6th Grade Essential Standards Science Curriculum Templates 2012

6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
6th Grade Essential
Standards Science
Curriculum Templates
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
6th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2012-2013
Week by Week
Weeks 1-2
Essential Standard
Science Inquiry
scientific method, lab
Week 3
Weeks 4-5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Weeks 13+14
Weeks 15+16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week s 21-22
Weeks 23-24
Atomic Structure
Characteristics of Matter
Energy Transfer
Energy Design
Living Earth
Space Exploration
Structure of Earth
Soil Conservation
Flowering Plants
Weeks 25-26
Weeks 27-28
Energy Flow
Population Dynamics
** Time has been allowed for testing and other days that would subtract from teaching the
** Adjustments and modifications would have to be made if this curriculum is taught on
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.P.1
Grade 6
Understand the properties of waves and
their wavelike property of energy in
earthquakes, light and sound.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.P.1.1 Compare the properties
of waves to the wavelike
property of energy in
earthquakes, light and sound.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
Explain what a wave is.
Compare the properties of sound, earthquake
and light waves.
Contrast sound, earthquake and light waves.
Essential Terminology:
Seismic waves, light energy, sound energy,
energy, waves, medium, transverse wave,
longitudinal wave, amplitude, wavelength,
frequency, wave speed
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Tasc Kits
Purchased Wave kits (school level)
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Discovery Education Sound
PPST. Com (Petes power point station)
Essential Readings:
Current Science
Science World
Essential Questions:
What are the characteristics of a wave?
How are waves created?
What is sound?
What is light?
What is a seismic wave?
What are the basic characteristics of a transverse wave?
What are the basic characteristics of a longitudinal wave?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Waves lab stations, Understanding waves, Sound, Waves Notebook, Wave Classification PPT
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: Science 6 18. 2 How do waves carry energy? – Summarizing Activity
Write to Learn: Sound and Light: 1.1 What are Waves? – Summarizing Activity
Write to Learn: Sound and Light 2.1 The Nature of Sound—Summarizing Activity
Write to Learn: Sound and Light 4.1 Light and Color—Summarizing Activity
Summarizing Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
Essential Standard #: 6.P.1
Grade 6
Understand the properties of waves
and their wavelike property of energy in
earthquakes, light and sound.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
6.P.1.2 Explain the relationship
among visible light, the
electromagnetic spectrum, and
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
Explain how sight works.
Differentiate ways the electromagnetic
spectrum relates to their daily life.
Parts of eye: rods, pupils, cornea, retina, iris,
optical nerve, cortex,
Concave and convex lens, plane mirror
Essential Terminology:
Electromagnetic, spectrum, electromagnetic
radiation, light energy, absorption, scattering,
reflection, refraction
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
TASC Kit activity Color Blindness
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Discovery Education: Let There Be Light
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Text Chapter 19
Essential Questions:
What part of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible light?
What causes light to appear as different colors?
What type of a wave does light travel as?
What are the characteristics of light?
How does the structure of the human eye detect light?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Discovery Education: Let there be light
TASC Kit: Color Blindness
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
Essential Standard #: 6.P.1
Grade 6
Understand the properties of waves and
their wavelike property of energy in
earthquakes, light and sound.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.P.1.3 Explain the relationship
among the rate of vibration, the
medium through which
vibrations travel, sound and
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
Describe how vibrations cause sound.
Explain how sound is transferred through a
Explain how the human ear works and identify
its parts.
Essential Terminology:
Medium, sound wave, vibration
Parts of the ear
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Text
Discovery Education
Need a tuning fork
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Cbsnews.com – 60 minutes video on musical savants
and vibrations. Search the site for the story
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 18
Essential Questions:
What are the characteristics of sound waves that determine the properties of sound?
How does sound travel through the mediums of solid, liquids and gases?
How is the human ear designed to receive sound waves?
How do the vocal cords work to produce sound?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Discovery Education: Speed of Sound
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
Essential Standard #: 6.P.1
Grade 6
Understand the properties of waves and
their wavelike property of energy in
earthquakes, light and sound.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.P.1.3 Explain the relationship
among the rate of vibration, the
medium through which
vibrations travel, sound and
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
Describe how vibrations cause sound.
Explain how sound is transferred through a
Explain how the human ear works and identify
its parts.
Essential Terminology:
Medium, sound wave, vibration
Parts of the ear
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Text
Discovery Education
Need a tuning fork
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Cbsnews.com – 60 minutes video on musical savants
and vibrations. Search the site for the story
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 18
Essential Questions:
What are the characteristics of sound waves that determine the properties of sound?
How does sound travel through the mediums of solid, liquids and gases?
How is the human ear designed to receive sound waves?
How do the vocal cords work to produce sound?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Discovery Education: Speed of Sound
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
Grade: 6
Essential Standard #: 6.P.2
6.P.2 Understand the structure,
classifications and physical properties
of matter.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
Distinguish among phases of matter and
describe properties of each phase.
Investigate how particles move when heat
energy is applied.
Essential Terminology:
Solid, liquid, gas, plasma, volume, molecules
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.P.2.2 Explain the effect of
heat on the motion of atoms
through a description of what
happens to particles during a
change in phase.
Recommended Resources:
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Essential Questions:
What are the four phases of matter?
What are the characteristics of each phase of matter?
How does heat energy affect the motion of atoms?
What happens to particles during each phase change?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: Science 6 13. 2 How can matter change? – Summarizing Activity
Summarizing Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
Grade: 6
Essential Standard #: 6.P.3
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.P.3 Understand characteristics of energy
transfer and interactions of matter and
6.P.3.1 Illustrate the transfer of
heat energy from warmer
objects to cooler ones using
examples of conduction,
radiation and convection and
the effects that may result.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
 Recognize that energy can be transferred
thermally, mechanically, electrically, and by
electromagnetic waves.
 Understand that thermal energy is transferred
from a warmer object to a cooler object.
 Compare how thermal energy is transferred
through conduction, convection, and radiation.
 Identify examples of heat transfer as
convection, conduction, and radiation.
Essential Terminology:
Conduction, radiation, convection, rays, transfer
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chpater 17 sections 1 and 2
Essential Questions:
What are the different ways that energy can be transferred?
How does the temperature of an object affect the movement of thermal energy?
What happens to thermal energy during conduction, convection, and radiation?
What are the similarities and differences between the different forms of thermal energy transfer?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Discovery Education: Too Hot to Handle
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
Grade: 6
Essential Standard #: 6.P.3
6.P.3 Understand characteristics of
energy transfer and interactions of
matter and energy.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.P.3.2 Explain the effects of
electromagnetic waves on
various materials to include
absorption, scattering, and
change in temperature.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Understand that the intensity, duration, and amount of light
absorbed influences the temperature of an object.
2. Identify the different types of electromagnetic waves and their
observable effects.
3. Explain how the sun’s energy arrives as different wavelengths of
light including: the visible spectrum, infrared light and ultraviolet
4. Examine how white light is separated from the other colors of the
visible spectrum (ROYGBIV) as it passes through prisms.
5. Contrast the effects of the different wavelengths of light.
6. Explain the effects of electromagnetic waves on various materials
to include absorption, scattering, and change in temperature.
Essential Terminology:
Visible spectrum, transmission, electromagnetic waves, absorption,
scattering, infrared, light, ultraviolet light, reflection, refraction
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links
specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 19
Essential Questions:
How does light influence the temperature of an object?
How can you differentiated between the different types of electromagnetic waves?
How does the sun’s energy arrive as light?
How can you distinguish white light from the other colors of the visible spectrum?
What are the effects of the different wavelengths of light?
How does light absorb or scatter matter?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
Essential Standard #: 6.P.3.3
6.P.3 Understand characteristics of
energy transfer and interactions of
matter and energy.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
6.P.3.3 Explain the suitability of
materials for use in technological
design based on a response to heat
(to include conduction, expansion,
and contraction) and electrical
energy (conductors and insulators).
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Recall that thermal energy is transferred by conduction,
convection, and radiation.
2. Recall that thermal energy can be converted into light energy and
received as electromagnetic waves.
3. Compare the properties of thermal conductors and thermal
4. List examples of thermal conductors and insulators.
5. Understand that materials react differently when heated which
determines their uses.
6. Contrast the movement of electrical energy through conductors
and insulators.
7. Explain the suitability of materials for use in technological design
based on a response to heat (to include conduction, expansion,
and contraction) and electrical energy (conductors and insulators).
Essential Terminology:
Expansion, contraction, conductors, insulators,
Unit: Physical
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links
specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 17 Section 3+4
Essential Questions:
1. How is thermal energy transferred and converted into light?
2. What are the similarities and differences between thermal conductors and insulators?
3. What are examples of thermal conductors and insulators?
4. How does change in temperature cause expansion and contraction?
5. How does electrical energy move through conductors and insulators?
6. How can you determine the best material for use in a technological design based on its
response to heat?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Literacy Component:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Summarizing Strategy:
Grade: 6
Essential Standard #: 6.E.1
6.E.1 Understand the earth/moon/sun
system, and the properties, structures
and predictable motions of celestial
bodies in the Universe.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.E.1.1 Explain how the relative
motion and relative position of
the sun, Earth and moon affect
the seasons, tides, phases of
the moon, and eclipses.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Explain the rotation and revolution of the Earth and the
duration of time of each.
2. Describe how the tilt of the Earth on its axis affects the
seasons in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
3. Describe how the gravitational pull and location of the sun,
moon, and Earth effect ocean tides.
4. Model the changes in the moon’s phases as it revolves around
the Earth.
5. Explain the relationship between sun’s reflection on the moon
and the moon’s phases as seen from Earth.
6. Describe the alignment of the sun, moon, and Earth during a
solar and lunar eclipse.
7. Explain how the relative motion and relative position of the
sun, Earth and moon affect the seasons, tides, phases of the
moon, and eclipses.
Essential Terminology:
Eclipse (lunar and solar), rotation, orbit, revolution, period of rotation,
period of revolution, equinox, solstice, phase, tide, phases, tilt, gravity,
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific
to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Chapter 7
Essential Questions:
1. How does the rotation and revolution of the Earth affect units of time on Earth?
2. Why do we have seasons?
3. How does the gravitational pull and location of the sun, moon, and Earth affect ocean tides?
4. How do the phases of the moon change as it revolves around Earth?
5. What are the positions of the sun, moon, and Earth during a solar and lunar eclipse?
6. How do the objects in our solar system interact to create seasons? Tides? Moon phases?
Activating Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Oreo Cookie Moon Lab
Flip Book of Moon Phases
Discovery Education: To Every Season
Discovery Education: The Inconsistent Moon
Discovery Education: The Lunar Cycle Challenge
Discovery Education: Moon Phase Cookie Activity
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: 6 19.2 What are the effects of the movements of Earth and the Moon? – Summarizing
Write to Learn: 6 19. 1 What are the characteristics of Earth’s Sun and Moon? – Summarizing Activity
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Grade: 6
Essential Standard #: 6.E.1
6.E.1 Understand the earth/moon/sun
system, and the properties, structures
and predictable motions of celestial
bodies in the Universe.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.E.1.1 Explain how the relative
motion and relative position of
the sun, Earth and moon affect
the seasons, tides, phases of
the moon, and eclipses.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
8. Explain the rotation and revolution of the Earth and the
duration of time of each.
9. Describe how the tilt of the Earth on its axis affects the
seasons in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
10. Describe how the gravitational pull and location of the
sun, moon, and Earth effect ocean tides.
11. Model the changes in the moon’s phases as it revolves
around the Earth.
12. Explain the relationship between sun’s reflection on the
moon and the moon’s phases as seen from Earth.
13. Describe the alignment of the sun, moon, and Earth
during a solar and lunar eclipse.
14. Explain how the relative motion and relative position of
the sun, Earth and moon affect the seasons, tides,
phases of the moon, and eclipses.
Essential Terminology:
Eclipse (lunar and solar), rotation, orbit, revolution, period of
rotation, period of revolution, equinox, solstice, phase, tide,
phases, tilt, gravity, axis
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this
Essential Readings:
Chapter 7
Essential Questions:
7. How does the rotation and revolution of the Earth affect units of time on Earth?
8. Why do we have seasons?
9. How does the gravitational pull and location of the sun, moon, and Earth affect ocean tides?
10. How do the phases of the moon change as it revolves around Earth?
11. What are the positions of the sun, moon, and Earth during a solar and lunar eclipse?
12. How do the objects in our solar system interact to create seasons? Tides? Moon phases?
Activating Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Oreo Cookie Moon Lab
Flip Book of Moon Phases
Discovery Education: To Every Season
Discovery Education: The Inconsistent Moon
Discovery Education: The Lunar Cycle Challenge
Discovery Education: Moon Phase Cookie Activity
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: 6 19.2 What are the effects of the movements of Earth and the Moon? – Summarizing
Write to Learn: 6 19. 1 What are the characteristics of Earth’s Sun and Moon? – Summarizing Activity
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Grade: 6
Essential Standard #: 6.E.1
6.E.1 Understand the earth/moon/sun
system, and the properties, structures
and predictable motions of celestial
bodies in the Universe.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.E.1.2 Explain why Earth
sustains life while other planets
do not based on their properties
(including types of surface,
atmosphere and gravitational
force) and location to the Sun.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
15. Describe the conditions necessary for living organisms
on Earth.
16. Compare and contrast the size, composition, and
surface features of the eight planets that revolve
around the sun.
17. Evaluate the suitability of the conditions on planet Earth
to sustain life.
18. Explain why Earth sustains life while other planets do
not based on their properties (including types of
surface, atmosphere and gravitational force) and
location to the sun.
Essential Terminology:
Planet, dwarf planet, natural satellite (moon), asteroid,
meteors, comets, composition, atmosphere, gravity
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Textbook chapter 9 and 10 (all sections)
Essential Questions:
1. What are the conditions needed for living organisms to survive on planet Earth?
2. What are the major differences between the inner and outer planets?
3. What conditions on Earth make it a suitable planet for sustaining life?
4. What conditions on other planets keep them from being suitable for sustaining life?
Activating Strategy:
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Solar system research project
Tic Tac Toe Solar System
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: Astronomy: 1.1 Earth in Space – Summarizing Activity
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Grade: 6
Essential Standard #: 6.E.1
6.E.1 Understand the earth/moon/sun
system, and the properties, structures
and predictable motions of celestial
bodies in the Universe.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.E.1.3 Summarize space
exploration and the
understandings gained from
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
19. Recall development of early theories and discoveries
made by Copernicus, Galileo, and Ptolemy.
20. Recognize the importance of space exploration and the
usefulness of the data collected.
21. Identify the instruments used to collect data from space
(Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory,
Spitizer Space Telescope, Fermi-Gamma- ray Space
22. Describe non-planetary objects discovered by space
23. Describe how space instruments provide evidence of
planetary structures and the evolution of the universe.
24. Analyze the risks and benefits of the International Space
25. Examine how space-spinoffs impacts daily living
(microwaves, hand held calculators, fire retardant
clothing, braces, bar coding, etc.)
26. Summarize space exploration and the understandings
gained from them.
Essential Terminology:
N.A.S.A., telescope, international Space Station, light-year,
galaxy, artificial satellite, space probe
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Textbook chapter 8
Essential Questions:
5. What early theories and discoveries helped us gain knowledge about planets?
6. How do we use the data gained by space exploration?
7. What instruments are used to collect data from space?
8. What discoveries made by space instruments help us better understand the universe?
9. What are the risks and benefits of the International Space Shuttle?
10. How have the technologies developed in space enhanced our daily lives?
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Bottle Rockets (2 or 1 liter)
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: Astronomy: 3.1 Observing the Solar System – Summarizing Activity
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.E.2
6.E.2 Understand the structure of the
earth and how interactions of
constructive and destructive forces
have resulted in changes in the surface
of the earth over time and the effects of
the lithosphere on humans.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.E.2.1 Summarize the
structure of the earth, including
the layers, the mantle and core
based on the relative position,
composition and density.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Identify the layers of the earth.
2. Compare and contrast the different
layers of the Earth with regards to their
position, composition and density.
Essential Terminology:
crust, mantle, outer core, inner core, density
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Textbook chapters 5 section 2.1
Essential Questions:
What are the layers of the Earth?
What materials/elements make up each layer of the Earth?
What position, from outer to inner, are the Earth’s layers found?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Play dough project PH 2.1
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: Science 6 8.1 What are Earth’s layers made of?
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.E.2
6.E.2 Understand the structure of the
earth and how interactions of
constructive and destructive forces
have resulted in changes in the surface
of the earth over time and the effects of
the lithosphere on humans.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.E.2.2 Explain how crustal
plates and ocean basins are
formed, move and interact using
earthquakes, heat flow and
volcanoes to reflect forces
within the earth.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Investigate the causes of plate tectonics.
2. Evaluate worldwide patterns to major
geological events such as volcanoes,
earthquakes, and mountain formation that
coincide with plate boundaries.
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Essential Terminology:
Plate Tectonics, Plates, Continental Drift,
Lithosphere, Ocean Basin, seafloor spreading,
convergent boundary, divergent boundary,
transformed boundary, subduction boundary,
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 6
Essential Questions:
1. What is the theory of plate tectonics?
2. What is the relationship between plate boundaries and major geological events?
3. How are the four types of plate boundaries similar and different?
4. What is seismology?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
TASC Kit: Shaking All Over
Volcanoes around the world
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: Inside Earth: 2.4 Earthquake Safety—Summarizing Activity
Write to Learn: 3.3 Volcanic Eruptions—Summarizing Activity
Write to Learn 6.10.1 How does Earth’s Surface change?—Summarizing Activity
Write to Learn: 6 8. 4 What causes earthquakes and volcanoes? – Summarizing Activity
Write to Learn 6 8. 3 How do scientists explain Earth’s features? – Summarizing Activity
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.E.2
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
6.E.2 Understand the structure of the
earth and how interactions of
constructive and destructive forces
have resulted in changes in the surface
of the earth over time and the effects of
the lithosphere on humans.
6.E.2.3 Explain how the
formation of soil is related to the
parent rock type and the
environment in which it
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
Differentiate the characteristics of minerals
and rocks
Describe the processes of the rock cycle
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Essential Terminology:
Minerals, element, compound, rock, rock
cycle, magma, igneous rock, sedimentary rock,
metamorphic rock, weathering, erosion,
deposition, strata
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 2: Minerals
Prentice Hall Chapter 3: Rocks
Prentice Hall Chapter 4: Soil
Essential Questions:
What are the characteristics of minerals?
How are rocks different than minerals?
What are the phases of the rock cycle?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
TASC Kits: Mystery Rocks
Crayon Rock Cycle
Literacy Component:
Write to learn: Science 6 9.1 What are rocks and minerals?—Summarizing Activity
Write to Learn: Science 6 9.2 Why is soil important to living things? – Summarizing Activity
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.E.2
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.E.2 Understand the structure of the
earth and how interactions of
constructive and destructive forces have
resulted in changes in the surface of the
earth over time and the effects of the
lithosphere on humans.
6.E.2.4 Conclude that the good
health of humans requires:
monitoring the lithosphere,
maintaining soil quality and
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
Recommended Resources:
1. Infer that the well being of humans
is dependant on us taking care of Prentice Hall Textbook
the soil.
Discovery Education
2. Evaluate ways that human activities
have affected Earth’s pedosphere.
Essential Terminology:
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Soil, conservation, crop rotation, pedosphere
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 4
Essential Questions:
1. Why is it important to monitor the quality of our soil as well as our water and air?
2. How have humans affected the environment to include the quality of our soil?
3. What are some things that we can do to improve the quality of the pedosphere?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.L.1
6.L.1 Understand the structures,
processes and behaviors of plants that
enable them to survive and reproduce.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Illustrate and describe the structures of
flowering plants.
2. Describe the purposes of the structures of
flowering plants.
Essential Terminology:
Petal, sepal, stamen, anther, pistil, ovary,
pollination, fertilization
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.L.1.1 Summarize the basic
structures and functions of
flowering plants required for
survival, reproduction and
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Textbook Chapter 12 section 2 page 430
Essential Questions:
1. What are the basic structures of flowering plants?
2. What purpose does each of these structures serve?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn: Summarizing Activity 6 5. 1 What are the parts of a vascular plant?
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.L.1
6.L.1 Understand the structures,
processes and behaviors of plants that
enable them to survive and reproduce.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.L.1.2.Explain the significance
of the processes of
photosynthesis, respiration and
transpiration to the survival of
green plants and other
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Describe the process of photosynthesis.
2. Describe the process of respiration.
3. Describe the process of transpiration.
4. Explain how these processes work
together toward the survival of green
plants and other organisms.
Essential Terminology:
Photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, stomata,
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Chapter 12 Section 2 page 430
Essential Questions:
3. What is the process of photosynthesis?
4. What is the process of respiration?
5. What is the process of transpiration?
6. How do photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration all work together to keep green
plants alive?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Literacy Component:
Write to Learn Summarizing Activity: Science 6 5.3 How do plants get and use energy?
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.L.1
6.L.1 Understand the structures,
processes and behaviors of plants that
enable them to survive and reproduce.
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.L.1.2.Explain the significance
of the processes of
photosynthesis, respiration and
transpiration to the survival of
green plants and other
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
5. Describe the process of photosynthesis.
6. Describe the process of respiration.
7. Describe the process of transpiration.
8. Explain how these processes work
together toward the survival of green
plants and other organisms.
Essential Terminology:
Photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, stomata,
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Chapter 12 Section 2 page 430
Essential Questions:
7. What is the process of photosynthesis?
8. What is the process of respiration?
9. What is the process of transpiration?
10. How do photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration all work together to keep green
plants alive?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.L.2
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.L.2 Understand the flow of energy
through ecosystems and the responses
of populations to the biotic and abiotic
factors in their environment.
6.L.2.1 Summarize how energy
derived from the sun is used by
plants to produce sugars
(photosynthesis) and is
transferred within food chains
and food webs (terrestrial and
aquatic) from producers to
consumers to decomposers.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Summarize how organisms acquire
2. Evaluate the significant roles of
producers, consumers and decomposers.
Essential Terminology:
Organism, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Nitrogen,
environment, producer, consumer, decomposer, food
chain, food web, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore,
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 12
Essential Questions:
11. What are food chains and food webs?
12. What are the roles of each of the following: Producers, consumers and decomposers?
13. How are oxygen, water, nitrogen and carbon dioxide cycled between living and non-living
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Biome project
Foods around the world
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.L.2
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
6.L.2 Understand the flow of energy
through ecosystems and the responses
of populations to the biotic and abiotic
factors in their environment.
6.L.2.2 Explain how plants
respond to external stimuli
(including dormancy and forms
of tropism) to enhance survival
in an environment.
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
3. Recognize how plants adapt to
environmental conditions.
4. Define external stimuli such as dormancy
and tropism.
Essential Terminology:
Dormancy, tropism, germination
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Chapter 11
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapter 11
Essential Questions:
1. How do plants adapt to environmental conditions?
2. What are dormancy and tropism?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
TASC Kit: Radish Seed Sprouting
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):
6th Grade Science Essentials Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide
Essential Standard #: 6.L.2
Course: Science
Clarifying Objectives:
6.L.2 Understand the flow of energy
through ecosystems and the responses
of populations to the biotic and abiotic
factors in their environment.
6.L.2.3 Summarize how the
abiotic factors (such as
temperature, water, sunlight,
and soil quality) of biomes
(freshwater, marine, forest,
grassland, desert, Tundra)
affect the ability of organisms to
grow, survive and/or create their
own food through
Learning Targets: (The Learner Will)
1. Recognize the effects physical conditions
in different environments have on plants.
Essential Terminology:
Abiotic, biotic, biomes
Unit: Physical Science
Instructional Days:
Recommended Resources:
Prentice Hall Textbook
Discovery Education
Online (only links specific to this standard):
Essential Readings:
Prentice Hall Chapters 11 and 12
Essential Questions:
3. How do physical conditions such as temperature, water, sun light and soil quality in
different biomes affect the ability of plants to grow and survive?
Activating Strategy:
Suggested Instructional Tasks:
Literacy Component:
Summarizing Strategy:
Sample Formative Assessment (aligned to Learning Target):