Peter Hone Lesson Planning and material design

Instructors: Mireia Trenchs and Laia J. Canet
Peter Hone 2011
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
Observations on Students in IES Benaprès, Sitges.
L’Institut Joan Ramon Benaprès was founded 32 years ago and was the first of the two state secondary schools in Sitges, pioneering the
introduction of vocational training courses (FPGM & FPGS) for the hotel and catering sectors.
It has a teaching staff of 67 and a student population of approximately 700: half study E.S.O.; one quarter study Batxillerat; one quarter study
Vocational Training modules (FPGM & FPGS).
Last year it underwent a major reconstruction and consequently its buildings are now modern, light filled and immaculately maintained.
Assessment of the goals and organization of the school
The school, in agreement with the Department of Education of the Catalan Government, has embarked on an ambitious four year (2010-2014)
plan for the strategic improvement of the quality of its educational services (PMQCE). The resulting contractual agreement with the Education
Authorities has given new funding for working on the three key objectives which will include self-analysis, adaptation and testing in accordance
with the ISO 9001 quality certification programme.
The process was initiated through a Global Diagnostic Evaluation (AGD) of the school’s situation which was supported by inspectors from the
Education Authority. This thorough analysis of both the school’s internal and external situations culminated in an assessment of its strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis). These observations were then used as a base for further research leading to the
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
creation of an action plan.
The AGD report concludes with a strategic map which in turn constitutes the basis for a route map to achieve the agreed objectives which can be
summarised under three main headings:
1, The Improvement of Educational Results
2, The Improvement of Social Cohesion
3, More trustful relationships with external groups of interest
A specially created commission of external assessors will monitor, assess and advise upon the progress of the Improvement Plan.
I found the report and the process behind it to be thorough, detailed and incisive. The Management Team has taken a bold step towards the
newly legislated independent status that can be afforded to Catalan Secondary Schools and has intelligently worked to create working
committees to assure the attainment of the goals they have set themselves.
However they seem to have an arduous task ahead of them in winning the hearts and minds of all of the teaching staff. The handling and
presentation of this complex and challenging process of change by the Management Team and its reception by the staff and students appear to
be the decisive factors in how it will be successful.
The Department centred model is particularly resistant to change and if the new, proactive, management-led working practices and the
curriculum based on working through competences are to be successfully implemented, and are to achieve their full potential, it appears to be
vital to win the hearts and minds of the individual members of the departments in order to be able to initiate a truly collaborative model.
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
Whatever the outcome, the process appears to have been enormously positive in so far as it has brought into sharp focus what the priorities of
the school should be; no small feat considering the complexity of running a large Secondary School.
The Students
The school is situated in a small friendly coastal town, an affluent (average income is 20% higher than the average in Catalunya) privileged
environment, with a student body that is predominantly from a middle-class background. In general terms families are supportive and even overprotective of their children (as commented on by the Head of Studies), this is reflected in the school’s social climate and the apparent absence of
conflictive situations. However the SWOT analysis of the AGD defines the third most important threat as being the increase in the number of
problem families and the rise in the number of students receiving insufficient care or support at home. Threat number 7 is the lack of parental
involvement. This has been corroborated in our interviews by the Head of Studies and the Educational Coordinator who have underlined the
need to improve the collaboration between the school and parents, who they seek to achieve through the action plan for second strategic goal,
“Improve social cohesion.”
As can be observed in the AGD, threat number 2 is the “important number of students with detected weaknesses in their Primary education
(language, mathematics and geography.” This has led the school to refocus on these three academic areas in order to assure the attainment of
appropriate levels. The adopted strategy is to use the school’s detected strengths to counter-balance these weaknesses through the five
strategies within the plan to improve academic results. In as far as the subject of English is concerned there are several planned actions which
should have both direct and indirect effects:
Strategy 1.1: The involvement of all departments in linguistic skills development
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
Goal 1: Increase the transverse treatment of linguistic skills (80% of departments will carry out three related activities).
Goal 2: Improve the results of the evaluation of linguistic skills (Improve the percentage of students achieving pass grades in Catalan and
Spanish with respect to the previous three academic years.)
These goals should include the identifying of the linguistic skills to be improved (written comprehension, oral expression, discourse construction,
structuring of texts and reading) and the correspondent timing in accordance with the academic level of the students. Appropriate educational
activities will then be designed and incorporated into the existing curricular plans and schedules.
Particular emphasis has been placed on the effects on the use of Catalan as the core language caused by the presence of a significant number
of students who are first or second generation immigrants from South America. The school has a well established reception programme for nonCatalan speakers, however once these pupils have finished the initial introductory period, the South Americans tend to revert to the Spanish
language which has led to an estimated 40% of classes being delivered in Spanish to facilitate class control. This unofficial policy is seen as
being particularly counter-productive as all the text books are in Catalan, and perhaps more importantly it leads to the exclusion and confusion of
immigrant students who have yet to master either Spanish or Catalan. The LIC and Educational Coordinators are working actively to readjust this
The sixth goal deals specifically with the need to improve results in English and the chosen indicator for success is the percentage increase of
passes at ESO level and the percentage of passes in oral English which should both be higher than the average of previous academic years. To
achieve these goals the following actions will be carried out:
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1. One hour per week of communicative oral English with a language assistant.
2. CLIL in Social Sciences for grades 2, 3 and 4 of ESO.
3. An international exchange programme for 3rd grade ESO students, with an accompanying promotion of the activity for 2nd grade students
and their parents.
There are a significant number of potential high achievers in English in the school due to two factors:
38% of immigrants in Sitges are from the European Union and consequently there is a relatively large number of children who have a
comparatively high level of oral English, including several passive bilinguals
the economical status of many families allows them to invest in after school classes in private language schools.
At present this positive diversity is being dealt with as well as can be expected given the size of the classes and the evident need to focus on and
support students who are less able in English so that they are able to attain pass grades.
The class: BAT 1C
In general terms there is a relaxed atmosphere in the school, although at times this appears to be somewhat detrimental to achieving academic
goals as student attendance is erratic, most noticeably in Batxillerat where it appears to be acceptable for students to skip classes or walk in up
to 15 minutes late. It is also common practice for students to come without their textbooks.
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
This teaching unit has been developed for the first year Batxillerat 1C classes in six sessions over two weeks (Tuesdays 12.00-13.00, Thursday
This group is used to Emigdi’s teacher centred, grammar based classes. I have observed six of his classes with them, all of which have had an
identical format of photocopied grammar exercises. Much of the class is conducted in Catalan and there is a significant amount of translation. We
were asked to examine their oral English in our first class with them and observed a big difference in abilities ranging from mid A1 to B2 (recently
arrived Dutch 18yr old) and C1 (English native speaker with a British Public School accent!). In general if the subject of conversation was one of
their areas of personal interest they were effective communicators and most were able to understand questions at near native speed.
I started to teach complete sessions to this group in January using a task-based approach. We broke through the initial embarrassment that they
felt and have had great fun together and, although some are prone to code switch, they have spent the majority of the class actively
communicating in English with each other including some passionate arguments and discussions.
I reasoned that one of the keys to success could perhaps be a re-addressing the balance between teacher-centred and student-centred learning.
By definition student-centred learning requires students to take charge of their learning and will inevitably lead towards more dialogic, interactive
and communicative classes. However I felt that the group needed to be made more aware of, and evaluate, their cognitive and metacognitive
The portfolio system that arose from the CEFr project appeared to be a first step in a positive direction. However, although the initial experience
was positive it rapidly became apparent to all of us that the tool was over generalised. Accordingly I sourced more detailed descriptors from a
development of the COE’s project being carried out by Ann Humphry-Baker at Lausanne University. The descriptors were more detailed, and
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
perhaps more personally relevant to the students. Putting them together with the class’ very mixed ability led us to look at strategies and
resources for each student, so the creation of a Wiki resource to encourage a more autonomous approach to learning seemed to be logical. The
initial structure was designed to cater for the students that had decided to prepare for their First Certificate Exams, but it has now begun to
evolve into shared resource for different levels and activities.
However I was still not convinced that they constituted reflective learning tools which could help to explore and document what Paulo Freire
termed “acts of cognition.” This has led me to research the use of reflective or thinking journals in EFL classrooms. John Barrel describes these
journals as,
“a place where a person can be alone with his or her thoughts, reflecting on what has occurred, making observations, attempting to figure
out what happened and why, and generating some questions for the future”
So a space for critical reflection on one’s own learning process, a chance to focus on insights into emergent language, the relevance of the
activities in the classroom and a space to draw connections which will allow the students to recognise their own needs and accordingly to
propose the direction their learning should take.
Computing literacy and access: all of the students have laptops and access to internet. We have already been using a class Wiki and, after an
initial introductory session including an introduction to the use of Blogs and Hot Potatoes we have worked on solving together any doubts that
have arisen.
The following outline for a teaching unit has been the basis for part of my “ Independent Teaching Practise” in IES Benàpres in March 2011
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
Outline for the teaching unit
As I have mentioned in my description of the class for at least the past two years the group has been accustomed to lessons that have focused
almost exclusively on grammar translation and grammar exercises. Accordingly I proposed to redress the balance towards communicative and participatory
language classes. To achieve this I chose to develop a project based approach centred on an area of interest that I had already detected within the group:
internet based activism. I therefore developed a teaching unit that would enable us to explore this topic together whilst developing some of the skills that would
be required of them in the university access exams that they would be sitting in one year’s time. In the previous sessions we had begun to work with a
participatory dynamic and the class were gradually becoming accustomed to working in English in pairs and small groups. Additionally we had initiated our first
incursion into the use of learning journals which allowed us to discuss cognitive and metacognitive processes and to take our first step towards initiating
dialogues around the issues.
For the six sessions and two weeks of this teaching unit I proposed to explore and analyse the development of ONE and AVAAZ, two of the pioneering
movements in internet activism with a focus on social responsibility. My goals were directly linked to the Batxillerat Curriculum:
 Participate in conversations about current affairs and personal interests.
 Understand key concepts of current affairs from oral and textual sources, with the use of different aids (dictionaries, subtitles, glossaries etc).
 Reflect upon the use of language in these sources with the goal of improving one’s own language use.
 Critical awareness of one’s own learning processes and strategies. Understand those of others.
 Produce oral and written messages that are both accurate and adequate.
 Adequate use of comprehension strategies when interpreting authentic messages.
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
The assessment criteria were directly linked to these and would include activities that were similar in both nature and format to those that the students would
encounter in the University access exams with the addition of the evaluation of oral presentations and the students’ learning journals.
The entire project would be based on genuine material sourced from the web pages of the two organisations with the addition of videos and interview
materials. The listening comprehension tasks would be developed through the use of video interviews and documentaries viewed initially in original format,
secondly with gap-fill subtitle exercises (custom created using Windows Movie Maker) and finally with the complete sub-titles version. This would allow the
difficulty of the exercises to be graded in three levels of difficulty that corresponded approximately to the different levels of ability within the group.
These video activities would then serve as the basis for dialogue activities and extended writing activities in conjunction with texts from the different websites.
Given the lengthy nature of the communicative activities I feel that it is not feasible to include all the requested teaching points in a single lesson, consequently
I have chosen to present the entire teaching unit with a detailed description of each class, its corresponding timing, procedures and aims.
I have created a class Wiki for the class to post, share and peer correct their assignments. The Wiki also acts as a resource centre for the group, enabling the
more able students to progress in their preparation for their First Certificate exams and providing a space for the weaker students to reinforce their learning
through aseries of Hot Potatoe exercises.. The creation of a blog offers a forum for students to share their learning experiences and to comment on their
discoveries both in and outside of the class.
Should the group fail to respond to the proposed materials I have prepared a back-up unit on Facebook using a similar work procedure (see annex)
All activities are adapted to tailor for the group’s varied abilities as detected in the CEFR tests carried out previously in the year and the groups and pairs have
been chosen to accordingly promote mutual support and interchange of knowledge and abilities.
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
IES Benaprès
6 x 55 min sessions
Third term
Foreign Language Teacher
English Language
Yes we can? A discussion of how we may be able to promote and influence change in our society.
The purpose of this teaching unit is to explore examples of how people can promote social change.
We will examine the increasing role of communication technology and associated social networks in lobbying
and awareness raising and make predictions about possible future developments.
Participation in oral written and
audiovisual interactions.
Understanding oral, written and
audiovisual discourses.
Production of oral and written
 Understands without too much difficulty the instructions and explanations
given by the teacher and those found in the class materials.
 Understands the general ideas and essential details of the narrations and
explanations in authentic oral English in digital format.
 Initiates and maintains simple informal conversations.
 Identifies difficulties in the flow of conversation and takes appropriate
action to repair the detected problems.
 Participates in conversations and debates, exchanging ideas and
opinions, reaching agreement and briefly expressing their own opinion.
 Makes brief, previously prepared, oral presentations about current affairs,
and is able to capture and maintain the audience’s interest.
 In depth understanding of texts of an appropriate difficulty and carries out
associated tasks.
 Understands the general meaning of genuine news items.
 Produce a coherent, well ordered short text on a subject of interest with a
basic level of correctness.
 Cooperates with colleagues in learning tasks, shows they able to be
responsible and organised, sharing information and evaluating the way
the team works.
 Use the knowledge acquired about the English language in different
contexts as an instrument for reflexive, autonomous learning.
 Participates in the self-evaluation and correction of own work and that of
others in English.
 Participate in conversations about current affairs and
personal interests.
 Understand key concepts of current affairs from oral
and textual sources, with the use of different aids
(dictionaries, subtitles, glossaries etc).
 Reflect upon the use of language in these sources
with the goal of improving one’s own language use.
 Critical awareness of one’s own learning processes
and strategies. Understand those of others.
 Produce oral and written messages that are both
accurate and adequate.
 Adequate use of comprehension strategies when
interpreting authentic messages.
 Adopt a positive attitude towards the group’s capacity
to promote change.
 Awareness of the changing paradigm of social
lobbying through ICT and the strength of networking.
 Use different habits and tools to attribute importance
to metacognitive processes.
Research and information
Efficient use of material to find
information and to improve
expression and
comprehension. Collaborative
teamwork to solve tasks.
Plurilingual and intercultural
Reflection upon cultural
similarities and differences.
(Please see attached Excel sheet for weighting)
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
This teaching unit seeks to continue and build upon the exploratory work carried out with the group in which we explored the Paper Clips Project and Blood Diamonds,
the last session finished with a 2 minute viewing of the beginning of Bono’sTED talk as a taster for the next session.
This teaching unit proposes to explore two projects: One and Avaaz . (Should either of these fail to interest the students Semco will be used as an alternative).
Whilst the initial plan is to dedicate three sessions to each topic, according to the students’ response to the proposed activities they will either carried over to the
following class or a new direction of student initiated exploration and debate will be followed. The course book will be the final back-up resource.
Students will be introduced to reflexive, partially scripted, learning journals and will be expected to make active, critical use of them.
They will be discussed and peer evaluated throughout the unit and assessed by the group and the teacher at the end of it.
55 min
 Recapping of and comments on previous sessions. (5min)
Phase 1
Session 1
 Presentation of Teaching Unit proposed structure, goals, timing
and evaluation criteria. Introduction to learning journals(10min)
 Powerpoint presentation
 Brain storm on what is known about Bono’s work and create
mind map on digital board (5min)
 Mindmap
 1st viewing of excerpt of Bono’sTED talk : students take notes
and answer written questions on gist in 3 levels (10min)
 Bono’sTED talk
 2nd viewing of Bono’sTED talk with of subtitle gap fill exercise,
correction and focus on stumbling blocks (15min)
 Gap fill exercise with
subtitled video created using
Windows Movie Maker
 Individual Learning Journals
 Structured reflections in individual journals (5min)
 and Blog to be completed for homework
whole class
 The students will
work in
heterogeneous pairs
and groups in order
that they compliment
and contrast
interests, ICT
abilities, English
language skills and
whole class
 All tasks will be
developed for three
different levels of
 Learning journals
will be a key
element to help
each individual
document and
assess their learning
 Mindmap
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
 Recap of session one hour before, review of Mindmap (5min)
Phase 1
Phase 1
Session 3
whole class
 Adapted texts from ONE
 Groups receive statements about ONE to scan and annotate
 Class vocab/ structures bank
use of gerund and infinitive.
 Groups now have to discuss possible outcomes, consequences
and propose new actions. (10 min)
 Mindmap
 Round the table summary by groups also fed into mindmap,
 Class vocab/ structures bank
and vocabulary structures bank. (10 min)
 Visit and set written task for homework: students will
watch Living Proof videos. Then, with reference to class
mindmap and vocab/structure bank, they will summarise with
 BenapresEnglish
personal comments (100 -150 words) and then post these on
BenapresEnglish Wiki.(10 min)
 Living Proof
 Watch short excerpt from Living Proof as example/ inspiration
review and comment on Blog for homework (5min)
 Individual Learning Journals
 Structured reflections in individual journals (5min)
 Recap of previous class and share experiences with
BenapresEnglish wiki. (5 min)
 Peer correction of Wiki posts. Individual correction of work of
partner assigned according to chosen area of interest. (5 min)
 Correction feedback to partner with suggestions for
improvement in pairs (10 min)
groups of 4
whole class
55 min
 The group will
develop the
vocabulary and
lexical structures
throughout the
 Six students have
expressed an
interest to sit 1st
Certificate exams in
June. They will
receive accordingly
graded tasks in
class and via the
class Wiki.
whole class
 Class held in computer room.
whole class
 Class vocab/ structures bank
use of gerund and infinitive. individual
 Peer coaching will
be actively used to
support weaker
 BenapresEnglish
whole class
 Review of doubts and queries: use of language, use of
structures, vocabulary etc (10min)
 Individual Learning Journals individual
 Improvement of Wiki posts and creation of final version to be
finished for homework (15 min)
whole class
 Group discusses experience, presentation of next phase (5min)
 Structured reflections in individual journals (5min)
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
Phase 2
Session 1
 Recap of previous class and then share and review posts on
BenapresEnglish. Discuss opinions and experience with
learning journals (15 min)
 Individual Learning Journals Whole class
 BenapresEnglish
 Mindmap
 Present Phase 2. Brain storm + web visits of web actions/
organisations that have provoked change. Teacher as secretary  Class vocab/ structures bank
or student mindmaps on digital board (10 min)
use of gerund and infinitive.
 1st view AVAAZ “Stop the clash of civilizations” video. Students
take notes and answer written questions on gist in 3 levels
Discuss in groups. (10 min)
 AVAAZ “Stop the clash of
civilizations video
 Round the table summary by groups also fed into mindmap, and
vocabulary structures bank. (10 min)
 Mindmap
55 min
Groups of 4
Whole class
Groups of 4
 Groups receive summary of an AVAAZ campaign and reading
comprehension style multiple choice task (15min)
 Adapted texts from AVAAZ
 Structured reflections in individual journals (5min)
 Individual Learning Journals Individual
Hot Potato Activity for Home Work
Phase 2
Session 2
 Recap of session one hour before, review of Mindmap (5 min)
 Mindmap
 Groups complete reading task on an AVAAZ campaign and
prepare a short oral presentation of key points, their opinions
and reactions. (15 min)
Groups of 4
 Adapted texts from AVAAZ
campaigns. Focus on use of .
gerund and infinitive
Whole class 55 min
Whole class
 Groups give their oral presentations. (20 min)
 View Global Wake-Up Call and review class and set written task
for homework: students are to propose a new campaign subject  Global Wake-Up Call
or review process of existing campaigns and then post their
essays(100 -150 words) on BenapresEnglish Wiki.(10 min)
 BenapresEnglish
Structured reflections in individual journals (5min).
Complete and make Blog entry for Homework
 Individual Learning Journals Individual
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
 Recap of previous class and share experiences with
BenapresEnglish wiki. (5 min)
Phase 2
Session 3
 Peer correction of Wiki posts. Individual correction of work of
partner assigned according to chosen area of interest. (5 min)
 Correction feedback to partner with suggestions for
improvement in pairs (10 min)
 Review of , doubts and queries: use of language, use of
structures, vocabulary etc (10min)
 Class held in computer room.
whole class
 Class vocab/ structures
bank, use of gerund and
 BenapresEnglish
 Improvement of Wiki posts and creation of final version (15 min)
whole class
 Group discussion of experience (5 min)
Structured reflections in individual journals (5min).
Complete and make Blog entry for Homework
55 min
whole class
Individual Learning Journals
Back-up resource in ICT room
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
Final Grade
Writing activity
Reading comprehension
Listening comprehension
Speaking: Oral presentations
Individual Learning Journals
Understands without too much difficulty the instructions and
explanations given by the teacher and those found in the class materials.
Understands the general ideas and essential details of the narrations
explanations in authentic oral English in digital format.
Initiates and maintains simple informal conversations.
Identifies difficulties in the flow of conversation and takes
action to repair the detected problems.
Participates in conversations and debates, exchanging ideas and
reaching agreement and briefly expressing their own opinion.
Makes brief, previously prepared, oral presentations about current
and is able to capture and maintain the audience’s interest.
In depth understanding of texts of an appropriate difficulty and
out associated tasks.
Understands the general meaning of genuine news items.
Cooperates with colleagues in learning tasks, shows they able to be
responsible and organised, sharing information and evaluating the
the team works.
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
Session 1
Intial presentation:
ONE: first viewing:
(original source:
AVAAZ: Wake-up call
(original source:
ONE video activity
(original source:
Bono’s TED talk activity
(original source:
Reading Comprehension test
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
Annex: Back-up unit and activities
IES Benaprès
6 x 55 min sessions
Third term
Foreign Languages Teacher
English Language
Facebook. The purpose of this teaching unit is to explore our relationships through this online social
network, it’s changing role in our society and how it can affect us.
 Participate in conversations about social networks
and personal interests.
 Express ideas and personal conceptions in oral and
written interactions.
 Adequate use of comprehension strategies when
interpreting authentic or semi-authentic messages.
 Produce oral and written messages that are both
accurate and adequate.
 Improve abilities in English as a source of pleasure
and personal growth.
 Independent and critical use of social media and ITC
to present ideas and feelings about our relationships
with and through social networks.
 Consider the ethical aspects of social networks.
 Awareness of the changing paradigm of social
relationships through ICT and the strength,
importance and potential of networking.
 Awareness of and reflexion upon individual and
group learning processes.
 Use different habits and tools to attribute importance
to metacognitive processes.
Oral communication
 Participates actively and reflexively in basic oral, written and
competence (developing and
audiovisual interactions in English to achieve understandable
expressing ideas, opinions
communication, making use of strategies to overcome interruptions and
and feelings)
to initiate and conclude communicative exchanges.
 Understand the general idea of and specific messages in authentic and
Written communication
semi-authentic oral English in digital format about subjects of interest
competence (Production,
from personal and educational ambits.
communication and creation
 Produce, with some guidance, written texts, both oral and written in
related with oral interaction).
English showing awareness of tone and structure, lexis and an
adequate use of connectors. Use of formal aspects and respect for the
Audiovisual (Productions and fundamental rules for written language to assure a correct relationship
creations in digital format
between ideas, making them comprehensible for the receiver..
related with oral interactions)  Participate in the self-evaluation and correction of one’s own work and
that of others in English.
Learning to learn (Reflexive  Show willingness to participate in group work.
use of different learning skills
and strategies).
Handling of digital
information and tools.
Handling and communication
of information with digital tools
in digital environments.
Responsible participation in
social and cultural practices in
a knowledge filled society
 Organise information in accordance with established criteria.
 Selection of information
 Relating information with the achievement of pre-established goals
 Using a correct format for communication
 Presentation of results
 Safe, critical use of digital environments
Social education and
 Responsible use of Social Networks and awareness of safety and
privacy issues and how to act accordingly.
 Team work and being responsible within the team
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This teaching unit will begin with a group reflection on Facebook and its meaning for the students. We will then explore the use of and issues surrounding
Facebook through the use of genuine interviews, articles and the film “The Social Network.” We will then work with several “Facebook Stories” and students will
produce their own “Facebook Story” in pairs. They will present them to their colleagues in the last session.
Expressing opinions about the future and probability.
The structure is designed to be flexible in accordance with the students’ reception of and response to the proposed activities. As the need arises these will either
be carried over to the following class, or a new area of exploration and debate will be introduced for each session.
All activities are designed to have at least three levels of difficulty in order to cater for the considerable range in ability that exists within this group.
Students will be introduced to learning journals and will be expected to make active use of them. They will be discussed and peer evaluated throughout the unit
and assessed by the group and the teacher at the end of it.
Session 1
 Presentation of Teaching Unit theme, goals, methodology,
evaluation criteria, timing and use of learning journals.
55 min
PowerPoint presentation
 Digital White Board
 Warm up activity: “Brainstorming, What do we know about
 Brainstorming (1)
Facebook? What is Facebook for me?” Collect ideas in mind  Powerpoint with prompts
map on digital board with and discuss process
 Video Youtube. View, view with gap fill, view with complete
 Facebook video 1: Gap fill
subtitles, comment and note down vocabulary and structures
exercise with subtitled video
(10 min)
created using Windows
Movie Maker
 Facebook, me and my friends: reading and writing activity
 Hand-outs
 Class vocabulary/ structures
 Structured reflections in individual journals(5min)
 Individual Learning Journals
Homework: search for interesting ideas about Facebook and  Class Wiki BenapresEnglish
post on class Wiki .
whole class
whole class
 The students will be
work in
pairs in order that
they compliment
and contrast
interests, ITC
abilities, English
language skills and
 Learning journals
will be a key
element to help
each individual to
document and
assess their
learning process
and to consequently become
more proactive.
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Session 2
Session 3
 Recap of previous class and then review and discuss
homework posts on class Wiki. (10 min)
55 min
 Group Wiki
 Idea mapping
 Class vocabulary/ structures Whole class
 Watch excerpt from “The Social Network”, check for gist
exercise and discuss. Structures on whiteboard (10min)
 Pre-edited excerpt from film
and exercises.
 Reading and Speaking activity: Funny things that have
happened to people on Facebook (15 min)
 2 Hand-outs with texts and
game. First activity reading to
and discussing with partner.
Second partner has to story
guess from outcome clues.
 Second video excerpt from “The Social Network” with Justin
Timberlake! : view, gap-fill subtitles, full subtitles (15 min)
 3 versions pre-edited
Whole class
 Reflections in individual journals (5min)
 Individual Learning Journals
 Recap of previous class and then review and discuss
homework posts on class Wiki. (5 min)
 Idea mapping Whole class 55min
 Class vocabulary/ structures
 The 93 dollar club. Watch for gist with questionnaire,
answer questions in pairs, then complete subs and
comment (15min)
 Reading and speaking activity with Facebook stories(10min)
The 93 Dollar club
 Writing Activity “My favourite Facebook” story, start now
finish for homework and bring to next class (10min)
 Video fun activity “Avril Lavigne, I will be” + subs (10min)
 Avril Lavigne, I will be
Whole class
 Individual Learning Journals
 The group will
develop the
vocabulary and
lexical structures
throughout the
 All activities are
designed to have at
least three levels of
difficulty in order to
cater for the
considerable range
in ability that exists
within this group.
 Should the need
arise the need arise
peer coaching will
be used to support
the least able
 Four students have
been working with
Peter Hone to
prepare for the First
Certificate exams in
June. They will
receive accordingly
graded tasks in
class and via the
class Wiki.
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
 Reflections in individual journals (5min)
Session 4
 Recap of previous class (5min)
 Review of favourite stories, share briefly then peer
correction of texts and discussion. Then interchange pairs to
comment on (and improve) stories. (20min)
 Road trip. Watch for gist, answer questions, then error
exercise, watch with complete subs and comment (15min)
Session 5
 Idea mapping Whole class
 Class vocabulary/ structures
 Road trip
class/ pairs
 Brainstorm: what is the most amazing thing could we do with
Facebook? To be developed for homework. (Next class bring
most amazing example and an idea) (5 min)
 Idea mapping
 Grammar/ structures check: future, probability (5 min)
 PowerPoint presentation
 Reflections in individual journals (5min)
 Individual Learning Journals
 Recap of previous class, discuss and update learning
journals (10min)
 Idea mapping Whole class 55 min
 Class vocabulary/ structures
 Exchange and comment on homework (most amazing
example and an idea). Peer correction and develop ideas to
for project to be presented in the next lesson. (20 min)
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design
 Swap pairs and explain proposals (practice for presentations
in next lesson). Peer correction. (10 min)
 Video fun activity “Timbalake & Perry: If we ever meet
again” + subs (10min)
 If we ever meet again
 Reflections in individual journals (5min)
 Individual Learning Journals
Whole class
Home work: finish presentations for next class.
Session 6
 Recap of previous class (5min)
 Idea mapping Whole class
 Presentations of Facebook projects in pairs 1 minute
speaking each. (45 minutes)
 Reflections in individual journals (5min)
Peter Hone. Lesson Planning and Material Design