Mauro; 2. Book Corner: “An Honorable defeat, The Last
Days of the Confederate Government” by Ralph Swanson; 3. 150 Years Ago: “December 1860 and January 1861”
by Nancy Anwyll. Event Support: Gettysburg Remembrance Day November 2010 Commemorating Abraham
Lincoln’s Visit to Dedication the National Cemetery” via several BRCWRT living history members participating.
Award: “Hunter Mill Defense League Honored” with and by Steve Hull and Jim Lewis.
“The U.S. Christian Commission and Its Gettysburg Chapel: by Tim Duskin; 2. Mosby Documentary Being
Filmed in Fairfax County, Part XI - Planning and Composing a Soundtrack” by Chuck Mauro; 2. “Brevet
Brigadier General William Palmer, USA” by Janet Greentree; 3. Book Corner: “Why The South Lost the Civil
War” by Ralph Swanson; 4. 150 Years Ago: “February 1861” by Nancy Anwyll; 5. “150th Meetings and Planning
Continue: by Ed Wenzel.
Discovering the Civil War, Part II: Consequences” by Chuck Mauro; 2. “Prince William County to Kick Off the
Nationwide Commemoration of the Civil War Sesquicentennial” via “First Manassas” by Rob Orrison; 3. 150
Years Ago: “March 1861” by Nancy Anwyll; 4. “The Electric Map at Gettysburg” by Tim Duskin; 5. Ms. Rebelle:
“Back to New York – One Confederate and One Yankee” by Janet Greentree. Award: (a) “John McAnaw and
Ed Wenzel honored” by Jill Hilliard, with Life Time Achievement Awards by the Fairfax County History
Commission, (b) The BRCWRT is now a 501c3 organization.
150 Years Ago: “April 1861” by Nancy Anwyll; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “FFVs, Stuart's Ride around McClellan, Rooney
Less, and Gen. Williams Carter Wickham, CSA” by Janet Greentree; 3. “Mapping and Charting in War-Time
Conditions” by Lyle Lovell; 4. “Membership Survey Results Impact Operations” by Charlie Balch and Mark
Knowles; 5. “Mosby Documentary Being Filmed in Fairfax County, Part XII” by Chuck Mauro. Website Update:
“Web Site Audio Podcasts” now being offered, by Ken Jones. Award: “Civil War Trust Selects the Bull Run
Civil War Round Table as its Round Table of the Year.”
Mosby’s Combat Operations – June 19th Premiere in City of Fairfax” by Chuck Mauro; 2. 150 Years Ago: “May
1861” by Nancy Anwyll; 3. “Resident Curator Program Arrives in Virginia” by Mark Knowles; 4. “Nat’l
Memorial Day Parade: 150th Anniversary of the Civil War” by Jason Sickles; 5. “Vienna to Reenact Secession
Vote at Lydecker’s (Freeman’s) Store” by Ed Wenzel; 6. Book Corner: “Stonewall Jackson and the American
Civil War” by Ralph Swanson; 7. Ms. Rebelle: “The General in the Field & General William McComb” by Janet
Greentree; 8. “The Last Full Measure: Civil War Photographs from the Liljenquist Family Collection” by Chuck
Mauro; 9. “T.S.C. Lowe’s Observation Flight of 1861” by Tom Crouch; 10. “Fairfax City to Commemorate & Reenact ‘Skirmish at Fairfax C.H. – June 1 & 4, 2011’” by Ed Wenzel. Event Support: (a) 150th National Memorial
Day Parade in Washington D.C., (b) Town of Vienna’s 150th reenactment of the May 23, 1861 secession vote at
Lydecker’s (Freeman) Store with Jim Lewis. Note: BRCWRT’s 2oth Anniversary Meeting.
Articles & Event Support
“The Center of the Civil War Universe – Summer 2011 Prince William County, Manassas, Virginia” by Rob
Orrison; 2. 150 Years Ago: “June & July 1861” by Nancy Anwyll; 3. “The Death of Ellsworth” by Chuck Mauro;
4. Ms. Rebelle: “The Last Three Generals in Arlington National Cemetery” by Janet Greentree; 5. “In Memoriam:
Beverly Jones Regeimbal – May 14, 1926 – May 9, 2011.” (Service concluded by singing ‘Dixie). Event Support:
(a) “Battle of Vienna – A Living History, Encampment & Reenactment” with Jim Lewis authoring and narrating
as 2K(+) attended, (b) “City of Fairfax 150th ‘Skirmish at Fairfax Court House’” with narration by Don Hakenson,
(c) Prince William County’s 150th First Manassas commemoration, (d) “Mosby Combat Operations” film premiere
Book Corner: “Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War” by Ralph Swanson; 4. 150 Years Ago: ”August &
September 1861” by Nancy Anwyll; 5. “Blackburn’s Ford Revisited” by Nicholas Hollis; 6. “New Discovery
Identifies Confederate Battery Position at Vienna” by Ed Wenzel; 7. AAR: (a) “First Manassas Battlefield Tour,
(b) ”First Battle of Manassas Sesquicentennial AAR” by Rob Orrison. Event Support: (a) “Gooding Tavern
Historical Marker Dedicated” by John McAnaw, (b) “Vienna’s Civil War Weekend” by Brian McEnany via
BRCWRT manning a table and Jim Lewis providing the narration, (c) “A Moment of Silence For the Fallen –
Blackburn Ford’s Wreath Laying” by Angie Trbovich.
Book Corner: “Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government” by Ralph Swanson; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “West Point,
Orbs & Connections” by Janet Greentree; 3. 150 Years Ago: “October 1861” by Nancy Anwyll; 4. “Fairfax
County 150th Committee Holds County-Wide Meeting in Chantilly” by Ed Wenzel. Event Support: “McLean
Remembers the Civil War” forum.
150 Years Ago: “November 1861” by Nancy Anwyll; 2. “Fairfax 150 th Committee Meets to Finalize Marker
Plans” by Ed Wenzel; 3. “’Lincoln’s Grand Review’ Is Moved to Fort McNair; Troops March on November 12”
by Ed Wenzel; 4. Ms. Rebelle: “Boston, Mount Auburn Cemetery and General ‘Beast’ Butler” by Janet Greentree.
150 Years Ago: “December 1861 & January 1862” by Nancy Anwyll; 2. “Prince William – Manassas Focus on
2012 Events Around Second Manassas Campaign” by Rob Orrison; 3. Ms. Rebelle: ”Generals G.K. Warren and
Joshua L Chamberlain” by Janet Greentree; 4. AAR: “Lincoln’s Grand Review Sesquicentennial
Commemoration” by Brian McEnany. Event Support: (a) “The BRCWRT Participates in Centreville Day,” (b)
“BRCWRT Members Participate in and Attend Gettysburg Remembrance Day.
Ms. Rebelle: “Union General Otis Howard” by Janet Greentree; 2. Book Corner: “Days of Defiance; Sumter,
Secession and the Coming of the Civil War” by Ralph Swanson; 3; 150 Years Ago: “February 1862” by Nancy
Anwyll; 4. “Stafford Civil War Park Site Tour & White Oak Civil War Museum” by Saundra Cox.
150 Years Ago: “March 1862” by Nancy Anwyll; 2. “Campaigns of Non-Combatant” by Bob Eldridge; 3.
“Unusual Burial Structures at West Point” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: CWT Annual Park Clean-Up Day –
Bristoe Station Battlefield.
150 Years Ago: “April 1862” by Nancy Anwyll; 2. “Battle of Ox Hill/Chantilly Sesquicentennial Event Update”
by Paula Elsey; 3. “Confederate General’s Grave Marker to be Rededicated – April. 22, 2012” by Dave Goetz; 4.
Ms. Rebelle: “Two New England Generals with Cedar Creek Connections” by Janet Greentree; 5. AAR: (a)
“Stafford Civil War Park Project & White Oak CW Museum Tour” by Saundra Cox, (b) “General McClellan
Comes to Fairfax” by Gwen Wyttenbach. Event Support: “Nearly Destroyed General’s Grave Marker Rededicated
April 22, 2012 - General Lunsford Lindsay Lomax, CSA” by Dave Goetz. Award: Jim Lewis is honored by the
Town of Vienna for volunteerism, historical contributions and tours of the town.
“A Heart for Locating Missing Soldiers of the Civil War” by Carol Kaltenbaugh; 2. Book Corner: “Donnybrook:
The Battle of Bull Run, 1861” by Ralph Swanson; 3. Ms. Rebelle: “Petersburg” by Janet Greentree; 3. AAR:
“Tour of Wolf Run Shoals and Vicinity” by John McAnaw. Event Support: (a) “History Marked on Lawyers Road
in Vienna” by Charlie Balch, (b) “Gen. Lunsford Lindsay Lomax, CSA Marker Rededication.”
Ms. Rebelle: “Little Billy Mahone” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Civil War Exhibits in Oklahoma City Museum” by
Tim Duskin; 3. “Missing Soldiers of the Civil War” by Carol Kaltenbaugh; 4. Book Corner: “Donnybrook: The
Battle of Bull Run 1861” by Ralph Swanson; 5. “Petersburg” by Janet Greentree; 6. “BRCWRT to Give $1,000
Scholarship” by Nancy Anwyll. Event Support: (a) Centreville Regional Library Turn 20” by Ken Jones, (b)
”Blenheim Civil War Days,” (c) Mount Defiance Historic Preservation Event” by Jill Hilliard.
Book Corner: “Shiloh 1862” by Ralph Swanson; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “Gathering of Eagles” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Ed
Wenzel’s Chronology of Fairfax Civil War Events” by Charlie Balch; 3. Raffle of John Paul Strain’s print,
“Thompson’s Station, Tennessee, March 5, 1863;” 4. “Long Forgotten - Alabama Cemetery Dedicated at Bristoe
Station Battlefield Park” by Rob Orrison; 5. AAR: (a) “Battle of Gaines’ Mill, Glendale & Malvern Hill” by Kevin
Anastas, (b) Fort Evans & Balls Bluff” by John De Pue. Award: “Ed Wenzel Receives CWT Preservation
Award” by Nancy Anwyll.
Oct. -13
Articles & Event Support
“150th Anniversary of St Mary's Church and Clara Barton” by John Murphy; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “Ox Hill/Chantilly
Generals” by Janet Greentree; 3. AAR: “Antietam: The Bloodiest Day.” Event Support: (a) “Dedication of the
Alabama Cemetery at Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park” by Charlie Balch, (b) “Texas Memorial
Dedication at Manassas NBP Attended by BRCWRT Members,” (c) “150th Commemoration of the Battle of Ox
Hill” by Charlie Balch and Jim Lewis, (d) “150th Anniversary Remembrance of the Events at St. Mary of Sorrows
Church;” by John Patrick Murphy, (e) “150th Commemoration of the Evacuation of Union Wounded from Fairfax
Station” by Ron Beavers.
Ms. Rebelle: “Captain/Brevet Lt. Colonel Myles Keogh” by Janet Greentree; 2. Book Corner: “The Long Road to
Antietam: How the Civil War became Revolution” by Ralph Swanson; 3. “Steam Boating on the Mississippi” by
Bob Eldridge. Event Support: (a) “St. John’s Episcopal Church Civil War Trails Marker Dedication – Centreville
Day” by Patrick Lennon, (b) “Annual Fairfax County History Conference” with Chuck Mauro presenting.
“Meet our New Stone Wall Editor Nadine Mironchuk” by Saundra Cox; 3. Ms. Rebelle: “Montana” by Janet
Greentree. Event Support: “Flint Hill Cemetery Civil War Trails Historical Marker Dedication and Illumination”
by Brian McEnany with Jim Lewis as the keynote speaker.
Ms. Rebelle: “KIA – Two Confederate Generals Who Died too Young” by Janet Greentree; 2. Book Corner:
“Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America” by Ralph Swanson; 3. “The Civil War
And American Art” by Chuck Mauro; 4. “Update: The Electric Map of The Battle of Gettysburg” by Tim Duskin.
Ms. Rebelle: “The Angle of Marye's Heights – Richard Rowland Kirkland” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Civil War
Book Titles to Look for As We Await Spring” by Nadine Mironchuk; 3. “Try These Civil War Blogs & Sites.”
Ms. Rebelle: “Confederate General Joseph Brevard Kershaw” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: (a) “Mosby’s
Raid on Fairfax Court House” by Janet Greentree, with narration by Don Hakenson, (b) “Two from U.S.S.
Monitor Crew Buried with Honors at Arlington” by Gwen Wyttenbach, (c) “BRCWRT Members Enjoy Stafford
Civil War Park Grand Opening Preview” by Saundra Cox, which BRCWRT also aided financially.
“Green Mountain Boys of the 2nd Vermont Brigade” by Brian McEnany; 2. Book Corner: “Civil War Woodworking” by Ralph Swanson; 3. Ms. Rebelle: “Charleston” by Janet Greentree; 4. “Digital Public Library of
America Launched.” Event Support: “Help to Fully Restore Colvin Run Mill.” Members supporting as it’s a local
finalist in the web-based contest co-sponsored by the Nat’l Trust for Historic Preservation and American Express.
Book Corner: Steven Sears “Gettysburg” by Ralph Swanson; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “Myles Keogh, William Seward &
Me” by Janet Greentree; 3. “West Springfield Senior (Taylor Hayes McConnell) Wins (First) BRCWRT
Scholarship” by Nancy Anwyll. Event Support; (a) “Stafford Civil War Park Grand Opening” by Saundra Cox, (b)
“BRCWRT Folks at Chancellorsville 150th “ by Gwen Wyttenbach.
Book Corner: “Lee and Longstreet at Gettysburg” by Ralph Swanson; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “Charleston: Pt. II” by Janet
Greentree; 3. “The 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg” by Tim Duskin; 4. “Tours, Living History,
Music and National Historians Highlight the Battle of Bristoe Station 150 th Anniversary” by Rob Orrison; 5. AAR:
“The Gettysburg 150th Tour” by Brian McEnany.
Ms. Rebelle: “Major General J.K.F. Mansfield – One of Six Generals Killed at Antietam” by Janet Greentree; 2.
“Camp Letterman” by Tim Duskin. Event Support: “Mosby Rides Again in Rose Hill Raid 150th by Gwen
“Reports from Gettysburg ‘Battlefield:’” (a) “New Effort for Casino at Gettysburg,” (b) “Update on the Gettysburg
Electric Map in Hanover” by Tim Duskin; 2. “Colorado and Wyoming Civil War Connections” by Janet
Book Corner: “The Gettysburg Nobody Knows” by Ralph Swanson; 2. “Battlefield Deer Problems” by Tim
Duskin; 3. Ms. Rebelle:”Wyoming – More Civil War Connections” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: (a) “2013
Gettysburg Remembrance Day Parade” by Gwen Wyttenbach, (b) “150th Anniversary Battle of Station
Commemoration” by Gwen Wyttenbach. Website Update: BRCWRT Facebook Page is inaugurated.
“Northern Press Reports Rebels Routed at Bull Run” by Randy Ferryman; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “Wyoming - More Civil
War Connections” by Janet Greentree; 3. “On the Edge of History” by Chuck Mauro.
Book Corner: “Grant and Lee: The Va. Campaigns 1864-65” by Ralph Swanson; 2. “Sherman” by Janet Greentree.
“Installation of Civil War Trust ‘Wolf Run Shoals’ Marker” by Brian McEnany; 2. “Civil War: Civil War Untold
Story” PBS weekly series by Sam Laudenslager; 3. Ms. Rebelle: “Tiger General John McCausland, the
Unreconstructed Rebel” by Janet Greentree.
Ms. Rebelle: “Union General John F. Hartranft” by Janet Greentree; 2. “NOAA Says Ship Remains May be Those
of Seized Steamer ‘The Planter’” by Bruce Terrell; 3. “Spindle Place – a Hidden Gem of History” by Nadine
Mironchuk. Event Support: “Historic Blenheim for Fairfax Civil War Day” by Gwen Wyttenbach.
Articles & Event Support
Ms. Rebelle: “Connections from Fredericksburg to Savannah” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Scholarship Winner
Announced” by Nancy Anwyll – Ms. Caroline Howard from Osbourn Park H.S. She plans to attend the College of
William and Mary with a major in Chemistry and minor in American History; 3. “150th Anniversary of the Battle
of New Market” by Tim Duskin; 4. Book Corner: “The Sable Arm: Black Troops in the Union Army, 1861-1865”
by Ralph Swanson; 5. “Best Keep Secret in Fairfax County (Wolf Run Shoals)” by Brian McEnany; 6. AAR:
“Wilderness Battlefield Tour” by John De Pue. Event Support: “Civil War Trails Marker Dedication at
‘Merrybrook’” by Gwen Wyttenbach.
Ms. Rebelle: “Lunch with Fitzhugh Lee” by Janet Greentree; 2. “John Mosby: An Historic Guest” by Debbie
Waugh; 3. Scholarship winner Ms. Caroline Howard speaks before BRCWRT membership. Event Support: “The
Best Kept Secret in Fairfax County – Civil War Trails Marker Dedication at Wolf Run Shoals” by Brian McEnany.
Book Corner: “The Last Citadel: Petersburg, Virginia, June 1864-April 1865” by Ralph Swanson; 2. Ms. Rebelle:
“Alonzo H. Cushing: by Janet Greentree; 3. “Official Records of the Union & Confederate Navies Now Digitized;
4. AAR: “Potomac Blockade Tour a Great Ride” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: “Manassas CW Weekend
Enjoyed by All – Especially BRCWRT Members.”
Ms. Rebelle: “Finding my Roots” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: (a) “BRCWRT Members are ‘Front Row’
for Cedar Creek 150th’” by Gwen Wyttenbach, (b) “Fields of Fire Marker Dedication Another Great
Accomplishment in Preservation” by Janet Greentree.
Book Corner: “The Confederacy’s Last Hurrah-Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville” by Ralph Swanson; 2. “CBS
News Sunday Morning Visits the Ox Hill Battlefield; Air Ten Seconds of Videotape” by Ed Wenzel; 3. Ms.
Rebelle: “Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker” by Janet Greentree; 4. “The Launch of the 2015 BRCWRT Scholarship is
Underway” by Nancy Anwyll; 5. Map of “BRCWRT Members” home locations by Kim Brace. Event Support:
“The 10th Annual Fairfax County History Conference” by Nancy Olds.
Book Corner: “Ashes of Glory, Richmond at War” by Ralph Swanson; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “Brigadier General Lewis
Addison Armistead, CSA” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: (a) “BRCWRT Members Join in Lee-JacksonMaury Birthday Commemoration” by Gwen Wyttenbach, (b) “Rescuing General Stuart” via Stuart-Mosby
Historical Society of Centreville, VA.
Ms. Rebelle: “Union Major General Charles Carroll Walcutt” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Did a British Clairvoyant
Warn Abraham Lincoln About His Assassination?” 3. “Remembering JEB Stuart” by Carl Sell, Jr.
Book Corner: “Twenty Days” by Ralph Swanson; 2. “Popular History Professor Dr. Charles Poland Retiring –
Will Give NVCC’s Prestigious Legacy Lecture” by E.B. Vandiver III; 3. Meet: “Tim Duskin” by E.B. Vandiver
III; 4. “’Fairfax Scene’ Now Includes BRCWRT Member – Featured Video on Mosby” with Don Hakenson; 5.
AAR: “BRCWRT Members Walk in Footsteps of History at Wolf Run Shoals (December 1862-April1865)” by
Gwen Wyttenbach.
Ms. Rebelle: “General A.P. Hill” by Janet Greentree; 2. “Recalling Dedication of Stuart Statue, Now Needing
Care” by Carl L. Sell, Jr.; 3. AAR: “Pamplin Park and the Petersburg Breakthrough” by Rob Orrison; 4.
“Upcoming Round Table Survey.” Event Support: “BRCWRT Members Attend the Surrender at Appomattox” by
Gwen Wyttenbach, (b) “After the War” symposium in Manassas.
BRCWRT announces and solicits membership to respond to a post-Sesquicentennial Round Table Survey; Ms.
Rebelle: “Union Gen. Johann August Ernst von Willich” by Janet Greentree. Award: “John McAnaw honored at
Celebrate Fairfax! Salute” by Ed Wenzel
Book Corner: “Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer” by Ralph Swanson; 2. “Successful 2015
Member Survey Return Valuable Results” by Charlie Balch and Mark Knowles; 3. Ms. Rebelle: “Gen. William
Dorsey Pender, CSA” By Janet Greentree. Even Support: “Family, Friends Remember Brian C. Pohanka” by
Gwen Wyttenbach.
Book Corner: “Traveller” by Ralph Swanson; 2. “BRCWRT Library of Congress ‘Behind the Scenes’ Tour” by
Kim Brace; 3. Ms. Rebelle: “Brig. General Richard Brooke Garnett, CSA” by Janet Greentree; 4. “Civil War Field
Trips – in Indiana” by E.B. Vandiver.
Books to Look For: “What’s New in Civil War Reading” by Ralph Swanson; 2. Ms. Rebelle: “Major General
Israel Bush Richardson, USA” by Janet Greentree. Event Support: “BRCWRT Members Attend Ox Hill
Commemoration” by Gwen Wyttenbach, Ed Wenzel and Chuck Mauro.
Meet: “Janet Greentree” by E.B. Vandiver III, 2. Winner of the Raffle – Bob Hickey” by Gwen Wyttenbach; 3.
Ms. Rebelle: “Major General Philip St. George Cooke, USA” by Janet Greentree; 4. BRCWRT Member Authors
New Book on Bristoe Station.” Event Support: “BRCWRT Members Attend/Exhibit at Fairfax County History
Conference” by Gwen Wytenbach.
Anticipated amount of space needed to finish the
Anticipated amount of space needed to finish the
Anticipated amount of space needed to finish the