Urban Settlement Patterns


Urban Settlement Patterns


The process by which an area changes from being rural to being urban. It includes a great increase in population density and includes expansion of urban functions like manufacturing and services

Urbanization occurred because of changes in the economy…

What contributes to a city’s growth?





In response to growth…

Urban Hierarchy:

There has been significant movement of people in Canada between urban and rural areas over time.

In most cases, people in rural areas live in a hamlet, village or town. People in urban areas live in a suburb, city or metropolis. These different types of places to live are known as the urban hierarchy. hamlet > village > town > suburb > city > metropolis


Moving away from urban centers would constitute going down (or to the left on the hierarchy). While our cities are still growing, some people are moving away/staying away from the city. These people fall into 3 categories:




Why are people leaving the cities?


Would you consider Suburbia to be a rural community? Why/why not?

Radiant City Assignment

As you watch the Canadian Film, Radiant City , take note of the following:

- What is Suburbia?

- The +/- to living in Suburbia

- Suburban Statistics

Using your notes, prepare a *one-page response to the film briefly discussing the pros and cons of suburban life and it’s sustainability. ( Due: Monday February 23rd)

1 full page (12pt font, single spaced), 400-500 words, paragraph form
