Student Senate 16th Meeting of the 29th Session Time: 9 p.m. on 02/04/16 Fish Bowl – Cowles Library I. Call to Order A. Start time: 9:01 PM II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes A. Motion to Approve B. Seconded by VP Blevins C. Motion Carries Student Body President –Kevin Maisto IV. A. Introduction of Guests and Proxies B. Board of Trustees Report 1. Fantastic conversation—everyone was optimistic about the future of the university 2. Everyone received information about the tuition increases a. The conversations about these increases are very intentional b. Drake consistently costs one of the least for having the highest value 3. The continuous improvement plan was thoroughly discussed 4. New building projects 5. a. STEM b. New trees Finalizing plans for a boys and girls club to be built on campus a. 6. Will be a great opportunity to bring community members to come to campus Admission policy updates a. Tuition deposits are higher this year than last year b. New program to reach out to prospective students is being used i. C. D. Overview of Iowa Caucuses 1. Drake killed it! 2. Thank the faculty and staff that spent a lot of time putting all these events together 3. Drake was mentioned positively in the Iowa Starting Line blog 4. A lot of students had opportunities to be engaged Title IX coordinator meeting 1. Reached out to students by Iowa State to look at sexual assault policy at the four major schools in Iowa a. E. F. The system offer better leads in terms of prospective students These students want to push better state legislation regarding sexual assault Retreat 1. 11-2 in the Drake room this Sunday 2. Come with goals and plans 3. Brainstorming and preparation session Questions 1 1. Will there be food at the retreat? a. 2. Pizza Can the updates regarding the board of trustees be shared with students? a. Yes Administrative Report – Associate Dean of Students Dr. Jerry Parker V. A. Welcome back! Campus has been vibrant B. Extend appreciation to individuals who put on all of these political related events C. Provost email D. 1. Sent out at the end of the semester regarding office changes for student life 2. STIIL renamed—student office of involvement, inclusion, and leadership 3. In the process of hiring somebody new as an advisor for SAB 4. Tony will be the team lead of STIIL as well as a position change 5. Reach out to Jerry if you want to talk about anything Questions 1. Alysa Mozak’s position will be under the division of the provost 2. What is Marina’s new position? 3. a. A lot of work with new student programs, orientation, welcome weekend, and transfer students b. Will be reporting directly through Melissa Sturm-Smith but her office will still be in STIIL Where will Tony move? a. Most likely to Jerry’s current office VI. Speakers VII. Unfinished Business VIII. New Business A. MOTION SS (160204) – A; Ross Hall Refillable Water Bottle Station – Senator Freemon 1. Seconded by VP Blevins 2. Debate to Senator Freemon 3. a. Residents and staff are really passionate about getting this waterbottle in Ross b. When this motion was originally passed, 5 residence halls got water bottle fillers excluding Ross Questions a. Where will it be placed? i. b. c. Why does this come out of senate’s budget rather than residence hall budgets? i. Residence life and facilities currently does not have the money ii. Better to represent the students through senate now rather than waiting a few years for this to happen Why does this motion specify money from the reserve? i. d. e. The laundry room This was the best option Point of information—President Maisto i. Would like to look into what point the university would like to take over this situation ii. Would like to see this tabled Why was this not put into the original motion before this? i. It was not apparently deemed necessary because it wasn’t considered highly trafficked 2 4. Debate a. B. Senator O’Hea i. Would be a good idea to get affirmative answer from Vanessa ii. Motion to table 5. Seconded by Senator Lueth 6. Motion tabled MOTION SS (160204) – B; Men’s Ultimate – Treasurer Matusik 1. Seconded by Senator Anguiano 2. Motion to allocate time to speakers in the back approved 3. Speaker 4. a. One of the biggest tournaments in the spring b. Playing against top competition will help them achieve their goals of attending further tournaments c. Because the tournament date is not set in stone, they are not requesting a large amount of funds Questions a. Has there been any progress on fundraising efforts? i. Are selling disks and president is working with Tony Tyler to receive some sort of fundraising effort through the coca cola foundation b. How many people are going? i. c. Do you present cost breakdowns for new members? i. 5. 6. No, because in past years they have been funded by senate for all tournaments Debate to Treasurer Matusik a. Both Ultimate teams have applied for annual funding b. This will be the last semester we see ultimate funding requests until next year Questions a. 7. 20-25 None Debate a. Senator Kane i. Has been fairly critical in the past about teams coming in the past due to frequency ii. Supports motion due to the fact that they have been fundraising 8. Called to Question by Senator Kane 9. Seconded 10. Motion carries C. MOTION SS (160204) – C; NYFLC – Treasurer Matusik 1. Seconded by Senator Serrano 2. Motion to allocate time to speaker approved 3. Speaker—Alysa Mozak a. This is the 12th session of this conference b. No drake students have participated in the past c. There will be several topics covered such as sexual violence, race relations, LGBTQ issues d. This will be very beneficial given the heavy trends over social justice among students and community 3 e. 4. 5. a. Wants to attend the conference because there are a lot of subjects that can be brought back to drake b. This conference will allow drake to gain new insight in improving gender equality at Drake Questions for Speaker a. 6. Students have applied to attend the conference Student Speaker What organizations are you seeking students from? i. There were no necessary specifics ii. Primarily women applicants iii. Most students are either first-years or sophomores Debate to Treasurer Matusik a. Initially the office requested funds to send 10 students, but SFAC found it appropriate to revise this to send 5 drake students as it is the first time drake students will be going b. 7. Questions a. 8. Wil not be providing public transportation as SFAC does not fund this for other organizations none Debate a. Senator Serrano i. This will be really beneficial for students and is excited to see what drake will get out of this conference 9. Motion to pass by acclimation 10. Motion carries D. MOTION SS (160204) – D; Women’s Ultimate – Treasurer Matusik 1. Seconded by VP Blevins 2. Motion to allocate time to speakers in the back approved 3. Speaker 4. a. Will be staying at a member’s house for this tournament b. Have sold 86 disks in their fundraiser and have 14 left to sell c. Are having a team sleepover this weekend and will hopefully brainstorm fundraising ideas Questions a. How much are the disks being sold for? i. b. $10 Are their projected costs at the beginning of the year for new members? i. The team will be adding up the money they have requested within the last 3 years to figure out an annual funding request, and then they will possibly create a membership fee from there c. What would annual funding money go towards primarily? i. Mostly funding tournaments 5. Debate to Treasurer Matusik 6. Questions a. 7. None Debate a. Senator Donat 4 i. Thinks this motion is worth it because the tournament is sanctioned 8. Motion to pass by hand vote 9. Seconded 10. Motion carries E. MOTION SS (160204) – E; Student Handbook Amendments—Vice President Blevins 1. Seconded by Senator Donat 2. Motion to allocate time to auditor Potratz approved 3. Auditor Potratz a. Number of wording changes and grammar changes b. Finance Priorities i. The board of student communications, student development fund, and annual budgeting budgets were changed ii. c. Finance priority piece was added Annual Funding Requests i. a point was added to extend flexibility within SFAC to budget to a deficit as long as money is present ii. One-time funding requests was broken into its own heading iii. Ineligible Organizations: (a) removed religious organizations which bars any problems with tax (b) Point 2 broadens the opportunity for groups like chemistry club to receive funding that aren’t specifically tied to coursework iv. Creating a Budget: (a) Charity events were updated to say that the fees cannot be donated (b) Food costs were changed to institute a changed snack rate (c) Speakers costs were changed to now be broken down more specifically (d) Sports clubs section is new v. Use of Allocated Funds: (a) A few updates were included here to make sure that leftover funds allocated to certain organizations won’t be used for purposes other than what they were allocated for vi. vii. Probationary Funding A cap was put on organizations requesting funds if they violated guidelines set by Student Senate viii. Unspent money (a) Any money unspent at the end of the year will be added to student senate reserve d. One time funding requests i. Untrue sections were removed ii. Process for requesting funds (a) Brand new (b) Specific guidelines for requesting funds were added such as rosters and publicity (c) Number 1 was friendly amended to read “a request to Student Senate a minimum of 10 university business days” (d) Number 8 friendly amended to read “for non-student organizations…” e. Process for receiving funds 5 i. Updated ii. One time funding appeals (a) Some wording was added/updated iii. Creating a budget (a) Standards are considered cut and dry while procedures have more flexibility (b) Bus rental section was updated (c) Hotel room bylaws were changed to house male and female housing differently (d) Number 6 was changed so the use of student funds won’t be used towards programs that count as drake university course credit f. Questions i. Going back to number six under creating a budget SFAC standards, was the loophole in relation to drake choir resolved? (a) Yes, the loophole is officially closed ii. Do the restrictions in the annual funding section carry over to the one time funding section? (a) Yes 4. Debate to VP Blevins 5. Questions a. When does this become effective? i. 6. IX. As soon as this passes, and it will be communicated to all organization presidents Motion will be discussed next week Officer Reports A. Student Body Vice President of Student Life – Zach Blevins 1. Olmsted Bulldog a. 2. Room Reservations a. 3. Auditor Potratz for his great presentation Quote of the Week a. B. If you need a room for your committee, email VP Blevins so he can reserve a room for you Senator of the Week a. 4. Starting to plaster the bulldog pictures at 11am tomorrow, so come help! “success is not the result of spontaneous combustion; you must set yourself on fire first” Student Body Vice President of Student Activities – Erin Griffin 1. PMAC Application a. Due tomorrow at noon 2. Campaign! The Kawasaki Candidate 3. Recruitment a. 4. Free Movie Friday a. 5. Creed Welcome Back Party a. 6. Happening this week for social Greek life and professional Greek recruitment is next week February 6th in Olmsted from 6-8 p.m. Student Ambassadors a. Looking for new people 6 7. Search committee a. 8. X. Phone interviews tomorrow Relays a. Have logos they are interested in b. Narrowed it down to 3 bands Senator Reports A. Senator Donat 1. Discussed the +/- grading system 2. Academic affairs dinner is coming up soon a. B. Senator Lough 1. XI. March 3rd A+ grading system a. A and A+ will both be worth 4.0 gpa b. New dean of CPHS is Dr. Chesnut Issues A. B. C. D. E. VP Blevins 1. This was the first meeting that started a minute past 9:00 2. Make sure you are all here by 8:55 Senator Donat 1. Noticed that Senate is not debating as much anymore 2. Would like us to keep having fruitful conversation Senator Guest 1. The doors in Ross aren’t working adequately as the ID system does not work 2. The south side gate scanner does not work, using keys as of now 3. North side door has nothing. It is just an open door Senator Lueth 1. Greek path is not being salted enough 2. If this could be improved, that would be helpful and more safe Senator Sanders 1. F. Was there an update on the post in the student services page with the candidate emails? a. DTS is still investigating b. Rand Paul campaign was somehow able to access Drake records to send emails to students Senator Lueth 1. Several student emails have been compromised so has DTS done anything about this? a. The newest facilities and technologies senator can look into this G. Senator Kane XII. 1. Email address was sending out spam paypal emails 2. He received some aggressive responses and tweets 3. DTS did not seem to think this was too much of a big deal 4. Senator Paulsen can examine this Announcements A. Senator O’Hea 7 B. 1. Alpha Phi is having go red week Feb 8th-12th which raises awareness about heart disease 2. Tabling will occur throughout the week Senator Freemon 1. C. Love tip of the week! Jerry Parker 1. New gender inclusive bathroom was added in main floor and lower floor of Olmsted D. Adjournment E. Motioned F. Seconded by Senator Anguiano G. Meeting Adjourned at 10:48 PM “Senate is love, Senate is life”-Senator Guest 8