Biology Study Guide: DNA Discovery and Structure 1. What do the letters of DNA stand for? 2. Two scientists are given credit for discovering the structure of DNA. What is the name of those two scientist? 3. DNA is a polymer, which means that is made up of many repeating single units (monomers). What are the monomers of DNA called? 4. The “backbone” of the DNA molecule is made up of two components. What are these? 5. There are four different variations of these monomers (different nitrogen bases). What are the names of those four bases? 6. Chargaff’s rule states that the DNA of any species contains equal amounts of: 7. a. _________________________________________ and _________________________________________ b. _________________________________________ and _________________________________________ Based on this information, scientists could predict that the base _________________________________________ pairs with _________________________________________ and the base _________________________________________ pairs with _________________________________________ in the formation of the DNA molecule. This is called complementary base pairs. Thus one strand of DNA is complementary to the other strand. 1, 0#4- !D. BB. 1;, %U$ #, : +;4<E)! - !#/1. !%R>#/!#$ . >4, 1!. 5!' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' !#4- !' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' )! ! ( ( )!!8+%!? #1%1!#0%!B#;0%- !? C!' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' !? . 4- 1!#/. 4<!, +%!#V;1!. 5!, +%!$ . /%: >/%)! $ #, ;. 4A!1: ;%4, ! ;1, !: . >/- !B0%- ;: , !, +#, !, +%!? #1%!' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' !B#;01!9 ;, +! 8. The bases are paired by _________________________________________ bonds along the axis of the molecule. - !, +%!? #1%!' ' (' '7)!* ' ' ' ' ';/ ' H;41!#4' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '!W ' '0#4H/ ' !B#;01!9 ' -' '!,' +% ' ' '!1, ' ' '0>: ' ' ' ', >0% ' ' ' ' !.' ' 5 '!2 ' !;4!, +%!5. 0$ '#, ;4!1,;,>-+!';% " 3!>1;4<!' ' ' ;.' ' 4!. ' ' ' '5'!' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A!#!, %: +4;R>%!, . !%V#$ ;4%! $ . /%: >/%1A!#4- !+%/B%- !* #, 1. 4!#4- !P0;: H!- %,%0$ ;4%- !, +#, !, +%!1+#B%!. 5!, +%!$ . /%: >/%!9 #1!#! 9. Wilkins and Franklin studied the structure of DNA using _________________________________________ and helped ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' !' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' )! #A @$5A 5+, 36&'B345'@3"64)!!8+>1!. 4%!1, 0#4- !. 5!2 " 3!;1!: . $ B/%$ %4, #0C!, . !, +%!. , +%0! %U$ #, : +;4<E)! Crick determine shape molecule ( @)!!2 0#9 !,Watson +%!? #1;:and !1, 0>: , >0% !. 5!#!4>: that /%. , the ;- %!9 ;, +!;,of1!,DNA +0%% !B#0, 1)! was a _________________________________________. basic structure of a5!,nucleotide with %- !? C!' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' !' ' ' ' ' ' ' '10. ' ' ' ' Draw ' ' ' !? . the 4- 1!#/ . 4<!, +%!#V;1!. +%!$ . /%: >/ %)! the three parts. Make sure to label the three parts. ! 4!1, >- ;%- !, +%!1, 0>: , >0%!. 5!2 " 3!>1;4<!' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A!#!, %: +4;R>%!, . !%V#$ ;4%! * #, 1. 4!#4- !P0;: %,% % ;4% -$!,B/ +#, +% !.R>% 5sequence !, +% % #1!#!" 3!1, ( F)!!*H!-0;, !,0$ +% !: . the %$!, % 4,!1+#B% #0C!1% 4: !$ %!, .. /!5 .: />/ /the .% 9!9following ;4<!2 0#4&! 11. Write complementary to DNA strand: ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' )! A A T T C G C C G G T A T T A G A C G T T ! /%. , ;- !!!!!!X !!!!!!!X !!!!!!!X !!!!!!X >: , >0%!. 5!#!4>: %!9 ;,! +!;,X1!, +0% %!B#0, 1)!!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!X!!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X! ! ( J )!! * 45', ; 5'"A 3%5'3, ', ; 5'6"%; , ', #'?#A @$5, 5', ; 5'C#$$#D)' 12. Use the image below to complete the following: P;0: /%!#!4>: /%. , ;-the %)!nucleotide. a. Circle Y#? %/!, b. +%!1><#0!#4!B+. 1B+#, %)! sugar %4, #0C!1%R>%4: %!, . !5. //. 9 ;4<!2Label " 3!1,the 0#4&! and phosphate Y#? %/!, c.+%!?Label #1%1!,the +#,DNA !#0%!4. , !#/ 0%#- C!/#? %/%- ! backbone d. Label a hydrogen bond T C G C C G Ge. TLabel A theTbases T that A are G notAalready C G T labeled. T !!X!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!X!!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X!!!!!!X!!!!!!!X! 3, ', ; 5'6"%; , ', #'?#A @$5, 5', ; 5'C#$$#D )' ;- %)! !#4- !B+. 1B+#, %)! !, +#, !#0%!4. , !#/0%#- C!/#? %/%- ! Page 2 of 4 BVH Mr. Gracias Page 2 of 4