
Name: _______________________________________ Period: ___________
US I UNIT II: British Colonial America to 1763 Study Guide DUE: Thur Oct 15th
Directions: use your notes, warm-ups, worksheets, class readings, and the terms below to complete
the study guide. Be sure to be familiar with all of the terms below for the test.
Key terms to know:
Glorious Revolution and
Southern, Northern and Middle
How did economic policies of
Great Britain impact the 13
Mother Country
Middle passage
Triangular Trade
Navigation Acts of 1660
Enlightenment and Great
What political impact did the
Glorious Revolution have on the 13
Dominion of New England
Sir Edmund Andros
Glorious Revolution
English Bill of Rights
Virtual Representation
Actual Representation
John Locke
Two Treatises on Government
“Social Contract”
Salutary Neglect
French and Indian War
How did these two movements
affect the intellectual and social
aspects of the Colonies?
Benjamin Franklin
Zenger Trial
Great Awakening
New Lights vs Old Lights
Jonathan Edwards
New France
Iroquois Confederacy
Guerilla tactics
George Washington
How is each colonial region’s
society, economy,
agriculture/climate, and political
landscape similar and different?
Southern Colonies
Cash Crop
Southern Gentry
Slave Codes
Stono Rebellion
Northern Colonies
Salem Witch Trials
Halfway Covenant
Middle Colonies
What events lead up to the F&I War,
and what social, political, and
economic impact did the F&I War
have on the colonies?
French and Indian War
William Pitt
Albany Plan of Union
Plains of Abraham
Treaty of Paris
1. Explain the economic theory of Mercantilism.
2. What was the purpose of colonies for a mother country?
3. What is the difference between an import and an export?
4. How did the Navigation Act of 1660 affect the 13 colonies? How well was it enforced?
5. What did King James II create in the colonies to enforce the Navigation acts and who ran it?
How did his policies anger the colonists and how did he lose his job?
Glorious Revolution and Effects:
6. Why did Parliament invite William and Mary to be King in England?
7. What was so “glorious” about this revolution?
8. How did the English Bill of Rights define the relationship between the monarchy and the
9. Describe the relationship between the English Bill of rights and the American Bill of Rights.
10. What role did John Locke paly in the spreading of the Glorious Revolution around the world?
(What did he write?)
11. What was John Locke’s biggest argument and describe how it worked? How did it influence
the American Colonies?
12. What was the legacy of the Glorious Revolution on the 13 colonies?
13. What is the difference between Virtual Representation and Actual Representation? Which
type of representation did Parliament advocate for, which type did the colonists want, and
14. What effects did Salutary Neglect have on the 13 colonies?
Southern, Northern and Middle Colonies:
15. What was the geography, environment, and climate of the Southern Colonies? The Northern
Colonies? The Middle Colonies?
16. What were the main economic activities in the Southern Colonies? The Northern Colonies?
The Middle Colonies?
17. Where did Labor come from in the Southern colonies? Northern colonies?
18. What was the largest slave rebellion, and how did all the slave rebellions end up? (who were
the victors and what happened to the losers?)
19. Who held the political and economic power in the Southern Colonies?
20. Compare and contrast the relationship between men and women during the colonial period in
both the South and the North?
21. What was the reason William Byrd gave to explain why the poor white people of North Carolina
were so poor?
22. How was the New England landscape divided up?
23. Who was educated in the Northern Colonies? The Southern Colonies?
24. What were some reasons/theories for the Salem Witch trials?
25. What gender were most of the accused during the trials and how were the accused coaxed
into confessing?
26. What ethnic groups settled in the Middle colonies (as well as western North Carolina, think
Highlander games)?
Enlightenment and Great Awakening:
27. What was the Enlightenment movement and its main principles?
28. Who was the most important Enlightenment figure in the colonies, why was he famous and
what were his beliefs?
29. Across the colonies, women were given what rights?
30. Describe colonial city life. What was the most important place? How did Colonial cities
influence culture, commerce and politics?
31. Who was John Peter Zenger and why was he in trouble? Why was his trial significant?
32. What was the Great Awakening movement, how did it influence colonial life, and who were
some important figures from the movement?
French and Indian War:
33. Who were the Iroquois Confederacy? Why are they significant? How do they influence
Benjamin Franklin’s Albany plan of Union?
34. What are the differences between European Warfare and Indian warfare? What are some
advantages and disadvantages to both?
35. What type of war tactics do the colonists learn from the native Americans to later use on the
British during the Revolutionary War?
36. What advantages and disadvantages did the French and the British have during the French
and Indian War?
37. What event started the war, and whom did it involve?
38. How did Prime Minister William Pitt change the direction and strategy of the war?
39. What important battle ends the war in North America? What peace agreement ends the war,
and what territory changes hands as a result of the war?