Denton High School - Denton Independent School District

Denton High School
1007 Fulton Street
Denton, TX 76201
(940) 369-2000
Fax (940) 369-4953
Denton High School
1007 Fulton Street, Denton, TX 76201
2012 - 2013
Pre AP Precalculus
Pre-requisites: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Megan Gabriel
TELEPHONE AT SCHOOL: (940) 369-2189
After school tutorials only
Mon – Thurs
(4:10 – 4:45)
Course Description: The Precalculus curriculum integrates elementary analysis; trigonometry and analytic geometry to
represent mathematical situations, to express generate and study concepts and the relationships among them. The topics
covered in Precalculus are necessary for success in the physical sciences and other advanced courses such as calculus.
Emphasis is placed on fundamental trigonometric properties and the study of functions and relations.
Instruction and Learning Expectations: The course is presented so as to include all of the Texas Essential Knowledge
and Skills (TEKS) for Precalculus. A complete listing of the TEKS is available online at
Textbook: The adopted textbook for the course is PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS (Texas Edition) by Ron Larson &
Robert Hostetler, publishers Houghton Mifflin Company. If lost or destroyed, the student will be held responsible for
payment of the book's current value.
Class Rules, Procedures and Conduct: I expect the students in my classroom to abide by all the school rules listed in
the Student Code of Conduct, and to abide by all classroom rules and procedures. I expect students at all times to
demonstrate respect: for themselves, for other students, and for me. Above all, I expect students to respect the classroom
learning environment. This respect is demonstrated when a student follows instructions and actively participates. Actions
that disrupt learning opportunities for other students will not be tolerated. Inappropriate conduct will result in warnings,
detentions and discipline referrals.
Supplies and Materials
**Bold items will need to be turned in to Mrs. Gabriel
1 Box of Tissues
1 package of Pencils
4-pack AAA batteries for graphing calculator (to be left in class)
Math Binder (1’ will do)
Paper (whether a spiral or loose leaf)
Grading Policy:
The grades will be split into two categories; Major and Minor. The Major grades will consist of tests or projects and will
make up 80% of your six weeks grade. Minor grades will include quizzes and other formative assessments. This will
count for the remaining 20% of your six weeks grade. Your final exam will be 20% of your overall semester average,
while the three six weeks grades will be averaged for 80% of the semester grade.
The Denton Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.
Pre AP Precalculus (2013-2014)
Megan Gabriel
Homework and Assignments: Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Although homework will not be graded – it
will be an expectation of the student to complete it in a timely manner. Answer keys will be posted on Mrs. Gabriel’s
website for self-assessment.
Quizzes: Short quizzes will be given in order to assess learning on a daily basis. The questions on the quiz will relate to
the homework given the previous class period.
Tests: Tests will be announced at least one week in advance. It is imperative you study for your tests as they are a huge
part of your six weeks grade.
Retest policy: Any student (whether pass or fail) will be given an opportunity to retake each test ONE time. In order to
be eligible to retake your exam, you must complete all previous homework assignments that are related. Your original
test grade will go in the gradebook until you schedule a retest (at that time I will put an incomplete in for your test grade).
You have three school days to schedule the retest. Your retest (along with the completion of all assignments) must be
finished within 10 school days from the original test date. Retests must be completed during after school tutorials.
Calculators: The graphing calculator is integral to the Precalculus curriculum and classroom instruction on a daily basis.
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, and TI-Nspire CAS calculators are available for students to use in the classroom. In general
however, classroom calculators may not be borrowed for use outside of the classroom. It is highly recommended that
math students have their own calculators. Although many different brands of graphing calculator are available and can
be used, in-class instruction is based on the Texas Instruments calculator family. As a result, students purchasing a new
calculator may find it beneficial to consider a TI calculator. (there is an option to check out a calculator through the library
while supplies last – I believe the fee is $15)
Absences: Each student is responsible for completing all assignments, quizzes, and tests that have been handed out or
administered during an absence. Students who will be absent for school-sponsored activities must check with me and
request assignments prior to the absence. Missed tests and quizzes must be taken during after school tutorial times. In
the case of an absence for a school sponsored activity, all work is due at the normal time. Missed assignments for
excused absences should be completed in a reasonable time span as stated in the Student Code of Conduct.
Sign-Up for Home Access Center (HAC): Having access the grade book will allow you to not only monitor your child’s grades, but
attendance as well. In order to sign up, go to the following link:
*** It is suggested that students have access to the grade book at home as well.
I look forward to a successful year! Please don’t hesitate emailing me with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the
Megan Gabriel
Denton High School
The Denton Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.
Pre AP Precalculus (2013-2014)
Megan Gabriel
Parent-Student Information Sheet
(to be returned to Mrs. Gabriel)
Pre AP Precalculus
***Please go to my website to access the syllabus***
Student email: ______________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Contact info
Name (s):
***Your signature is affirmation that you read the syllabus and agree to abide by district, school, and classroom policies.
Any information you want me to know about you (or your student) can be written below. All information will be kept
confidential, and is for my knowledge only.
The Denton Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.
Pre AP Precalculus (2013-2014)
Megan Gabriel