Similes, Metaphors and Personification

Chapters 6-11
BASIC (Highest grade possible is 30/40) These are the skinny
questions. You can find ALL the answers in the text. You may answer them on this
page, because the answers don’t take up a lot of space, but you MUST USE COMPLETE
1. Who did Stargirl sing to on Hillary’s birthday?
2. What was Archie’s occupation before he retired?
3. What does Archie have all over his house?
4. What did Señor Saguaro lose?
5. How did Stargirl get home from the Red Rock game?
6. What were Stargirl’s other names?
7. What is the basketball team doing that is so amazing?
8. What is the date of the Hotseat show with Stargirl?
9. What is the function of the plywood roadrunner?
10. What happened to Danny Pike?
11. What is the reason Stargirl gives for singing to Leo?
12. According to the Mica Times, who was the best athlete at the football game?
Similes, Metaphors and Personification
We have discussed similes and metaphors and personification quite a bit. Define each.
Now, read the figurative language selections from the text below. Place an S in front of
the sentences that are similes and an M in front of those that are metaphors and a P in
front of those that are examples of personification. Remember: personification is a kind
of metaphor, so be careful! Some sentences are complex, and more than one answer may
be appropriate.
Kevin’s eyes popped. (p. 32)
1. It was the worst slaughter of the year. (p. 53)
2. Bad things did not stick to her. (p. 52)
3. Hillari herself set the stage the day before. (p. 27)
4. As the sun dipped below the mountains, it fired a final dart at Archie’s flashing
eyebrows. (pp. 32-33)
5. The atmosphere bristled like cactus paddles. (p. 27)
6. She marched in, leading her girlfriends like an invading general. (p. 27)
7. Three hundred pairs of eyes followed her. (p. 28)
8. My face was burning. (p. 28)
9. Archie cocked his head, as if he had just caught the sound of a rare bird. (p. 32)
10. The scene froze. (p 37).
11. I couldn’t see her freckles from the audience, but I imagined them dancing on her
nose as she flicked her head this way and that..
12. White smoke puffed like Apache signals from the corner of his mouth. (p. 32)
Find one simile, one metaphor, and one example of personification that is NOT listed
above, and write it down EXACTLY here. Write the page number, too.
Vocabulary from the context of the following sentences, select the meaning of the
underlined word. Choose from the following words, and write the corresponding letter in
the blank
Hesitant, shy
crooked, or sarcastic
ill will
completely unaware
I. training
J. extremely embarrassed
K. luckless
L. Began
Hilary gave a satisfied smirk and walked off
Class convened at 8 am.
He was oblivious to their stares.
The pipe stem anchored a wry grin.
Some cheerleaders were amused, but others were mortified
They lie dormant and waiting.
Kevin raised a timid hand.
They saw her cheerleading behavior as undermining the basketball team.
There was no apprenticeship period.
We even applauded them to spite our own hapless teams.
We even applauded them to spite our own hapless teams
She was smiling blithely as usual.
ABOVE AND BEYOND (You want that A)
Short answer questions
Pay attention to what the question is asking for. Use complete sentences, and
answer thoroughly. Answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. On page 33, Archie says, “If anybody is acting, it’s us.” What does he mean?
2. Who makes up the Loyal Order of the Stone Bone, and when and where do they
3. On page 40, at the end of the second paragraph, Leo says, “We discovered the color
of each other’s eyes.” What is the significance of this? What is the deeper meaning
behind Leo’s words?
4. What did Archie mean when he said, “You’ll know her more by your questions than
by her answers. Keep looking at her long enough. One day you might see someone
you know.” Thoroughly explain.
5. On page 44 somebody posts an announcement to the roadrunner. What is the
purpose of the posting?
6. In chapter 8, Hillary threatens Cinnamon’s life. What do you think motivated her to
do such a thing, and why do you think she didn’t drop Cinnamon over the railing?
EXTRA CREDIT: (You want it all, and then some!)
You may choose one or two to do. Knock yourself out (and knock my socks off!)
option is worth points.
1. Carefully, artfully, colorfully, draw a picture of Señor Saguaro. It should match the
description given in the book, and be at least the size of a piece of notebook paper.
2 pts.
2. Rara avis. What is it? What did Archie mean when he said he thought that might
be where Stargirl was from (page 34)? Answer in full sentences and thoroughly
explain your answer. This is difficult and takes some research. 10 pts.
3. Make a poster (yes, a whole poster!) that somehow demonstrates the extended
metaphor at the beginning of chapter 9 (page 40). Explain your poster in writing of
at least one sentence, but up to one paragraph. You can put your explanation on the
poster, or on the back or the poster. 10 pts. (yes, 10 whole points!!! But it had
better be good!)
4. Make a timeline on a poster with colorful illustrations of each event of Stargirl’s
rise (and fall). 10 points.
5. Find five metaphors and illustrate them. Two points for each well-done illustration.
Use COLOR! Write the metaphor below the picture.