GEO 1200L: Physical Geography Lab University of West Florida Fall 2012 Lab: W: 12:00-2:45 PM Bldg. 13, Rm. 214 Instructor: Kelly Kenniff Office Hours: Monday: 2:00-4:00, Wednesday 10:00-12:00, or by appointment in Bldg. 13, Rm. 222 Contact: TA’s: Sherry Starling: Lab Manual: “Physical Geography Lab Manual GEO1200” required in addition to the lecture text. Available at the UWF campus bookstore. Grading: The lab grade is 30% of the lecture grade, with 10 labs total. There are no makeup labs or extra credit. Labs must be turned in on time for full credit. Each day a lab is late, beginning at the end of the scheduled lab period, the student will be deducted 10% of the overall grade earned for that lab. No late labs will be accepted once they have been returned to other students. Class Attendance Students are expected to attend all labs. Lab assignments must be completed in the lab room. Students who do not attend lab will not receive a grade for their lab. There are a limited number of available computers, so students may only attend their scheduled lab. Each lab will begin with a pre-lab lecture. Students who arrive late are responsible for getting information missed from the pre-lab lecture from fellow classmates. It is STRONGLY encouraged that you arrive on time. In the event of a missed lab, the lab report must be turned in before the next scheduled lab. Appropriate documentation must be provided if a lab is missed. Additionally, the instructor should be notified prior to missing the lab. All labs are due by the end of the scheduled lab period and must be completed in PENCIL! For full credit, students must show ALL WORK on the lab. TENTATIVE LAB SCHEDULE WEEK OF: TOPIC: August 27-31 No lab (Hurricane Isaac) --- September 3-7 Introduction, syllabus Latitude & Longitude* 1-4 September 10-14 Tools of the Physical Geographer* 13-17 September 17-21 Air Pressure 30-37 September 24-28 Hurricanes* 39-44 October 1-5 No Lab --- October 8-12 The Climate Puzzle (Video) 26-29 October 15 -19 Contours 19-25 October 22-26 Geology not in October 29-November 2 No Lab --- November 5-9 Water Resources (Web Site)* 46-49 November 12-16 Lab #9: Deserts (Web Site) 51-63 November 19-23 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! NO LAB! --- November 26-30 Soils 6-11 Additional Instructions: Labs with an * require the additional instructions listed below: Latitude & Longitude: 1o = 69.1 miles #8-12: Show ALL work for credit #18 & #19: Plot the point on the grid #20 a & d: Use the difference in latitude. Show ALL work #20 b & c: Use the difference in longitude. Show ALL work Location: use PAGE #: manual Air Pressure: Complete graph on page 32 prior to lab. #2: Convert altitude to km Hurricanes: Omit #6 Contours & Topography: correction to 2nd website listed: #9: Creeks flow downstream, not upstream. Identify the stream. Water Resources: Students are not required to preview the DVD. #6: BRIEF statement of the processes and NOT definitions. Reserve: In this class, as in any science class, we will use the S.I. (metric) system. Information on the metric system, and conversions to the British system, can be found on many websites. A good starting point is common.html or pages 5, 6, and A-1 in your textbook. Tips for being successful in this class: Ask questions! Don’t be shy! Work with your fellow students, and clarify with your TA’s. Always be sure that you are turning in YOUR work. Do not copy from other students. Not only does it hurt you, it is cheating and will result in a 0 grade for both students. The only electronics that should be used during lab are the computers in the lab, and these are to be used only as information resources. Cell phones and personal computers should not be used during class. Any time you have to miss lab due to excused absences only, you MUST inform your TA ahead of time, such as in an e-mail. Your e-mail also must be confirmed by your TA, so that you both have written documentation of any special arrangements that are made. Student learning outcomes: Students who successfully complete this part of the course will be able to: 1. describe the basic physical characteristics and processes of the surface of Earth. 2. Evaluate and select geographical evidence in support of an argument. 3. Utilize methods and techniques used in physical geography. 4. Explain how elements of our natural environment interact. 5. Effectively work in small groups. ** Syllabus subject to change**