DNA Study Guide

DNA Study Guide
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
1. What is DNA? ________________________________
a. Where is DNA found in eukaryotic cells?
b. Draw and label a picture of DNA.
c. What shape does it look like?
d. What name did Watson and Crick give to this shape?
2. Nucleic acids are made of many repeating subunits called __________________________.
a. Name all 3 parts of the subunit named above.
i. ______________________________
ii. ______________________________
iii. ______________________________
b. Chargaff’s rule states that for the nitrogenous bases, ____________________ will always bond
with Adenine (A) and ______________________ will always bond with Cytosine (C). This
means that the number of _________________ will equal the number of pyrimidines.
3. DNA is copied during a process called ____________________________.
a. The strands of DNA that are produced contain 1 _________________ strand and one
_________________ strand.
b. Replicate this strand of DNA: ACTGCCATTGAC
4. A section of DNA that codes for a specific trait or protein is called a ______________.
5. Protein synthesis is the process of making proteins for your body’s basic needs. It contains two steps.
Where this step takes place
Describe what takes place
6. During translation the nitrogenous bases are read ____________ at a time.
a. These subunits are called _________________, which code for a specific ________________
b. If a section of code contained 7 codons, how many amino acids would there be? _____
7. Complete the following charts:
Type of RNA
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Ribonucleic Acid
Ribose sugar present
Deoxyribose sugar present
Adenine nucleotide present
Thymine nucleotide present
Uracil nucleotide present
Guanine nucleotide present
Cytosine nucleotide present
Formed from nucleotides
Double stranded
Single stranded
Remains in the nucleus
Moves out of the nucleus
Contains multiple types
8. Sometimes there is a mistake in DNA replication or protein synthesis. This can cause a
a. A _______________ ___________________ involves a single nucleotide on the DNA strand
(one letter).
b. A mutation that affects just one gene is called a ______________ _________________.
i. Ex: _______________________, ______________________
c. A mutation that rearranges the entire chromosome is called a __________________
i. Ex: ________________________, _________________________
d. Label the types of mutations below. Are they gene mutations or chromosomal mutations?
9. Identify structure F in 12-4 (below). What amino acid does it specify (code for)?
Figure 12-4
Figure 12-5
10. Explain the process illustrated in Figure 12-5.
11. Using figure 12-5, describe the relationship between the codons and anticodons?
12. From this section of DNA: ATG AGG CTA ACG TCA
a. Write the mRNA code that would be transcripted.
b. Write the tRNA code that would be translated.
13. Using your codon chart, what codons specify for leucine? List all of them.