ESC Region XI Module Two A AVATAR Common Foundations: Understanding College and Career Readiness and Success This Module Will Present… SECTION A: College and Career Readiness: Features, Standards, Assessments ii. i. Definitions of College and Career Readiness Standards and Assessments for College and Career Readiness SECTION B: Indicators of Student Readiness and Success i. ii. Local Student Performance Data State Student Performance Data Defining College And Career Readiness Are we really responsible for getting all students college and career ready? Partners for Student Success Counselors Teachers Parents Students Campus Staff Administrators Community Creating a College Ready Student Read Redefining College Readiness by David T. Conley Discuss • • • • • • • Current Means to Determine College Readiness Components in a Comprehensive Definition of College Readiness A Definition of College Readiness Possible Ways to Measure the Dimensions of College Readiness Implications of the Definition What Schools and Students Can Do to Foster College Readiness What Students Can Do to Develop Their College Readiness Document Available on the AVATAR site: Creating a College Ready Student Small Group Discussion • Introduction (pp. 5-6) – Group 1 - Current Means to Determine College Readiness (pp.8-11) – Group 2 - Components in a Comprehensive Definition of College Readiness (pp. 12-17) – Group 3 - A Definition of College Readiness (pp. 18-19) – Group 4 - Possible Ways to Measure the Dimensions of College Readiness (pp. 20-22) – Group 5 - Implications of the Definition (p. 23) – Group 6 - What Schools and Students Can Do to Foster College Readiness (pp. 25-27) • What Students Can Do to Develop Their College Readiness (p. 28) Redefining College Readiness by David T. Conley Following reading, reflection, and small group discussion, participants will: Report key report findings. Discuss strengths of the secondary and postsecondary systems in developing college and career readiness. Identify secondary and postsecondary opportunities for improvement. Group Discussion: Your Past Education Experiences How knowledgeable were you about career expectations when you finished high school? How focused on preparing for college were you in high school? Why did you want to go to college? Creating a College Ready Student College and Career Ready: Helping all Students Succeed Beyond High School by David T. Conley, 2010 Participants will: 1. Read the abstract 2. Discuss the seven principles utilizing the STEPS project discussion document Discussion Document Available on AVATAR site: and the seven principles are discussed in more detail in PowerPoint of Conley’s at Conley’s Key Principles of College Readiness • Principle 1: Create and maintain a college-going culture in the school. • Principle 2: Create a core academic program that is aligned with and leads to college readiness by the end of 12th grade. • Principle 3: Teach key self-management skills, require students to use them, and provide students with feedback on how well they are developing these skills. • Principle 4: Make college real by preparing students for the complexity of applying to college. Conley’s Key Principles of College Readiness • Principle 5: Create assignments and grading policies that more closely approximate college expectations each successive year of high school. • Principle 6: Make the senior year meaningful and challenging. • Principle 7: Build partnerships with and connections to postsecondary programs and institutions. Creating a College Ready Student Debrief Please complete the following thoughts in groups of 2 to 3 I used to think… And now I think… Participation & Preparedness • Regular academic attendance • Engagement in learning environment – Volunteer information – Take initiative participating in class discussion – Self advocacy • Come to class with materials • Assigned reading completed • Homework completed and turned in on time • Test and quiz ready • Research complete for inclass project participation Work Completion & Study Skills • Homework completed on time • Original work done and turned in • Follow through with all project requirements • • • • • • • Organization Time management Note-taking Memory building Test taking skills Stress management Goal Setting Writing Abilities • Planning – – – – – Brainstorming Mapping Outlining Graphic organizers Note taking • Drafting the paper – Following assignment requirements • Evaluation – Making necessary adjustments/corrections • Revision Reading Abilities • Listen to and read a variety of texts while applying: – Comprehension strategies – An extension of understanding on a personal level – An analysis of the text – Contextual analysis • Increase word knowledge through vocabulary development and application Speaking Abilities • Communicate supported ideas through various mediums • Listen critically and respond appropriately to various information both in and out of an academic context Career Readiness Skills WorkKeys® Sample Questions The National Career Readiness Certificate Assessments The National Career Readiness Certificate program is composed of these three WorkKeys assessments Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information Other Foundational Skills Assessments Applied Technology Business Writing Listening for Understanding Teamwork Elbow Partner Conversations • Create a list of the top five, necessary career skills that you believe employers cite. Top 10 Career Skills Communication = exceptional ability to listen, write, and speak effectively Analytical/Research = assesses situations seeking multiple perspectives Computer/Technology Literacy = extensive software abilities Flexibility/Adaptability/Managing Multiple Priorities = thrives on juggling multiple tasks and projects Interpersonal Abilities = proven relationship builder Leadership/Management Skills = goal driven, motivational leader Multicultural Sensitivity/Awareness = personable rapport builder Planning/Organizing = results driven, detail oriented achiever Problem-Solving/Reasoning/Creativity= innovative problem solver Teamwork = resourceful team player Critical Questions in Building a Culture of College and Career Readiness What do we want our students to understand? What do we want our students to be able to do? How will we know when each student has learned it? I wish I knew back then…… 23 Texas Public School Standards and Assessments for Readiness and Success STANDARDS INSTRUCTION ASSESSMENT Standards require a change in both teaching and assessment. Standards and assessment are intertwined and need to be integral parts of the curriculum and the program of instruction. Steiner, J. (1998). Why have a standards-based curriculum and what are the implications for the teachinglearning-assessment process? Retrieved from: Curriculum Standards • In the field of education, standards is a term which defines a cumulative body of knowledge and set of competencies that is the basis for quality education. • They express what all pupils should know and be able to do, but do not dictate pedagogy (Ravitch, 1996). • Standards in and of themselves are meaningless. What counts are the steps that educators and others take to help pupils reach them (Fiske, 1998). Ravitch, D., (1996). 50 states, 50 standards - The continuing need for national voluntary standards in education. The Brookings Review, 14, 1-9. Fiske, E.B. (1998). Quest for standards splits US Educators. International. Herald Tribune. Feb. 9. Foreign Language Standards. Retrieved from: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Sec. 28.001. PURPOSE. It is the intent of the legislature that the essential knowledge and skills developed by the State Board of Education under this subchapter shall require all students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to read, write, compute, problem solve, think critically, apply technology, and communicate across all subject areas. The essential knowledge and skills shall also prepare and enable all students to continue to learn in postsecondary educational, training, or employment settings. 74th Legislative Session (1995) 1. What are the TEKS? They are state-mandated learning standards for students from elementary through high school in the state; what students should and be able to do in each subject area. 2. Why were the TEKS created? Prior to the creation of the TEKS, Essential Elements were used. It was discovered more specific and clear guidelines were needed so teachers are knowledgeable about what to teach and test. 3. Who developed the TEKS? Groups of teachers, administrators, parents, businesspeople, and members of the general public make up the subject-specific TEKS writing teams. Source: Mathematics & Science TEKS Toolkit, Charles A. Dana Center at University of Texas • The College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) program is identifying, defining and implementing college and career readiness educational standards in partnership with Texas secondary schools. • The program is a collaboration between the Texas Education Agency and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. • The initiative was formed by the 79th Texas Legislature (3rd Called Session) through House Bill 1, now Section 28.008 of the Texas Education Code. Sources House Bill 1: Section 28.008: Assessment In a standards-based curriculum, assessment is viewed not only as a final product (summative), but also as a continual process (formative) that provides pupil performance data to teachers and students regarding their progress towards achieving the standards. Therefore, it is necessary to move beyond testing methods which concentrate on memory, and develop those which measure understanding and application (Genesee,, 1998; Winters, 1995). Genesee, F. Gottlieb, M. Katz, A. Malone, M. Managing the assessment process. (1998). Virginia: TESOL Winters, R.E. (1995). National Standards in Education: How we should arrive at them, why we should arrive at them and why we have not arrived at them yet. The Claremont Graduate School. Retrieved from: What are the Assessments? I. Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) II. State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) a. Grades 3-8 b. End of Course (EOC) III. Texas Success Initiative (TSI) What’s the Difference? TAKS STAAR Assessed Curriculum Grade-level assessments assess content from multiple courses. Assessments will assess only curriculum for that grade and course. Rigor of Assessment Rigor based upon standards set in 2003; students have outgrown the assessments. Assessments will be longer and include more rigorous items; Skills will be assessed at a greater depth and cognitive complexity. Performance Standards Standards are set separately for each grade and subject. Standards will be set as an aligned system and based on data from studies from other states, national, and international assessments. Testing Days (Grades 9-11) 13 (25 with exit level retesting) 15 (45 with retesting) Measures of Student Progress Growth measures were developed after TAKS program was established and provide information on whether student is on track to meet standards. Growth measures will be developed as STAAR is implemented and will provide early-warning indicators for students who are not on track. Source: House Bill 3 Transition Plan, Chapter One STAAR Performance Standards • Under STAAR, standards are set as an aligned system across courses within a content area and are set based on data from empirical studies of other state, national, and international assessments as well as on test content. 33 STAAR Performance Standards • Performance standards for STAAR Alternate and STAAR Modified at all grade levels will be set in fall of 2012, after the first spring administration of STAAR. • Reporting of final STAAR Grades 3-8 results, compared to the performance standard, will be delayed until January 2013 34 STAAR Performance Standards Performance labels and policy definitions for the general STAAR assessments have been set. – Level III - Advanced Academic Performance • Key phrase: Well prepared for next grade or course – Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance • Key phrase: Sufficiently prepared for next grade or course, but may need short-term intervention – Level I - Unsatisfactory Academic Performance • Key phrase: Inadequately prepared and unlikely to succeed in next grade or course without significant, ongoing academic intervention. (Adapted from document titled STAAR Performance Labels and Policy Definitions) 35 Phasing in of STAAR EOC Assessments 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Grade 9 STAAR STAAR STAAR STAAR STAAR Grade 10 TAKS STAAR STAAR STAAR STAAR Grade 11 TAKS TAKS STAAR STAAR STAAR Grade 12+ TAKS TAKS TAKS TAKS or STAAR TAKS or STAAR Source: ESC REGION XI SPRING 2012 EOC/TAKS PERFORMANCE DATA 37 2012 English I Reading 100 90 80 70 60 English I Reading Region 50 English I Reading State 40 30 20 10 0 Level I Minimum Level II Level III 2012 English I Writing 100 90 80 70 60 English I Writing Region 50 English I Writing State 40 30 20 10 0 Level 1 Minimum Level II Level III 2012 English II Reading 100 90 80 70 60 English II Reading Region 50 English II Reading State 40 30 20 10 0 Level 1 Minimum Level II Level III 2012 English II Writing 100 90 80 70 60 English II Writing Region 50 English II Writing State 40 30 20 10 0 Level 1 Minimum Level II Level III 2012 English III Reading 100 90 80 70 60 English III Reading Region 50 English III Reading State 40 30 20 10 0 Level 1 Minimum Level II Level III 2012 English III Writing 100 90 80 70 60 English III Writing Region 50 English III Writing State 40 30 20 10 0 Level 1 Minimum Level II Level III 2012 Algebra I 100 90 80 70 60 Algebra I Region 50 Algebra I State 40 30 20 10 0 Level 1 Minimum Level II Level III 2012 Geometry 100 90 80 70 60 Region 50 State 40 30 20 10 0 Level 1 Minimum Level II Level III 2012 Algebra II 100 90 80 70 60 Algebra II Region 50 Algebra II State 40 30 20 10 0 Level 1 Minimum Level II Level III 2012 Biology 100 90 80 70 60 Biology Region 50 Biology State 40 30 20 10 0 Level I Minimum Level II Level III 2012 Chemistry 100 90 80 70 60 Chemistry Region 50 Chemistry State 40 30 20 10 0 Level I Minimum Level II Level III 2012 Physics 100 90 80 70 60 Physics Region 50 Physics State 40 30 20 10 0 Level I Minimum Level II Level III 2012 World Geography 100 90 80 70 60 World Geography Region 50 World Geography State 40 30 20 10 0 Level I Minimum Level II Level III 2012 World History 100 90 80 70 60 World History Region 50 World History State 40 30 20 10 0 Level I Minimum Level II Level III 2012 U. S. History 100 90 80 70 60 U.S. History Region 50 U.S. History State 40 30 20 10 0 Level I Minimum Level II Level III 2012 TAKS 2012 Percent of All Grade 10 Students that Met Standard on TAKS and TAKS Accommodated 100 90 80 70 60 Grade 10 Region 50 Grade 10 State 40 30 20 10 0 ELA Mathematics Social Studies Science All tests taken 2012 Percent of All Exit-level Students that Met Standard on TAKS and TAKS Accommodated 110 100 90 80 70 60 Exit-level Region 50 Exit-level State 40 30 20 10 0 ELA Mathematics Social Studies Science All tests taken Examine District STAAR EOC and TAKS • Identify patterns and trends • Discuss the impact on college readiness in your district and/or institution State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness STAAR How will this change affect students? – Students’ score on each EOC assessment will be worth 15% of the students’ final grade for the course tested. – The test will be administered (3) times, allowing for retesting opportunities and choice when to take the STAAR. – Graduation Requirements Source: State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness STAAR Graduation Requirements Minimum High School Program: Must meet the minimum cumulative score requirement in each of the four core content areas. Recommended High School Program: In addition to the previous, must achieve level 2 for Algebra II and English III. Level 1: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Level 2: Satisfactory Academic Performance Distinguished Achievement High School Program: In addition to the minimum, must achieve level 3 for Algebra II and English III. Level 3: Advanced Academic Performance Minimum Score Source: What Can Happen To Students That Are Not College Readied? • Endanger the GPA needed to stay at college, • Double tuition costs by retaking the same course, • Risk penalties incurred by “Three-peat,” “SixDrops,” and “Excess hours” legislation, • Delay progress toward graduation, • Contribute to drop-out probability, and/or • Move back home Why Does Placement Testing Matter? • Placement tests provide an indication of whether the student is prepared to succeed in college courses. • Failure rates in first-year college courses can be very high. • Retaking courses can be expensive. • The more semesters of developmental courses taken, the less likely passing college-credit courses and earning a degree. Source: The Tipping Point in Developmental Education (McCoy & Mejia) retrieved from: What is the TSI? • Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requires all students enrolling in public colleges and universities to take an approved test to demonstrate readiness for college-level work, unless otherwise exempt. • Currently approved tests include: ACCUPLACER, ASSET, COMPASS, AND THEA – Minimum state standards are set for each test, yet institutions may set higher standards and/or require additional departmental placement tests Source: The Tipping Point in Developmental Education (McCoy & Mejia) retrieved from: Upcoming TSI Changes Texas Education Code Chapter 4, Subchapter C, Section 453.3 Assessment--the use of a Board-approved instrument to determine the academic skills of each entering undergraduate student and the student's readiness to enroll in freshman-level academic coursework. What does this mean? • The Commissioner will recommend a uniform performance standard for college readiness, placement in Developmental Education or Adult Basic Education. • With the one test, there will be one cutoff score that determines college readiness to be in place by Fall 2013. • Institutions may not set a higher standard. Timeline of New TSI Fall 2012 Field Testing with current ACCUPLACER Users January/February 2013 Standard Setting March/April 2013 THECB Approval May – July 2013 College and University Training First day of AY 2013 IMPLEMENTATION Note: Majority of 2013 students will have current standards applied What Are the Potential Outcomes? • One test and one score (in each area) will provide targets for students and educators, • Higher standards, – Current THEA cut score is 230 – New score expected to approach 270 equivalence • Expect more students to require developmental education – but only in the short run The Connection: STAAR and TSI Implementation Other Considerations in College and Career Readiness… • Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate (IB) programs – Many more participating in courses – Performance still trailing number of attempts • Dual Credit – High rates of participation – Quality and rigor difficult to monitor • Early College High Schools – Proficiency and graduation rates higher than local high schools – Stronger student performance linked to ECHSs located on college campuses – Not all college credits earned transfer to college by institution upon graduation from a ECHS Source: Six Years and Counting: The ECHSI Mature, 2009 What is the recipe for successful achievement? To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love.... Give it the best there is in you.... Seize your opportunities.... And be a member of the team. Benjamin F. Fairless Group Debrief • Three things I learned today, • Two topics I want to know more about, and • One action I can start next week to incorporate what I’ve learned